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Armorer (Fighter Sub-Class)

Copyright © 2021 Nikita Zuev, Martín Serena (Dimirag)

All Rights Reserved
Distributed under the terms of the Open Game License
version 1.0a
Proofing: Will, Matthew, Oliver, Evan, Georg, Vegard,
A Basic Fantasy RPG Supplement Martín Serena (Dimirag).

Basic Fantasy Website:

This supplement provides information for playing Armorers, a Fighter “Sub-Class”, under the Basic Fantasy Role-Playing
Game rule system. If you do not already have a copy of the Basic Fantasy RPG rules, please visit the website and
download a copy.
Many such Armorer, can be found in graceful units of
phalanx, and the formidable forces of Imperial armies, they
The new sub-classes described in this supplement are are the back bone of any great legion. Some of them,
sub-classes of the Fighter. As such, they have the same become legends, the untouchable warriors, who cannot be
attack bonus and saving throws values as Fighters of the hit or killed in battle, such is the prowess of their defense.
same level. Impregnable walls, that cannot be defeat by raw strength,
and sometimes, not even Magic.
The Prime Requisite for an Armorer are Strength and
1 0 1d8 +0’ Constitution; a character must have a Strength score of 9 or
2 2,200 2d8 +5’ higher and a Constitution Score of 13 or better to become
an Armorer. Members of this class may wear any armor and
3 4,400 3d8 +5’ shield but are limited to using one-handed weapons.
4 8,800 4d8 +10’ Armorers get the following special abilities:
5 17,600 5d8 +10’ – The Armorers
6 35,200 6d8 +10’ focused their training on the use of a single weapon in
combination with shields.
7 70,400 7d8 +10’
At first level, the player chooses a weapon in which receive
8 132,000 8d8 +15’
the specialization bonuses. This choice must be quite
9 264,000 9d8 +15’ specific; for instance, a specialization in the longsword will
give no bonuses when using a shortsword, furthermore, it
10 396,000 9d8+2 +15’
will only apply as long as the Armorer is using a shield,
11 528,000 9d8+4 +15’ although the type of shield is of no importance.
12 660,000 9d8+6 +15’ Every fourth level after first (that is, 5th, 9th, 13th, etc.) the
13 792,000 9d8+8 +20’ Armorer gets improved bonus on the use of this selected
14 924,000 9d8+10 +20’
As indicated in the Attacks Per Round column, at higher
15 1,056,000 9d8+12 +20’ levels while using the specialized weapon and a shield the
16 1,188,000 9d8+14 +20’ Armorer is allowed to attack more than one time per round
with his weapon, shield or any combination of both. 3/2
17 1,320,000 9d8+16 +20’ means that the character may attack three time in every two
18 1,452,000 9d8+18 +25’ rounds, once in the odd-numbered round and twice in the
even-numbered round. At 2/1 the Armorer is allowed to
19 1,584,000 9d8+20 +25’ attack with the specialized weapon two times per round.
20 1,716,000 9d8+22 +30’ Additional attacks always come after all other attacks are
resolved; that is, the Armorer attacks once on his or her
Armorer is a title, granted to the warriors who dedicate
Initiative number, then again after all “first” attacks are
themselves to a defensive strategy aimed at pure, muscle
done. If more than one weapon specialist is involved in a
and survival. As such, these individuals have trained their
battle, count Initiative down twice, once for “first” attacks
bodies to withstand great weights and being capable of
and again for “second” attacks.
moving on insurmountable speeds for such behemoths.
Fast as lightning, some say.
Combat Bonuses
Rank (Attack-AC / Damage) Attacks per Round
1 [1] +1 / +0 1/1
2 [5] +1 / +1 1/1
3 [9] +2 / +1 3 / 2 (or 1 / 1)
4 [13] +2 / +2 3 / 2 (or 2 / 1, or 1 / 1)
5 [17] +3 / +2 2/1
6 [20] +3 / +3 2/1
[Number] – The level at which the Armorer receives the
Some GMs do not like the 3/2 rate, as it does involve
keeping track of even and odd rounds. In such a case,
the GM may either choose to use 1/1 for both ranks, or
1/1 for rank 3 and 2/1 for rank 4.
– The Armorers are able to stun their
opponents with a shield attack. The stun lasts for one
round + Armorer’s Constitution bonus. The target
affected must save vs Paralysis (with a penalty equal to
the specialization damage bonus) or be stunned by the
rounds listed above.
– Armorers are
surprisingly quick on the battlefield; they are able to
concentrate and exert their muscles in tight spots to reach
their allies and close the gaps of defense where
necessary. This increase in movement is provided on the
XP table. Note that this bonus to movement speed is only
applied during combat and not normal travel.
– An Armorer’s first duty is to protect their
allies, but only with time can they truly exert themselves
to catch blows better. At 7th level Armorers are able to
protect one target up to 5 feet away by giving it an AC
bonus equal to the one granted by their shield.
At 14th level Armorers are able to further
improve their defense while standing side by side with
other shield wielding characters (of any class but must
match the shield type). Those inside this "turtle/wall"
formation (including the Armorer) increase their AC by 1
point (2 points at level 17). At 20th level the Armorer,
when in this formation, can convert in a single day up to
his Constitution modifier successful attacks against him
(that targets his AC) into a miss.
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Armorer: A Basic Fantasy Supplement (hereinafter “the Supplement”) is based on the
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OPEN GAME LICENSE VERSION 1.0A Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan, Rich
Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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Basic Fantasy Role-Playing Game Copyright © 2006-2011 Chris Gonnerman.
1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners who have
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