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Republic of the Philippines


Malacabac, Batobato, San Isidro
Davao Oriental, Philippines 8209

Educ 117 Teaching

Multigrade classes

Prepared by:
Jocelyn P. Cabrera

EDUC 117
Lesson 1 Multi – grade Teaching

Lesson Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Distinguish multigrade teaching and,
 Differentiate multigrade classes from composite and multi –age classes.


Multigrade teaching
It is important from the beginning to establish a common understanding
of what Multigrade teaching is, and what it involves. There are many different
viewpoints and understandings of Multigrade teaching at present amongst
teachers in PNG schools. Availability of information is limited, so teachers may
form their own ideas on what Multigrade teaching involves, and they may not
be consistent with each other.

 A Multigrade class is made up of students in several (two or three) grade

levels with one teacher for an entire school year.
 Multigrade schools are those which have classes that combine students
of different ages and different abilities in one classroom.
 A Multigrade class involves students of different ages and developmental
levels, with different skills and learning abilities learning together with
one teacher.
 Multigrade should remain as a class for a minimum of two (2) years but
often for three (3) years. They should have the same classroom teacher
for all those years.

Multigrade teaching occurs in primary education when a teacher has two

teach two or more primary school student grades in the same class. More
general term and probably more accurate is that multigrade teaching refers to
the teaching of students of different ages, grades and abilities in the same
group. The multigrade class structure is known by various names in different
countries; these include "composite" or "combination" classes, "double" classes,
"split" classes, "mixed-age" classes, "vertically grouped" classes, "multiple
classes", "family classes" or "multilevel classes".

What is the difference between Multigrade, Multiage and Composite

When you talk to teachers or read information about Multigrade, you will
come across these different terms. Multigrade we have already defined as a
class of more than one grade level taught by the same teacher in the same
room, but it is the way that the students are taught and the organization of the
teaching program that differs.

EDUC 117
Composite Classes
Composite classes are two or more classes working in the same room
with one teacher, but usually with separate programs. For example, the Grade
4 will be following the syllabus for their grade, and the Grade 5 likewise. The
curriculum is still structured and taught strictly in separate grades. This sort
of teaching is syllabus driven; the teacher sticking rigidly to the curriculum for
that level.

Most classes in PNG are already multi-age. There can be a wide range of
ages in anyone class, varying by quite a number of years sometimes. In the
traditional class, all students in the class will be working on the grade
curriculum, despite their age differences. In this sense, the teaching is also
syllabus driven, as there is no special consideration for the differences in age or

Multigrade teaching is different in two main ways:

 The curriculum for the grades being combined is integrated, that is,
common elements from the different year programs are combined into
one program for the class. There is not two or three separate programs
operating, just one that provides different levels of challenge to the
 The learning is student centred, not grade level centred, so students have
the opportunity to work at their level of ability, through the different
levels of activities provided by the teacher. The needs of the student
determine the teaching and learning; learning is student driven.

Multigrade is Not
 Multigrade is not one teacher running between two classrooms to teach
two separate grades with separate programs.
 Multigrade is not two classes working in isolation in the same room,
seated at each end of the classroom and being taught separate programs
by one teacher.

EDUC 117


Direction: Based on what you have learned, write your own definition of multi-grade



Direction: Give your insights about the topics in this lesson.

Topics What i learned?

Multi – grade classes

Composite classes

Multi –age classes


Research and study about Theoretical overview of multigrade teaching.

EDUC 117
Lesson 2

Lesson Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to:

 Determine the theoretical overview of multi-grade teaching.


Theoretical overview of multigrade teaching

Multigrade schools were the first kind of schools in North America. The
one room school house was the most common model of formal education
programs for elementary school children before the 1880s. It was then before
the single grade classes were organized.
In the Philippines, the first mission schools were organized as multi-
grade schools. Single grade schooling was introduced during the early 1900s
by the Americans. Multigrade schools were organized as matter of necessity for
remote barangggays. Aside from the limited enrolment, the distance of the
baranggay to a school, teacher shortage, lack of funds for school bulidings and
other facilities also led to the organization of multigradeschools in the different
parts of the country.
In multigrade schools a relatively small number of teachers try to be
effective in their educational work while dealing simultaneously with a number
of pupils of different ages, educational levels and needs. It follows that for
children to learn effectively in multigrade environments; teachers need to be
well trained, well resourced, and able to meet highly demanding teaching tasks
and to hold positive attitudes to multigrade teaching.

Multigrade classrooms ought to be taken seriously into account since

such schools are considered to play important role on providing access to
education for all in remote, isolated and underdeveloped rural areas. Such
schools are more than a reality in primary education in many regions of
Europe, Latin America, Asia, Africa and the rest of the world constituting a very
common educational form in problematic rural areas, sparsely inhabited
regions and urban areas with adverse social conditions.

In such areas multigrade schools not only aim to give enrolment and
continuous attendance in school environments, but also to provide knowledge
and pedagogy of good standards and in addition to play a wider role in social

In most of the cases the multigrade school is the only viable school
formation in rural environment and the effort should be focused on improving
the teaching and learning conditions in this school formation. Multigrade
teaching is presented as a powerful pedagogical tool for promoting independent
and individualized learning. This kind of teaching and learning seem to have
great advantages since the teaching programme is adjusted to the specific
needs of the individual student and thus contributes to better learning
outcomes. Multigrade school provide the best test bench for research and
investigation of the usefulness of individualized teaching since personalized
education is a basis that gives solutions at the multigrade setting and thus is

EDUC 117
widely adopted.

Multigrade schools have potential and play important role as educational

units in underserved rural areas. In addition multigrade schools could present
good teaching and learning practices useful and applicable in all kind of
schools and classrooms. The unfortunate reality is though that these schools
form the most neglected part of the education system. National educational
authorities, ministries of education and pedagogical institutions most of the
times do not take into account or recognize or consider important the
differentiation on the teaching and learning conditions in the multigrade
environment. The formation of the school in multigrade classrooms is in most
cases considered as a "necessary evil" situation that is adopted just to fulfill the
obligation of the official state for providing education for all. As far as this is
the main goal of the state, to fulfill an obligation, then much less attention is
paid to provide quality education or to support the specialized needs of the
teachers working multigrade schools. Due to the geographical oddities, the
socio-economic peculiarities and the lack of adequate school infrastructure and
personnel, these schools still remain at the education's world cut off.



EDUC 117

Criteria Points Breakdown

Content 4 4 points for a minimum of 5
correct sentences, 3 points
for only 3 correct sentences,
2 points for 2 correct
sentences, 1 point for only
one correct sentence.
Grammar 1 1 point for no grammatical

1. What are the main reasons why multigrade classrooms were established in
early 1990s?
2. On what way does multi-grade schools helps the underserved rural areas?
3. As a future educator, are you willing to become a multi – grade teacher?
4. Why is it important for multigrade classrooms to be taken seriously into
5. Do you agree that multi-grade classes are given less attention and fewer
budgets by the government? Explain.


Research and study the roles of a multi-grade teacher.

EDUC 117
EDUC 117

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