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Sentences and Paragraph, Writing Process

Lecturer: Septian Aep Nugraha, M.Pd

Structured to fulfill English duties

Compiled By:


1. Riska Nadila (11230240)

2. Nabila Suhaeti (11230244)

3. Fajriah Okta Ramadanti (11230242)

4. Aisyah Syifa Oktaviasri (11230083)

5. Wisna Zalfa Aulia (11230115)

6. Nuraeni (11230241)

7. Shyntia Kara (11230245)

8. Stiven Karen Ray

Faculty of Informatics Engineering

College of Informatics Engineering


Praise be to the presence of Allah SWT who has given mercy and wisdom so that the
author can complete the paper entitled "Sentence and Paragraph, Writing Process", prayers
and greetings may be poured out to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, friends, and
loyal followers until the end of time.
This paper was compiled to fulfill the duties of our lecturer, Mr. Septian Aep
Nugraha, M.Pd. As for the author's hope, hopefully this paper can add to readers' insights
about Sentences and Paragraph, Writing Process with the intention that later readers can find
The author realizes that this paper is far from perfect, for that the author expects
constructive criticism and suggestions from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Karawang, 21 September 2023

FOREWORD ....................................................................................................1

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................1

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .......................................................................1

A. Background ..............................................................................................1

B. Formulatin of the problem .......................................................................1

C. Objectives ................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION .........................................................................1

A. Sentences and Paragraph ….....................................................................1

B. Types and example of sentences .............................................................1

C. Sentences pattern .....................................................................................1

D. Use of sentences ......................................................................................1

E. Types of paragraph ..................................................................................1

1. Types of paragraph based on their purpose .......................................1

2. Types of paragraph based on main sentences position ......................1

3. Types of paragraph based on content ................................................1

F. Writing Process .......................................................................................1

G. Stages of the writing process ..................................................................1

CHAPTER III CLOSING .............................................................................1

A. Conclusion ...............................................................................................1

Bibliography ....................................................................................................1


A. Background

Learning English is a must for every human being who wants to develop,
because without this he will lose direction in achieving his goals. Therefore, the paper
presents a brief description which will be discussed in this paper. In mastering English
conversation, first we have to understand sentences and paragraphs, writing process.
Therefore, the author discusses in this paper entitled "Sentences and Paragraphs,
Writing Process". In this paper the author explains Sentences and Paragraphs, Writing
Process along with examples, to help you understand more deeply.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What is meant by sentences and paragraphs?

2. What is meant by writing process?

3. Types and examples of sentences?

4. What are the types of paragraphs?

5. What are the stages of the writing process?

6. How do you use sentences?

C. Objectives

This paper was created to fulfill an assignment for an English course. Apart
from that, the author also hopes that writing this paper can increase knowledge and
insight for the author and readers.


A. Sentences and Paragraph

Sentences, or sentences in Indonesian, is a grammatical construction that

expresses a complete thought. Sentences can be formed from one or more clauses,
where there must be at least an independent clause. Sentence (sentence) is a collection
of words that are meaningful, have a subject and verb pattern, can stand alone, and
express an idea or idea completely. When written, a sentence begins with a capital
letter and ends with a final sign in the form of a full stop (dot), question mark
(question mark), or exclamation mark (exclamation mark). However, in certain cases,
sentences can consist of just one word, so the structure is not subject + verb.
However, the ideas conveyed remain intact or complete to understand.

A paragraph is a combination or group of sentences composed of one main

sentence and several explanatory sentences. What is meant by Main Sentence is a
sentence that contains the problem at the conclusion of the paragraph itself. And an
explanatory sentence is a sentence that contains an explanation of the problem
contained in the main sentence. Or a paragraph resolution is a part of an essay that
consists of a number of sentences, which express a unit of sentence information with
the main thought as the controlling thought and also the explanatory thought as the

B. Types and example of sentences

The following are types and examples of sentences in English:

1. Simple Sentences

A simple sentence is a simple sentence that consists of one main sentence

(independent clause). Example:

Tom typed the paper himself.

They are going to celebrate the victory.

Everything is under control.

2. Compound Sentences

A compound sentence is a sentence formed from two main sentences

which are connected by a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but), conjunctive
adverb (however, therefore, therefore), or a semicolon. Example:

He is tired, but he is excited.

He is tired; however, he is excited.

He is tired; he is excited.

3. Complex Sentences

A complex sentence is a sentence composed of one subordinate sentence

and a main sentence connected by a complex conjunction. Example:

Although he is tired, he is excited.

He is excited although he is tired.

4. Compound-complex sentences

A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that combines two main

sentences and one or more subordinate sentences. Example:

Although he is tired, he is excited, but he does not want to go there again.

C. Sentences pattern

In terms of patterns, sentences have 7 basic patterns as below:

 SV: John / laughed.

 SVO: John / kissed / Jane.

 SVC: John / is / tall.

 SVOO: John / gave / Jane / a present.

 SVOC: John / made / Jane / angry.

 SVA: John / sat / up.

 SVOA: John / put / the bag / down.


S = subject, V = verb, O = object, C = complement, and A = adverb

D. Use of sentences

Based on its use, sentences are divided into 4 categories, namely:

1. Declarative Sentences

Declarative sentences are sentences used to make statements, either in

affirmative (positive) or negative form. Example:

The scenery is very picturesque.

I don’t want to get bored with it.

2. Interrogative Sentences

Interrogative sentences are sentences used to ask questions, whether in

affirmative or negative form. Example:

Are they ready for the trial?

Don’t you feel it?

3. Exclamatory Sentence

Exclamatory sentences are sentences used to express strong feelings. Example:

How big this statue is!

Just do it!

4. Imperative Sentence

Imperative sentences are sentences that are used to give orders or prohibitions.

Close the lid after shutdown.

Don’t leave your luggage unguarded.

E. Types of paragraph

1. Types of paragraph based on their purpose, namely:

1. Opening Paragraph
The opening paragraph is usually concise, interesting, and serves to prepare th
e reader's mind to the problem that will be described.

Example of opening paragraph:

The election has just ended. Some people, especially legislative candidates
who are definitely on the ticket, feel grateful because the election
went smoothly as expected. However, this is not what is felt by the legislative
candidates who failed to obtain a seat in parliament. They experience severe
stress to the point that they can't sleep and don't want to eat.

2. Connecting Paragraphs

The connecting paragraph contains the core of the problem that you want
to convey to the reader. Physically, this paragraph is longer than the opening
paragraph. The nature of the connecting paragraphs depends on the pattern of
the type of essay. In essays that are descriptive, narrative, expository,
paragraphs must be arranged based on a logical development. If the
description contains conflicting opinions, then several paragraphs are prepared
as a basis or foundation for then moving on to paragraphs that emphasize the
author's opinion.

3. Closing Paragraph

The closing paragraph usually contains a conclusion (for argumentation)

or a restatement (for exposition) regarding matters that
are considered important.

Example of a closing paragraph:

That's the proposal that we made. We hope that the cafe business that we
have established will be blessed by God Almighty and will be of benefit to
others. For all your attention, we thank you.
2. Types of Paragraphs Based on Main Sentence Position:

1. Deductive Paragraph

A deductive paragraph is characterized by the presence of a main

sentence at the beginning of the paragraph and begins with a general statement
which is structured with a specific description or explanation.

Example of a deductive paragraph:

His will is difficult to follow.

In the previous meeting, it was decided that the funds shouldbe saved first.
The participants have agreed on that. However, today he insisted on using it
to open a new business.

2. Inductive Paragraph

An inductive paragraph is characterized by the presence of a main

sentence at the end of the paragraph and begins with a specific description or
explanation and ends with a general statement.

Example of inductive paragraph:

Everyone is aware that language is a means of cultural development.

Without language, the joints of life would be weak.
Communication isn't smooth. Information is stagnant. Indeed, language is an
important communication tool that is effective and efficient.

3. Mixed Paragraphs

Mixed paragraphs are characterized by the presence of a main sentence

at the beginning and end of the paragraph. The main sentence which is located
at the end is a sentence which is a reaffirmation.

Example of a mixed paragraph:

In everyday life, humans cannot be separated from communication.

Any activity carried out by humans definitely uses means of
communication, both simple and modern means of communication.
Culture and human
civilization would not be able to progress as it is now withoutthe existence
of communication means.

3. Types of paragraphs based on content:

1. Description Paragraph

A descriptive paragraph is characterized by a main sentence that is not

actually stated and the paragraph's theme is implied in the entire paragraph.
Usually used to do something, thing, circumstance, situation in the story.

Example of a description paragraph:

From behind the curtain of the afternoon rain, the coconut trees
across the valley were like virgins taking a wet bath, fresh full of passion and
life force. Fronds the soaked fronds are wet hairs that loose and fall down the
parts of the back. The trunks are slender and sway in the wind like a slender
body that walks calmly and is full of charm.

2. Process Paragraph

Process paragraphs are characterized by the absence of a main sentence

and the main thought is implied in explanatory sentences that describe the
sequence of an event or process, including time, space, climax and anti-

3. Effective Paragraphs

An effective paragraph is a paragraph that meets the characteristics of

a good paragraph. The paragraph consists of one main thought and more than
one explanatory thought. There should be no discordant sentences, there must
be coherence between sentences.

F. Writing Process

Writing process is a writing process consisting of a series of actions needed to

produce cool written text. The writing process consists of strategies that can help you
proceed from your purpose or initial idea to a final developed paragraph. Those
strategies can be divided into prewriting techniques and writing stages. Using
prewriting, you explore, experiment, gather information, formulate your thesis, and
develop and organize your support. Then you write a first draft, revise your draft as
many times as necessary, and edit your writing. The typical college writing
assignment process looks like this: Stage One: Exploring / Experimenting / Gathering
Information Stage Two: Writing the Controlling Idea / Organizing and Developing
Support Stage Three: Writing / Revising / Editing.

G. Stages of the writing process

1. Plan (Planning) Determine the goal, determine the audience, determine the
audience's needs, collect the required information, and choose the best media to
convey the message.

2. Write (Composition) Adapt to the audience, build credibility by using strong

words that will help create coherent and effective sentences and paragraphs using
simple language.

3. Complete (Revise) Revise the message, evaluating the readability and clarity of
the message by using effective design elements such as correct formatting for
emails and letters. Proofread messages for errors in layout, spelling, and
mechanics. Then, send your message using the selected media.


A. Conclusion

Sentence (sentence) is a collection of words that are meaningful, have a

subject and verb pattern, can stand alone, and express an idea or ideas completely.
When written, a sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a final sign in the
form of a full stop (dot), question mark (question mark), or exclamation mark
(exclamation mark). A paragraph is a combination or group of sentences composed of
one main sentence and several explanatory sentences. What is meant by Main
Sentence is a sentence that contains the problem at the conclusion of the paragraph
itself. And an explanatory sentence is a sentence that contains an explanation of the
problem contained in the main sentence. So the difference between a sentence and a
paragraph is the difference between a brick and a wall. It takes a lot of bricks to build
a wall, just like it takes a lot of sentences to build a paragraph. And Writing process is
a writing process consisting of a series of actions needed to produce cool written text.

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