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Full name: Bùi Thuỷ Tiên Student ID:2018606950

Class: DHTA1A-K13 Week: 3

Listening Reflection #2
Video Link/ Source: Test 2, Cambridge IELTS 11
21. A
22. A
23. C
24. B A
25. B C
26. B
27. A
28. D
29. C A
30. E
31. social
32. factory
33. canal
34. bridge bridges
35. box
36. screen
37. rubber
38. curved
39. curtains design
40. international local
New words/phrases:
- amendment /əˈmendmənt/ (n) = a small change or improvement
+ to introduce/propose/table an amendment (= to suggest it)
+ amendment to something: She made several minor amendments to her essay
- make a fuss (phr) = anger or complaints about something, especially something that
is not important
Eg: I'm sorry for making such a fuss about the noise
- straightforward /ˌstreɪtˈfɔːwəd/ (a) = easy to do or to understand; not complicated
- factors affecting where organisms live = what causes different organisms to choose
particular habits
- forget to take = leaving that behind
- string = the piece of string, simple = straightforward
- checking = make my amendments
- a change in the amount of information = I don’t think we all need these details
- lack of water = drying out, photographs = pictures
- high temperatures = get too hot
- incorrect = not sure, organisms = species
- incorrect identification of some organisms = not sure we identified all the species
correctly though
- missing some organisms when counting = miss some organisms
What I’ve learnt from my mistakes:
- I have known the meaning of the word “amendment” how to use it in the context
- one interesting paraphrase: forget to take = leaving that behind
- Synonym: simple/easy = straightforward

New words/phrases:
- metaphor /ˈmetəfə(r)/ (n) an expression, often found in literature, that describes a
person or object by referring to something that is considered to have similar
characteristics to that person or object
- run-down (a) run-down buildings or areas are in very bad condition
Eg: a run-down building/cemetery
- be of importance = the quality or state of being important
- auditorium (n) the part of a theatre, concert hall, etc. in which the audience sits
Eg: The auditorium seats over a thousand people
- motorized /ˈməʊtəraɪzd/ (a) having an engine
- symbolic ideas = symbolic meaning, social meaning = social context
- and = also include
- on the site = location, beside a canal = was bordered by a canal
- the concept of a mystery = a sort of metaphor
- exterior wall = flat wall, huge = large, act as = function
- huge pads = ten massive pads, made of = constructed from
- local wood = several layers of honey-colored wood
- adjustment of acoustics = change the acoustics
- some critics say = the evaluation of some critics
- style of the building is inappropriate = it doesn’t reflect features of the landscape
What I’ve learnt from my mistakes:
- run-down district (phr): it means that district is in bad condition
- the pronunciation of the word “metaphor” /ˈmetəfə(r)/: I often mispronounce this
word many times
- I learnt this useful phrase “be of importance” = the quality or state of being important

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