Test Vocabulary Key

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A Choose the word which best completes each sentence:

1 Charles has had a on his shoulder ever since he lost the bet with Mike.

A dimple B hip Chole Ddent

2 Angry and upset, Harry called his sister to get a few things off his .

A lungs B heart C neck chest

3 Bill is a bit of a dark ; I had no idea he used to be an Olympic swimmer.

A orse B stallion C donkey D steed

4 The newly-appointed Minister is as as a die, he's very honest and reliable.

A square B traight C vertical D horizontal

5 When Tim stole my doll, I my own back by stealing his favourite toy car.

A retrieved B ot C fetched D regained

6 Dogs are very loyal pets. On the other , they can be quite noisy.

A place B point C foot @hand

7 The school authorities agreed that implementing corporal punishment would be a

.................. in the right direction.

A foot @step Cwalk D hop

8 The money raised at the concert was a in the ocean compared with the

amount needed to build the new album.

rop B pinch Cspot D drip

9 Michael tends to his head in the sand when he has problems.

A cover B conceal C ury D hide

10 The astronauts had to be given a clean of health before embarking on the

space mission.

A certificate @bill C receipt D statement

11 The two political candidates were at over the new education act.
@loggerheads B odds C dispute D conflict
12 The police searched the alleged murderer's flat for evidence, but it was as clean as a

A flute B bell C crystal D histle

13 It was a(n) awakening when John discovered he had no money in the bank.

A abrupt B sudden C harsh @rude

14 The children were afraid to enter the cave as it was -black.

A itch B ebony Craven D darts

15 Flora's creative approach to teaching was like a of fresh air to her pupils.

A gasp Bgulp breath D whiff

B Fill in the gaps with phrases from the list:

down-to-earth, stab you in the back, golden boy,

put on a brave face, rough diamond
1 Mr Horner is a bit of a � � he's got rather a harsh manner but deep
- ;

down he's a very sweet man.

2 When I need advice I speak to Vicky because she's so sensible and �-:!!?:� ..
3 Despite losing the match congratulated the winning team.

4 Charlotte isn't a loyal friend at all. She'll be nice to your face and then
�-·<f1'-·k..� �.
5 The new sports writer is considered of the newspaper.

C Choose the correct answer - A, B, C or D:

1 An eye witness said he saw a car and three men get out wearing ski masks.

ull up B pull away C pull out D pull off

2 The Prime Minister at allegations that he hadn't handled the crisis


A fell behind @hit back C went back to D put out

3 Jack the Ripper must the most notorious criminals of all time.

A live up to B shoot past C fall behind @rank among

4 Her success can be a combination of luck, intelligence and sheer hard work.

A ranked among B put together @Jut down to D lived up to

5 I heard a siren approaching, and moments later an ambulance with its light

A pulled through B boxed in C gave up D hot past

6 The fall from her horse left Ann writhing on the ground.

A in no time n pain C in confidence Don sale

7 Pam is a very placid person , but she has a fiery temper when pushed too

A for short B by degrees by nature Din no time

8 I find bodybuilders disgusting, with their muscles bulging and their skin oil.

A colliding with B comparing with C dealing with D listening with

9 Peter's savings grew so slowly that he ever being able to buy a new car.

A acted on B espaired of C dealt with D collided with

10 After her death there were dozens of books about Princess Diana in

@on sale B on the agenda C in no time D out of sight

11 The boat cruised along eight or nine knots.

A by degrees B under the influence of C out of sight at a speed of

12 Although tradition paints Robin Hood as a hero for his refusal to the law,
the truth is that he was a common criminal.

A amount to B deal with C adjust to abide by

13 The British Broadcasting Corporation is called the BBC .

A by degrees B by nature or short D on the agenda

14 After her divorce, it took Nancy a while to being single.

A compare with djust to C collide with D amount to

15 I know it's boring chore, but if we start now we'll have the house clean .

n no time B by nature C in pain Din confidence

D Fill in each gap with a suitable preposition from the list:

back, behind, down, in, up

1 Darren's fallen so far�. in his schoolwork, I'll have to speak to his parents.

2 Joanna's really beginning to psych herself··�······ for University- she's already

bought all her coursebooks.

3 The tennis player needed to hit� .. after losing the first set - which he did, by
serving an ace.

4 The runner was hemmed . .A./.Y.k by the others and was unable to break away.

5 The gymnast put his poor performance .� to an old knee injury.

on, out, past, up "J'.. ?-j
6 Boxers often try to psych ....� .... their opponents before a match.

7 Motorists should use the slip roads to pick ····»..fv.··· speed before joining the

8 The new Goldberg film was really disappointing. It didn't live ... �······ to my
expectations at all.

9 The football shot ... �... the goalkeeper and went into the back of the net.

10 In his new role as Marketing Manager, Howard will be able to build .... ....e.?.1. .... his
previous experience as a salesman.

at, by, in, on, ous of, under

11 The first item � the agenda for today's meeting is the issue of equal pay.

12 She didn't miss him at all-it was a typical case of •.lllA1..4. sight, out of mind'.
13 I'm not going to say anything about Helen's plans, because she told me .. M.\1.. .

14 In the future we may be able to travel .. � the speed of light.

15 Frank is very shy nature.

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