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Table Of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Method of Gathering Information 2
3.0 Findings/ Discussion 3-8
4.0 Conclusion 9
5.0 Individual Reflection
5.1 Member 1 10
5.2 Member 2 10
5.3 Member 3 11
5.4 Member 4 11-12
5.5 Member 5 12

According to information from the MyHealth Portal (2021),haze is a condition
in which poor air quality with the presence of (opalescent) particles in the
atmosphere will reduce visibility. It is caused by the mixing of high
concentrations of air pollutants that are released everywhere and absorb
sunlight in the atmosphere. According to an article from Utusan Borneo Online
(2021), this phenomenon has occurred in Malaysia six times since 1960 and
we have also seen this phenomenon when this haze phenomenon occurred in
2014, 2015 and 2019. This phenomenon is caused by two factors,that is from
natural factor or human action factors that are not responsible like who is
making large-scale illegal forest fires. This phenomenon has given many
adverse effects to an individual, society and country. But the question is, What
is the solution to eradicate this haze phenomenon from happening again and
What are the efforts that can be taken to ensure the health of themselves and
the community is always maintained when this phenomenon occurs?.

Questionnaire method

-Questionnaires are one of the easiest methods to gather information.

Questionnaires have several advantages over other ways of gathering
information.preparing a good questionnaire requires time and deep thought. a
questionnaire made without research will get unsatisfactory results. the
information received may not be enough to allow the researcher to make a
conclusion.questionnaires are a method of obtaining information that cannot
be searched anywhere. the questionnaire has concise and clear written
details. the questionnaire has an interesting shape and arrangement and is
well typed.

Documents and records

This is the process of examining existing documents and records of an

organisation for tracking changes over a period of time. Records can be
tracked by examining call logs, email logs, databases, minutes of meetings,
staff reports, information logs, etc.
For instance, an organisation may want to understand why there are lots of
negative reviews and complains from customer about its products or services.
In this case, the organisation will look into records of their products or services
and recorded interaction of employees with customers.

Haze is caused when sunlight encounters tiny pollution particles in the air.
Some light is absorbed by particles. Other light is scattered away before it
reaches an observer. More pollutants mean more absorption and scattering of
light, which reduce the clarity and color of what we see.

Haze is caused by things such as factories, open burning , wildfire and fossil
fuels burning.One of the ways that humans cause the most haze disaster is
by burning fossil fuels. Fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas.Especially
burning fossil fuels are commonly did in daily life when we burn fossil fuels
this releases all sorts of gasses into the air causing air pollution wich also lead
to haze such as smog. The release of gasses into the atmosphere can have
many negative effects on the environment. Global warming one negative
impacts from burning fossil fuels global warming cause climate change to the

In addition,industrial factories are major contributors to haze. The amount of

toxic gases that factories release into the air increases health and
environmental damages. In factories, toxic materials and gases, like carbon
dioxide and methane, are burned and pumped out into the atmosphere.
Furthermore wildfire also cause haze wildfire phenomena is a fire that rages
out of control and occurs in the wilderness, such as a forest or countryside. As
more people are building their homes in woodland settings, wildfires have
become increasingly dangerous. These fires are often triggered by lightning
and spread quickly, igniting everything in their path.Wildfires increase air
pollution in surrounding areas and can affect regional air quality. As a result
the effects of smoke from wildfires can range from eye and respiratory tract
irritation to more serious disorders, including reduced lung function, bronchitis,
exacerbation of asthma and heart failure, and premature death.

At last, open burning is a very common activity did by our Malaysian without
relizing this action actually a bad influence to the world. According to the
Division of Environmental Quality, open burning is when any materials are
burned and which air contaminants are released directly into the air rather
than passing through a chimney or a stack. Open waste burning releases
significant amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Such
compounds include carbon dioxide, methane and particulate matter, which
are typically associated with air pollution and can lead to severe cases of
respiratory disease

Haze is a state in which particles, smoke, dust, and moisture suspend in the
air, obstructing visibility. Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and a
sensation of exhaustion and weakness can all be caused by haze particles.
The effects of haze are exacerbated in persons who already have heart or
lung problems. The negative health effects of a few minutes of haze exposure,
on the other hand, are usually transient and do not result in long-term health
problems.The severity of air quality status is linked to the effect of haze on
health. The stronger the effects on health, the higher the API level. Other
elements that influence the health effect include the duration and intensity of
outdoor activities, smoking habits, age, and health state of the individual.

Difficulty in breathing is one of the possible short-term adverse effects.

Breathlessness, trouble inhaling or exhaling, or the feeling of not getting
enough oxygen are all symptoms of difficulty breathing. Headache, dizziness
and/or fatigue are also happened to be common effect when people are
exposed to haze. If your symptoms are severe, you should get medical help
right once but if the symptoms are moderate, relaxing (indoors) and avoiding
the haze may help to alleviate or resolve them.

Furthermore, the haze can also irritate the surfaces of the eyes, causing
itching, swelling, redness, and tears, as well as eye discharges. The haze will
have a greater impact on those who already have dry eyes or allergic
conjunctivitis. Contact lens wearers are also more sensitive because their tear
production is reduced when wearing contact lenses. Antihistamine eyedrops
such as patanol, pataday, relestat, and others can help those with allergic
conjunctivitis. Rubbing your eyes will just make the situation worse. To relieve
inflammation in more severe cases, topical steroid eye drops may be required.
Without a prescription, these eyedrops are not accessible over the counter or
in pharmacies. If your eye issues persist or worsen, please contact your eye
doctor for help.

Below shown a tabel of health effect that happened in our country and
neighbours :

Other than effects of haze on humans, the environment is also affected by

haze. Dry peat smoulders for a long time before succumbing to the water
table. Tree roots are exposed, and both the peat and the forest vegetation
become unstable, leading in peat sinking, catastrophic tree falls, and the loss
of large areas of forest.

Figure 1
Since PSF trees are not fire-adapted (most have very thin bark), tree death
after a fire is high. Despite the fact that most fires are low-intensity, their
gradual spread means that they stay in contact with trees for lengthy periods
of time, burning up the bark. Fire can kill 23-44 percent of trees with a
diameter of >10cm DBH (diameter at breast height) and 95 percent of stems
with a diameter of >1cm DBH (diameter at breast height) (Harrison et al,
2008). Even 15 years after burning, they change the species composition in
the area with limited recovery (Cochrane et al, 1999). Tree mortality is about
100 percent in badly burned parts of PSF, as most trees collapse once the
supporting peat is burned away (Figure 1).

However, as it was discovered that surgical masks were useless against haze
and that N95 masks were more effective, demand for surgical masks steadily
fell, but it remained high. On the other side, demand for the N95 mask began
to rise, but not at a rapid rate, owing to the N95 mask's high price (RM6 on
average), compared to surgical masks, which cost a fraction of the N95 mask's
price (RM0.70-RM1.0 at average). However, these aren't the only economic
consequences of the haze. On a larger scale, studies have shown that based
on the value of gross national income per capita per day, an average of
RM18,848 per month, or RM628 per day, or RM11,900 per hazy day during a
haze event works out to an average of RM18,848 per month, or RM628 per
day, or RM11,900 per hazy day during a haze event. This has a negative
impact on our national GDP and should be cause for concern.

Most Malaysians prefer to stay home as much as possible and dine out as little
as possible at this time, therefore tourism, leisure, and restaurant firms stand
to lose the most business. As a result, these enterprises' earnings fall,
contributing to a drop in our country's GDP. People prefer to purchase in
enclosed environments such as grocery stores and shopping malls to avoid
the haze, therefore small vendors such as fruit stall owners and vegetable
dealers who conduct business in the open are also losing a lot of business.

At the end, the haze has had an impact on people in a variety of ways. Haze
has a substantial effect on its citizens' health, primarily respiratory and
cardiovascular illnesses, as well as skin allergies. Haze also causes social and
productivity problems because school had to be closed and outdoor activities
had to be limited to avoid these health problems and due to visual impairment.
The economy was also damaged by the haze because of the multiple
problems caused by the haze, such as the health costs incurred, the loss of
income from tourism activity, and the loss of income owing to reduced
productivity. As a result, it is necessary to comprehend the intensity of the
haze's impact.

The conclusion about this report is haze is caused by things such as factories,
open burning , wildfire and fossil fuels burning and industrial factories are major
contributors to haze. Haze is a state in which particles, smoke, dust, and moisture
suspend in the air, obstructing visibility. Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath,
and a sensation of exhaustion and weakness can all be caused by haze particles.

In this case ,all parties must cooperate and works together to prevent this from

happening again in the future. We can prevent haze from happening again by

reducing the use of motor vehicle on the road. we can also get used to using publis

transport such as bus, taxi and lrt. This will help reduce the smoke coming out of the

vehicle we use. Not only that, haze needs to stops so that the people in Malaysia

and in the world have a better level of health and for a cleaner and healthier



I would like to thank to my friend because has gave the great job to finishing this
report.That have many thing I learn from the discussion with my groups
member.From this report, I know that haze phenomenon is an air pollution that
occurs due to natural factors and irresponsible human actions such as some parties
who have made illegal and large-scale forest fires and this phenomenon mostly
occurs due to human actions that are not responsible against to the environment. In
addition, this pollution also threatens our health, especially to children and the
elderly. Among the effects that will be experienced after continuous exposure to the
haze include Itching in the throat and coughing, Feeling difficult to breathe or
shortness of breath, Eyes feel sore and watery, Runny nose and frequent sneezing,
Body skin feels itchy -Itching and chest pain. Finally, all parties need to work
together to combat these symptoms from recurring in the future by making efforts
that can prevent any disease when the symptoms of haze occur in something such
as wearing a face mask when outdoors, less outdoor sports activities. residential
areas and so on. Therefore, we must always play a good role so that this unhealthy
phenomenon does not happen again in the future


While doing this assignment I was able to find out about many ways that can be
done to gather and find information .In the past I thought that if we want to find
information, we can find it on the internet. But not all information is on the internet.
We also need to find information in the way I have described above. Such as a
questionnaire. In that way not only can we gather information, but we can also
strengthen the relationship between the community. In this group assignment, I have
contributed my energy and time to complete and complete the assignment together.
All members of my group have shared their energy together with me to complete this
task. If there is a mistake in this task, we also work together to find the best solution

First of all I am grateful that I finally finished my assignment given by my lecturer,

Madam Theresa. I am so blessed having the opportunity to complete this
assignment because I learnt alot while doing research for this assignment. Not to
forget I would like to thanks my group mates, Naufal, Sofiya, Amin and Apis for
giving cooperations while doing this report. The topic that we chose is haze and all
the group mates have done their part that we have decided to find. As for me I chose
to find about the effects of haze and now I know how haze can really affect people.
What did I get by doing the research is people are not the only one who get affected
by haze but also our economy and environment. We lost our beautiful and healthy
forest with beautiful creatures in it due to haze just because the open fire that caused
by people. By that, all the neighbor countries got affected and people had to stay
indoors to avoid being exposed to haze that can affect their lives. In conclusion, we
people need to realize that we can't be selfish by doing things that can affect 90%
living creatures because one day it will also can be affected to our family or loved


First of all i would like to thank my teammates for providing a good cooperation
throughout our journey to completion this report writing. And not forgetting also
Madam Theresa who gave us opportunity to make and complete this report writing.
The things i learned while writing this report writing was the ways to how to find
information well and accurately. This matter is important because I must provide
accurate information to the reader and not having a false information in the report I
make. In this group, i was assigned to write a conclusion about the haze. What did i
get from this report writing is haze is a very dangerous event and we must took it
very seriosly. This is because haze contain a very dangerous chemical and dust
inside it and can make people that inhale it will coughing, sneezing, wheezing and
shortness of breath. This will lead to a very dangerous disease to people if it keeps
happening. So the society must realise and take action from today to stop spreading
fumes from factories, vehicle and even open burning too often so that we can
prevent the haze from happeing in the future


During the task I’ve gain so much knowledge me and my group were doing some
sort of research about haze which common natural disaster occur in our country.
Hence I get many info about Haze factors and effect now I know where did haze
came from and how does it form. Doing research gave me realization how serious
haze will effect to our live and health.Next, I was given a task to search some factors
of haze disaster I look the information in the Internet platform many journal written
by author gave me an idea to get done my research. My teammates very efficient we
always discuss how to do the article.
1. Brutsaert, E. F. (2020, September). Complications of Diabetes Mellitus. MSD
Manual Professional Version.
2. U. (1996, December 28). History Tropical Storm Greg hit Sabah on December 25,
1996. Weather Research North of Borneo.
3. Haze & Our Health - PORTAL MyHEALTH
4. The Effects of Haze on Your Health | Health Plus
5. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018, Vol. 18 (1): 38-45
REVIEW.pdf (
6. Haze and your eyes - Eagle Eye Centre
7. The Effects of Haze on Health, the Economy and the Environment | ECO
@ COP (
8. Econs 101: The Haze - How it has affected our economy

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