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Grade Level & Section


Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer and write it on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following is the cause of acceleration or a change to an object’s motion?

A. Mass C. Balanced Force

B. Velocity D. Unbalanced Force

2. Which of the following is equivalent to the unit of force, Newton?

A. Distance (m) x time (s) C. Mass (Kg) x Acceleration (m/s2)

B. Mass (kg) x speed (m/s) D. Distance (m) x Acceleration (m/s2)

3. Ignoring Friction, what happens to the speed of an object with a constant mass if the force applied
on it increases?

A. It moves faster C. The object will not move

B. It moves slower D. The object will move faster then slower

4. An athlete is participating for an upcoming triathlon. How much force does he need to accelerate
his bicycle to 2 m/s2 as a warmup if the combined weight of the athlete and his bicycle is 60

A. 12 N C. 62 N

B. 30 N D. 120 N

5. Which of the following states the second law of motion when a constant force is applied on an

A. Acceleration decreases as its mass decreases.

B. Acceleration decreases as its mass increases.

C. Acceleration increases as its mass remains the same..

D. Acceleration remains the same as its mass decreases.

6. What is the net force in the figure on the


A. 25 N, to the left
B. 25 N, to the right

C. 195 N, to the left

D. 195 N, to the right

7. Which of the following would a one Newton force cause?

A. Gives a 1 kg mass an acceleration of 1 m/s2

B. Gives a 1 kg mass an acceleration of 10 m/s2

C. Gives a 0.1 kg mass an acceleration of 1 m/s2

D. Gives a 0.1 kg mass an acceleration of 10 m/s2

8. Which law states that when two objects interact, they exert equal amount of force to one another
but opposite in direction?

A. Law of Inertia C. Law of Action and Reaction

B. Law of Acceleration D. Law of Diminishing Returns

9. When a ball is dropped and hits the ground, which body experiences the larger magnitude of

A. Ball then followed by the ground

B. Only the ball experiences the larger magnitude of force

C. Only the ground experiences the larger magnitude of force

D. Both ground and the ball experiences the same magnitude of force

10. Which of the following statements below is an example of Newton’s Third Law?

A. A ball accelerates when force is applied on it

B. You need to apply greater force to make heavier objects move

C. A person is thrown forward when the vehicle he is riding suddenly stops.

D. When you put a book on the table and the table exerts force on the book.

11. Veena slams the desk with her palm. She noticed that she feels more pain as she slams the
desk. harder. How does Newton’s third law explain this?

A. There is no force manifested between the palm of Vena and the desk she slams.

B. The force applied by Veena on desk is equal to the force applied by that desk on her palm.

C. The force applied by Veena on desk is greater than the force applied that desk on her palm.

D. The force applied by Veena on desk is lesser than the force applied that desk on her palm.
12. What happens to the gravitational potential energy of an object if you bring it higher with respect to
the ground?

A. Increases C. Remains Unchanged

B. Decreases D. Increases then Decreases

13. A wrecking ball swings at different points as A

shown by the image on the right. At which point
does the object experience that maximum
Potential energy?

A. Point A

B. Point B

C. Point C

D. Point D

14. As shown by the image on the right, a wooden B

box is on the table, 2 meters from the ground. D
What is the mass of the box if it possesses a
gravitational potential energy of 100 joules? Note: “Image above is a wrecking ball swinging at
acceleration due to gravity is equal to 10 m/s2 different points.”

A. 5 kg C 500 kg

B. 50 kg D 112 kg


“Image above is a book resting on top of the table”

15. An object free falls from a certain height. Which of the following happens to the object?

A. It gains kinetic energy and loses potential energy.

B. It loses kinetic energy and gains potential energy.

C. It gains both kinetic energy and potential energy.

D. It loses both kinetic energy and potential energy.

For Numbers 16 – 17 refer to the following: The table shows actual data on the speed of sound in air at varying

16. What can you say about the speed of sound in air
as the temperature increases?

A. Increases then Decreases

B. Remains Unchanged

C. Decreases

D. Increases

Medium Temperature Speed of Sound

Air 0° C 331 m/s

Air 20° C 343 m/s

Air 40° C 354 m/s

Air 60° C 365 m/s

Figure above shows Speed of air at varying temperature.

17. Based on the data, why does the sound travel faster in 60° C? Air particles bounce around.
At 60° C, _____.
I. It takes less time for particles in motion to push against other particles.
II. Air particles are packed much closer to each other hence sound travel fastest.
III. More air particles bounce/ push against other particles around them hence energy is easily

A. I & II C. I & III

B. II & III D. I, II, & III

18. How does the speed of sound relate to temperature?

A. Temperature does not affect the speed of sound.

B. The lower the temperature, the faster the sound travels.

C. The higher the temperature, the slower the sound travels.

D. The higher the temperature, the faster the sound travels.

19. Why does the speed of sound travel slower as temperature decreases?
“A decrease in temperature causes the particles to _____________”

A. Lose kinetic energy and vibrate slower.

B. Gain kinetic energy and vibrate faster.

C. Increase the space between them and move slower.

D. Increase their size which causes them to move faster.

20. Why does sound travel faster in warm materials compared to cold materials?
A. Particles of warm materials move faster compared to cold materials.

B. Particles of cold materials move faster compared to warm materials.

C. Particles of cold materials are further apart compared to warm materials.

D. Particles of warm materials are closer to each other compared to cold materials.

21. Which of the following statements below is TRUE about the relationship between temperature and
the speed of sound?
I. In warmer temperature, particles move quicker allowing the sound to travel faster
II. There is a wider space between particles in colder temperature allowing the
sound to travel faster.
III. In colder temperatures, particles move slower making the sound travel slower.

A. I & II C. I & III

B. II & III D. I, II, & III

COLOR Maximum Frequency in Wavelength in

Terahertz (THz) nanometers

Red 484 665

Orang 508 630


Yellow 526 600

Green 606 550

Blue 668 470

Violet 789 400

For questions 22 – 23 refer to the chart on

the right showing the colors and their
corresponding wavelength and frequency.
Source: Sciencestruck.

22. Which statements describe the relationship between wavelength and frequency?

A. Higher frequency light corresponds to average wavelength.

B. Lower frequency light corresponds to shorter wavelength.

C. Higher frequency light corresponds to shorter wavelength.

D. Higher frequency light corresponds to higher wavelength.

23. Based on the chart, which of the following statements below is true?

A. Red has the highest energy since it has the lowest frequency.

B. Violet has the highest energy since it has the highest frequency.

C. Violet has the lowest energy since it has the highest frequency.

D. Yellow has the highest energy since it has the frequency at the middle.

24. Which statements describe the relationship between wavelength and energy?

A. Longer wavelength corresponds to Higher Energy.

B. Shorter wavelength corresponds to lower energy.

C. Shorter wavelength corresponds to higher energy.

D. Wavelength has no direct relationship to the energy of a color.

25. During a laboratory experiment. You observed the color of the flame changes when adjusting the
valves of the Bunsen burner. Which color of the flame do you think is the best choice if you want to
heat your Flask at shortest time possible?

A. Red C. Yellow

B. Blue D. Orange

26. In Astronomy, the color of a star is an important property that the scientists study to determine its
characteristics. For example, “Arctacus is a bright orange star while Rigel is a blue star”. Which
statements below correctly describe these two stars?

A. Arctacus has a higher temperature compared to Rigel.

B. Rigel has a higher temperature compared to Arctacus.

C. Both Arctacus and Rigel have the same temperature.

D. Color of a star has no relationship to its temperature

27. What could be the cause of an increase in temperature of a material?

A. Thermal energy is lost.

B. Thermal energy is released.

C. Thermal energy is absorbed.

D. Thermal energy remains unchanged.

28. What does the temperature of a body measure under molecular level?

A. Difference in potential energy C. Average potential energy.

B. Differences in kinetic energy. D. Average kinetic energy.

29. What happens to the temperature of a substance when the kinetic energy of its molecules

A. Lost C. Decreases

B. Increases D. Remains unchanged

30. Suppose 2 objects are placed in contact with

one another in an insulated container as shown
by the right image. If you are tasked to draw an
arrow inside the box to represent the heat
transfer between these two objects, what would 300C 750C
your drawn arrow look like?
A. C.

“Image above shows two objects in an insulated container”

B. D.

31. During warm days, you cool yourself by damping your skin with a wet towel. Which of the following
takes place?

A. Wet towel has the same temperature as your body.

B. Wet towel absorbs heat energy from your body.

C. Wet towel releases heat energy to your body.

D. Wet towel has no effect on your body.

For questions 32 to 33, the voltage – current graph

on the right was the result of an experiment
conducted by a grade 8 learner on a simple series
circuit with a constant resistance. p

32. Based on the graph, what happens to current as voltage increases at constant resistance?

A. Increases then decreases C. Decreases

B. Remains unchanged D. Increases

33. Based on the graph, what happens to current as voltage increases at constant resistance?

A. Direct square relationship C. Indirect relationship

B. Exponential relationship D. Direct relationship

34. Which of the following statements below is true about Ohm’s Law?
I. At constant resistance, the voltage-current graph produces a straight line graph.
II. At constant resistance, current and voltage have an inverse relationship.
III. At constant resistance, current increases when voltage increases.

A. I & II C. II & III

B. I & III D. I, II, & III

35. Which type of circuit below results in an increased voltage drop as you add more loads to
the electric circuit?

A. Open circuit C. Closed circuit

B. Series circuit D. Parallel circuit

36. Which of the following statements below is an advantage of using a parallel circuit?

A. It costs more money to build compared to a series circuit.

B. When one component is busted the other will cease to function.

C. When one component is busted, the others will not be affected.

D. Light produced is dimmer compared to a series circuit since there is only one path for the

37. Which of the following statements below is true about a series circuit connection?
I. Only one path for the current to pass through in the circuit
II. Total resistance is the sum of the individual load in the circuit.
III. Total Resistance decreases as more loads are added in the circuit.

IV. Consists of multiple paths for the current to pass through in the circuit

A. I & II C. II & IV

B. I & III D. III & IV

38. Which safety device is suitable to use when an electrical appliance does not have an earth wire
fitted in it?

A. Earthing C. Circuit Breaker

B. Grounding D. Double Insulation

39. What safety electrical device is automatically operated with an electrical switch designed to protect
an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit?

A. Circuit Breaker C. Double Insulation

B. Octopus Wiring D. Electrical Adaptor

40. Why are fuses and circuit breakers used in circuits?

A. Fuses and circuit breakers open to the circuit when a large amount of current flows through
the circuit

B. Fuses and circuit breaker increases the efficiency of the appliances within the circuit

C. Fuses and circuit breakers provide a safe path for a fault current to the earth.

D. Fuses and circuit breakers can help the electrical consumption

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