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BAB (b)
Daya dan Gerakan II
1 Force and Motion II T
1.1 Daya Paduan
Resultant Forces
1 Daya tunggal yang mewakili jumlah (secara vektor)
dua atau lebih daya bertindak ke atas satu objek.
The single force that represents the (vector) sum of two or
more forces acting on an object.
2 (a) F = 12 + 5 = 17 N (ke kanan/ to the right)
(b) F = 500 + 200 = 700 N
3 (a) F = 12 + (–5) = 7 N (ke kanan/ to the right) (c) R
(b) F = 500 + (–200) = 300 N
4 (a) Skala/ Scale: 1 cm = 2 N a
2.5 cm = 5 N TE
6 cm = 12 N F2
F = 7.5 cm × 2 N cm–1 = 15 N
(b) Skala/ Scale: 1 cm = 2 N Keadaan gerakan
kereta Perbandingan daya
F F2 States of motion of the Forces comparison
2.5 cm = 5 N
O (a) v=0
6 cm = 12 N F1 a=0 W=R
F = 7.5 cm × 2 N cm–1 = 15 N F=0
5 Skala/ Scale:1 cm = 2 N (b) v malar
F2 v constant W=R
a=0 T = FR
6 cm = 3 000 N F F=0
50° (c) v bertambah
v increases
8 cm = 4 000 N F1 T > FR
F = T – FR
F = 12.5 cm × 500 N cm–1 F≠0
= 6 250 N (Ke kanan/ Ke depan) 9 (a)
(To the right/ Forward) R
6 gambar rajah yang menunjukkan semua daya yang
bertindak ke atas objek itu sahaja.
a diagram that shows all the forces that only acting on that
7 (a) R


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(b) R = mg (b) (i) FX = 1 500 cos 60° = 750 N
= 50 × 9.81 (ii) FY = 1 500 sin 60° = 1 299 N
= 490.5 N 5 (a)
(c) R = mg + ma
= 490.5 + (50 × 2)
= 590.5 N
(d) R = mg – ma
= 490.5 – 0
= 490.5 N 30°
10 (a) R Fy

(b) (i) FX = –100 cos 30° = –86.6 N
(ii) FY = –100 sin 30° = –50 N
W T (c) FX : Menggerakkan mesin rumput ke
Moves the lawnmower to the left
FY : Menolak ke bawah tanah
Push downward to the ground
(d) Jumlah daya ke bawah
Total downward force
(b) Sama// W = R / Equal = 300 + 50 = 350 N
(c) F = ma (e) FY = 100 sin 30° = 50 N
= 2.0 × 5.0 Jumlah daya ke bawah
= 10.0 N Total downward force
(d) F = T – S = 300 + (– 50) = 250 N
T=F+S 6 (a) W = mg
= 10.0 + 4.0 = 1 500 × 10
= 14.0 N = 15 000 N
(e) F = ma = 5m; B = mg = 9.81m (b) FX = 15 000 sin 30° = 7 500 N
F=B–T (c) FY = 15 000 cos 30° = 12 990 N
5m = 9.81m – 14.0 (d) F = 7 500 – 2 500 = 5 000 N
4.81m = 14.0 (e) F = ma
m = 14.0 4.81 5 000
= 2.91 kg a=
1 500
= 3.33 m s–2
1.2 Leraian Daya
Resolution of Forces 1.3 Keseimbangan Daya
1 Proses meleraikan satu daya tunggal kepada dua Force in Equilibrium
komponen daya. 1 Daya paduan bertindak ke atas objek adalah sifar.
The process of resolving a force into two components of Resultant force acts on an object is zero.
Fy Fx 2 (a)
2 (a) sin θ = cos θ =
(b) Fx = F cos θ 30°
(c) Fy = F sin θ T1
3 (a) Fx = 200 cos 50° = 128.6 N W
Fy = 200 sin 50° = 153.2 N
(b) Fx = –75 sin 70° = –70.5 N
Fy = –75 cos 70° = –25.7 N
(c) Fx = 6 cos 60° = 3.0 N T2
Fy = –6 sin 60° = –5.2 N
4 (a)
FX 30° 50°

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(c) Inference: The force acted on a spring influences the
extension of spring.
Hipotesis: Semakin bertambah daya, semakin
bertambah pemanjangan spring
Hypothesis: The higher the force, the longer
the extension of the spring
W Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara daya dengan
pemanjangan spring
Aim: To study the relationship between force and extension
f of a spring
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Daya
3 (a) R Manipulated variable: Force
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Pemanjangan spring
f Responding variable: Extension of spring
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kekerasan spring
Constant variable: Hardness of spring
Radas: Spring dengan panjang 20 cm, pemberat berslot,
pembaris meter, kaki retort, jarum peniti
Apparatus: Spring of length 20 cm, slotted weight, metre
W rule, retort stand, needle
θ Langkah berjaga-jaga: Pastikan beban yang digunakan
sesuai supaya spring kembali ke panjang asal
Precautions: Make sure the load used is suitable so that the
(b) Skala/ Scale: 1 cm = 20 N spring will return to the original length
Keputusan/ Result:
(i) lo= 20 cm
R 40°
m (g) F (N) l (cm) x (cm)
2.3 cm
50 0.5 20.8 0.8
100 1.0 21.5 1.5
1.9 cm 3 cm 150 1.5 22.4 2.4
f 200 2.0 23.3 3.3
250 2.5 24.0 4.0
R = 2.3 cm × 20 = 46 N (ii)
f = 2 × 20 = 40 N
4 (a) (b) T 15
sin 45° sin 90°
45° T
15 sin 45°
sin 90° 2.5
W = 10.6 N



1.4 Kekenyalan
1 Kebolehan objek untuk kembali kepada saiz atau bentuk 0.5
asal apabila daya luar yang bertindak ke atasnya dialihkan.
The property of material that enables an object to return to its
original shape and size after the force applied on it is removed. 0
x (cm)
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

1.9 – 0
EKSPERIMEN 1.1 (iii) m =
3.0 – 0
Inferens: Daya yang dikenakan ke atas spring = 0.63 N cm–1
mempengaruhi pemanjangan spring. x = 0.04 m

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(iv) Luas di bawah graf, Praktis Sumatif
Area under the graph,
= 12 × 2.5 × 0.04 KERTAS 1
= 0.05 N m–1 1 A 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 A
(v) Daya berkadar terus dengan pemanjangan 6 D 7 D
Force directly proportional to the extension of spring.
Perbincangan/ Discussion: Bahagian A
(i) Kecerunan graf: Pemalar spring 1 (a) Hukum Hooke/ Hooke’s law
Gradient of the graph: Spring constant 10 – 0
Luas di bawah graf: Tenaga keupayaan kenyal (b) k = m =
Area under the graph: Elastic potential energy
(ii) pemanjangan spring adalah berkadar terus = 2.5 N cm–1
dengan daya yang dikenakan dengan syarat (c) Tenaga tersimpan = Luas di bawah graf
Energy stored = Area under the graph
tidak melebihi had kenyal.
the extension of a spring is directly proportional to the 1
= Fx
force applied on the spring provided the elastic limit 2
of the spring is not exceeded. 1
= × 10 × 0.04
(iii) F = kx 2
2 Tenaga yang dimiliki oleh bahan kenyal. = 0.2 N m–1
Energy possess by an elastic material. 1 (a) (ii) dan (d)
3 Daya yang diperlukan untuk meregangkan satu unit W/N
pemanjangan spring.
Force required to extend one unit of extension of spring.
4 Daya maksimum yang boleh dikenakan pada spring itu
supaya spring itu kembali ke panjang asal apabila daya
itu dialihkan.
Maximum force that can be applied so that the spring will
return to its original length if the force is removed. 10
Kesan ke atas Kesan ke atas 8
pemalar spring kekenyalan
Effect on the spring Effect on the 6
constant elasticity
(i) Lebih tinggi Kurang kenyal
Higher Less elasticity 2

(ii) Lebih rendah Lebih kenyal 0 x / cm

Lower More elastic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Bahagian B
(i) Lebih tinggi Kurang kenyal
(b) 2 (a) Daya yang menentang gerakan
Higher Less elasticity
Force that opposes motion
(b) (i) WC = 400 sin 30°
(ii) Lebih rendah Lebih kenyal
= 200 N
Lower More elastic
(ii) F = 200 - 120
= 80 N
(i) Lebih tinggi Kurang kenyal (iii) F = ma
Higher Less elasticity 80
(ii) Lebih rendah Lebih kenyal = 2 m s–2
Lower More elastic (c) Pada sudut 30°, WC > daya geseran.
Maka, daya paduan bertindak // daya tak seimbang.
(i) Lebih tinggi Kurang kenyal Pada sudut 17.5°, WC = daya geseran.
Higher Less elasticity Maka, daya paduan sifar// daya seimbang.
At angle of 30°, WC > frictional force.
(ii) Lebih rendah Lebih kenyal Then, the resultant force acted.
At angle of 17.5°, WC = frictional force.
Lower More elastic
Then the resultant force is zero// forces are in equilibrium.

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(d) Aspek Alasan Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Ketumpatan cecair
Constant variable: Density of liquid
Aspects Reason
Radas: Silinder penyukat 500 ml, tiub silikon, corong tisel
Kaedah tolak Daya ke bawah, FY, besar dengan muncung ditutup oleh kepingan getah nipis,
Push method Large downward force, FY tiub-U, pembaris meter, kaki retort, air dan pewarna
Jumlah daya ke bawah Apparatus: 500 ml measuring cylinder, silicone tube, thistle funnel
Jisim besar (W + FY) besar/ stabil with its mouth closed by a thin sheet of rubber, U-tube,
Large mass Total downward force meter ruler, retort stand, water and food colouring
(W + FY) larger/ stable Keputusan/ Result:
Bilah pemotong Potong lebih banyak
besar rumput Perbezaan ketinggian aras air,
Kedalaman air,
Large cutter blade Cut more grass D/ cm
h/ cm
Difference in height of water columns,
Depth of water, h/ cm
Sudut di antara Daya dikenakan ke bawah D/ cm
pemegang dengan FY besar (FY = F sin θ, θ
10.0 3.2
garis ufuk besar besar, FY besar)
Large angle between Large force acting downward, 20.0 6.4
the handle and the FY (F = F sin θ, large θ, large 30.0 9.6
horizontal line FY )
40.0 12.8
Mesin rumput M dipilih kerana menggunakan
50.0 16.0
kaedah tolak, berjisim besar, bilah pemotong
besar dan sudut di antara pemegang besar. (ii)
D (cm)
Lawnmower M is chosen because using push method,
large mass, large blade and large angle between handle.

2 Pressure

2.1 Tekanan Cecair

Pressure in Liquids
1 (a) m = ρV = ρAh h (cm)
(b) W = mg = ρAhg
(c) F = ρAhg (iii) Tekanan cecair berkadar terus dengan kedalaman
(d) P = ρgh cecair.
ρ: Ketumpatan cecair/ Density of liquid The liquid pressure is directly proportional to the depth of
h: Kedalaman cecair/ Depth of liquid liquid.
g: Pecutan graviti/ Gravitational acceleration Perbincangan/ Discussion:
(e) Pascal (Pa) // N m–2 // kg m–1 s–2 (i) Tekanan cecair/ Liquid pressure
2 Kedalaman cecair/ Depth of liquid (ii) Ya/ Yes
Ketumpatan cecair/ Density of liquid (iii) Berkurang/ Decreases


Inferens: Tekanan cecair bergantung pada kedalaman cecair Inferens: Tekanan cecair bergantung pada ketumpatan cecair
Inference: Liquid pressure depends on depth of liquid Inference: Liquid pressure depends on density of liquid
Hipotesis: Semakin bertambah kedalaman cecair, semakin Hipotesis: Semakin bertambah ketumpatan cecair, semakin
bertambah tekanan cecair bertambah tekanan cecair
Hypothesis: The deeper the liquid, the higher the liquid pressure Hypothesis: The larger the density of the liquid, the higher the
Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara kedalaman cecair liquid pressure
dengan tekanan cecair Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara ketumpatan cecair
Aim: To study the relationship between depth of liquid with liquid dengan tekanan cecair
pressure Aim: To study the relationship between density of liquid with liquid
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Kedalaman cecair
Manipulated variable: Depth of liquid
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Ketumpatan cecair
Manipulated variable: Density of liquid
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Tekanan cecair(perbezaan
ketinggian, D di antara dua turus air di dalam tiub-U) Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas:
Responding variable: Liquid pressure (difference in height, D
Tekanan cecair (perbezaan ketinggian, D di antara dua turus
between two water columns in U-tube) air di dalam tiub-U)

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Responding variable: Liquid pressure (difference in height, D The high position of the water tank will produce a high
between two water columns in U-tube) water pressure. Then, water can flow at high speed
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Kedalaman cecair when the tap is opened.
Constant variable: Depth of liquid (b) Dinding kapal selam dibina dengan tebal dan
Radas: Pembaris setengah meter, tiga buah Bikar 600 ml, daripada bahan yang kuat untuk menahan tekanan
tiub-U, tiub silikon, corong tisel dengan muncung yang tinggi di kawasan laut dalam.
ditutup oleh kepingan getah nipis, kaki retort, pita The submarine wall is thick and built by strong material
pelekat, air, alcohol dan gliserin to withstand high pressure in deep sea region.
Apparatus: Half-meter rule, three 600 ml beakers, U tube, silicone (c) (i) A = B = C// Sama/ Equal
tube, thistle funnel with its mouth covered by a thin (ii) Tekanan di D>Tekanan atmosfera
sheet of rubber, retort stand, masking tape, water, Pressure at D>Atmospheric pressure
alcohol and glycerine (iii) Air akan mengalir keluar
Keputusan/ Result: Water flows out
(i) (iv) Apabila air keluar dari hujung D, wujud
kawasan tekanan rendah di B. Tekanan
Perbezaan atmosfera menolak air masuk ke dalam tiub di
ketinggian turus A secara berterusan.
Jenis cecair cecair, ρ / kg m–3
Type of liquid
air, D / cm The flow of water from end D produces a region of
Density of liquid,
Difference in height of lower pressure at B. Atmospheric pressure pushes
ρ / kg m–3
water columns, D / cm water into the tube at A continuously.
A 790 10.5 2.2 Tekanan Atmosfera
Atmospheric Pressure
Air 1 Tekanan yang disebabkan oleh berat lapisan udara
B 1 000 13.3
Water yang bertindak ke atas permukaan Bumi.
The pressure due to the weight of the layer of air acting on the
Gliserin surface of the Earth.
C 1 300 17.4
Glycerine 2 Pemerhatian/ Observation:
(ii) Apabila ketumpatan cecair bertambah, perbezaan Air tidak tumpah/ Water does not flow out
ketinggian turus air juga bertambah. Penjelasan/ Explanation:
As the density of the liquid increases, the difference in height Daya paduan disebabkan oleh tekanan atmosfera
of the water columns increases. bertindak ke atas permukaan kadbod lebih besar
Perbincangan/ Discussion: daripada berat air di dalam gelas.
(i) Tekanan cecair berkadar terus dengan ketumpatan The resultant force caused by the atmospheric pressure acts
cecair/ The liquid pressure is directly proportional to the on the surface of the cardboard is greater than the weight of
density of liquid the water in the glass.
(ii) Kerana merkuri adalah cecair yang beracun. 3 (a) (i) Tekanan atmosfera = Tekanan di B
Atmospheric pressure = Pressure at B

Because mercury is a poisonous liquid.
3(a) P = ρgh = 76 cm Hg
= 1000 × 9.81 × 2 (ii) Patm = 1.36 × 104 × 10 × 0.76
= 19 620 Pa = 1.03 × 105 Pa
(b) P = ρgh (iii) PX = 76 + 14
= 13 600 × 9.81 × 0.4 = 90 cm Hg
= 53 366.4 Pa (b) (i) perubahan tekanan atmosfera
(c) (i) Tekanan di B lebih tinggi daripada tekanan di change in atmospheric pressure
A. (ii) altimeter; tinggi/ altimeter; higher
Pressure at B is higher than pressure at A.
4 (a) P = 75 – 40
(ii) Tekanan di B sama dengan tekanan di D. = 35 cm Hg
Pressure at B is equal to pressure at D. (b) P = Patm + Pair/water
(iii) P = 1 000 × 9.81 × 2 = 10.3 + 12.5
= 19 620 Pa = 135.3 m H2O
(iv) Ketumpatan paraffin lebih kecil daripada P = ρgh
ketumpatan air. Maka, tekanan di B akan = 1000 × 9.81 × 135.3
berkurang. = 1 327 293 Pa
Density of paraffin is lower than density of water. = 1.33 × 106 Pa

Then, the pressure at B will decrease. 5 Di altitud tinggi/ At high altitude
4 (a) Kedudukan tangki air yang lebih tinggi akan Kesan/ Effect:
menghasilkan tekanan air yang tinggi. Maka, air (c) Kadar metabolisme meningkat
boleh mengalir dengan laju apabila pili dibuka. Increase in the metabolic rate

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(d) Hilang selera makan
Oxygen flows out from the tank. The gas pressure
Loss of appetite decreases until it equal with the atmospheric
(e) Dehidrasi/ Dehydration pressure.
(f) Fikiran menjadi tidak jelas Same level of water.
Inability to think clearly (c) Pgas= 180 – 101
Tindakan/ Action: = 79 kPa
(c) Mendaki dengan perlahan supaya badan dapat Pgas = ρgh
menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan tekanan 79 000 = 13 600 × 9.81 × h
Climb at a slow rate to allow the body to adjust to the h = 0.60 m
changes in pressure
(d) Minum air walaupun tidak dahaga bagi 2.4 Prinsip Pascal
mengelakkan dehidrasi Pascal’s Principle
Drink water even when not thirsty to prevent 1 Tekanan yang dikenakan ke atas bendalir tertutup akan
dehydration dipindahkan secara seragam ke semua arah
6 Di aras kedalaman lampau/ At extreme depth dalam bendalir itu.
Kesan/ Effect: Pressure applied on the surface of a liquid is transmitted
(d) Pembentukan gelembung nitrogen dalam tisu uniformly throughout the liquid.
atau salur darah jika tekanan dikurangkan dengan 2 (a) Daya input dikenakan ke atas omboh input
terlalu cepat Input force is applied on the input piston
Formation of nitrogen bubbles in the tissues or blood Tekanan terhasil pada permukaan cecair di omboh
vessels if pressure is reduced too rapidly input/ The pressure produced on the liquid surface at
Tindakan/ Action: the input piston
(b) Memakai sut penyelam untuk melambatkan Tekanan dipindah secara seragam melalui cecair
kehilangan haba dari badan/ Wear a diving suit to ke omboh output/ Pressure is transmitted uniformly
slow down heat lost from the body throughout the liquid to the output piston
(c) Naik semula dengan perlahan ke permukaan laut Tekanan yang sama bertindak pada permukaan
supaya gelembung nitrogen tidak terbentuk di cecair di omboh output/ The same pressure acts on
dalam tisu dan saluran darah the liquid surface at the output piston
Slowly ascend to sea level so that nitrogen bubbles do Daya output bertindak ke atas omboh output
not form in the tissues and blood vessels Output force acts on the output piston
F1 F2 F1
2.3 Tekanan Gas (b) P1 = (d) =
Gas Pressure A1 A2 A1
1 manometer F2 A2
2 (a) Aras sama/ Same level (c) P2 = (e)
A2 A1
(b) Tekanan gas menolak merkuri ke bawah. Terdapat
perbezaan aras merkuri. 3 (a) (i)
Tuas ditolak ke bawah
The gas pressure push downward the mercury. There is
Handle is pushed downward
difference in mercury levels.
(c) Perbezaan antara tekanan gas dengan tekanan Injap A Injap B
atmosfera Valve A Valve B
Difference between the gas pressure and the
atmospheric pressure
Tutup Buka. Minyak ditolak masuk
(d) PB = Patm + PHg
Close ke omboh besar. Beban naik ke
= 76 + 20
= 96 cm Hg Open. Oil is pushed into the large
(e) PB = Pgas piston.
(f) PB = Patm + PHg The load rises up.
3 (a) (i) Pgas = 40 + 76 = 116 cm Hg
(ii) Pgas = 1.36 × 104 × 10 × 1.16
Tuas ditolak ke bawah
= 1.58 × 105 Pa Handle is pushed downward
(b) (i) Pgas= 380 mm H2O + 756 mm Hg
= (0.38 × 1000 × 9.81) + (0.756 × Injap A Injap B
13 600 × 9.81) Valve A Valve B
= 104 590 Pa
(ii) Oksigen mengalir keluar dari tangki. Buka. Minyak dari takungan Tutup
Tekanan oksigen berkurang sehingga sama masuk ke dalam omboh kecil Close
dengan tekanan atmosfera. Open. Oil from the reservoir enter
Aras air menjadi sama. the small piston.

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(iii) Takat didih minyak tinggi dan tidak boleh An object which is partially or fully immersed in a fluid will
dimampatkan. experience a buoyant force equal to weight of fluid displaced.
The boiling point of oil is high and oil cannot be 4 (a) Daya apungan = Berat objek di udara –
compressed. Berat objek di dalam air
(iii) Tuas digerakkan ke atas dan ke bawah Buoyant force = Weight of object in air –
berulang-kali. Weight of object in water
The handle is pushed downward and pulled upward (b) Isi padu cecair disesarkan
many times. = Isi padu bahagian yang tenggelam
(iv) Buka injap pelepas, minyak mengalir semula Volume of liquid displaced
ke takungan minyak. = Volume of the immersed part
Open release valve, oil flows back into the oil
(c) (i) induk/ master EKSPERIMEN 2.3

(ii) dipindahkan secara seragam Inferens: Daya apungan bergantung kepada berat cecair
transmitted uniformly yang disesarkan
(iii) omboh menekan brek; memperlahankan Inference: Buoyant force depends on weight of liquid displaced
piston to press the brake shoe; slow down Hipotesis: Semakin bertambah berat cecair disesarkan,
(iv) spring akan memaksa omboh roda semakin besar daya apungan
untuk kembali ke kedudukan asal. Hypothesis: The heavier the weight of liquid displaced, the larger
the return spring will force the wheel the buoyant force
piston back to original position. Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara daya apungan dengan
(v) Minyak brek mengalir semula ke silinder induk. berat cecair disesarkan
The brake fluid oil flows back to the master Aim: To study the relationship between buoyant force and weight of
cylinder. liquid displaced
20 Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Berat cecair disesarkan
4 (a) P = = 10 N cm–2 Manipulated variable: Weight of liquid displaced
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Daya apungan
(b) F2 = 10 × 50
Responding variable: Buoyant force
= 500 N
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Ketumpatan cecair
(c) VY = Vx Constant variable: Density of liquid
(2 × 20) = (50 × d) Radas: Pemberat berslot, tin Eureka, bikar, neraca spring,
d = 0.8 cm neraca elektronik, kaki retort dan bongkah kayu dan
A2 air
(d) F2 = × F1 Apparatus: Slotted weight, Eureka can, beaker, spring balance,
electronic balance, retort stand, wooden block and
50 water
= × 20
2 Keputusan/ Result:
= 500 N
Berat pemberat berslot di udara / N
Weight of plasticine in air / N
2.5 Prinsip Archimedes
Archimedes’ Principle
Berat pemberat berslot dalam air / N
1 Daya yang bertindak ke atas apabila terdapat perbezaan 2.0
Weight of plasticine in water / N
tekanan antara permukaan atas dengan permukaan
bawah suatu objek yang terendam di dalam suatu cecair. Kehilangan berat / N
The force acting upwards on an object immersed in a liquid 0.2
Loss in weight / N
when there is pressure difference between the upper surface
and lower surface of the object. Daya apungan / N
4 (a) P1 = ρgh1 0.2
Buoyant force / N
(b) F1 = P1A = ρgAh1
(c) P2 = ρgh2 Jisim bikar kosong / kg
(d) F2 = P2A = ρgAh2 11.0
Mass of empty beaker / kg
(e) F = F2 – F1
= ρgAh2 – ρgAh1 Jisim bikar + air disesarkan / kg
= ρgA (h2 – h1) Mass of beaker + displace water / kg
= ρgAh
F = ρgV Jisim air disesarkan / kg
Mass of water displaced / kg
(f) FB = ρgV
3 Objek yang terendam sebahagian atau sepenuhnya di Berat air disesarkan / N
dalam suatu bendalir mengalami daya apungan yang 0.2
Weight of water displaced/ N
sama dengan berat bendali yang disesarkan.

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Perbincangan/ Discussion: Halaju udara tinggi di bahagian atas dan hasilkan
(i) (a) Sama/ Equal tekanan rendah.
(b) Sama/ Equal The high speed of air at the top and produce low pressure.
(c) Sama/ Equal Halaju udara rendah di bahagian bawah dan
(ii) Daya apungan = Berat cecair yang disesarkan hasilkan tekanan tinggi.
Buoyant force = Weight of liquid displaced The low speed of air at the bottom and produce high
5 (a) Berat objek di udara ialah berat sebenar objek pressure.
Weight of object in air is the actual weight of object Perbezaan tekanan hasilkan daya angkat yang
(b) Berat objek di dalam cecair ialah berat ketara bertindak ke atas kapal terbang.
objek The difference in pressure produces a lift force that acts
Weight of object in liquid is the apparent weight of object on the aeroplane.
(c) Isi padu cecair disesarkan = isi padu bahagian (b) Apabila omboh ditolak, udara akan keluar dari
objek yang terendam di dalam cecair muncung penyembur dengan kelajuan yang tinggi
Volume of liquid displaced = volume of submerged part dan menghasilkan kawasan bertekanan rendah.
of the object When the piston is pushed, the air moves out from the
(d) Kehilangan berat ketara = berat objek di udara – nozzle at high speed and produce low pressure region.
berat di dalam cecair Tekanan atmosfera di luar muncung yang lebih
Apparent loss in weight = weight of an object in the air tinggi telah menolak racun serangga naik ke atas
– weight of an object in liquid melalui tiub logam.
(e) Daya apungan = berat cecair disesarkan The high atmospheric pressure outside pushes the
Buoyant force = weight of liquid displaced insecticide upward through the metal tube.
6 (a) Mengukur ketumpatan cecair Racun serangga dan udara bercampur dan
Measure density of liquid menghasilkan semburan halus.
(b) Supaya hidrometer terapung tegak The insecticide and air produce fine spray.
So that the hydrometer floats vertically upwards
(c) Kerana daya apungan besar Praktis Sumatif
Because of the large buoyant force
(d) Untuk mengesan perubahan kecil// Lebih peka KERTAS 1
To detect small change// More sensitive 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 A 5 B
6 A 7 B 8 C 9 C 10 D
2.6 Prinsip Bernoulli
Bernoulli’s Principle KERTAS 2
1 Apabila halaju pengaliran suatu bendalir bertambah, Bahagian A
tekanan dalam bendalir akan berkurang. 1 (a) Barometer merkuri/ Mercury barometer
When the velocity of a fluid increases, the pressure in the fluid
(b) Vakum/ Vacuum
decreases and vice versa.
(c) 75 cm
2 (a) X < Z < Y
(d) P = ρgh = 1.36 × 104 × 10 × 0.75
(b) X > Z > Y
= 1.02 × 105 Pa
(c) P Q R (d) P = 75 + 15 = 90 cm Hg

Bahagian C
2 (a) Jisim per unit isi padu
Mass per unit of volume
X Y Z (b) Ketinggian belon: Rajah 2.2 > Rajah 2.1
Ketumpatan udara: Rajah 2.2 > Rajah 2.1
(d) Air paling laju di Y manakala tekanan di Y adalah Suhu udara di luar belon: Rajah 2.2 < Rajah 2.1
paling rendah. Tekanan atmosfera di luar yang Semakin rendah suhu udara, semakin tinggi
lebih tinggi akan tolak air ke kawasan tekanan ketumpatan// Suhu udara berkadar songsang
paling rendah. dengan ketumpatan.
Water is the fastest at Y while pressure at Y is the Semakin rendah suhu udara di sekeliling, semakin
lowest. The high atmospheric pressure outside will push bertambah daya apungan// Daya apungan
the water to the lowest pressure region. berkadar songsang dengan suhu udara.
3 (a) Height of balloon: Diagram 2.2 > Diagram 2.1
Density of air: Diagram 2.2 > Diagram 2.1
Temperature of air outside the balloon:
Diagram 2.2 < Diagram 2.1
The higher temperature of air, the lower density of air//
The temperature of air inversely proportional to the
density of air.

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+ + _ _

The higher temperature, the lower the buoyant force// SB3-1
The buoyant force inversely proportional to the
temperature of air.
__ __
(c) Ketumpatan gas yang rendah// Berat belon yang ++ ++

Daya apungan = ρvg
Daya apungan berkadar terus dengan ketumpatan
_ _ _ _
Daya apungan = berat udara disesarkan// SB3-2+ +
_ _ + + _ _
+ +
_ _ > jumlah berat belon _ _
+ + + + _ _ + + _ _
Density of gas low// Weight of balloon lighter _ _ + + _ _
_ _ _ _
Buoyant force = = ρvg + +
Buoyant force is directly proportional to density of air.
Buoyant force = weight of air displaced// 3
daya elektrik yang bertindak ke atas seunit cas positif
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Buoyant force > weight of balloon SB3-3 SB3-3

SB3-2 yang terletak
__ pada titik itu.
(d) _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ __ _
the electric force acting on a unit of positive charge placed at
Aspek Alasan the point.
Aspect Reason
Rumus/Formula: E =
Helium//+ Hidrogen
+ Ketumpatan rendah/ Ringan
+ + ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + Unit S.I/S.I unit: Newton per coulomb (N C–1)
Helium// Hydrogen Low density// Lighter E: Kekuatan medan elektrik/ Electric field strength
_ _ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ _ _
F: Daya elektrik/ Electric force
Gas berketumpatan rendah Ringan q: Kuantiti cas Quantity of electricSB3-5
+ + elektrik/
__ charge
+ + _ _+ + __
Low density of gas Lighter
4 Rumus/Formula: E =
Bahan belon kenyal// Kuat SB3-4Tahan lama// Tahan lasak//
SB3-4 d
Material of balloon elastic// Tidak bocor Unit S.I/S.I unit: Volt per meter (V m–1) SB3
0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6

0.4 00.6 0.4 00.6
strong Long lasting// Durable (a) (i) positif; negatif/ positive; negative
0.2 0.2 .8 0.8 0.2 0.2 .8 0.8
0 0 0 0



(ii) dineutralkan; negatif; positif;
Bahan belon ketumpatan _ ++ _
neutralised; negative; positive
_ ++ _
+ +_ _ + + _ +_ + _ _
rendah Ringan (iii) berayun berulang-alik di antara kedua-dua
Low density material of Lighter
plat logam
balloon oscillate between two metal plates
Belon kalis air// Kalis 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0 SB3-6
(iv) bertambah; berkurang; bertambah
0.2 0.8
Elak resapan 0.2 0.8
0.2 .8 0.2 .8

0 0 0 0
increases; decreases; increases





Avoid absorption (b) (i) X: Positif/Positive Y: Negatif/Negative

+ Air
+_ proof
_ balloon + +_ _
(ii) X Y
Kenyal// Ringan// Tahan
Belon nylon
koyak// Kuat
Nylon balloon
Elastic// Light// Strong
Daya apungan lebih besar// + –
Isi padu udara sesar lebih EHT
Belon saiz besar
Large size of balloon
besar VLT
Large buoyant force// Large
(iii) Mengionkan molekul udara
volume of air displaced
Ionised the air molecules

6 kadar pengaliran cas dalam satu konduktor.
SB2-15 BAB SB2-16
SB2-16 the rate of flow of charge in a conductor.
3 Electricity
Rumus/Formula: I =

3.1 Arus dan Beza Keupayaan t

Current and Potential Difference Unit S.I/S.I unit: Ampere (A)
1 Kawasan di mana cas akan mengalami daya elektrik. 7 kerja yang dilakukan untuk menggerakkan satu
The region where a charge will experience an electric force. coulomb cas di antara dua titik tersebut.
2 the work done in moving one coulomb of charge from one
point to another.
__ Rumus/Formula: V = atau/ or V =
++ Q Q
Unit S.I/S.I unit: Joule per coulomb (J C–1)
atau/ or volt (V)

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8 Q = It = 0.5 × (2 × 60 × 60)
Malar Meningkat
= 3 600 C Constant Increases
Q 20
9 I= = Malar Meningkat
t 50 Constant Increases
= 0.4 A
E 2 (a) (i) R = 2 + 4 + 6 = 12 Ω
10 V= = V 6
Q 5 (ii) I = =
R 12
= 5.0 V
= 0.5 A
3.2 Rintangan (iii) V1 = 0.5 × 2 = 1.0 V
Resistance V2 = 0.5 × 4 = 2.0 V
1 Arus yang mengalir melalui suatu konduktor Ohm V3 = 0.5 × 6 = 3.0 V
berkadar langsung dengan beza keupayaan yang 1 1 1 1
merentasi konduktor jika suhu dan sifat fiziknya malar. (b) (i) = + = → R1= 2 Ω
R1 6 3 2
The electric current, l flowing through an ohmic conductor is
directly proportional to the potential difference across it if the R=2+4=6Ω
temperature and other physical conditions are constant. 3
I = = 0.5 A
(ii) V = 0.5 × 2 = 1.0 V
(iii) I = = 0.17 A
Inferens: Arus mempengaruhi kecerahan mentol 6
Inference: Current influences the brightness of the bulb 1
(c) R = 8 + 2.5 +
Hipotesis: Semakin bertambah arus, semakin bertambah 1 1
beza keupayaan 6 2
Hypothesis: The higher the current, the higher the potential = 12 Ω
diference 24
Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara arus dan beza I = 12 = 2 A
keupayaan V1 = 2 × 1.5 = 3.0 V
Aim: To study the relationship between current and potential
difference I1 = 6 = 0.5 A
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Arus 3 (a) Panjang dawai/ Length of wire
Manipulated variable: Current
(b) Luas keratan dawai/ Cross-sectional of wire
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Beza keupayaan (c) Kerintangan dawai/ Resistivity of wire
Responding variable: Potential difference
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Panjang konduktor//
Diameter dawai EKSPERIMEN 3.2
Constant variable: Length of conductor// Diameter of wire
Inferens: Panjang dawai mempengaruhi rintangan dawai
Radas: Sel kering 1.5 V, pemegang sel, suis, Inference: Length of the wire influences the resistance of the wire
dawai penyambung, ammeter, voltmeter, Hipotesis: Semakin bertambah panjang dawai, semakin
pembaris meter, reostat, dawai konstantan tinggi rintangan dawai
s.w.g 24 (panjang 20 cm) Hypothesis: The longer the length of the wire, the higher the
Apparatus: 1.5 V dry cell, dry cell holder, switch,
resistance of the wire
connecting wire, ammeter, voltmeter, meter ruler,
Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara panjang dawai dan
rheostat, wire constantan s.w.g 24 (length of 20 cm)
rintangan dawai
Perbincangan/ Discussion:
Aim: To study the relationship between length of wire and
resistance of wire
Konduktor Ohm Konduktor Bukan Ohm
Ohmic Conductor Non-ohmic Conductor Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Panjang dawai
Manipulated variable: Length of wire
V V Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Rintangan dawai
Responding variable: Resistance of wire
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Diameter dawai //
Kerintangan dawai// Suhu
Constant variable: Diameter of wire // Resistivity of wire //
Temperature of wire
0 I 0 I
Radas: Dua sel kering 1.5 V, pemegang sel, suis, dawai
V berkadar terus dengan I V bertambah dengan I penyambung, ammeter, voltmeter, klip buaya, reostat,
V is directly proportional to I V increases with I pembaris meter dan dawai konstantan s.w.g 24

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Apparatus: Two 1.5 V of dry cells, dry cell holder, switch, Keputusan/ Result:
connecting wire, ammeter, voltmeter, crocodile clip, (i)
rheostat, meter rule and constantan wire of s.w.g 24.
Keputusan/ Result: s.w.g d/ mm A/ mm2 / mm–2 I/A V/V R/Ω
(i) A

l/cm I/A V/V R/Ω 22 0.71 0.50 1.98 0.1 0.04 0.4
20.0 0.5 0.4 0.8 24 0.56 0.31 3.19 0.1 0.06 0.6
40.0 0.5 0.9 1.8 26 0.46 0.21 4.73 0.1 0.08 0.8
60.0 0.5 1.3 2.6
28 0.38 0.14 6.92 0.1 0.14 1.4
80.0 0.5 1.7 3.4
30 0.32 0.10 9.77 0.1 0.42 4.2
100.0 0.5 2.2 4.4
(ii) (ii)

I/A A/ mm2
Kesimpulan: Panjang dawai berkadar terus dengan R/Ω
rintangan dawai.
Conclusion: The length of wire is directly proportional to
resistance of wire.


Inferens: Luas keratan rentas dawai mempengaruhi

rintangan dawai 1
/ mm–2
Inference: Cross-sectional area of wire influences the resistance of A
the wire Kesimpulan: Luas keratan rentas dawai berkadar songsang
Hipotesis: Semakin besar luas keratan rentas dawai, dengan rintangan dawai.
semakin rendah rintangan dawai Conclusion: The cross-sectional area of wire is inversely
Hypothesis: The larger the cross-sectional area of wire, the lower proportional to resistance of wire.
the resistance of the wire
Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara luas keratan rentas
dawai dan rintangan dawai
Aim: To study the relationship between cross-sectional area of wire Inferens: Kerintangan dawai mempengaruhi rintangan dawai
and resistance of wire Inference: Resistivity of wire influences the resistance of the wire
Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Luas keratan rentas dawai Hipotesis: Semakin besar kerintangan dawai, semakin
Manipulated variable: Cross-sectional area of wire tinggi rintangan dawai
Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Rintangan dawai Hypothesis: The greater the resistivity of wire, the higher the
Responding variable: Resistance of wire resistance of the wire
Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Panjang dawai// Kerintangan Tujuan: Mengkaji hubungan antara kerintangan dawai dan
dawai// Suhu dawai rintangan dawai
Constant variable: Length of wire// Resistivity of wire// Aim: To study the relationship between resistivity of wire an
Temperature of wire resistance of wire
Radas: Dua sel kering 1.5 V, pemegang sel, suis, dawai Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasi: Kerintangan dawai
penyambung, ammeter, voltmeter, klip buaya, Manipulated variable: Resistivity of wire
reostat, pembaris meter, dawai konstantan s.w.g 22, Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Rintangan dawai
s.w.g 24, s.w.g 26, s.w.g.28 dan s.w.g 30 Responding variable: Resistance of wire
Apparatus: Two 1.5 V of dry cells, cell holder, switch, connecting Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan: Panjang dawai // Diameter
wire, ammeter, voltmeter, crocodile clips, rheostat, dawai// Suhu dawai
metre ruler and constantan wire of s.w.g 22, s.w.g 24, Constant variable: Length of wire // Diameter of wire //
s.w.g 26, s.w.g.28 and s.w.g 30 Temperature of wire

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Radas: Dua sel kering 1.5 V, pemegang sel, suis, dawai (ii) Beza keupayaan merentasi terminal sel kering
penyambung, ammeter, voltmeter, klip buaya, adalah kurang berbanding d.g.e apabila arus
reostat, pembaris meter, dawai konstantan s.w.g 24 mengalir dalam litar lengkap.
dan dawai nikrom s.w.g. 24 dengan panjang The potential difference across the dry cell terminals to
35.0 cm setiap satu be less than the e.m.f when current flows in a complete
Apparatus: Two 1.5 V dry cells, cell holder, switch, connecting circuit.
wire, ammeter, voltmeter, crocodile clips, rheostat, 5 E = V + IR
meter ruler, constantan wire s.w.g. 24 and nichrome 6 E = I(R + r)
wire s.w.g. 24 with length 35.0 each.
Keputusan/ Result:
Jenis dawai/ Types of wire I/A V/V R/Ω
Tujuan: Menentukan d.g.e. dan rintangan dalam
Konstantan/ Constantan 0.5 0.06 0.6
Aim: To determine e.m.f and internal resistance
Nikrom/ Nichrome 0.5 0.16 1.6 Radas: Sel kering, reostat, ammeter, voltmeter, perintang
Kesimpulan: Rintangan dawai nikrom lebih tinggi daripada 1 Ω atau 5 Ω, suis, pemegang sel dan wayar
dawai konstantan. penyambung
Conclusion: The resistance of nichrome wire is larger than Apparatus: Dry cell, rheostat, ammeter, voltmeter, 1 Ω or 5 Ω,
constantan wire resistor, switch, cell holder and connecting wires.
4 suatu ukuran bagi keupayaan konduktor untuk Keputusan/ Result:
menentang pengaliran arus elektrik. (i)
a measure of a conductor’s ability to oppose the flow of
electric current. I/A 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Rumus/ Formula: ρ = V/V 2.85 2.70 2.60 2.45 2.40
Unit S.I/ S.I unit: ohm-meter (Ω m) (ii)
3.4 Daya Gerak Elektrik (d.g.e) dan Rintangan Dalam
Electromotive Force (e.m.f) and Internal Resistance 3.0
1 jumlah kerja dilakukan atau jumlah tenaga dibekalkan
oleh suatu sumber untuk menggerakkan 1 C cas dalam
satu litar yang lengkap.
total work done or total energy supplied by a source in driving
1 C of charge aroun a complete circuit.
Rumus/Formula: ε = 2.0
Unit S.I/S.I unit: V atau/ or J C–1
2 (a) Arus mengalir dalam litar
Current flows in the circuit
(b) Bacaan voltmeter dalam litar terbuka = bacaan
daya gerak elektrik
Voltmeter reading in open circuit = reading of e.m.f
(c) Jumlah kerja yang dilakukan oleh suatu sumber
untuk menggerakkan 1 C cas dalam satu litar yang
Total work done by a source in driving 1 C of charge
around a complete circuit
(d) Digunakan dalam komponen elektrik seperti I/A
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
mentol atau motor elektrik
Used in reference to electrical component in a circuit Perbincangan/ Discussion:
such as light bulb or light bulb (i) Semakin tinggi arus yang mengalir, semakin rendah
3 (a) Rintangan yang disebabkan oleh bahan elektrolit beza keupayaan.
The higher the current flow, the lower the potential
di dalam sel kering tersebut.
The resistance caused by electrolyte in the dry cell.
4 (i) Kehilangan tenaga (sebagai haba) dalam sel (ii) Paksi-y = ε
y intercept = ε
kering kerana kerja telah dilakukan untuk
menggerakkan 1 C cas bagi menentang rintangan ε = 3.0 V
di dalam sel kering. (iii) m = r
Loss of energy (heat) in dry cells as work has to be done to 2.4 – 3.0
r= = 1.0 V A–1
move 1 C charge against the resistance within the dry cell. 0.6 – 0

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Bersiri Susunan sel kering Selari

Siries Dry cells arrangement Parallel

1 1 1 1 1
= + + +
Rintangan dalam berkesan rj r r r r
rj = r + r + r + r
Effective internal resistance r
rj =

Jumlah d.g.e
4ε ε
Total e.m.f

Meningkatkan Mengurangkan
d.g.e. berkesan. rintangan dalam
Increases berkesan.
the effective e.m.f. Kelebihan
Advantage Reduces
the effective internal

8 (a) ε = I (R + r) 3.4 Tenaga dan Kuasa Elektrik

2 = I (4 + 1) Electrical Energy and Power
= 5I 1 Tenaga yang dibekalkan oleh sumber tenaga elektrik
2 seperti bateri apabila arus eletrik mengalir dalam suatu
I = = 0.4 A
5 litar lengkap.
V=IR Energy supplied by source of electrical energy such as battery
= 0.4 × 4 when current flows in a complete circuit.
= 1.6 V 2 (c) E = VIt V 2t
9 (i) ε = 1.5 V (d) E = I 2Rt atau/ or E =
(ii) Ir = ε – V 4 E = Pt = 60 × 60 = 3 600 J
= 1.5 – 1.35 V 2 62
Ir = 0.15 V 5 P= = = 7.2 W
R 5
r = V 2 2402
0.3 6 (a) R = = =1 440 Ω
= 0.5 Ω P 40
(iii) V = IR P 40
1.35 = 0.3R (b) I = = = 0.167 A
V 240
R= (c) E = Pt = 40 × (3 × 60 × 60)
0.3 = 432 000 J
= 4.5 Ω = 432 kJ
Jenis lampu Lampu pijar Lampu pendarfluor Lampu LED
Type of lamp Incandescent lamp Fluorescent lamp LED lamp

Tenaga digunakan
Energy used 0.06 × 6 = 0.36 kWj 0.018 × 6 = 0.108 kWj 0.01 × 6 = 0.06 kWj

30 × 0.36 × 0.22 30 × 0.108 × 0.22 30 × 0.06 × 0.22

Kos penggunaan
Cost of consumption = RM2.38 = RM0.71 = RM0.40

lampu LED
Lampu paling jimat penggunaan tenaga elektrik ialah
LED lamp
The lowest electrical energy consumption is

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8(a) Tutup pintu dan tingkap semasa menggunakan BAB
penyaman udara 4 Electromagnetism
Closed door and window while using aircond
(b) Matikan suis peralatan elektrik jika tidak 4.1 Daya ke atas Konduktor Pembawa Arus dalam suatu
digunakan Medan Magnet
Switch off the electrical appliances when not in use Force on Current-carrying Conductor in a Magnetic Field
(c) Gunakan mesin basuh dengan muatan penuh 1(a) (i) Ke kanan/ To the right
sahaja (ii) Ke kiri/ To the left
Use only full loads of laundry when using the washing (iii) Tidak bergerak/ Does not move
machine (b) (i) Tangan kiri Fleming
(d) Gunakan lampu jimat tenaga Fleming’s left-hand
Use energy saving lamps (ii) Daya/ Force
(iii) Medan magnet/ Magnetic field
(iv) Arus/ Current
Praktis Sumatif
1 D 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B
6 D 7 C 8 B 9 C 10 B

Bahagian A S
1 (a) (i) Bilangan mentol dalam Rajah 1.1
lebih banyak daripada dalam Rajah 1.2 (d) Medan magnet paduan yang tidak seragam.
The number of bulbs in Diagram 1.1 is more than
Non uniform resultant magnetic field.

in Diagram 1.2 (e)
(ii) Bacaan ammeter dalam Rajah 1.1 lebih tinggi
daripada dalam Rajah 1.2
The ammeter reading in Diagram 1.1 is higher
Daya paduan

than in Diagram 1.2 Resultant force
(iii) Semakin bertambah bilangan mentol, semakin
tinggi bacaan ammeter S
The more the number of bulbs, the higher the

ammeter reading (f) magnitud arus; kekuatan medan magnet
(b) Kerana rintangan dalam Rajah 1.1 lebih kecil magnitude of the current; strength of magnetic field
daripada dalam Rajah 1.2 2 (a)
Because the resistance in Diagram 1.1 is smaller than
in Diagram 1.2
(c) (i) P dan Q N S
P and Q
(ii) Kerana rintangan lebih kecil dalam susunan
Because the resistance is smaller in parallel

(b) F

2(a) E = Pt = 2 × (5 × 30)
= 300 kWj atau/ or 300 kWh N S
(b) 300 × 20 = 6 000 = RM60.00
(c) (i) Gegelung
Sebab: Rintangan tinggi F
Reason: High resistance 3 (a) Alat untuk menukarkan tenaga elektrik
(ii) Nikrom kepada tenaga mekanikal
Nichrome A device to convert electrical energy to mechanical
Sebab: Takat lebur tinggi energy
Reason: High melting point (b) (i) Magnet kekal
(iii) Kecil Permanent magnet

Small (ii) Komutator
Sebab: Rintangan tinggi Commutator
Reason: High resistance (iii) Gegelung
(c) (i) S Coil

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(iv) Berus karbon 4 Magnitud d.g.e aruhan adalah berkadar terus dengan
Carbon brushes kadar pemotongan fluks magnet.
(c) AB: Ke bawah/ Downwards The magnitude of induced e.m.f. is directly proportional to the
CD: Ke atas/ Upwards rate of cutting of magnetic flux.
(d) Petua tangan kiri Fleming 5 (a) (i) Daya
Fleming’s left-hand rule Force
(e) Sepasang daya arah bertentangan dihasilkan yang (ii) Medan magnet
menyebabkan gegelung berputar Magnetic field
A pair of forces in opposite direction is produced to (iii) Arus aruhan
rotate the coil Induced current
(f) Ikut arah jam/ Clockwise direction (b) (i) Q ke P/ Q to P
4 (a) Arus/ Current (ii) P ke Q/ P to Q
(b) Kekuatan/ Strength (c) Arah arus aruhan sentiasa mengalir pada arah
(c) banyak/ more yang menentang perubahan fluks magnet yang
5 (a) (ii) Menggunakan daya magnet untuk menghasilkan arus aruhan.
menghasilkan putaran The induced current always flow in a direction that
Uses magnetic force to produce rotation
opposes the change of magnetic flux that causes it.
(b) (i) Magnet pegun, gegelung berputar (d) (i)
Magnet is stationary, coil rotates Arah pergerakan
(iii) Ada percikan bunga api pada komutator Direction of
Sparking at the commutator motion
(iv) Bunyi kuat semasa motor beroperasi
Louder operational noise

(vi) Tiada geseran berlaku
No friction
(vii) Tiada percikan bunga api pada Arah pergerakan
komutator Direction of
No sparking at the commutator
(viii) Bunyi lemah semasa motor beroperasi
Soft operational noise

4.2 Aruhan Elektromagnet S N

Electromagnetic Induction
1 Penghasilan arus apabila terdapat perubahan medan (iii)
magnet. Arah pergerakan
The production of current when there is a change in magnetic Direction of
fIeld. motion
2 (a) (i) Tiada pesongan/ No deflection
(ii) Terpesong ke kiri S N
Deflected to the left
(iii) Terpesong ke kanan
Deflected to the right (iv)
(iv) Tiada pesongan/ No deflection Arah pergerakan
(v) Lebih pesongan/ Deflect more Direction of
(b) Dawai lurus bergerak dan memotong medan/ fluks
Straight wire moves and cuts the magnetic field lines/ flux. N S
3 (a) (i) Terpesong/ Deflected
(ii) Tiada pesongan/ No deflection 6 (b)
(iii) Terpesong arah bertentangan
Deflected in opposite direction Penjana arus
Penjana arus terus
(iv) Terpesong/ Deflected ulang-alik
Direct current generator
(v) Tiada pesongan/ No deflection Alternating curent generator
(vi) Terpesong arah bertentangan
Deflected in opposite direction Hujung gegelung Hujung gegelung
(b) Terdapat gerakan relatif antara solenoid dan disambung kepada disambung kepada dua
magnet. Fluks magnet dipotong. komutator gelang terbelah gelang gelincir
There is relative motion between the solenoid and a Ends of the coil are connected Ends of the coil are connected
magnet. Cut the magnetic flux. to a split ring commutator to two slip rings

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Penjana arus
Penjana arus terus Punca kehilangan Cara mengurangkan
Direct current generator tenaga kehilangan tenaga
Alternating curent generator
Causes of energy loss Ways to reduce energy loss
Dua bahagian komutator Gelang-gelang gelincir
saling bertukar sentuhan sentiasa bersentuhan (a) Rintangan Gunakan dawai kuprum yang lebih
dengan berus karbon pada dengan berus karbon yang gegelung tebal supaya rintangan gegelung
Resistance of menjadi lebih rendah
setiap separuh putaran sama
coils Use thicker copper wire so that the
The two sections of the Slip rings are connected to the
commutator exchange contact same carbon brush resistance of the coil is smaller
with the carbon brush every (a) Arus pusar Gunakan teras besi berlamina
half rotation Eddy current yang terdiri daripada kepingan-
kepinganbesi nipis yang dilekatkan
Output ialah arus terus Output ialah arus ulang-alik dengan gam penebat
Output is direct current Output is alternating current Use a laminated iron core that consists
of thin iron sheets glued together with
4.3 Transformer insulation glue
(c) Histerisis Gunakan teras besi lembut sebagai
1 Alat untuk meningkatkan atau menurunkan beza Hysteresis teras. Besi lembut mudah dimagnet
keupayaan output bekalan arus ulang-alik berdasarkan
dan dinyamagnetkan
prinsip aruhan elektromagnet.
kerana memerlukan tenaga yang
A device which increases or decreases an alternating output
lebih kecil untuk dimagnetkan.
voltage based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
Use soft iron core. Soft iron requires
(a) a smaller amount of energy to be
magnetized. Easy to magnetised and

(d) Kebocoran Lilitkan gegelung sekunder di atas

fluks magnet gegelung primer supaya semua
Leakage of fluks magnet yang dihasilkan oleh
(b) (i) primer; gegelung magnetic flux arus primer akan melalui gegelung
primary; coil
(ii) magnitud; arah; medan magnet; magnitud; The secondary coil is wound on the
arah primary coil so that all the magnetic flux
magnitude; direction; magnetic fields; magnitude; produced by the primary current will
direction pass through the secondary coil.
(iii) teras besi lembut
soft iron core 5 (a) elektrik; ulang-alik
(iv) berubah-ubah; Arus aruhan electrical; alternating
change; induced current (b) injak naik; voltan; rendah; mengurangkan
(c) Semakin bertambah bilangan lilitan, step-up; voltange; low; reduce
semakin bertambah beza keupayaan. (c) kuprum
The higher the number of turns in coils, the higher the copper
voltage in a transformer. (d) injak turun; voltan
VP VS step-down; voltage
(d) = (e) elektrik; menurunkan
NP NS electrical; step down
3 (a) Transformer yang tidak mengalami kehilangan VP VS
tenaga, iaitu kecekapannya, η ialah 100%. 6 (a) =
A transformer that does not experience any loss of
energy that is the efficiency, η is 100%. 240 12
(b) Kuasa output 1 000 Ns
η= × 100% Ns = 50 lilitan/ turns
Kuasa input
Output power (b) (i) Pinput = VP IP
Input power
× 100% = 12 × 5
(c) Kuasa input = Kuasa output = 60 W
Input power = Output power VP VS
VP IP = VS IS (ii) =

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12 VS (b)
100 1 000 Aspek Alasan
VS = 1 200 V Aspect Reason
(iii) VS IS = 60 W Magnet banyak// Magnet Medan magnet kuat
60 kuat Strong magnetic field
IS =
1 200 More magnet// Strong magnet//
= 0.05 A Powerful magnet

Magnet lengkung Medan magnet jejarian //

Praktis Sumatif Curve magnet Menumpu medan magnet
Radial magnetic field//
KERTAS 1 Concentrate magnetic field
1 D 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 D
Dawai tebal Rintangan rendah
6 C 7 B 8 C 9 C
Thick wire Low resistance
Banyak lilitan dawai Memotong fluks magnet
Bahagian A More turns of wire lebih
1(a) (i) Injak turun/ Step- down Cut more magnetic flux
(ii) Mudah dimagnetkan dan
dinyahmagnetkan/ Easy to magnetise and Dawai kuprum Rintangan rendah
Copper wire Low resistance
1 000 × 6 Gelang gelincir Arah arus berubah
(b) NS =
240 Slip ring Direction of current change
= 25 lilitan/ turns
VS IS Elektronik
(c) (i) × 100% = 75% 5 Electronics
VS IS 5.1 Elektron
75 Electrons
240 × 0.1 100 1 (a) elektron/ electrons
VS IS = 18 W (b) bebas/ free
(ii) Teras besi berlamina// Gegelung rintangan (c) daya tarikan/ attractive force
rendah (d) Tenaga kinetik elektron akan bertambah.
Laminated iron core// Low resistance coil The kinetic of electrons will increase.
(e) Pancaran termion
Bahagian B Thermionic emission
2 (a) (i) Arah gerakan dalam kedua-dua rajah adalah 2 Proses pembebasan elektron daripada permukaan
sama. logam yang dipanaskan.
The direction of motion in both diagrams is the The emission of electrons from the surface of a heated metal.
same. 3 Alur elektron berhalaju tinggi/ A high speed electron beam
Bilangan lilitan gegelung dalam Rajah 2.2 4 (a) (i) Bayang palang Maltese kelihatan.
lebih banyak daripada bilangan lilitan dawai Cahaya kuning dihasilkan atas skrin.
dalam Rajah 2.1. A shadow of Maltese cross is seen.
Number of turns of coil in Diagram 2.2 more than Yellow light is produced on the screen.
number of turns of wire in Diagram 2.1.
(ii) Bayang gelap palang Maltese dikelilingi oleh
Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer dalam cahaya hijau.
Rajah 2.2 lebih besar daripada dalam Rajah A dark shadow of the Maltese cross is surrounded
2.1. by green light.
The deflection of galvanometer pointer in Diagram
(iii) Bayang palang Maltese tersesar ke bawah.
2.2 is larger than in Diagram 2.1.
The shadow of Maltese cross is deflected
(ii) Pesongan penunjuk galvanometer berkadar downward.
terus dengan bilangan lilitan.
The deflection of the galvanometer pointer is

directly proportional to the number of turns. N S
Arus aruhan berkadar terus dengan bilangan

lilitan dawai.
Induced current is directly proportional to the
number of turns.
(b) Peraturan tangan kiri Fleming
Hukum Faraday// Faraday’s law
Fleming’s left-hand rule

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5 (a) (i) 5.2 Diod Semikonduktor
Semiconductor Diode
1 Alat elektronik yang membenarkan arus mengalir
dalam satu arah sahaja.
A device that allows current to flow in one direction only.
Anod (+) Katod (+)
Anode Cathode
(ii) 2 (a) Elektron; lohong
Electrons; holes
(b) ditarik menjauhi
pulled away
(c) bateri
(d) simpang
(iii) Junction
(e) rendah
(f) tinggi
(g) nipis
(h) tebal
(b) (i) Bergerak lurus dalam vakum Thick
Travel in a straight line in vacuum
(i) mengalir; menyala
(ii) Mempunyai tenaga kinetik dan momentum
flows; lights up
Posses kinetic energy and momentum
(j) tidak mengalir; tidak menyala
(iii) Bercas negatif
does not flow; does not light up
Negatively charged
(iv) Dipesongkan oleh medan magnet dan medan 3 Proses penukaran arus ulang-alik kepada arus terus.
The process of converting an alternating current into a direct
Deflected by magnetic field and electric field
4 (a) V/V
(v) Menghasilkan kesan berpendarfluor: Tenaga
kinetik bertukar ke cahaya apabila hentam skrin

Produce fluorescent effect: Kinetic energy convert

to light when it hits the screen
6 (a) PQ: Tenaga keupayaan elektrik
Electric potential energy
PR: Tenaga kinetik
Kinetic energy
(b) E = eV
1 (b) V/V
(c) E = mv2
(d) Prinsip Keabadian Tenaga/ Principle of
Conservation of Energy t/s
eV = mv2
7 KE = eV
= 1.6 × 10–19 × 3 000
= 4.8 × 10–16 J 5 (a)
1 V/V
8 eV = mv2
1.6 × 10–19 × 4 500 = × 9.1 × 10–31 × v2
2 t/s
2 × 1.6 × 10–19 × 4 500
v2 =
9.1 × 10–31
= 1.58 × 1015
v = 3.98 × 107 m s–1

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(b) V/V (ii) Litar pengumpul
Collector circuit
(b) IE = IB + IC
(c) Menghadkan arus tapak/ Limit the base current
4 (a) kecil; besar/ small; large
(b) Arus tapak; arus pengumpul
Base current; collector current
(c) β =
6 Menukarkan arus ulang-alik kepada arus terus
Convert alternating current to direct current (d) kecil; besar/ small; large
7 V/V 5 (a) bersiri/ series
(b) (i) rendah; rendah; mati; tidak mengalir
low; low; OFF; not flow
(ii) bertambah/ increase
t/s (iii) simpang; hidupkan; menyala
junction; ON; light up
(iv) mati; kecil; hidup; besar
OFF; small; ON; large
6 (a) Rintangan tinggi apabila keadaan gelap
8 V/V
High resistance in darkness
(b) (i) Rendah/ Low
(ii) Rendah/ Low
(iii) 0.7 V
t/s (iv) Mengalir/ Flow
(v) Mengalir/ Flow
(vi) Hidup/ ON
(vii) Hidup/ ON

9 Meratakan arus dalam litar rektifikasi. Praktis Sumatif

To smooth the current in a rectification circuit.
5.3 Transistor
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 D 5 A
6 B 7 A 8 A 9 B
1 (a) C

Bahagian A
B 1 (a) Pancaran termion
Thermionic emission
2 (a) (i) Sinar katod dihalang oleh palang Maltese
The cathode ray is blocked by Maltese cross
(ii) Tenaga kinetik sinar katod ditukar kepada
(b) C tenaga cahaya
The kinetic energy of cathode ray is converted to

light energy
(c) eV = mv2
4.8 × 10–16 = × 9.0 × 10–31 v2
E v2 = 1.07 × 1015
2 (a) Menerima pembawa cas daripada pengeluar v = 3.27 × 107 m s–1
Receives the charge carriers from the emitter (d) (i)
(b) Mengawal pengaliran pembawa cas
Control the flow of charge carriers
(c) Membekalkan pembawa cas kepada pengumpul
Supplies the charge carriers to the collector
3 (a) (i) Litar tapak
Base circuit

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(ii) Petua tangan kiri Fleming BAB
Fizik Nuklear
Fleming’s left-hand rule 6 Nuclear Physics

Bahagian C 6.1 Reputan Radioaktif

2 (a) Bahan yang mempunyai kekonduksian Radioactive Decays
elektrik// rintangan antara penebat dan konduktor. 1 (a) Nukleus yang tidak stabil mengeluarkan satu
A material which has electric conductivity// resistance zarah alfa untuk menjadi nukleus unsur baharu
between an insulator and a conductor. yang lebih stabil.
(b) Mentol dalam Rajah 2.1 tidak menyala. An unstable nucleus releases an alpha particle to
Mentol dalam Rajah 2.2 menyala become a more stable nucleus of a new element.
The bulb in Diagram 2.1 does not light up. The bulb in 226
Diagram 2.2 lights up
Th → Ra + 42He
Arus mengalir dalam litar Rajah 2.2 manakala
tiada arus mengalir dalam litar Rajah 2.1. 4
The current flows in Diagram 2.2 while no current flow
Am → 237
Np + He
in Diagram 2.1.
Terminal positif disambung ke semikonduktor 238
U→ 23490
Th + 42He
jenis-n// disambung secara pincang songsang 92
dalam Rajah 2.1. (b) Sebiji neutron dalam nukleus yang tidak stabil
The positive terminal is connected to the n-type terurai kepada satu proton dan satu elektron.
semiconductor// in reversed bias in Diagram 2.1. A neutron in an unstable nucleus decomposes into one
Terminal positif disambung ke semikonduktor proton and one electron.
jenis-p// disambung secara pincang ke depan
dalam Rajah 2.2. 1 0
p+ e
The positive terminal is connected to the p-type 1 –1
semiconductor// forward biased in Diagram 2.2.
Apabila diod dalam pincang ke depan, arus 14 0
C→ N+ e
mengalir, mentol menyala. 6
7 –1
When a diode is forward-biased, current flows and the
bulb lights up. 209
Pb → 209 Bi + –10e
(c) (i) V 82

(c) Suatu nukleus yang tidak stabil membebaskan

tenaga lebihannya untuk menjadi lebih stabil.
An unstable nucleus releases its excess energy to
become more stable.

Co →
27Co + γ
2 (a) Masa yang diambil untuk separuh daripada
bilangan asal nukleus radioaktif bagi suatu sampel
radioaktif mereput.
Time taken for a sample of radioactive nuclei to decay to
half of its initial number of nuclei.
t 1 1 1
0 (b) N0 → N0 → N0 → N0 → … → ( 12 )nNo
2 4 8
Kapasitor dicaskan Kapasitor dinyahcaskan T1 T1 T1 T1 T1
Capacitor is charging Capacitor is discharging 2 2 2 2 2

Apabila arus mengalir// pincang ke depan, Bilangan nukleus yang belum reput, N = ( 12 )nNo
kapasitor simpan cas The number of undecayed nucleus
When the current is flow// forward biased, the (c) (i) Kadar reputan tinggi
capacitor is charged up// store energy// store Higher decay rate
charge// collect electron (ii) Kadar reputan rendah
Apabila arus tidak mengalir// pincang Lower decay rate
sonsang// kapasitor buang cas (d) (i) pendek; tinggi
When no current// reverse biased, the (capacitor) is shorter; higher
discharged// release electron 2 (a) 15 minit/ 15 minutes
(b) 0.4 × 106 nukleus/ nucleus

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45 (e) Cacat jisim dalam tindak balas nuklear
(c) = 3T 1 menyebabkan ianya bertukar menjadi tenaga.
15 2
100 → 50 → 25 → 12.5 Mass defect in a nuclear reaction causes it to convert to
= 12.5% energy.
E = mc2
6.2 Tenaga Nuklear
Nuclear Energy E = Tenaga dibebaskan/ Energy released (J)
1 (a) Tenaga atom yang dibebaskan semasa m = Cacat jisim/ Mass defect (kg)
tindak balas nuklear seperti reputan radioaktif, c = Laju cahaya/ Speed of light (3 × 108 m s–1)
pembelahan nukleus dan pelakuran nukleus. 6 (a) m = 226.02536 – [222.01753 + 4.00260]
Atomic energy released during nuclear reactions such as = 0.00523 u.j.a / 0.00523 amu
radioactive decay, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. m = 0.00523 × 1.66 × 10–27
2 (a) Proses pemecahan nukleus berat kepada beberapa = 8.68 × 10–30 kg
nukleus ringan diikuti pembebasan tenaga. (b) E = mc2
Process of splitting a heavy nucleus into several lighter = 8.68 × 10–30 × (3 × 108)2
nucleus with the release of energy. = 7.81 × 10–13 J
(b) Pembelahan nukleus ialah pemecahan nukleus 7 (a) Air dipam ke dalam teras reaktor bagi
berat. Pelakuran nukleus ialah gabungan beberapa menyerap tenaga haba yang dihasilkan oleh
nukleus ringan. Terdapat cacat jisim bagi kedua- pembelahan nukleus.
dua proses. Tenaga dibebaskan bagi kedua-dua Water is pumped into the reactor core to absorb the heat
proses (E = mc2). energy that is produced by the nuclear fission.
Nuclear fission is the splitting of a heavy nucleus. (b) Turbin diputarkan oleh stim dan seterusnya
Nuclear fusion is the combining of several light nuclei. memutarkan magnet atau gegelung dalam penjana.
There is mass defect for both processes. Energy is Stim tersebut akan terkondensasi menjadi air.
released for both processes (E = mc2). The turbin is rotated by the high pressure steam which
(c) Neutron hentam nukleus Uranium. in turn rotates the magnet or coil in the generator. The
Neutron bombarded a Uranium nucleus. steam will condense into water.
2 atau 3 neutron dihasilkan. (c) Tenaga elektrik yang dijana dihantar
2 or 3 neutrons are produced. melalui sistem penghantaran bekalan kuasa
Neutron yang dihasilkan akan hentam nukleus kepada pengguna.
uranium yang lain. The electrical energy generated is sent to consumers via
The neutrons produced will bombard another uranium a power supply transmission system.
nucleus. 8 Proses tindak balas pengekalan yang mana hasil tindak
Bagi setiap tindak balas, lebih banyak neutron balas ini boleh memulakan tindak balas seterusnya.
dihasilkan dan menyebabkan tindak balas A self-sustaining reaction in which the products of a reaction
berantai. can initiate another similar reaction.
For each reaction, more neutrons are produced and 9 (a) neutron/ neutrons
causing a chain reaction. (b) menghentam; neutron; tenaga
Sehingga jisim genting tercapai. bombards; neutrons; energy
Until the critical mass is reached. 10 (a) Tinggi/ High
3 (a) Pembelahan nukleus (b) Tinggi/ High
Nuclear fission (c) Kawasan sungai atau empangan air yang banyak
(b) Terdapat cacat jisim semasa tindak Near rivers or dams – needs rapid water volume
balas nuklear (d) Pencemaran udara tinggi kerana
There is a mass defect during nuclear reaction membebaskan karbon dengan banyak
Cacat jisim bertukar ke tenaga High air pollution due to a huge amount of carbon
The mass defect changes to energy released
Jumlah tenaga dihasilkan diberi oleh persamaan (e) Tahap keselamatan dan sistem
E = mc2 penyimpanan sangat tinggi
Total energy produce is given by the equation E = mc2 Risiko kebocoran tinggi
5 (a) Tenaga nuklear/ Nuclear energy Highly secured storage system
(b) Disebabkan cacat jisim/ Due to mass defect High risk of leakage
(c) Jumlah jisim sebelum tindak balas > (f) Perlu teknologi dan kepakaran tinggi
Jumlah jisim selepas tindak balas dalam bidang kelektrikan.
Total mass before the reaction > Total mass after the Requires high technology and expertise in electrical
reaction field
(d) Cacat jisim, m = jisim sebelum tindak balas – (g) Tiada sisa untuk diuruskan
jisim selepas tindak balas No waste to be managed
Mass defect, m = mass before the reaction – mass after
the reaction

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Praktis Sumatif (c) Jirim terdiri daripada zarah asas yang
tidak boleh dibahagi lagi yang dipanggil atom.
KERTAS 1 Unsur yang sama mempunyai jenis atom yang
1 B 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 A sama.
6 C 7 A 8 D 9 D 10 A Tidak dapat menerangkan penghasilan spektrum
cahaya oleh atom bahan.
KERTAS 2 Matter consists of basic particles that cannot be further
Bahagian A divided called atoms.
1 (a) Neutral// Tiada cas// Tenaga tinggi// Kuasa Same elements have the same type of atoms.
penembusan tinggi// Gelombang elektromagnet Unable to explain the light spectrum produced by atoms.
Neutral// No charge// High energy// High penetrating (d) Menemui zarah subatom bercas negatif yang
power// Electromagnetic wave dipanggil elektron.
(b) (i) Bacaan latar belakang// Sinar latarbelakang // Mereka bentuk eksperimen untuk mengkaji
Sinar semula jadi// Sinar kosmik kelakuan elektron.
Background reading// Background radiation//
Tidak dapat menerangkan penghasilan spektrum

Cosmic rays garis cahaya oleh atom bahan.
1 1 1 18 Discovered negatively charged subatomic particles
(ii) 1 → → → // 3T 1 // called electrons.
2 4 8 2 3 Designed experiment to study the behaviour of electrons.
T 1 = 6 jam/ hours
Unable to explain the line spectrum of light produced by
(c) A: 24 atoms.
Z: 12 (e) Memperkenalkan idea kuantum (tenaga diskrit).
2 (a) (i) Jumlah nombor proton dan nombor neutron Gelombang elektromagnet yang dipancarkan oleh
Total number of proton and number of neutron
jasad hitam adalah dalam bentuk diskrit yang
(ii) 3 dikenali sebagai kuantum tenaga.
(b) Pelakuran nukleus/ Nuclear fusion Tenaga dalam setiap kuantum berkadar terus
(c) (i) Sebelum/ Before = 2 × 2.01410 dengan frekuensi gelombang.
= 4.0282 Keamatan sinaran adalah rendah bagi gelombang
Selepas/ After = 3.01603 + 1.00867 frekuensi tinggi.
= 4.0247 Introduced the concept of quantum (discrete energy).
The electromagnetic wave emitted by a black body is in
Cacat jisim/ Mass defect, m = 4.0282 – 4.0247
discrete form known as quantum of energy.
= 0.0035 u The energy in each quantum is directly proportional to
(ii) E = 0.0035 × 1.6 × 10–27 × (3 × 108)2 the wave frequency.
= 5.229 × 10–13 J The intensity of the radiation is low for the high
frequency waves.
BAB (f) Memperkenalkan konsep foton.
Fizik Kuantum
7 Quantum Physics
Tenaga foton adalah berkadar terus dengan
frekuensi gelombang cahaya.
7.1 Teori Kuantum Cahaya Teori foton Einstein berjaya menjelaskan ciri-ciri
Quantum Theory of Light kesan fotoelektrik yang tidak dapat diterangkan
1 (a) Menghuraikan cahaya sebagai satu aliran zarah dengan teori klasik.
atau corpuscles. Introduced the photon concept.
Tidak berjaya menerangkan fenomena pembiasan The photon energy is directly proportional to the
cahaya kerana membuat kesilapan untuk frequency of light waves.
perbandingan kelajuan cahaya dalam kaca dan Einstein’s quantum theory of light was successful in
udara. explaining the characteristics of the photoelectric effect
Described light as a single stream of particles or that could not be explained by classical theory.
corpuscles. (g) Menerangkan penghasilan spektrum garis oleh
Unsuccessful in explaining the phenomenon of light atom hidrogen.
refraction due to failure in comparing the speed of light Elektron dalam atom bergerak mengelilingi
in glass and air. nukleus atom pada petala tertentu sahaja.
(b) Menjalankan eksperimen dwicelah cahaya dan Pemindahan elektron dari petala paras tenaga
menunjukkan bahawa cahaya bersifat gelombang. tinggi ke petala paras tenaga rendah memancarkan
Tidak dapat menerangkan kejadian spektrum foton.
sinaran jasad hitam. Explained the production of line spectrum by hydrogen
Conducted double-slit experiment on light and showed atoms.
that light is a wave. The electrons in an atom orbit around its nucleus on
Unable to explain the radiation spectrum produced by certain shells only.
black bodies.

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The transition of electrons from a higher energy level 5 (a) Semua zarah boleh menunjukkan ciri-
shell to a lower energy level shell emits photon. ciri gelombang
(g) Memperkenalkan hipotesis bahawa zarah bersifat All particles can exhibit wave characteristics
gelombang. h
Idea Einstein dan de Broglie membawa kepada (b) λ = p
idea sifat kedualan gelombang-zarah bagi cahaya h
dan semua zarah subatom. (c) λ = mv
Introduced the hypothesis on the wave nature of particles. (d) Gelombang sebagai zarah: Kesan fotoelektrik
Einstein and de Broglie postulated the idea of the wave- Wave as particle: Photoelectric effect
particle duality of light and all subatomic particles. Zarah sebagai gelombang: Eksperimen dwicelah
2 (a) suatu jasad unggul yang berupaya menyerap Young
semua sinaran elektromagnet yang jatuh padanya. Particle as wave: Young’s double-slit experiment
an idealised body that is able to absorb all 6 (a) foton/ photon
electromagnetic radiation that falls on it. nhc
(b) (i) dipantul/ reflections (b) P = nhf =
(ii) spektrum selanjar; tidak dipengaruhi hc
continuous spectrum; unaffected
7 (a) E =
(iii) suhunya; pemancar jasad hitam λ
temperature; black body radiator
3.00 × 108
E = 6.63 × 10–34 ×
(c) Elemen pemanas/ Heating element 7.0 × 10–7
Mentol menyala/ Bulb lights up = 2.84 × 10–19 J
(d) (i) suhu; pendek nhc
temperature; shorter (b) P = = nE
λ = 1.77 × 1020 × 2.84 × 10–19
(ii) bertambah; bertambah
higher; higher hc = 50.268 W
3 (a) Paket tenaga yang diskrit dan bukan tenaga selanjar. 8 E=
Discrete energy packet and not a continuous energy. λ
3.00 × 108
(b) E = 6.63 × 10–34 ×
650 × 10–9
Teori Klasik Teori Kuantum Planck = 3.1 × 10–19 J
Classical Theory Planck’s Quantum Theory Pλ P
Tidak bergantung kepada Diskrit atau kuantum n= =
hc E
frekuensi atau panjang Discrete or quantum 7.0 × 10–3
gelombang =
Does not depend on frequency 3.1 × 10–19
or wavelength = 2.3 × 1016 s–1
n = 2.3 × 1016 foton per saat/ photons per second
4 (a) Kuantum tenaga cahaya yang boleh
dipindahkan. 7.2 Kesan Fotoelektrik
Light energies transferred in quantum of energy. Photoelectric Effect
(b) E = hf 1 Proses pengeluaran elektron dari suatu logam oleh
hc sinaran elektromagnet.
λ The emission of electrons from a metal by an electromagnetic
(c) terus; tinggi radiation.
directly; higher 2 (a) fotoelektron/ photoelectrons
(d) λ1 = 400 × 10–9 m anod/ anode
hc arus; arus
E = hf = current; current
λ (b) (i) Semakin tinggi frekuensi foton cahaya,
3.00 × 10 8

E1 = 6.63 × 10–34 × semakin tinggi tenaga kinetik fotoelektron

400 × 109 yang dipancarkan daripada permukaan logam.
= 4.97 × 10 J –19 The higher the frequency of the photon of light,
λ2 = 750 × 10–9 m the higher the kinetic energy of the photoelectrons
emitted from the metal surface.
3.00 × 108
E2 = 6.63 × 10–34 × (ii) Frekuensi minimum yang dapat mengeluarkan
750 × 109 elektron dikenali sebagai frekuensi ambang,
= 2.65 × 10–19 J fo bagi suatu logam.
Semakin pendek panjang gelombang cahaya, The minimum frequency of light needed for a
semakin tinggi tenaga foton. metal to emit electrons is known as the threshold
The shorter the wavelength of light, the higher the frequency, fo for that metal
photon energy

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Tenaga kinetik fotoelektron tidak bergantung The minimum energy required for a photoelectrons to be
pada keamatan cahaya. Keamatan cahaya emitted from a metal surface.
yang bertambah tidak menghasilkan (c) W = hf0
fotoelektron yang lebih bertenaga kinetik. (b) (i) frekuensi ambang, f0
The kinetic energy of photoelectrons does not threshold frequency, f0

depend on the light intensity. An increase in the (ii) fungsi kerja, W
light intensity does not produce photoelectrons with Work function, W
a higher kinetic energy. (iii) pemalar Planck, h
(iii) Fotoelektron dipancar secara serta-merta apabila Planck’s constant, h
permukaan logam disinar dengan cahaya. hc
Photoelectrons are emitted instantaneously when a 4 (a) K = hf – W = –W
metal surface is illuminated by light. λ
Pengeluaran elektron daripada permukaan =W+K
logam melalui pancaran termion mengambil λ
masa yang lama. Cahaya merah/ Red light:
The emission of electrons from a metal surface by 6.63 × 10–34 × 3.00 × 108
thermionic emission may take a longer time. =W+K
Pengeluaran elektron daripada permukaan 750 × 10–9
logam melalui kesan fotoelektrik berlaku 2.65 × 10–9 = W + K
secara serta-merta. K = 2.65 × 10–19 – W .......(1)
The emission of electrons from a metal surface by Cahaya biru/ Blue light:
photoelectric effect is instantaneous.
me 6.63 × 10–34 × 3.00 × 108
3 h= =W+K
c 460 × 10–9
4.32 × 10–19 = W + 2K ...............(2)
7.3 Teori Fotoelektrik Einstein Gantikan (1) dalam (2):
Substitute (1) into (2):
Einstein’s Photoelectric Theory
4.32 × 10–19 = W + 2(2.65 × 10–19 – W)
1 (a) foton/ photon
4.32 × 10–19 = W + 5.3 × 10–19 – 2W
(b) terus/ directly
W = 9.80 × 10–20 J
E = hf
(b) W = hf0
2 (a) elektron/ electron
(b) membebaskan; tenaga kinetik hc hc
W= → λ0 =
release; kinetic energy λ0 W
(c) tenaga kinetik maksimum/ maximum kinetic energy 6.63 × 10–34 × 3.00 × 108
(d) Tenaga foton = Tenaga minimum untuk λ0 =
membebaskan fotoelektron + Tenaga kinetik 9.80 × 10–20
maksimum fotoelektron = 2.03 × 10–6 m
Photon energy = Minimum energy required to release 5 (a) arus fotoelektrik/ photoelectric current
photoelectron + Maximum kinetic energy of (b) tinggi; pendek
photoelectron higher; shorter
(c) keamatan cahaya
E= W + Kmax light intensity
(b) (i) inframerah; sel foto

infrared; photocell
1 (ii) arus elektrik
hf = W+ mvmax2
2 electrical current
(iii) dihalang; terganggu
blocked; interrupt
1 (d) (i) Matahari/ Sun
mvmax2 = hf – W
2 (ii) kesan fotoelektrik

photoelectric effect
1 (iii) dibebaskan/ released
(e) mvmax2 = h( f – f0 )
3 (a) Frekuensi minimum yang boleh menghasilkan
Praktis Sumatif
kesan fotoelektrik pada satu jenis logam.
The minimum frequency required to produce KERTAS 1
photoelectric effect on a metal.
(b) Tenaga minimum yang diperlukan untuk 1 C 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 C
fotoelektron terlepas dari permukaan logam. 6 C 7 D 8 C 9 C

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KERTAS 2 Sel suria, (katod) dipancarkan dengan sinar
gelombang. Apabila tenaga foton lebih besar
Bahagian A daripada fungsi kerja, maka elektron akan
1 (a) E = KEmaks/max + W dibebaskan.
(b) (i) 5.75 × 1014 Hz Solar cell, (cathode) irradiate with light and if photon
c 3.00 × 108 energy is higher than wok function of metal, electron
(c) (ii) λ0 = = will be emitted.
f0 5.75 × 1014
Elektron yang dibebaskan tertarik ke anod. Arus
= 5.22 × 10–7 m
4.4 × 10–20 – 0 Emitted electrons are promptly attracted to the positive
(iii) m =
(6.90 × 1014) – (5.75 × 1014) terminal and produce current.
= 3.83 × 10–34 J s Sel suria tunggal boleh hasilkan voltan litar
(iv) Pemalar Planck = Kecerunan graf 0.5 – 0.6 V. Maka, perlukan banyak sel suria
Planck’s constant = Gradient of graph
susunan sesiri untuk menghasilkan voltan yang
h = m tinggi.
Single solar cell can produce up to 0.5 – 0.6 V. So, it
= 3.83 × 10–34 J
takes a lot of solar cells in series to produce high
Nilai pemalar Planck daripada graf lebih kecil
daripada nilai pemalar Planck sebenar.
The value of Planck’s constant from the graph is
smaller than the actual value of Planck’s constant. Aspek Alasan
Aspect Reason
Bahagian C
2 (a) Fenomena pengeluaran elektron dari Jisim kecil Kos rendah dan senang
Small mass untuk pemasangan//
permukaan logam apabila disinari dengan
gelombang elektromagnet Ringan
Less cost and easy for
Phenomenon of electrons emission from a metal surface
installation// Lighter
when it is illuminated by an electromagnetic wave.
(b) Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan elektron Ketinggian maksium dari Lebih stabil
dibebaskan apabila disinari dengan cahaya. tanah: rendah More stable
Rajah 2.2 tiada elektron dibebaskan. Maximum height from
Diagram 2.1 shows an electron is released when the ground: lower
metal is illuminated by light. Diagram 2.2 shows no
emitted electron. Sel suria mestilah keras Supaya tidak mudah
Tenaga foton dalam kedud-dua rajah adalah Solar cell must be hard pecah atau rosak
sama kerana mempunyai frekuensi dan panjang Not easily break or spoilt
gelombang sama.
The photon energy in both diagrams have same value Berputar pada tempatnya Supaya lebih efisien
because their wavelength and frequency equivalent. sentiasa bersudut tepat penukaran tenaga cahaya
Fungsi kerja tidak sama kerana kedua-dua logam dengan cahaya matahari. ke tenaga elektrik
adalah logam berlainan jenis. Rotating at fixed end and To increase efficiency in
The work function are not the same because both are always perpendicular to converting light energy to
different metal. sunlight electrical energy
Semakin besar tenaga foton, semakin besar tenaga
Berbentuk segi empat, Supaya senang untuk
kinetik bagi elektron
The higher the photon energy, the higher the kinetic
ketebalan kecil dan susun banyak sel suria
energy of electron. permukaan kristal dalam susunan sesiri dan
Square shape, small senang untuk cahaya
(c) Sel suria terdiri dari tiub vakum kaca di dalamnya.
thickness and crystal masuk ke dalam sel
Plat logam besar yang berfungsi sebagai
covered by glass suria.
terminal negatif (katod).
Solar cell consists of sealed glass vacuum tubes inside. Easy to arrange solar cell in
Large metal plate: terminal negative (cathode). series and easy for sunlight
to penetrate through the
Terminal positif lebih kecil.
solar cell
Smaller positive terminal.

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4 (a) Laju =
1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 C Distance
Speed =
6 C 7 A 8 C 9 C 10 B Time
11 D 12 C 13 A 14 A 15 C (b) Momentum bergantung kepada halaju dan jisim.
16 B 17 B 18 A 19 D 20 C Momentum depends on mass and velocity.
21 C 22 C 23 D 24 A 25 C Momentum tinggi menyebabkan daya tinggi
26 B 27 C 28 B 29 D 30 A bertindak pada lori apabila berlaku kemalangan//
31 A 32 A 33 D 34 C 35 B lebih banyak kerosakan.
36 B 37 D 38 D 39 C 40 D High momentum causes a high force to act on the lorry
when accident occurs// more damage done.
Inersia bergantung pada jisim.
Bahagian A Inertia depends on mass.
1 (a) Sukar untuk berhenti bagi jisim besar.
Patm Difficult to stop for large mass.
km 1 000 m
(c) (i) v = 45 = 45 × = 12.5 m s−1
jam/ hour 3 600 s
12.5 – 0
= 1.25 m s−2
Pg (ii) F = ma
= 1 800 × 1.25
X = 2 250 N
5 (b) (i) Gelombang mikro/ Microwave
Mercury Sebab: Frekuensi tinggi// Tenaga tinggi
Reason: High frequency// High energy
(ii) Sama dengan panjang fokus/ Same as focal
Sebab: Semua isyarat jauh (selari) dapat
(b) Pg =760 + 600
ditumpukan ke penerima
= 1 360 mm Hg
Reason: All distant signal (parallel) can be focused
2 (a) Perlakuan gelombang seperti zarah dalam keadaan
at the receiver
tertentu dan sebaliknya.
(b) Sistem radar P
Wave behaves as a particle in certain situation and vice
Radar system P
versa. h
(c) (i) Pantulan
(b) (i) 𝜆 =
p Reflection
h vt 1 500 × 200 × 10−3
(ii) p = (ii) s = =
𝜆 2 2
h h s = 150 m
(c) 𝜆 = = (iii) Gelombang ultrasonik mempunyai frekuensi
p mv
6.63 × 10−34 tinggi// tenaga yang banyak dan boleh
= bergerak jauh dalam air.
(9.1 × 10−31)(7.3 × 105) Ultrasonic wave has high frequency// high energy

= 9.98 × 10−10 m
and can travel far in water.
3 (a) Jumlah bilangan proton dan neutron dalam suatu 6 (a) Membenarkan arus mengalir di dalam satu arah
atom sahaja
Total number of proton and neutron in an atom Allows current to flow in one direction only
(b) Rn → 218
86 84Po
+ 42He (b) (i) Elektron dalam Rajah 6.1 bergerak merentasi
(c) 210 simpang ke semikonduktor jenis-p manakala
(d) 3 zarah alfa (α) dan 2 zarah beta (β) elektron dalam Rajah 6.2 bergerak menjauhi
3 alpha particles (α) and 2 beta particles (β) simpang ke terminal positif.

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Electrons in Diagram 6.1 move across the junction (b) (i) Isi padu udara terperangkap berkadar

to p-type semiconductor while electrons in Diagram songsang dengan tekanan yang dihasilkan.

6.2 move away from the junctions towards the The volume of trapped air is inversely proportional

positive terminal.
to the pressure produced.
(ii) Dalam Rajah 6.1, jenis-n disambung ke (ii) Hukum Boyle/ Boyle’s law
terminal negatif manakala dalam Rajah 6.2, (c) (i) Kedalaman air semakin berkurang maka,
jenis-n disambung ke terminal positif. tekanan air berkurang maka tekanan dalam
In Diagram 6.1, n-type connects to negative
gelembung udara berkurang.

terminal while in Diagram 6.2, n-type connects to The depth of water decreases then, the water

positive terminal. pressure decreases then air pressure in the bubble
(iii) Lapisan susutan dalam Rajah 6.2 lebih besar
daripada lapisan susutan dalam Rajah 6.1. (ii) P1 = (10 + 0.5)
The depletion layer in Diagram 6.2 is larger than = 10.5 m H2O

the depletion layer in Diagram 6.1. P1 V1 = P2 V2

(iv) Apabila semikonduktor jenis-n disambung ke 10.5 × 5
terminal negatif, lapisan susutan nipis. V2 = = 5.25 m3
When n-type semiconductor is connected to the

negative terminal, the depletion layer is thinner. 8 (a) Daya maksimum yang boleh dikenakan kepada
(c) Pincang depan spring supaya spring boleh kembali ke panjang
Forward biased asalnya apabila daya dialihkan.
(d) (i) Maximum force that can be applied to a spring so that
the spring can return to its original length if the force is
V (V) removed.
(b) k = kecerunan graf
gradient of the graph
k= = 1.5 N cm–1
t (s) (c) (i) Spring keras
Stiff spring

Sebab: Pemalar spring besar
Reason: Large spring constant

(ii) Separuh kitaran pertama, diod pincang ke (ii) Dawai spring tebal
depan, arus mengalir.
Thick wire of spring
First half cycle, diode is forward biased, so current

Sebab: Mampatan spring kecil

flows. Reason: Small spring compression

Separuh kitaran kedua, diod pincang
(iii) Diameter spring yang kecil/ Small diameter of
songsang, arus tidak mengalir. spring
Second half cycle, diode is reversed biased, so

Sebab: Pemalar spring besar// Lebih daya

current does not flow. untuk menyokong beban besar
7 (a) (i) Tekanan udara terperangkap dalam Rajah 7.2 Reason: Large spring constant// More force to support

lebih tinggi daripada tekanan udara
heavier load
terperangkap dalam Rajah 7.1.
The pressure of trapped air in Diagram 7.2 is Bahagian B

higher than the pressure of trapped air in 9 (a) (i) Pembiasan

Diagram 7.1. Refraction

(ii) Isi padu udara terperangkap dalam Rajah 7.2 (ii) Guna kanta cembung
lebih kecil daripada isi padu udara Use convex lens

terperangkap dalam Rajah 7.1.
Jarak objek, u < f
The volume of trapped air in Diagram 7.2 is Object distance, u < f
smaller than the volume of trapped air in
Diagram 7.1.
(iii) Bilangan zarah-zarah yang terperangkap
dalam kedua-dua rajah adalah sama.
The number of trapped particles in both diagrams
are the same.

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Rajah sinar:
v himej/image
Ray diagram:
(iii) m = =
u hobjek/object
30 himej/image
15 4
Objek himej/image =
Image 15
= 8 cm
10 (a) Tenaga// Kerja dilakukan untuk memindahkan 1 C
cas dari satu titik ke satu titik.
Energy required// Work done to move 1 C of charge from
one point to another point.
Ciri-ciri imej: Maya, tegak, diperbesar (b) (i) P = VI

Characteristics of image: Virtual, upright, P 2 000

magnified I= =
V 240
Spesifikasi Penjelasan = 8.33 A
Specification Explanation (ii) E = Pt = 2 kW × 0.5 jam × 30 hari
= 30 kW j
Panjang fokus Untuk hasilkan imej E = Pt = 2 kW × 0.5 hour × 30 days

nyata, songsang dan kecil = 30 kW h
lebih panjang
To produce real, inverted and (iii) Kos bagi 30 hari/ Cost for 30 days:
Longer focal length smaller image

30 × 0.2 = 6.00
= RM 6.00
Pembesaran besar Hasilkan imej besar (c) (i) Apabila arus, I bertambah, beza keupayaan, V
Higher magnification Produce bigger image
akan bertambah.

When current, I increases, the potential difference,
Jarak antara dua Hasilkan imej pada
V will increase.
kanta pelarasan normal// Imej Rintangan bertambah.

Distance between two
pada infiniti
Resistance increases.
Produce image at normal
lenses = fo + fe Kecerunan graf bertambah.

adjustment// Image at infinity

Gradient of the graph increases.
Lebih cahaya boleh (ii) Konduktor bukan Ohm

Non-ohmic conductor
Diameter besar masuk ke kanta objektif//
Lebih cerah Ciri-ciri Alasan
Large diameter
More light can enter Characteristics Reason
objective lens// More brighter
Rintangan tinggi// Banyak
pemanas wayar
Susunan J dipilih kerana panjang fokus, f yang haba dibekalkan
besar, pembesaran yang besar, jarak antara dua High resistance// More heat
Coiled wire
kanta ialah fo + fe dan diameter besar. supplied
heating element
Arrangement J is chosen because longer focal length,
higher magnification, distance between two lenses is fo + Elemen pemanas:
fe and large diameter. Nikrom Rintangan tinggi
Heating element: High resistance
(c) (i) Panjang fokus,
Focal length,

f = 10 cm
Guna termostat Mengawal suhu
1 1 1 Use thermostat Control the temperature
(ii) = +
f u v Fius: 5 A P 1 000
1 1 1 Fuse: 5 A I= =
= – V 240
v f u = 4.17 A
1 1
= – Nilainya lebih tinggi
10 15 sedikit daripada arus yang
1 mengalir dalam litar.
= The value a bit higher than the
current flow in the circuit.
v = 30 cm

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Model A dipilih kerana memiliki elemen pemanas (e)
wayar bergelung, nikrom sebagai elemen
pemanas, termostat sebagai komponen kawal haba Aspek Huraian
Aspects Explanation
dan nilai fius adalah 5 A.
Model A is chosen because has coiled wire heating
Gunakan lebih banyak Medan magnet kuat
element, nichrome as heating element, thermostat as
magnet// magnet kuat Strong magnetic field
control heat component and fuse of 5 A.
Use more magnet// strong
Bahagian C
11 (a) Arus yang dihasilkan apabila berlaku perubahan Medan magnet jejarian//
medan magnet. Menumpu medan magnet//
Current produced due to the change in the magnetic Kadar pemotongan fluks atau
Magnet melengkung
field. medan magnet seragam.
Curve magnet
(b) Ketinggian magnet yang dilepaskan dalam Rajah Radial magnetic field// Concentrate
11.2 lebih tinggi daripada Rajah 11.1. magnetic field// Rate of cutting the
The height of the magnet released in Diagram 11.2 is flux or field is uniform
higher than in Diagram 11.1.
Pesongan jarum galvanometer dalam Rajah 11.2 Diameter wayar Rintangan rendah
lebih besar daripada Rajah 11.1. besar// tebal Low resistance
Thick// Large diameter
The deflection of the galvanometer in Diagram 11.2 is
of wire
larger than in Diagram 11.1.
(c) (i) Semakin tinggi magnet dilepaskan, semakin Pemotongan fluks atau medan
tinggi halaju magnet. Lilitan wayar banyak magnet lebih banyak
The higher the magnet released, the higher the
More turns wire Cut more magnetic flux or
velocity of the magnet. magnetic field.
(ii) Semakin tinggi magnet dilepaskan, semakin
besar pesongan jarum galvanometer Wayar kuprum Kerintangan wayar rendah
The higher the magnet released, the larger the
Copper wire Low resistivity of wire

deflection of the galvanometer.
(iii) Semakin tinggi halaju magnet, semakin besar Gelang gelincir Arah arus berubah
arus aruhan. Slip ring Direction of current change
The higher the velocity of the magnet, the bigger the

induced current. KERTAS 3
(d) Apabila magnet digerakkan masuk ke dalam
1 (v) (a) (i) Panjang dawai, L
solenoid, maka berlaku pemotongan fluks magnet.
Length of wire, L

When a magnet is moved into the solenoids, then
(ii) Rintangan dawai, R
magnetic flux is cut.
Resistance of wire, R

Arus aruhan dihasilkan.
(iii) Ketebalan dawai// Kerintangan dawai
Induced current is produced.
Thickness of wire// Resistivity of wire

Kutub utara dihasilkan pada hujung kiri solenoid
untuk menolak magnet daripada mendekati
L (cm) V (V) R (Ω)
North pole is produced at the left end of the soloneid
to oppose the motion of the magnet from coming towards 20.0 0.2 1.0
the solenoid.
Arus aruhan mengalir dari Q ke P supaya hujung 30.0 0.3 1.5
kiri solenoid menjadi kutub utara.
Induced current flows from Q to P so as to produce 40.0 0.4 2.0
North pole at the left end of the solenoid.
Hukum Lenz 50.0 0.5 2.5
Lenz’s law

60.0 0.6 3.0

© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (183897-P) J30

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(c) (d) R berkadar terus dengan L.
R is directly proportional with L.
3.0 – 0
(e) m = 60 – 0
4.5 m = 5.0 × 10–2 Ω cm-1









0 10 20 30 40 50 60

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© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (183897-P) J32

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© Penerbit Mahir Sdn. Bhd. (183897-P) J32

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