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Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation:

from Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium
David A. Shafritz*,+,‡,§ and Mariana D. Dabeva*,§
Departments of Medicine*, Cell Biology+, and Pathology‡, and the Marion Bessin Liver Research Center§
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY 10461

ABSTRACT have taken a molecular approach to clone genes whose

expression is specifically upregulated in the early fetal
Whether stem cells exist in solid tissues and organs has liver in the hope of identifying genes that are involved in
been an area of controversy for many years. With the activation, proliferation, and differentiation of these
advent of sophisticated and sensitive methods of cell cells (Petkov et al., 2000). We have also established sev-
and molecular biology and the development of new ani- eral liver regeneration models in which hepatocytes or
mal models for cell transplantation, it has been possible progenitor cells play a specific role and these models may
to identify such cells not only in the hematopoietic sys- also be useful in defining a detailed lineage map along
tem, but also in the brain, muscle, and liver. This review which the various progenitor cells can be placed (Dabeva
highlights research conducted in our laboratory, other and Shafritz, 1993; Dabeva et al., 1995). Finally, we have
laboratories of The Marion Bessin Liver Research Center established a rat liver cell transplantation/liver repopula-
at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, and at other tion model system in which we can study the proliferation
institutions during the last decade to define optimal and differentiation capabilities of isolated hepatocytes,
conditions for liver cell transplantation, identify and liver stem/progenitor cells, and established liver cell lines
characterize liver stem/progenitor cells, and transplant as well as their ability to repopulate the liver (Dabeva et
these cells into suitable hosts to effectively achieve liver al., 1997; Laconi et al., 1998; Oren et al., 1999; Dabeva et
repopulation and restore liver function. al., 2000a; Sandhu et al., 2001).


The existence, need for, and possible function of pro- The ability of the liver to regenerate is a property that is
genitor or stem cells in the adult liver has been an area unique among solid organs in mammalian species.
of controversy for many years (Sell, 1990). The existence Following two-thirds partial hepatectomy (PH), there is
of such cells was postulated initially more than 40 years compensatory growth by the remaining liver, resulting in
ago (Wilson and Leduc, 1958). This was based on studies restoration of the total parenchymal cell number and
in rodents in which it appeared that cells in the distal mass within one to two weeks (Fausto and Webber, 1994;
cholangioles of the bile ducts were responsible for Michalopoulos and DeFrancis, 1997). This process is not
restoration of liver mass after dietary injury. At that time, really regeneration, because the lost anatomic structures
it was also established that bile duct epithelial cells and are not replaced, but the remaining tissue expands to its
hepatocytes are of common embryologic origin, derived original mass by proliferation of preexisting cells.
from hepatoblasts emanating from the endoderm of the Radioactive labelling with [3H]-thymidine and morpho-
ventral foregut (Dubois, 1963; Wilson et al., 1963). logic studies in the 1960’s showed that many hepatocytes
Therefore, a potential precursor/product relationship are actively engaged in mitosis during liver regeneration,
between cells of the distal cholangioles and hepatocytes and it was estimated that 70 to 90% of hepatocytes
seemed reasonable. Specific identification of these cells undergo at least one round of cell division following
has been problematic, because unique markers for liver two-thirds PH (Grisham, 1962; Bucher and Swaffield,
stem/progenitor cells have not yet been identified. 1964). From these studies and others, it has been con-
However, studies conducted during the last decade clear- cluded that the proliferative activity of adult hepatocytes
ly establish the existence of cells both within and outside is sufficient to repopulate the liver following PH and that
the liver that exhibit properties of stem cells and can dif- the participation of stem/progenitor cells is not required
ferentiate into mature hepatocytes and/or bile duct (Grisham and Thorgeirsson, 1997).
epithelial cells after their transplantation and engraft-
ment into the liver. The first study demonstrating the existence of small
undifferentiated epithelial cells in the adult liver was
The working hypothesis driving our research has been reported by Farber (1956), who treated rats with differ-
that the liver contains a dormant compartment of stem ent carcinogens, such as ethionine, 2-acetaminofluorine,
cells that under certain conditions can be activated to and 3-methyl-4-dimethylaminobenzene. In these studies,
proliferate and progress along the two terminally differ- Dr. Farber noted the proliferation of periportal epithelial
entiated epithelial lineages in this tissue, namely, the cells with scant basophilic cytoplasm and an oval shaped,
hepatocyte and the bile duct epithelial cell. Recently, we pale blue, homogeneously stained, nuclei, which he

20 Einstein Quart. J. Biol. Med. (2002) 19:20-32.

Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

termed “oval cells.” However, he concluded that these Our entry into the field of liver stem/progenitor cell
oval cells were not progenitors of hepatocytes, although research was based on a chance observation made in
others subsequently demonstrated that under certain 1989. We were studying the genetic switch between
pathophysiologic circumstances oval cells clearly differ- albumin and α−fetoprotein (AFP) expression that occurs
entiate into hepatocytes or neoplastic hepatocytes during liver regeneration. It was observed that the albu-
(Evarts et al., 1987; Evarts et al., 1989). In these studies, min/AFP gene expression switch was regulated at the
rats were treated with 2-acetaminofluorine, which caus- level of transcription (Tilghman and Belayew, 1982;
es extensive DNA damage in the liver, and were then Panduro–Cerda et al., 1986), and we wanted to deter-
subjected to two-thirds PH. Under these conditions, mine whether these changes occurred simultaneously in
there is massive proliferation of oval cells in the peripor- all cells or in separate subpopulations of cells within the
tal region (zone 1), associated with uptake of regenerating liver. This information would be critical in
[3H]-thymidine. This is followed by the appearance of establishing the specific cell types that repopulate the
nodular masses of [3H]-thymidine labeled hepatocytes in liver during regeneration. For these studies, in situ molec-
the mid-parenchyma (zone 2), presumably derived from ular hybridization was used to follow specific gene
the oval cells (Evarts et al., 1987). This and other evidence expression in individual cells, a very sensitive technique,
(Evarts et al., 1989) suggested that when hepatocyte established in our laboratory in the early 1980’s (Saber et
proliferation is blocked, “facultative” stem cells, as al., 1983a; Saber et al., 1983b). In the course of these
Thorgeirsson (1993) termed them, could proliferate in studies, a very surprising result was obtained that alert-
response to a regenerative stimulus. Epithelial cell lines ed us to the possible existence of stem/progenitor cells in
were established from neonatal and adult livers. Under the normal adult liver (Alpini et al., 1992; Dabeva et al.,
certain conditions, some of these relatively undifferenti- 1993). In control untreated adult rats, we observed a
ated cell lines expressed liver-specific genes indicative of rare population of cells (1 in 20,000) that expressed high
PH, suggesting that they were the cell culture counterpart levels of AFP mRNA (Figure 1). These cells were located in
of oval cells and represented cultured liver progenitor or the periportal region adjacent to mature bile ducts and
stem-like cells (Grisham, 1980; Tsao et al., 1984). had the morphologic appearance of oval cells. They were

FIGURE 1 Identification of AFP positive non-parenchymal epithelial cells in the periportal area of the normal adult rat liver. AFP mRNA expression in a
periportal non-parenchymal epithelial cell (depicted by an arrow) was detected by in situ hybridization, using a radioactively labeled AFP cDNA probe.

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Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

clearly distinct from the much larger mature hepatocytes ACTIVATION OF HEPATOCYTE PROGENITOR CELLS IN
located in the parenchyma. However, there was no signif- THE ADULT LIVER
icant increase in the number of these cells following
two-thirds PH or carbon tetrachloride administration, To study the properties of liver progenitor cells further,
which is another method used to induce acute liver injury, we induced their proliferation by treating rats with
hepatic necrosis, and regeneration (Alpini et al., 1992). D-galactosamine, an agent that is taken up by hepato-
cytes and incorporated into UDP-galactosamine and
AFP was originally discovered in the 1960’s by the Russian depletes the cell of UTP disrupting energy metabolism.
scientist Dr. Garri Abelev (Abelev, 1971). This protein is All RNA and protein synthesis is inhibited, there is exten-
very similar in structure to albumin and is indeed located sive liver necrosis, and at the same time proliferation of
in tandem with albumin on the same chromosome, chro- hepatocytes is temporarily blocked. Under these condi-
mosome 5 in the mouse (D’Eustachio et al., 1981). tions, D-galactosamine induces proliferation of small
Expression of AFP occurs first in the yolk sac and then in epithelial cells (oval cells) in the periportal region
the fetal hepatoblasts. Its expression decreases as albu- (Dabeva and Shafritz, 1993). These cells (positive for AFP)
min expression increases in late gestation (Sala-Trepat et expand rapidly, move out into the hepatic parenchyma,
al., 1979; Tilghman and Belayew, 1982), and it is turned and go through a morphologic and phenotypic transi-
off almost completely after birth only to reappear during tion into hepatocytes with induction of albumin and
liver carcinogenesis. Thus, it is the classic onco-fetal pro- glucose-6-phosphatase gene expression and loss of AFP
tein. Our speculation was that the rare AFP expressing gene expression (Dabeva and Shafritz, 1993). After D-
cells in the periportal area of the adult liver most proba- galactosamine administration, liver mass is fully restored
bly represent a vestigal population of stem/progenitor within 10 to 14 days, so that when hepatocytes are
cells (i.e., fetal hepatoblasts) or were a direct descendent blocked in their proliferative capacity, liver regeneration
of these cells. occurs through activation of liver progenitor cells

FIGURE 2 Incorporation of transplanted hepatocytes into the parenchymal structure of the liver with formation of hybrid bile canaliculi between trans-
planted cells and host hepatocytes (depicted by arrows).

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Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

FIGURE 3 Spontaneous liver repopulation

of uPA transgenic mouse liver by endoge-
nous hepatocytes that have deleted the uPA
transgene. Left, liver from a five week old
non-transgenic mouse; Center, liver from a
hemizygous uPA transgenic mouse; Right,
liver from a homozygous uPA transgenic

FIGURE 4 Repopulation of uPA transgenic

mouse liver with transplanted normal mouse
hepatocytes containing a lacZ marker trans-
gene. Livers from a nontransgenic control
(top, left), a lacZ positive control (top, cen-
ter), a control mouse lacking the Alb-uPA
transgene and transplanted with lacZ cells
(top, right), and three livers from Alb-uPA
transgenic mice receiving lacZ cells (bottom).
All tissues were stained with X-gal, which
produces a blue color in lacZ positive cells.
Red areas (R) represent endogenous cells
that have lost uPA transgene expression and
white areas (W) represent residual endoge-
nous liver still expressing the uPA transgene.

(Dabeva and Shafritz, 1993). Similar results were obtained type and are otherwise healthy. They were developed as
by Fausto and coworkers (Lemire et al., 1991), although a liver cell transplantation model by Hixson, Faris, Doyle,
they concluded that mature bile duct cells were the source and coworkers in the early 1990’s (Thompson et al.,
of the proliferating cells, rather than a separate com- 1991). Using wild type (DPPIV+) F344 hepatocytes as
partment of less well-differentiated liver progenitor cells. donor cells transplanted into DPPIV- F344 rats, Gupta and
coworkers (Gupta et al., 1995) and our laboratory
(Dabeva et al., 1997) observed that transplanted hepato-
LIVER CELL TRANSPLANTATION MODEL cytes became fully integrated into the liver parenchymal
cord structure and form hybrid bile canaliculi with host
To ultimately prove that the cells activated in D-galac- hepatocytes (Figure 2). This is consistent with studies con-
tosamine treated liver are indeed progenitor cells, the ducted earlier in The Marion Bessin Liver Research Center
best approach would be to isolate these cells, transplant (Gupta et al., 1990; Ponder et al., 1991), although it is still
them into a suitably treated host liver, and monitor recip- not clear precisely how the hepatocyte, a rather large
ients for proliferation and differentiation of transplanted cell, crosses the vascular space, penetrating through the
cells into mature liver epithelial cell phenotypes (i.e., liver sinusoids, and becomes incorporated into the
hepatocytes and bile duct epithelial cells). To accomplish parenchyma. Epithelial progenitor cells were isolated
this goal, we utilized an inbred strain of Fischer rats from the liver and pancreas (the pancreas is also derived
(F344) in which a mutant substrain is deficient in expres- from the gut endoderm) and, after transplantation, both
sion of a specific apical membrane protein, dipeptidyl of these cell types differentiate into hepatocytes.
peptidase IV (DPPIV). Other than absence of DPPIV However, with hepatocytes or epithelial progenitor cells
enzyme activity, these animals exhibit a normal pheno- from either the liver or pancreas only limited prolifera-

The Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine 23

Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

FIGURE 6 Liver repopulation by DPPIV+ hepatocytes in DPPIV- mutant

Fischer 344 rats in the retrorsine/partial hepatectomy model. A) Liver
from a DPPIV- rat before hepatocyte transplantation. B) Liver from the
same DPPIV- rat nine months after transplantation of DPPIV+


cells that can undergo one or two rounds of cell division

during liver regeneration. Following this process, hepa-
tocytes exit from the cell cycle, enter and remain in Go
with a very long half-life and eventually undergo senes-
cence. This is one of the main reasons why it has been
difficult to propagate primary hepatocytes in cell culture.
FIGURE 5 Liver repopulation in the FAH null mouse after transplanta-
tion of FAH+ hepatocytes. FAH is detected in expanding clusters of
However, in the early to mid 1990’s, some very unexpected
transplanted FAH+ hepatocytes by enzyme histochemistry two days, three and rather surprising findings were observed in two
weeks, and six weeks after transplantation of wild-type hepatocytes. genetically modified mouse model systems. Sangren et
al. (1991) developed a transgenic mouse model to study
protease function by inserting the urokinase plasmino-
tion of the transplanted cells occurs (at most two to gen activator (uPA) gene into the liver under the control
three cell divisions with hepatocytes and five to six cell of the albumin promoter. uPA is a potent protease. In the
divisions with progenitor cells). alb-uPA transgenic mouse, uPA is synthesized exclusively
in the liver and is secreted into the blood stream, where
it was being studied as a thrombolytic agent. However,
NEWER MODELS OF LIVER REPOPULATION some of the protease remained in the liver and caused
severe inflammation. The liver undergoes continuous
As mentioned above, until recently it was believed that injury from uPA expression leading to extensive necrosis
hepatocytes are terminally differentiated liver epithelial and most animals died. However, in two uPA kindreds,

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Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

FIGURE 7 Detection of normal serum albu-

min levels in Nagase analbuminemic rats
after transplantation of wild-type hepato-
cytes. SDS gel electrophoresis; lane 1, serum
albumin standard; lanes 2 and 3, serum from
control Nagase analbuminemic rats; lanes 4-
7, serum from different rats four weeks after
receiving transplanted hepatocytes; and
lane 8, serum from a control wild-type rat.

some animals survived. In these animals, large clusters of the most robust of stem cells, and that the innate regen-
normal liver cells were observed and in some instances erative power of fully mature parenchymal cells in the
almost the entire liver was replaced by these normal liver is essentially infinite.
hepatocytes (Figure 3) (Sangren et al., 1991). It was sub-
sequently shown that the normal cells had deleted the RETRORSINE/PARTIAL HEPATECTOMY MODEL OF LIVER
uPA transgene and then proliferated to restore the liver REPOPULATION IN THE RAT
mass. These investigators then transplanted single cell
suspensions of genetically marked wild-type hepatocytes A key factor favoring liver repopulation by transplanted
into uPA transgenic mice and these cells also repopulat- cells in both uPA transgenic and FAH null mice is an enor-
ed the liver (Figure 4) (Rhim et al., 1994). It was mous selection pressure for repopulation by normal
calculated that during liver repopulation, each trans- hepatocytes. However, both of these conditions are peri-
planted cell underwent 12 to 14 divisions. natal lethal and rarely will comparable conditions be met
in humans. To develop an alternative approach for liver
A second model, the fumaryl acetoacetate hydrolase repopulation, which might have a more general applica-
(FAH) null mouse (Overturf et al., 1996), was subse- tion, we collaborated with Dr. Ezio Laconi from Cagliari,
quently developed to study the human disorder, Italy, who had developed a strategy to create an envi-
hereditary tyrosinemia type 1 (HT1). In this model, tyrosine ronment in the liver that would favor repopulation of
metabolism is blocked at the last step in tyrosine catabo- tissue mass with transplanted cells (Laconi et al., 1995).
lism, conversion of fumarylacetoacetate to fumarate, Rats were treated with retrorsine, a pyrrolizidine alka-
acetoacetate, and succinate. This leads to the accumula- loid that is taken up by the liver and metabolized in
tion of the upstream metabolic intermediates, including hepatocytes to its biologically active form, which then
maleylacetoacetate and fumarylacetoacetate, which are alkylates cellular DNA and prevents hepatocytes from
toxic and cause continuous liver injury, chronic liver dis- proliferating by disrupting their progression through the
ease, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma. Similar to cell cycle (Samuel and Jago, 1975). In contrast to D-galac-
findings in uPA transgenic mice, humans with HT1 occa- tosamine treatment, which is transient, the mitoinhibitory
sionally show clusters of normal hepatocytes in an effect of retrorsine is long lasting. When retrorsine treat-
otherwise extensively diseased liver (Kvittingen et al., ed rats are subjected to PH, endogenous hepatocytes are
1994). In the FAH null mouse model, transplantation of unable to proliferate. By combining retrorsine/PH treat-
wild-type hepatocytes also leads to extensive liver repop- ment with the DPPIV cell transplantation model and
ulation and restoration of normal liver architecture and following the proliferation and differentiation of trans-
function (Figure 5) (Overturf et al., 1996). In the FAH null planted wild-type hepatocytes, we were able to fully
model, as few as 10,000 wild-type hepatocytes can be repopulate the retrorsine-treated liver with adult hepa-
serially transplanted through seven generations of mice tocytes (Figure 6) (Laconi et al., 1998). The liver mass
with total liver repopulation in each mouse (Overturf et returned to near normal size and the transplanted cells
al., 1997). If one considers all hepatocytes to have equal were fully active, biochemically, and physiologically. The
proliferative capacity in these serial transplantation stud- latter was demonstrated with conversion of a genetically
ies, it can be concluded that hepatocytes have the ability albumin-deficient rat to a normal phenotype, expressing a
to undergo up to 100 cell divisions or more, equivalent to normal serum albumin level (Figure 7) (Oren et al., 1999).

The Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine 25

Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

OTHER MODELS OF LIVER REPOPULATION ischemic necrosis become major complications when the
amount of liver cells transplanted exceeds one to two
C. Rogler and colleagues at the Albert Einstein College of percent of the hepatic parenchymal mass. Finally, it has
Medicine have developed an additional model of liver been difficult to introduce foreign genes into hepato-
repopulation in which recipient mice can accept cytes in vitro and effective gene therapy might be more
xenographs. This required cross breeding of uPA trans- readily achieved with liver stem/progenitor cells. A par-
genic mice (with constant liver injury) with Rag2-/- mice tial list of potential advantages of liver stem/progenitor
which are T and B cell deficient and are immunotolerant cells for liver repopulation, compared to mature hepato-
to transplanted cells even across species barriers. In cytes, is given in Table I.
uPA+/+/Rag2-/- mice, transplanted woodchuck hepatocytes
can repopulate the host liver (Peterson et al., 1998) and
human hepatocytes can also proliferate in the liver after LIVER REPOPULATION WITH FETAL LIVER STEM/PRO-
transplantation into these mice (Dandri et al., 1999). GENITOR CELLS

Irradiation has also been used to block proliferation of As eluded to earlier, classical embryological studies have
endogenous hepatocytes and allows transplanted wild- traced the proliferation and differentiation of progeni-
type hepatocytes to fully repopulate the liver (Guha et tor or determined stem cells into the hepatocytic and
al., 1999). Apoptosis of DNA damaged endogenous biliary epithelial lineages during normal liver develop-
hepatocytes probably plays a role in long-term liver ment in both rodents and humans (Shiojiri et al., 1991;
repopulation in both the retrorsine and irradiation mod- for review, Grisham and Thorgeirsson, 1997). This process
els. In this regard, injection of Fas antibody has also been begins at embryonic day (ED) 8.5 in the mouse with pro-
used to induce apoptosis in the host liver and to allow liferation of epithelial cells of the ventral foregut and
proliferation of transplanted hepatocytes transduced migration of these cells into the septum transversum,
with an adenovirus containing the anti-apoptotic gene, where they come into contact with mesenchymal cells.
bcl-2 (Mignon et al., 1998). These cells express AFP and then albumin, and subse-
quently, the liver bud forms at ED11. At this time, the
morphology of the undifferentiated small epithelial pro-
LIMITATIONS OF HEPATOCYTE TRANSPLANTATION genitor cell changes to that of the characteristic
PROTOCOLS FOR LIVER REPOPULATION hepatoblast , which begins to differentiate into hepato-
cytes and biliary epithelial cells between ED15 and ED16.
With these results in hand, why do laboratories continue Thus, the fetal liver contains epithelial cells that are in
to pursue the liver stem cell? The reasons are many. different stages of lineage progression, some of which
First, in order for mature hepatocytes to repopulate the might still contain the full potential of liver stem cells.
liver, there needs to be a substantial selection advantage
for transplanted cells in conjunction with extensive In the early to mid 1990’s, Reid, Gupta, and coworkers
ongoing liver damage, parenchymal loss, or inability of isolated and characterized rat fetal liver epithelial cells
endogenous hepatocytes to proliferate. However, most using immunoselection by “panning” and fluorescence
conditions for which liver cell transplantation might rep- activated cell sorting (FACS) with the hope of identifying
resent useful therapy do not meet these conditions. In unique oval cell markers in hepatoblasts, but these mark-
addition, if stem/progenitor cells continue to proliferate ers were shared with hematopoietic cells (Sigal et al.,
long after their transplantation, these cells would not 1994). They subsequently transplanted unfractionated
need great selection pressure to ultimately repopulate ED14 fetal liver cells into the spleen of DPPIV- rats and
the liver. Second, as mentioned previously, differentiated observed DPPIV+ and glucose-6-phosphatase+ cells in the
hepatocytes cannot be propagated effectively in cell cul- spleen, as well as small numbers of DPPIV+ cells with a
ture. Hopefully, this will not be true for liver diffuse (undifferentiated) pattern of DPPIV expression in
stem/progenitor cells, and it will be possible to use cul- the liver (Sigal et al., 1995). Additional characterization of
tured liver stem/progenitor cells or cell lines for liver ED12 to ED14 fetal liver cells in our laboratory indicated
repopulation. Third, although transplanted hepatocytes that there are at least three distinct subpopulations of
remain at high levels and for a long time in rodent liver hepatic epithelial progenitor cells within the fetal liver
(studies have been reported for up to one year or half at this time unipotent progenitor cells expressing either
the lifetime of a rat), similar results may not occur with albumin/AFP (hepatocytic) or cytokeratin-19 (biliary
mature hepatocytes in humans. This view is supported epithelial) markers and bipotent stem/progenitor cells
by studies in patients with familial hypercholesterolemia simultaneously expressing albumin/AFP and cytokeratin-
and congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Crigler-Najjar 19 (Dabeva et al., 2000b).
Syndrome, type I) in which from the data reported it
would seem that transplanted hepatocytes do not prolif- Under protocols developed in our laboratory, ED14 fetal
erate significantly after their transplantation (Grossman liver stem/progenitor cells proliferate extensively after
et al., 1995; Fox et al., 1998). This limitation is critical, they are transplanted. This can be achieved either in the
since portal hypertension, hepatic infarction, and absence or presence of retrorsine treatment, although

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Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

FIGURE 8 Production of mixed clusters containing both mature hepatocytes and bile duct structures in the liver after transplantation of bipotent ED14
fetal rat liver stem/progenitor cells. The arrows point to transplanted cells forming mature bile ducts structures joining with a preexisting host duct with-
in a large cluster of proliferated cells exhibiting a well-differentiated hepatocytic phenotype that have become fully integrated into the parenchymal



1. Less selection pressure required to proliferate after transplantation

2. Propagatable in culture and possibility to develop liver stem/progenitor cell lines
3. Proliferation may continue for a long time after transplantation
4. May be responsive to hormones and growth factors
5. Possibility to regenerate complete liver lobules
6. May remain viable for a long time and maintain the restored liver mass better
7. Possible use for ex vivo gene therapy

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Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

repopulation occurs more rapidly and is more extensive ROLE OF THE LIVER MICROENVIRONMENT
in retrorsine treated hosts (Dabeva et al., 2000b; Sandhu
et al., 2001). In both cases, PH is required for effective liver An interesting aspect of liver repopulation is that the
repopulation. With transplanted fetal liver stem/progen- host site in which the transplanted cells are engrafted
itor cells, we observe formation of new hepatic cords seems to play a role in their phenotypic behavior. When
and bile ducts (Figure 8) and in the case of retrorsine hepatocytes are transplanted into the dorsal fat pad,
treatment complete new liver lobules (Sandhu et al., spleen, or peritoneal cavity retain expression of some
2001). Using double labeling with immunohistochem- hepatocyte specific genes, but this is usually quite limit-
istry and in situ hybridization, we have shown that ed. However, when hepatocytes are transplanted to the
transplanted stem/progenitor cells undergo active DNA liver, cells with a robust hepatocytic phenotype are rou-
synthesis for an extended period of four to six months. tinely observed. With fetal liver stem/progenitor cells,
In the absence of retrorsine treatment, mature hepato- we have observed additionally that cells engrafting into
cytes show proliferative activity for only two to four the hepatic cords differentiate into hepatocytes, where-
weeks following their transplantation (during the as cells engrafting into the bile ducts differentiate into
regenerative phase after PH). Under these circum- bile duct epithelial cells (Sandhu et al., 2001). As indi-
stances, we observe at most three to four cell divisions, cated previously, some cells exhibit bipotency and
and there is no significant liver repopulation. In contrast, generate clusters containing both hepatocytes and bile
with ED12 to ED14 fetal liver stem/progenitor cells in the ducts. These are the first studies demonstrating in vivo
absence of retrorsine treatment, we have observed up to the bipotency of isolated liver epithelial cells, a property
nine to ten cell divisions (determined by counting the required for a cell to be considered a stem cell. When
number of cells in very large clusters at six months after transformed, undifferentiated hepatoma cells are trans-
cell transplantation) and have been able to achieve up planted into the liver, they also assume a mature
to ten percent liver repopulation (Sandhu et al., 2001). hepatocytic phenotype and become arrested in cell
Thus, transplantation with fetal liver stem/progenitor growth (Coleman et al., 1993). Thus, the local liver envi-
cells clearly has advantages over mature hepatocytes. ronment plays an important role in determining the
phenotype of transplanted cells.


Tissue determined stem/progenitor cells have been iden-
tified in the bone marrow, liver, and brain (Fuchs and Studies are now progressing to enrich for or purify liver
Serge, 2000; Gage, 1998). Bone marrow and brain stem/progenitor cells by selection with specific antibod-
stem/progenitor cells can change their phenotype when ies and FACS or immuno-magnetic bead separation of
transplanted into another host tissue (Farrari et al., antibody tagged cells. However, specific selection mark-
1998; Bjornson et al., 1999; Kopin et al., 1999; for sum- ers for fetal liver stem/progenitor cells need to be
mary of current studies, see Figure 9 and Vogel, 2000). identified. Fetal liver cells have been sorted for those
In this regard, transplanted bone marrow cells that that are positive for expression of α6 (CD49f) integrin
engraft into the liver differentiate into hepatocytes. and β1 (CD29) integrin, which are known to be present
Petersen et al. (1999) transplanted unfractionated bone on hepatocytic cells, and negative for CD45 and Ter119,
marrow cells from male rats (containing a Y chromo- which are specific markers for hematopoietic cells
some) into lethally irradiated female recipients and (Suzuki et al., 2000). Interestingly, cells showing the
showed the presence of Y chromosome containing greatest enrichment for liver progenitor cells in a colony-
hepatocytes in the recipient. In separate studies, Theise forming assay were negative for c-kit (Suzuki et al., 2000),
et al. (2000a) reported that lethally irradiated female which is a positive sorting marker for hematopoietic
mice that received either unfractionated bone marrow stem cells and is also detected in liver oval cells (Fujiio et
cells or FACS-sorted CD34+/lin- cells from male donors al., 1994). In contrast, c-kit positive selection has been
showed Y chromosome positive cells in the liver by fluo- used to enrich for human liver stem-like progenitor cells
rescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In the latter studies, that can differentiate in culture into biliary epithelial
cells with the morphologic appearance of hepatocytes cells (Crosby et al., 2000). In other studies, CD34 has
and both a Y chromosome and evidence for synthesis of been used for selection of hematopoietic stem cells that
albumin were still present at eight months following can differentiate into hepatocytes (Theise et al., 2000a).
bone marrow transplantation. However, in neither case Kubota and Reid (2000) have used entirely different
was there extensive liver repopulation. Most recently, genes (MHC class I, OX18, and ICAM-1) to select for ED13
Theise et al. (2000b) and Alison et al. (2000) have report- fetal rat cells that express phenotypic markers for hepa-
ed the presence of Y chromosome positive hepatocytes tocytes (AFP and albumin) and bile duct epithelial cells
in the liver of human female recipients of male bone (CK-19) in culture. Interestingly, in several of these stud-
marrow cells and in human male recipients of orthotopic ies (Suzuki et al., 2000; Crosby et al., 2000; Kubota and
liver transplants from female donors. Reid, 2000), cells with similar marker expression patterns

28 EINSTEIN QUARTERLY, Copyright © 2002

Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

FIGURE 9 Differentiation of tissue derived stem cells into different organ-specific phenotypes after
their transplantation.

FIGURE 10 Developmental origin of liver stem cells

and intermediate steps in their maturation pathways
leading to differentiation into hepatocytes and bile
duct epithelial cells.

The Einstein Quarterly Journal of Biology and Medicine 29

Liver Stem/Progenitor Cells and their Transplantation: From Fantasy to Reality as We Enter the New Millennium

could be isolated from the normal adult liver, albeit at past students, postdoctoral fellows, and the technical
reduced numbers, suggesting that tissue-specific staff of our laboratory for their contributions to this
stem/progenitor cells may be present in the mature research; to other faculty members in the Marion Bessin
organ. These findings are consistent with our original Liver Research Center for their contributions to this
observation of undifferentiated AFP positive epithelial work and other studies cited; and to Anna Caponigro
cells in the periportal region of the adult rat liver (Alpini for secretarial assistance.
et al., 1992).

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