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Flashflood in Kelantan 2014

Radiology/ semester 1




Table Of Contents

1.0 Introduction 1
2.0 Method of Gathering Information 2
3.0 Findings/ Discussion 3-8
4.0 Conclusion 9
5.0 Individual Reflection
5.1 Member 1 10
5.2 Member 2 11
5.3 Member 3 12
5.4 Member 4 13
5.5 Member 5 14



A flash floods is a rapid flooding of low-lying areas washes, rivers, dry

lakes and depressions. It may be caused by heavy rain associated with a severe
thunderstorm, hurricane, tropical storm, or meltwater from ice or snow flowing over
ice sheets or snowfields. Flash floods may also occur after the collapse of a
natural ice or debris dam, or a human structure such as a man-made dam, as
occurred before the Johnstown Flood of 1889. Flash floods are distinguished from
regular floods by having a timescale of fewer than six hours between rainfall and the
onset of flooding.
Flash floods are a significant hazard, causing more fatalities in the U.S. in an
average year than lightning, tornadoes, or hurricanes. Flash floods can also deposit
large quantities of sediments on floodplains and can be destructive of vegetation
cover not adapted to frequent flood conditions.


Flash floods most often occur in dry areas that have recently received precipitation,
but they may be seen anywhere downstream from the source of the precipitation,
even many miles from the source. In areas on or near volcanoes, flash floods have
also occurred after eruptions, when glaciers have been melted by the intense heat.
Flash floods are known to occur in the highest mountain ranges of the United
States and are also common in the arid plains of the Southwestern United States.
Flash flooding can also be caused by extensive rainfall released by hurricanes and
other tropical storms, as well as the sudden thawing effect of ice dams. Human
activities can also cause flash floods to occur. When dams fail, a large quantity of
water can be released and destroy everything in its path.


We use the method of collecting data through google such as WIKIPEDIA Article,
Newspaper Article, YouTube, Online Article, Online Magazine and Pdf Journal.



Due to the geographical location adjacent to the coast of South China Sea and
the expansion of settlements on plain topography, a majority of the population in
Kelantan are highly exposed to floods, especially during the northeast monsoon
seasons occurring from November to March. Floods have been recorded in the state
every year over the past decade (Figure 1). Small floods are frequent, occurring
every 2-3 years on average while large floods are generally less frequent.

The December 2014 flood in Kelantan was unprecedented and the largest
recorded flooding event in the century. The flood was preceded by more than a week
of continuous rains, with intense raining period from 14th to 19th December 2014
with rivers exceeded the danger level by 17th December. This was an extreme event
of increased discharge that resulted from a shortterm imbalance between the input
and output of water discharge in the channel. As the discharge increased due to
intense and prolonged rain, the massive water volume surged into the tributaries of
Galas River and Lebir River and thence into the bottleneck of the main Kelantan
River, causing water to overspill the banks in the surroundings of Dabong, Gua
Musang, Manik Urai and Kuala Krai. The situation was exacerbated by tidal impact
from the coast

In the past, locals residing on the floodplains or low-lying areas in Kelantan are
generally accustomed to recurrent floods and have traditionally adapted to the
phenomena through appropriate dwelling architecture and practices. As the rate of
development escalated settlements expanded in the floodplains. The advancement
of the technology contributed to change the flood adaptation approach over time.

In an attempt to protect the built-up areas, various structural measures were taken
including the construction of levees and development of more efficient drainage
systems, thus resulting in less frequent floods in the economically important areas.
These measures contributed to a deceptive sense of security and overdevelopment
in areas adjacent to the major rivers. Recent development saw the cessation of
stilted and elevated houses and other practices that are more adaptable to floods.

This may have been a contributing factor to the severe impact experienced during
the flood event in 2014.

During the flood, large parts of Kelantan were inundated, causing the relocation of
as much as 151,072 residents on 29 December 2014 (Bernama, 2014) and 10
deaths (e-banjir, 2014). In Kuala Krai, hundreds of the flood victims residing in the
low floodplains fled to nearby mountains and were trapped there for several days.
The estimated losses is about 2.8 billion ringgit. The actual losses are higher
considering loss of economic productivity, compensation to victims, reconstruction,
among others flood. This contributed to the large amount of sediment deposition
along the river as the flood waters receded. The topography along the river has
changed significantly due to this process

At Kampung Tualang Bridge overlooking the Dabong train station, the flood level
was at the height of a fourstorey school building (Figure 5). It was reported that
during the onset of the flood, residents had to abandon the building, which served as
a shelter and take temporary refuge on a nearby bridge of higher elevation. The
Galas is a tributary of the Kelantan River with high flow that meanders through Kuala
Krai and Gua Musang. The river was expanded after the flood with significant
erosion of the river bank and damage to vegetation (Figure 6). Land clearing has
been identified as one of the factors that contributed to the unprecedented degree of
erosion and sedimentation. Land clearing was observed on the hillslope upstream
next to the Galas River, while an extended point bar was formed from sediments
deposited during the recent flood (Figure 7). Sedimentation with thickness of about
1.2 m was observed along the bank consisting of coarse

The physical impacts of some of the highly affected areas in Kelantan i.e. Kuala
Krai and Dabong could still be discerned eight months after the flooding event. The
area is drained by three main rivers namely the Kelantan, Galas and Lebir Rivers.

The Galas and Lebir Rivers are the main tributaries to the Kelantan River,
converging in Kuala Krai.

At Pengkalan Krai Jetty in Kuala Krai town, located along Kelantan River, flood
remnants indicate that water levels were as high as 15 m. Flood remains hanging
high on the tree branches serve as indicators of the water level .Vegetation damage
can be observed along the Kelantan River due to flood erosion and a significant
extension of point bars was also observed due to intense sedimentation . The alluvial
sediment covering Kelantan River basin is highly erodible and was subject to intense
erosion during the grained sand to gravel The headwater stream, the uppermost
tributary stream in the Galas River network is located at Gunung Stong . Headwater
streams trap floodwaters, recharge groundwater supply, remove pollution, provide
fish and wildlife habitat and sustain the health downstream of the river.

It is important to prevent deforestation and irresponsible mining in this area as it may

alter the headwater streams, affecting the ecological condition and health of the
Galas River network.

In addition to direct impacts such as loss of life and damage property and
infrastructure, flood disasters typically instigate cascading effects to humans and the
environment. Such cascading effects include health problems related to sanitation
and significant loss of income to local communities, among others. Floods also often
lead to surface and groundwater contamination and environmental pollution related
to waste management problems. A thorough understanding of the nature of these
problems is important in order to take appropriate actions to address the issues and
to promote well-being of humans and the environment through sustainable land use
and development


In conclusion, Malaysia has not been effective in managing flood disasters despite
its vast experience and huge amount of expenditure spent. The country is now a
rapidly developing country on the verge of becoming a newly-industrialising country.
Hence, it is anticipated that future floods would be more severe given the context of
bigger populations, more intensive agriculture and expanding industries, all of which
can magnify flood effects. Other context, largely structural, such as persistent
poverty, low residential and occupational mobility, landlessness, and ethnic culture
have also contributed to increased vulnerability to flood hazards amongst specific
communities, mainly the poor. Thus, in order to better manage floods and move
towards greater flood loss reduction, flood management must be given a higher
salience on official agendas. Flood Disaster Preparedness, Flood Warning System,
Flood Evacuation Plan and Flood Disaster Risk Management of Impacts in the
country are all areas that need to be improved to ensure reduction of flood risks as
well as reduce flood impacts.



Flash floods was one of the most common and destructive weather-related
phenomena that Malaysia experienced.In fact, due to the construction of
development that the country is undergoing.Several factor contribute to flooding is
the heavy rain mostly from November to March.that is a monsoon season.Flash
flooding occurs when a barrier holding back water fails or when waterfalls too quickly
on saturated soil or dry soil that has poor absorption ability. With high level of runoff
due to the concentration of building and other infrastructure,urban areas are
particularly prone to flash flood damage and the flash flooding have increased in
recent decades.

Flash flooding have many reason for it occurrence.One of them is the due of
heavy rain and causing floods.Yan,Kedah was faced with a flash flood from the
foothill of Mount Jerai.The flash flood happened on 18th august 2021.The flash
floods with muddy was hit surrounding location.One of that is gunung Jerai resort.the
road is difficulty to access and have affected approximately 879 families.Floods may
also cause millions of dollars worth of damage to a city.Other than that, the
destruction of farms has cause the increase of vegetable price.

Flash floods cannot be stopped. However there are ways to prevent from
repeating itself.The state government can create of floods plains example widened
the stream its help by hindering the accumulation of water by providing a route for
the drainage of water.Road tunnel (SMART) one of several project that been done to
reduce the flash floods.


From what can I got from this report is, my reflection is I’m very sure that the places
that always had flash floods are within the urban areas. As we know, Klang Valley is
the area that contains more urban areas within it. From what can I see, the
urbanisation in this area is kinda fast than the other states. Yes, the local
enforcement is very good at developing the facilities within the area but it seems like
they lack of the ideas to prevent the flash floods from happening. From what can
these areas can get despite of the advantages, as the exchange of it these places
always get flooded by water cause of many building and facilities were added
instead of expanding the drains. So, it is necessary for the local enforcement to get
interfere in this issue. The federal government also have to add the budget for
developing the flood insulations to prevent floods from getting worse every year.

Besides, I think my collaboration and contribution in making this report is I tried to

find articles, news, magazines and also the websites for adding the informations in
this report so that I can feel like I’m the one among them. So far, the team
collaboration and interaction are just fine because most of the team members have
responded for this report and everyone know their role and duty. Hence, everyone is
taking this report seriously and want to make their best for finish this report. On the
other hands, my strength and weakness in making this report is I can find so many
sources and managed to get the proper ways to get the information to be attached in
this report. My weakness is I can’t manage my times for reading the articles since so
many distractions around me because of I don’t have my own study place and the
constructions that annoyed me.

In the addition, what can I learnt from making this report is I can somehow explore
many new experience because of the interactions between my team members since
I don’t converse with people such a long time since the SPM not including my best
friends at my school days in the additional besides my efforts for searching the
helpful informations. From what can I conclude, the government should take this
issue seriously and ask the people for their feedback to improve the drain systems
so that this issue can be fixed shortly in the future so that the mutual good can be


For my reflection that I got from this report is, that the flash flood usually happen in Malaysia and usually happen in east coast
zone. Furthermore, we as Malaysian citizens we know that east coast zone such as Terengganu, Kelantan and Pahang usually
affected with flash flood disaster. Plus, from this report also I gain some new knowledge which is why flash flood happen in cities
and town. This happen because urban areas are more likely to experience this type of “surface water” flooding because they have
a lot of hard surfaces which is everything from paved front gardens to roads, car parks and high streets.

Besides that, my collaboration and contribution on this report is, I could explain back about this report task towards my team
members. From my explanation also, they could did this work well. Other than that, I also teach my team members that faced
problems to find information for this report. Our team collaboration also goes run smoothly. Plus, we also had a discussion through
Google meet. Apart from this, the interaction between team members are goes well and all can give cooperation on this report task.
My current strengths is to be honesty and passion towards my work. I have been positive and confident according my aims and
targets. Moreover, I have ability to motivate others and do team work. I am also a responsible person, when I make a target, I work
all days and night to achieve my goal. For the weakness, I faced to get tense and feel over burdened when there are too many
tasks to be done. Sometimes when things do not work out properly, I get tension and my behavior changes with the people around
me. Furthermore, that I have learnt on this task is, I able to gain more new knowledge about flash flood. Other than that, I also
realize that this natural disaster could gives a big impact towards earth and humans. Plus, I know that the Floods Disaster Risk
Management need to take action early on affected area from being culture shock towards this disaster. In addition, for my opinion,
people that lived in affected area need to prepared themselves to face with this disaster because once heavy rainy starts, flash
flood could happen. Thus, they also need to keep all important documents into the safe place. In conclusion, flooding can cause
many bad effect to our activities life, commercial or industrials activities.


For my reflection that I got from this report is, Floods in Malaysia are regular natural disasters which happen nearly every year
especially during the monsoon season. What I learn from my report is flooding is defined as the accumulation of water within a
water body and the overflow of excess water onto adjacent floodplain land. The floodplain is the land adjoining the channel of a
river, ocean, lake or other water body that is susceptible to flooding. Rainfall distribution patterns in Malaysia are influenced by the
seasonal wind flow patterns and the local topographic features. Malaysia experienced the northeast monsoon season commences
in early November and ends in March.

Next, my collaboration and contribution on this report is I was divided into tasks to write a report based on ideas given by my
teammates. We discussed using google meet medium without any problems and exchanging opinions with each other. So we
divide the tasks fairly and equitably. We make it with great diligence and make sure it is ready before the due date.

My strength right now is to stay motivated to achieve the targets I want. I one of the team members must reprimand if there is a
teammate who is not responsible for carrying out the task. This is because, the assignments given are group work so all members
have to play their respective roles. I need to always think positive to be a dean student in all subjects.For the weakness, I'm a
person who gets angry when people don't do their jobs. Moreover, we are now unable to face each other so we can't see whether
our group members do the work or not. I am also a weak person in english so, it's hard for me to convey what I want to convey but I
still try and keep learning if I want to succeed.

Lastly, what i can learn from this task is the danger of flash floods as it can be life threatening. The authorities need to find the
cause of the flash floods. Flash floods can occur overnight and to recede takes 4 to 6 hours. Flash floods can damage property
such as cars and necessities. Flash floods can also cause humans and animals to contract infectious diseases. We must take care
of ourselves and our health to stay healthy and in good condition and safe.


For my reflection that I got from this report is, that the flash flood usually happen in Malaysia and usually happen in east coast
zone. We should know in Malaysia located on the equator and has a hot and rainy climate throughout the year. And as a result of
this report I learned little about why it can happen, its happen because Floods may occur as a result of overflow of water from water
reservoirs, such as rivers, lakes, or oceans, where water overflows or breaks embankments, causing some of the water to exceed
normal boundaries, or it may occur as a result of rainwater accumulation in saturated soils in flooded areas.

my collaboration and contribution on this report is because this is group work so I have made findings and discussion with my
friends. And I look for articles and information from the internet and from my friends.

my collaboration and contribution on this report is can what to say here, all my teams have given a very good cooperation and

did not do much trouble people. they have worked hard to prepare this report. We also finally managed to complete this report
before the submission strengths and weaknesses while doing this task is that I can find articles and news that are suitable
for disasters that have happened in Malaysia and can do my job smoothly but my weaknesses is I still need guidance from my
group so that what goes is right and not run of the format.

what I have learned is the importance of keeping yourself and others safe what if a natural disaster occurs. this made me
realize what to be careful of when a natural disaster occurs. And I have also learned about the spirit of teamwork when doing this
task together.

In conclusion, the government must play an important role in controlling natural disasters that have occurred and must be
vigilant if these incidents recur. and the people must also be aware of the importance of maintaining personal and family safety so
as not to lose their loved ones.

REFERENCES (please use spacing 1.5)

1. Drainage and Irrigation Department (1988), Flood Forecasting and Warning Systems in Malaysia, Unpublished Paper of the
Hydrological Section, Drainage and Irrigation Department, Ampang Branch.
2. Hj Ahmad Hussaini (2007) “Flood and drought management in Malaysia”, Speech Given on 21 June 2007, Ministry of
Natural Resources and Environment, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
6. Flood and Flash Flood Geo-Hazards in Malaysia, F. S. Buslima1*, R. C. Omar1, Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin2, Hairin Taha1
,Forensic Engineering Group, Institute of Energy Infrastructure, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Geology Programme, Faculty of
Science & Technology, National University of Malaysia.

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