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act out: đóng vai, diễn x x x v
‘arctic: (thuộc về) Bắc ‘Arctica: Bắc Cực v x x
Cực An’tartica: Nam Cực
an’tarctic: (thuộc về)
Nam Cực
bare-‘footed: chân trần x v x x
be’have one’self: be’havior: hành vi be’havioral: thuộc về x x
ngoan, biết cách cư xử hành vi
‘dogsled: xe chó kéo v x x x
dome: mái vòm v domed: có hình vòm x x
down’town: thuộc về x v x x
trung tâm thành phố
eat out: ăn ở ngoài x x x v
enter’tain: giải trí enter’tainment: sự… enter’taining: mang x v
enter’tainer: ng làm… tính giải trí
e’vent: sự kiện v e’ventful: mang tính x x
sự kiện
face to face : trực tiếp, x v v x
trực diện, đối mặt
fa’cility: phương tiện, v fa’cilitative: mang tính x fa’cilitate: hỗ trợ
thiết bị fa’cilitator: ng hỗ trợ hỗ trợ
‘igloo: lều tuyết v x x x
(il)‘literate: (không) có (il)’literacy: sự (không) v x x
học, biết chữ biết chữ
‘loudspeaker: cái loa v x x x
oc’casion: dịp v oc’casional: thỉnh oc’casionally:… x
pass on/ down: truyền x x x v
lại, kể lại
post: (bài) đăng tải v ‘postal: thuộc về bưu x x
‘posting: sự đăng tải điện
‘postage: sự gửi hàng
snack: đồ ăn vặt v x x x
street ‘vendor: ng bán v ‘vending: mang tính x x
hàng rong rong ruổi
‘vending ma’chine:
máy bán hàng tự động
strict: nghiêm khắc ‘strictness: sự nghiêm v ‘strictly x
treat: cư xử ‘treatment: sự cư xử (un)’treated: đã/chưa x v
qua xử lý
ap’preciate: đánh giá appreci’ation: sự… be ap’preciative of: x v
cao, tôn trọng đánh giá cao
tech’nology: công nghệ v techno’logical: thuộc techno’logically: x
về CN thuộc về CN
‘senior: (ng) cao tuổi, v v x x
có thâm niên, seni’ority: có thâm niên
tubercu’losis: bệnh lao v x x x
‘fatal: mang tính tử fa’tality: sự/ca tử vong v ‘fatally x
long-pre’served: được x v x x
gìn giữ từ lâu đời
I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently
1. A. attic B. occasion C. face D. behave
2. A. dogsled B. pest: sâu bọ C. preserve D. chest
3. A. snack B. illiterate C. activity D. habit
4. A. fresh B. specific C. entertain D. preservation
5. A. seniority B. seek C. west D. physical
6. A. collect B. delicious C. event D. vendor: ng bán rong
7. A. emotion B. indecisive: ko quyết đoán C. obesity: sự béo phì D. believable
8. A. changing B. belong C. singer D. anger
9. A. behaved B. passed C. entertained D. changed
10. A. imagination B. average C. language D. appearance

II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from that of the others
1. A. fa’cility B. tra’ditional C. his’torical D. ‘television
2. A. tubercu’losis B. seni’ority C. possi’bility D. techno’logical
3. A. ‘vulnerable: dễ tổn B. ‘satellite C. e’leven D. ‘element
4. A. ‘character B. ‘publisher C. ‘wonderful D. under’stand
5. A. ‘interesting B. sur’prising C. a’musing: mang tính vui vẻ D. suc’cessful
6. A. ‘arctic B. be’have C. e’vent D. fa’cility
7. A. il’literate B. oc’casion C. re’laxed D. ‘sculpture
8. A. a’bility B. es’pecially C. il’literate D. enter’tainment
9. A. re’fer B. ‘postman C. ‘programme D. ‘custom


I. Choose the option that best completes each of the following sentences
1. Many children in our village are still__________ . They can't read or write.
A. creative B. illiterate C. unhealthy D. traditional
2. We usually__________ ourselves by playing hike and seek or flying kites.
A. behave B. collect C. imagine D. entertain
3. Laura is in the__________ of writing in her dairy every day.
A. habit B. custom C. practice D. generation
4. The children started to__________ each part of the story.
A. go out B. act out C. play out D. cry out
5. "How cool!" is used to express__________.
A. a wish B. a surprise C. an appreciation D. an agreement
6. We__________ it were the weekend tomorrow.
A. think B. hope C. wish D. believe
7. I__________ a teddy bear, but I don't have one now.
A. used to having B. used to have C. was use to having D. was used to have
8. Minh wishes he__________ English perfectly well.
A. spoke B. speaks C. is speaking D. has spoken
9. They__________ go on holiday when they lived in the countryside.
A. not use to B. weren't use to C. didn't use to D. hadn't used to
10. Traditional games__________ an important role in children's intellectual life.
A. play B. take C. bring D. make
11. Whenever __________ Vietnamese village festivals, you will have a chance to watch a traditional game -
human chess - which is the favourite to a great deal of Vietnamese people.
A. participating B. taking place C. taking part D. taking part in
12. Traditional games__________ as an effective but simple educational method for centuries.
A. were used B. used to used C. had used D. have been used
13. Raising roosters for cockfighting _________ heavy investments in time and labour.
A. requests B. requires C. satisfies D. asks
14. A postman comes once a day to from the post box.
A. bring B. collect C. take D. get
15. People in Bac Ninh province believe that if the tug-of-war team facing the east wins, it will bring bumper
crops and good luck, and that the situation will be just the _________ if the team facing the west wins.
A. different B. same C. other D. opposite
16. "He has to work 12 hours every day". “__________”
A. Sure B. How cool! C. I can't imagine that. D. I wish I could go back to that time
17. The English men are not accustomed _________ on the right hand side of the street.
A. to drive B. to driving C. for driving D. drive
18. The folk of top spinning still attracts city children despite the popularity of modern
games such as bowling, skateboarding, billiards and video games.
A. pastime B. ceremony C. activity D. enjoyment
19. Eating from is a popular habit of people in big cities in Viet Nam.
A. street vendors B. libraries C. canteens D. shops
20. Viet Nam's tug-of-war game was also _________ as a UNESCO cultural intangible heritage of humanity in
December 2015.
A. realised B. recognised C. allowed D. seen
21. Children nowadays may not know how to play traditional games such as catching the chicken,
_________-band jumping, flying kites, etc.
A. elasticity B. elasticated C. elastin D. elastic
22. I’ve read The Left Hand of Darkness of Ursula K. Le Guin - an interesting _________ fiction novel.
A. scientific B. scientist C. science D. scientism
23. When I was a child, my father used _________ me to school by bike.
A. to take B. to taking C. to drive D. to driving
24. Children in the village expected the mobile ___ team to visit again and show them a lot of funny cartoons.
A. music B. play C. movie D. radio
25. European _________ often served to cut people’s hair and take care of people’s teeth from the Middle Ages.
A. hairdressers B. barbers C. dentists D. doctors
26. My parents advised me to cross my hands in front and bow when greeting people of _________.
A. minority B. junior C. seniority D. fresh
27. Although Dan has a Facebook account, he prefers writing his private thoughts in his _________.
A. homework B. social network C. paper D. diary
28. I wish I could go _________ with my friends today.
A. bushwalking B. to bushwalking C. bushwalk D. to bushwalk
29. My grandparents experienced the difficult time in the past when cholera- a fatal ___- used to kill a lot of
A. illness B. disease C. disability D. ailment
30. If we _________ our customs and traditions, they _________ out.
A. didn’t preserve/would die B. preserves/will die C. don’t preserve/would die D. didn’t preserve/wouldn’t die
31. Our children always expect to receive _________ money at Tet.
A. funny B. silly C. sweetie D. lucky
32. Many people think that making banh chung at Tet is _________ so they decide to buy it.
A. time-lasting B. time-taking C. time-spending D. time-consuming
33. Khang visits his grandparents in the countryside _________ a month.
A. two time B. one C. twice D. one times
34. His father was upset because of his rude behaviours _________ his grandparents.
A. on B. towards C. to D. forwards
II. Use the correct form of the given word to complete each of the following sentences
1. You have to use your IMAGINATION when you read the story. The author was very IMAGINATIVE: GIÀU
TRÍ TƯỞNG TƯỢNG when she could write a story about this IMAGINARY: CHỈ CÓ TRONG TƯỞNG TƯỢNG
world. (IMAGINE)
2. I think corporal PUNISHMENT: TRỪNG PHẠT VỀ THÂN THỂ is now prohibited in schools. (PUNISH)
3. TRADITIONALLY, we used to cook five-colour STICKY rice on the 1st day of the lunar month.
4. Tom says he can't put up with Mary's (MIS)BEHAVIO(U)R(S) any longer. (BEHAVE)
5. Those ATTENDEES: NG CÓ MẶT over there are friends of both the bride and groom. (ATTEND)
6. High school students used to take the high school GRADUATION examinations: KỲ THI TỐT NGHIỆP in
June before the university’s ENTRANCE exam: THI ĐẦU VÀO, THI ĐH in July. (GRADUATE/ENTER)
7. I think riding a bicycle is INCONVENIENT especially when it rains. (CONVENIENCE)
8. The image of an old lady with the traditional ao dai on a rickshaw on her way back from market is still so
MEANINGFUL for Vietnamese people. (MEAN)
9. The ILLITERACY rate in mountainous areas are still quite high. (ILLITERATE)
10. His children always feel grateful to him for treating them STRICTLY so that they can grow up successfully.
III. Use the correct form and tense of the verb in brackets
1. I don't know where my wallet is. I wish I KNEW where my wallet is. (know)
2. Michael is in the park playing with the older boys. I wish Michael DIDN’T PLAY/WASN’T PLAYING with
them. (play)
3. Things are not good in the country. I hope everything WILL GET better. (get)
4. I am tired of hearing your screaming. It is time you STOPPED screaming in my ear! (stop)
5. I wish we (not have) DIDN’T HAVE to learn physical education today.
6. I wish I (can/ go) COULD GO back to that time.
7. It’s freezing today. I wish it (not/ be) WASN’T/WEREN’T so cold. I hate cold weather.
8. Sometimes she (wish) WISHES she could speak English like a native speaker.
9. I’m home alone. I wish I (play) PLAYED/WAS PLAYING with my friends on the beach now
IV. Use the correct form of each verb in the correct order
transfer - warm up – play – toss - create - pick up – lose – fail – gather - catch
Bamboo jacks, a girls' game, includes ten thin, round bamboo sticks and a small tennis ball. The player (1) TOSSES
the ball into the air. While the ball is in the air, she must quickly pick up the sticks and then (2) CATCH the ball. In
the first round, the player (3) PICKS UP the sticks one by one. Next, she (4) GATHERS two sticks at a time, and so
forth up to ten. In these stages she plays with only one hand. The peak of the game is the last, most animated stage
with all ten sticks in a bundle. During this stage, the player tosses the ball and then (5) TRANSFERS the pack of
sticks from one hand to the other. If a player's hands are not swift or if her eyes are not sharp, or if she (6) FAILS
to coordinate the two, she will (7) LOSE her turn. Playing bamboo jacks (8) WARMS UP the body and (9) CREATES
a lot of fun. During summer or autumn, small girls (10) PLAY it everywhere, from the shade of a village banyan
tree to a deserted market stall.
V. Underline word or phrase that needs correcting and provide correction
My favourite subjects at school was history. I don't know why. I loved reading the story -> STORIES about famous
people and famous events. When I was little, history was just stories. As I got old -> OLDER, I realized history is
the study of how we got here today. It's a long journey that describes all the wars, great people, inventions,
disasters, etc that have bring -> BROUGHT us to this point in time. I now love any kind of history. It's fascinating
to visit a new country and learn about its historical -> HISTORY. Watching the news today is like seeing history
unfold -> UNFOLDED. Lots of the things I learnt at school now -> THEN make the news more interesting. History
provides us with the perfect background information to a news story.
VI. Match the phrase verb with its meaning.
1. C pass sth down a. to start to suffer from an illness, especially one that is not serious.
2. F come down on sb/sth b. stop working.
3. H set up c. to teach or give something to someone who will be alive after you have died.
4. G give up d. to look after someone or something.
e. to trust someone or something and know that that they will help you or do
5. D take care of
what you want or expect them to do.
6. A come down with f. to punish or criticize a person or activity very strongly.
7. E depend on g. to stop doing something before you have finished it.
8. B break down h. to establish someone or yourself in a business or position.
I. Read the passage below and decide which option best fits each space
PASSAGE A.Over the last century, there have been many significant changes in the way we live. Obviously, it. is
difficult to (1) __________ the life of ancient people and the life of the people living in the twenty-first century
because so many changes have occurred. Even the changes that have (2) __________ over the last ten years are
amazing. People in the past were not (3) __________ to travel such long distances within such a short period of
time. Nowadays, we have become very mobile. We have fast and (4) __________ cars. In addition, more and
more people travel by plane. Moreover, in the past people had to work harder as they did not have (5)
__________ and machines to make their work easier. Today, most of the difficult and dangerous work is (6)
__________ by computers and other powerful machines. In the past (7) __________ of living were not as
comfortable as they are now. Besides many people could not afford (8) __________ appliances like a fridge or a
vacuum cleaner because those used to be luxurious goods. Another difference (9) __________ living now and in
the past is the fact that nowadays education is accessible to everyone. In the past men were mainly the only ones
educated and women were not (10) __________ into public or private schools.
1. A. predict B. discuss C, compare D. suppose
2. A. occurred B. considered C. expressed D. arranged
3. A. used B. able C. might D. capable
4. A. skillful B. difficult C. historical D. comfortable
5. A. rules B. tools C. teams D. ideas
6. A. thought B. played C. done D. seen
7. A. conditions B. performances C. stories D. conflicts
8. A. mobile B. physical C. bare-footed D. household
9. A. within B. among C. between D. behind
10. A. allowed B. attended C. agreed D. appeared
PASSAGE B. Either boys or girls, usually aged from seven to ten, play the two-person game of "Mandarin's Box".
They draw a rectangle on the ground and (1) __________ it into ten small squares called "rice fields" or "fish
ponds”. They also draw two additional semi-circular boxes at the two (2) __________ of the rectangle, which are
called "mandarin's boxes" - the game's name. Each person has 25 small pebbles and a bigger stone. Each player
places the stone in one of the mandarin's boxes and five small pebbles in each of the other squares. Then the game
begins. The first player takes up the contents of one square on his or her side of the board, but not a mandarin's
box and distributes the pebbles one by one, (3) __________ the next square in (4) __________ direction.
Since each square contains five pebbles at the beginning, the first move will distribute five pebbles to the left or
right. After the last pebble is distributed, the player takes the contents of the following square and repeats the
distribution (5) __________. But if the following square is one of the mandarin's boxes, the turn ends and
passes to the other player. If the last pebble falls into a square that precedes one empty square, the player wins all
the contents of the square following the empty square and (6) __________ these pebbles from the board.
However, if there are two or more empty squares in a row, the player (7) __________ his or her turn. Once a
player has taken pebbles from the board, the turn is (8) __________ to the other player. If all five squares on
one player's side of the board are emptied at any time, that player must place one pebble he or she has aside back
in each of the five squares so that the game can resume. The game (9) __________ until the two mandarins'
boxes have both been (10) __________. At the end of the game, the player with more pebbles wins, with each of
the large stones counting as ten points.
1. A. share B. divide C. separate D. leave
2. A. ends B. aims C. small points D. stops
3. A. start B. to start C. starting D. having started
4. A. no B. all C. both D. either
5. A. action B. process C. change D. method
6. A. removes B. disappears C. leaves D. ends
7. A. wins B. succeeds C. fails D. loses
8. A. gone B. made C. passed D. rewarded
9. A. starts B. continues C. stops D. pauses
10. A. held B. moved C. taken D. accepted
II. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word to complete the following passage
(1) PUT/PLACE their hands above their (2) SHOULDERS/HEADS. Then they start singing the song. One person
is chosen as the cat and (3) ANOTHER as the mouse. These two stand in the (4) MIDDLE of the circle and lean
against each other. When the others sing the last sentence of the song, the mouse starts to run, and the cat must
run (5) AFTER it. However, the cat must run in exactly the same route and manner (6) AS the mouse. The cat (7)
WINS the game when it catches the mouse. Then, the two exchange the roles. If the cat runs into the wrong hole, it
(8) WILL be dismissed from that round. If it fails to catch the mouse in a certain (9) AMOUNT/PERIOD of time
(usually from three to five minutes for kindergarten-age children), it will (10) EXCHANGE/SWAP its role with the
mouse. The game will then continue.


III. Fill in each blank an appropriate word from the list
A. make - sell – last – carry - get up – take – move – read – quit - put
1. He used to__________ under the oil lamp because there was no electricity.
2. I used to__________ at 3 a.m. and go with my parents to get fresh water.
3. My grandparents’ family used to__________ to a limestone cave in the mountainous area to escape
American bombers.
4. Primary children used to__________ small porcelain inkpots in the comers of their wooden tables.
5. Mrs. Binh used to__________ teaching materials in the evening.
6. Many students in Binh Phuoc province used to__________ school because their families were so poor.
7. High school students used to__________ the high school graduation examinations.
8. The former university entrance exams with two sessions used to__________ one week.
9. City dwellers used to__________ rice with shoulder poles in support of the national fight against French
10. Residents on Hang Bo street used to__________ bamboo baskets.
B. generations - survive – marriage – competition – violence – funeral – breadwinner - wealthy -
seniority - access
1. All of the people attending the __________ are wearing the black clothes.
2. Parents should teach their children necessary skills to __________ in dangerous situations.
3. The gap between __________ people and poor people is becoming wider.
4. There are many __________ living in an extended family.
5. The candidates participating in the __________ are all talented.
6. She has become the __________ of her family since her husband lost his job.
7. Strangers can’t __________ this area unless they are allowed by the manager.
8. Parents shouldn’t let their children see any __________ between them.
9. His second __________ was broken again because of his selfishness.
10. She was recruited to do the job thanks to her __________.
I. Rewrite the sentences of the given word.
1. He had a lot of money, but now he doesn't. (USED)
2. The boys want to win the football match. (WISH)
3. Did you always eat sweets when you were small? (USE)
4. She dreams to spend her vacation in Ha Long Bay. (WISHES)
5. They didn't use to drink coffee when we lived in Japan. (NEVER)
6. Many schools are overcrowded because there are so many children in Viet Nam. (BECAUSE OF)
7. In the Mekong Delta, small children go through foot bridges in order to get to school. (IN ORDER THAT).
II. Rewrite the sentences, using the given words that have the same meaning with underlined
turn down - turn - set up - live on - close down - keep up with - get up
1. When did your father start this shop?
2. What time do you get out of bed every day?
3. You should study harder to stay equally with your classmates.
4. If Tom didn’t arrive, we would go without him.
5. The orphan earned money from selling lottery too live.
6. I invited her to my house for dinner but she refused.
7. Why did you stop doing business with your workshop?
III. Write full sentences using the words given
1. overhead projector/ very reliable tool/ used/ display images/ screen/ or/ wall.
2. It/ used/ be/ feature/ both/ classrooms/ business meetings.
3. technology/ overhead projector/ very simple/ compared/ that/ modem LCD projector.
4. LCD projectors/ several advantages/ because/ they/ smaller/ brighter/ durable/ overhead projectors.
5. They/ good facilities/displaying images/ videos/ classrooms.
6. With/ whiteboard/ classroom/ every student/ take part/ lessons.
7. Mistakes/ which/ made/ during guided practice/ easily erased.
8. Nowadays/ smart boards/ provide/ students/ interactive learning environment.
9. Students/ see more diagrams/ charts/ videos/ Internet.
10. Smart boards/ also/ help/ students/ use/ fingers/ write directly/ them.
11. traditional library/ function/ storage/ preservation/ physical items/ particularly books/ periodicals.
12. Books/ shelves/ divided/ based/ subjects/ and/ readers/ travel/ library/ borrow books.
13. For/ digital library/ readers/ get/ access/ materials/ house/ Internet.
14. Readers/ browse/ materials/ based/ hyperlinks/ or keywords.
15. With/ digital library/ we/ read/ all the books/ which/ published/ world.

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