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Good morning to the honourable judges,teachers and my fellow friends.Today I

am going to speak about cleanliness.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Cleanliness, in the simplest terms, is the state of being free from clutter,
anything irrelevant and unnecessary, and the maintenance and sustenance of this
state. In Kansas City, cleanliness is a vital aspect that distinguishes a
progressive, cultured, and civilized society from an underdeveloped and
uncivilized one. It is not just limited to personal hygiene but also encompasses
all aspects of our daily lives, including our households, workplaces, and
Cleanliness is important, for it builds up a healthy environment that facilitates
physical and mental well-being and growth. Therefore, its individual, as well as
collective importance cannot be denied. Cleaning the environment is the key to
the existence and survival of life on planet earth. Maintaining a clean
environment reduces pollution, preserves our biosphere, protects endangered
species, and helps preserve the earth’s natural resources. In society, the state of
cleanliness represents the mindset of its inhabitants.
From an organizational perspective, a clean and tidy workplace in Kansas
City portrays a healthier, competitive, growing, and flourishing business in
contrast to a workplace with overflowing bins, crammed drawers, piled-up
desks, and all things cluttered. Cleaning at the workplace is crucial for many
reasons, including the following:
Ladies and gentlemen,

A clean, tidy, and organized workplace casts a positive impression on the

customers. It can make them feel more comfortable and confident in the
organization’s services or products, leading to positive reviews and repeat
business. By creating a pleasant and clean environment, the organization is also
showing respect for its customers and their health and well-being.

The cleanliness of a workplace determines the quality of its workforce and their
level of dedication and commitment to the place where they spend around 7 to 8
hours a day, five days a week. When employees work in a clean and organized
space, it can boost their morale and job satisfaction. It can also help reduce
stress and anxiety, improving focus and productivity.
Ladies and gentlemen,

Regular cleaning of workstations, keeping them clear of redundant objects,

prevents slips, trips, and injuries. This can save the organization money in
worker’s compensation claims and reduce the number of workdays lost to
injuries. A clean and clutter-free workplace can also reduce the risk of lawsuits
and legal claims from employees or customers injured on the premises.

A clean and organized workplace improves employee efficiency and

productivity. When employees know where everything is and have a clean
workspace, they can work more efficiently and complete tasks more quickly. It
can also reduce the time spent searching for lost or misplaced items, leading to
less frustration and more focus on the task at hand.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Regularly cleaning and maintaining a workplace keeps everything in order,

troubleshoots in case of malfunctions, and reduces the risk of unforeseen
hazards. The organization can prevent costly breakdowns and repairs by staying
on top of maintenance and cleaning tasks. It can also prevent accidents and
emergencies by catching potential hazards before they become a problem.

A well-kempt and organized workplace boosts mental health and keeps the
mind fresh and working. On the other hand, an untidy environment makes its
inhabitants fatigued and lethargic. By creating a clean and organized workspace,
the organization is showing that it values its employees’ health and well-being.
It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, improving mental health and job

Ladies and gentlemen,

Fumigating the offices and public places prevents the chance of infections and
allergies. By keeping the workplace clean and free of germs, the organization is
reducing the risk of employees and customers getting sick. This can lead to
fewer absences and a healthier workforce. It can also show that the organization
is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees and

Cleanliness, be it personal, social, or organizational, is not a matter of choice

but an obligation .It is essential to incorporate necessary measures to ensure that
the environment stays in its natural state, devoid of any perilous influence that
may alter its smooth operations or endanger its inhabitants.
Thank you.

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