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Translated and Published by
Japanese Standards ssociation

JIS B 7502 2 16



l s 17.040.30
Reference n u m b e r : JIS B 7502 : 2 16 E)

B 7502 : 2016



Date of Establishment: 1952-03-08

Date of Revision: 2016-08-22

Date of Public Notice i n Official Gazette: 2016-08-22

Investigated by: Japanese Industrial Standards Committee

Standards Board for ISO ar ea

Technical Committee on Basic Engineering

JIS B 7502 : 2016 First English edition published in 2017-01

published by: Japanese Standards Association

Translated and published
Mita MT Buil ding 3-13
-12 Mita Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0073 JAPAN

In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents

the original JIS is to be the final authority.

© JSA 2017
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized
in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and microfilm without
permission in writing from the publisher.

Printed in Japan KK/HN

B 7502 : 2016



Introduction································································································· 1
1 S c o p e ································
······························ ······ 1

2 Normative references············································································ 1

3 Terms and definitions··········································································· 2

4 Design specification design characteristics) ·············································3

4.1 General ...........
......................... ......... 3
4.2 Names of main parts ............
....................... ..... 3
4.3 Dimensions ............
........................ ..... 6
4.4 Measuring r a n g e ····························
···························· ········· ·10
4.5 Types of indicating devices············· ........................................... ···········11
4.6 Protection of electronic digital indication for field use······························ ·13

4.7 Insulation p la te ··········································

················· ·13
4.8 Measuring faces················································································ ··14
4.9 Measuring-force limiting device ............................................................ ·14
4.10 Adjustment devices············································································ ·14
4.11 Spindle······························································································14

5 Metrological characteristics and performance .......................................... 14

5.1 G e n e r a l·····························
····························· ······ ·14
5.2 Metrological characteristics································································· ·15
5.3 Performance······················································································ ·20

6 Marking on product documents ............................................................ ·28

7 Proof of conformance with specifications················································ ·28

7.1 General············ ................................................................................ ·28
7.2 Measurement st andard for calibration of metrological characteristics
and performance················································································ ·29
7.3 St andard reference te m p e r a tu r e ·····················
························· ·············· ·29

8 Inspection························································································· ·29
9 Marking ............
.......................... ............... ·29

Annex A informative) Example of a n error-of-indication curve························ ·30

Annex B informative) Notes on use .............................................................. 31

Annex informative) Typical dat a sheet for design specification design

characteristics), metrological characteristics and
performance ............................................................. ·32

Annex D informative) Relation to the GPS m a tr ix model ................................ ·33


B 7502 : 2016

Annex J A informative) Marking o n product documents··································· 35

Annex J informative) Comparison table between JIS and corresponding

International Standard············································· 36


B 7502 : 2016


This translation has been made based o n the original Japanese Industrial
Sta nda r d revised by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry
through deliberations a t the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee
a s the result of proposal for revision of J a pa ne s e I ndus tr ia l Sta nda r d
submitted b y J a p a n Precision Measuring Instruments manufacturers
Association JMA)I Japanese Standards Association JSA) with the draft
being attached, based on the provision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the -
dustrial Standardization Law applicable to the case of revision by the
provision of Article 14.

Consequently JIS B 75 2:1994 is replaced with this Standard.

JIS B 75 2:1994 may be applied in the JIS m a r k certification based on

the relevant provisions of Article 19 Clause 1, etc. of the Industrial
Standardization Law until August 21, 2017.

This JIS document is protected by the Copyright Law.

Attention is drawn to the possibility th a t some pa r ts of this Sta nda r d

may conflict with pa te nt rights, applications for a pa te nt after opening to
the public or utility model rights. The relevant Minister and the Japanese
Industrial Standards Committee are not responsible for identifying any of
such pa te nt rights, applications for a pa te nt after opening to the public or
utility model rights.






This Japanese Industrial Standard has been prepared based on the second edition of
ISO 3611 published in 2010 with some modifications of the technical contents in order
to correspond to the practical manufacture and use.

The portions given sidelines or dotted underlines are the matters i n which the con
tents of the corresponding International St andar d have been modified. A list of modi
fications with t he explanations is given in Annex JB.

This St andar d is one of geometrical product specificationsGPS) under the GPS

Basic St andar d see ISO/TR 14638 : 1995) and related to the chain link 5 for t he chain
of standards on size. The details on the relation between this St andar d and other GPS
Standards are given i n Annex D.

1 Scope

This St andar d specifies micrometer for external measurements, R ~ : u : ~ ~ h ~ I > _ ~ g m j ~ : r Q J ) J ~

, ~ _ t ~ r Q r _ i n t ~ r 1 ; 1 9 : 1 _ ) ) ) & ~ _ l } X ~ } J ) . g n t ~ 1 _ } J ) . j ~ X Q m ~ J & J ; _ J ~ r r _ . p _ ~ r r _ ) ) l ~ _ ~ ~ } x ~ m g n t ~ _ Q f J ~ ~ t h l - _ ~ n g _ m j _ - _

~ X Q m ~ t ~ x l ) g ~ g h ~ r ~ J ~ J t ~ r x ~ f ~ r x ~ g t m j _ ~ x ~ m ~ t ~ x l l : r r l ~ ~ Q t h ~ x w i _ ~ ~ J ? I > _ ~ ~ i f j _~ _ Q . l

equipped with analogue indication, mechanical or electronic digital indication.

NOTE: The International Standard corresponding to this Standard and the

symbol of degree of correspondence are a s follows.

ISO 3611 : 2010 Geometrical product specifications GPS) - Dimen-

sional measuring equipm ent: Micrometers for external measurements -
Design a n d metrological characteristics MOD)

In addition, symbols which denote the degree of correspondence in the

contents between the relevant International Standard and JIS are IDT
identica l), MOD modified), and NEQ not equivalent according to
ISO lEe Guide 21 1.

2 Normative references

The following standards contain prOVISIons which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Standard. The most recent editions of the standards in
cluding amendments indicated below shall be applied.

JIS B 0641-1 Geometrical Product Specifications GPS) - Inspection b y measure-

m e n t o f workpieces a n d measuring equipment - Part 1 : Decision
rules for proving conformance o r nonconformance with specifica tions

NOTE: Corresponding International St andar d : ISO 14253-1 Geometrical prod-

uct specifications GPS) I n s p e c t i o n b y measurement o f workpieces and

measuring equipmen t - Part 1 : Decision rules for proving conformity or

nonconformity with specifications


B 7502 : 2016

J I S B 0642 Geometrical product specifications GPS) - General concepts and re -

quirements for GPS measuring equipment

NOTE: Corresponding International S t a n d a r d : ISO 14978 Geometrical product

specifications GPS) - General concepts a n d requirements for GPS
measuring equipment MOD)

JIS_B_QQSQ G : ? _ Q H ; f r i / ; / J l _ P : 9 J j 1 d [ l t S p - ~ 9 i a ~ ~ t i Q J § _ { ( { P S ) _ ~ _ S t ~ n r j J J x q x f f f J : ~ l ] Q 1 . _ t f . m _ -

P f J : ~ t J J ) ; : f J _ f Q T g f J Q m f t x i c ; ~ P I : [ H i z H ; t § P ? _ c ; j f j 9 l j Q n _ ~ p r j _ ~ ~ I : i f i ~ i J _ t i Q l

JIS_B_ 14aQ Q p t i c ; ~ f l ? , t ~

JIS _B_14a1 Q p t i c ; ~ P i J x f 1 l ? l $

JIS _B_1 R G : i J _ l J g ~ ) ) } Q ~ 4 $

JIS_B_ 1RaQ } j ; l ? _ c ; t I : i c ; ~ _ c ; Q m R / J : ~ _ ~ Q J : $ .

JIS _B_1 R s _. _ u t Q ~ Q l J j m l 9 ) ; : ~

J I S C 0920 egrees o fprotection provided b y enclosures UP Code}

NOTE: Corresponding International S t a n d a r d : IEC 60529 egrees o f protection

provided b y enclosures UP Code} IDT)

JIS_Z 8_l0_9 G : J Q § § ~ ' y _ 9 . f t ? J : m § _ ~ f d j J _ m f . ~ $ . l J r : ? P J ~ l ] t

3 Terms and definitions

For the purpose of this Standard, the terms and definitions given in JIS 0641-1,
JIS 0642, JlS_Z 8.1Q3, and the following apply.

3.1 micrometer for external measurements

measuring i nst rum ent which gives the evaluation of a dimensional quantity of a n ex
t ernal feature of a workpiece on the basis of movement of a spindle with a measuring
face, moving relatively to a material measure and a fixed anvil, with t he movement
genera e d by a screw thread

NOTE 1 The guiding elements of t he spindle and of the anvil are connected by a

NOTE 2 Usually, micrometers for external measurements have a thread a s a
material measure with the anvil, spindle and screw mechanism ar 
ranged linearly.

3.2 bar-shaped micrometer for internal measurements

measuring i nst rum ent which gives the evaluation of a dimensional quantity of a n in
t ernal feature of a workpiece on t he basis of movement of a spindle with a measuring
face, moving relatively to a n adjusting anvil fixed on the body, with the movement
generated by a screw thread (hereafter referred to a s micrometer for internal meas
urements )

This type of micrometers does not include extendable micrometers whose measuring

range can be expanded.

NOTE 1 A n adjusting anvil and a n anvil fixed on the spindle have a spherical


B 7502 : 2016

measuring face.

NOTE 2 Micrometers for internal measurements have a screw t hread a s a mate

rial measure with the adjusting anvil, anvil, spindle and screw mecha
nism arranged linearly.

3.3 micrometer
micrometer for span measure ments of teeth

micrometer for external measurements to be mainly used for the measurement of the
base tangent length of t he involute gear

NOTE: The micrometer has a disc-shaped measuring face.

3.4 micrometer head

measuring i nst rum ent which gives the evaluation of a displacement of a workpiece o n
t he basis of movement of a spindle with a measuring face with t he movement gener
ated by a screw t hread

NOTE 1 The micrometer he a d has a mounting part t o fix the instrument.

NOTE 2 The micrometer he a d has t he spindle and screw mechanism arranged


3.5 measuring face contact

contact between the measuring face and a feature of a workpiece

3.5.1 full measurin g face contact


contact between the full area of the measuring face and a feature of a workpiece

3.5.2 partial measurin g face contact


contact between a partial area of the measuring face and a feature of a workpiece

3.6 error of indication

indication of a micrometer minus a t rue value of the corresponding input quantity

NOTE: The conventional t rue value is used because it is impracticable to deter

mine a t rue value.

4 esign specificat
ion design characteristics)

4.1 General

The general design specification design characteristics) of the micrometer shall be

such t h a t its metrological characteristics comply with the requirements of this Stand
ard under all operational orientations, unless otherwise specified by t he manufacturer

.O J . ~ E _ : A n _ g ~ ~ J ) J p . l ~ _ Q f _ ( l ~ t g 2 h g ~ t _ J m : : ' J ; ; ' p ' ~ _ Q i ~ i ~ _ ~ t j f H J . _ J T I g r k i n . K _ i n _ t h ~ _ ~ ~ B g J _ R X Q y i d ~ .

.n K t h ~ _ i n . f Q K m ~ _ t i Q n _ f Q K _ 1 l _ E 2 ~ r $ _ $ _ g j S g } l j n _ A 1 J J . g ~ _ J ] :

4.2 Names of main parts

The names of m a in part s of micrometer shall b e as given i n Table 1.

The figures are intended to indicate the names but not intended to give the design

B 7502 : 2016


Table N ames o micrometer

Main parts
Classifica ion
shown i n :
Micrometer external Figure
measu remen ts
Micrometer for in tern al
Figure 2
measu remen ts
Micrometer for sp an
Figure 3
measu remen ts of teeth
Micrometer h ead Figure 4


B 7502 : 2016

3 6 7 9 1

1 measuring face 6 clamp

anvil 7 sleeve
3 spindle 8 fiducial line
4 frame 9 thimble
5 th ermally in su latin g plate 10 fast drive measuring-force limiting device

Figure Main parts of micrometer for external me surements

1 measuring face 6 sleeve

adjusting anvil 7 fiducial line
3 body 8 thimble
4 grip thermally insulating part) 9 anvil
5 clamp

Figure 2 Main parts of micrometer for internal me surements

B 7502 : 2016

2 3 4 7 8 10 11

1 measuring face 7 clamp

2 anvil disc 8 sleeve
3 spindle disc 9 fiducial line
4 spindle 10 thimble

5 frame 11 fast drive measuring-force limiting device


6 thermally insulating plate


Figure 3 Main parts of micrometer for span measurements of teeth


2 3 4 6


1 measuring face 4 sleeve

2 spindle 5 fiducial line
3 attach in g face 6 thimble
7 fast drive measuring-force limiting device
Figure 4 Main parts of micromete
micrometerr head

4.3 Dimensions

The main shapes and dimensions of the micrometer shall b e a s follows.

a) Micrometer for external measurements shall be as given i n Table 2.

b Micrometer for internal measurements shall be a s shown in Figure 5.

c Anvil disc and spindle disc of micrometer for span measurements of teeth shall be
a s given in Table 3.

d The mounting p a r t of micrometer head shall be a s shown in Figure 6.

The clearance between the spindle a nd the guide hole of micrometer for external

B 7502 : 2016

measurements, micrometer for span measurements of teeth a nd micrometer he a d

shall be a s given i n Table 4.

Table Shape and dimensions o micrometer fo

forr externa l measur ement s

- Q ~ = = ~ I a - -- -- :-:-:-~};--- ~
~ L4

Dimensions Nominal value

Anvil length, Ll -

Spindle length in end position, Lz -

Maximum measurable dimension, L -

Measuring span, L4 25 mm a

Frame depth, L5 b -

Spindle and anvil diameter, l 6.35 mm, 6.5 mm, 7.5 mm, 8 m m a

NOTE: Dl Ll and Lz dimensions are important a s a compatibility of device to be attached

on the measuring face.
Notes a A t the manufacturer s discretion. Other diameters are possible.
b Usually, L5 is determined to p ermit th e measu remen t of th e d iameter of the cyl-

in d er equal to the maximum measurable dimension.


B 7502 : 2016

Unit: m m

Figure 5 Radius of curvature of measuring

measuri ng face
face of micrometer
micrometer for
internal measurements

Table Shapes and dimensions of anvil disc and spindle disc of

micrometerr for
micromete for span measurement
meas urementss o teeth
Unit: mm

20° max


Maximum measurable dimension



50 or u n d er 15 to 20 0 5 to 1 0

over 50 up to and incl 100 18 to 25 0 5 to 1 2


over 100 up to and incl 200 20 to 30 0 7 to 1 5

over 200 up to and incl 300 20 to 40 0 7 to 2 0
Anvil discs an d spindle discs of other maximum measurable dimensions
shall be as agreed between th e p arties concerned with delivery

B 7502 : 2016

Unit: mm

Figure 6 Shape and dimensions o mounting part of micrometer

micrometer head

Table Clearance between

betw een a spindle and its guide hole

Unit: m m
Classifica ion Clearance
Micrometer for external =0 01 max
Micrometer for span
measurements of teeth
Micrometer head =0 015 max


B 7502 : 2016

4 4 Measuring range

The types of measuring ranges of t he micrometer shall be a s given in Table 5.

Table Types of measuring ranges

Unit: m m
Measuring range
Micrometer for ex Micrometer for in Micrometer for sp an Micrometer h ead
ternal measure ternal measure measu remen ts of
men ts men ts teeth
o o 25 o o 25 o o 25
25 to 50 25 to 50
50 to 75 50 to 75 50 to 75
75 to 100 75 to 100 75 to 100
100 to 125 100 to 125 100 to 125
125 to 150 125 to 150 125 to 150
150 to 175 150 to 175 150 to 175
175 to 200 175 to 200 175 to 200
200 to 225 200 to 225 200 to 225

225 to 250 225 to 250 225 to 250

250 to 275 250 to 275 250 to 275
275 to 300 275 to 300 275 to 300
300 to 325 300 to 325
325 to 350 325 to 350
350 to 375 350 to 375
375 to 400 375 to 400
400 to 425 400 to 425
425 to 450 425 to 450
450 to 475 450 to 475
475 to 500 475 to 500
Micrometers having o th er measuring ranges shall be as agreed between th e p arties con
cerned with delivery.



B 7502 : 2016

4.5 Types of indicating devices

4.5.1 General

The types of indicating devices shall b e a s follows.

a) Analogue indicating devices

b Digital indicating devices with mechanical digital display

c Digital indicating devices with electronic digital display

O n micrometers w i t h an alo g u e indicating devices, the scale i n t e r v a l a n d its unit

shall b e labelled.

O n micrometers with a digital indicating device, the unit of the indication shall b e

NOTE: Combinations of an alo g u e a n d digital indicating devices are possible.

4.5.2 Analogue indicating devices General

The spindle shall have a t hread pitch of 0.5 m m o r 1 mm. I n the case of micrometers
w i t h spindles having a pitch of 0.5 mm, the 0.5 m m g r a d u a t i o n lines o n the main scale
shall be clearly distinguishable from t h e 1 m m g r a d u a t i o n lines by m e a n s of the ir ar -
r a nge m e nt above a n d below the fiducial line. The secondary scale o n the thimble shall
have a scale gr a dua te d w i t h 50 pitch 0.5 mm) o r 100 pitch 1 mm) g r a d u a t i o n lines,
each scale interval representing 0.01 mm. Graduation

T h e graduation of sleeve a nd thimble shall b e a s given i n Table 6 a n d Figure 7, u n-

less otherwise specified.

Table 6 Graduation
Unit: mm
Thread pitch Thimble Sleeve
0.5 50 divisions Scale interval 0.5
1.0 100 divisions Scale interval 1.0

o 5 1 15 2 25
ro_ o 5 1 15 2 25

l ]

Sleeve Thimble Sleeve Thimble

a 0.5 mm thread pitch b 1.0 mm thread pitch
Figure 7 Graduation measuring range 0 mm to 25 mm

B 7502 : 2016 Fiducial line and graduation line

The thickness of sleeve fiducial line and thimble graduation line shall b e a s given i n
Table 7 unless otherwise specified.

Table 7 Thickness of graduation line

Unit: mm
Item Thickness Unevenness in
- Sleeve fiducial line
0.08 to 0.20 0.03 max.

Thimble graduation line


The thickness of thimble graduation line should be equal to



that of sleeve fiducial line.

, Scale spacing of thimble


The centre distance between the adjacent thimble graduation lines shall b e 0.8 m m
o r over. Arrangement
Arrangement of scales
The arrangement of sleeve s main scale and thimble s secondary scale, and t he di-
mensions of thimble scales shall be as shown i n Figure 8.

Unit: m m

3 4

1 thimble
2 sleeve
3 main scale sleeve)
4 secondary scale (thimble)

Figure 8 Arrangement betwe en main scale and secondary scale and

th dimensions of thimble scales

4.5.3 Mechanical digital display

The example of mechanical digital display is shown in Figure 9. The mechanical dig-

ital display shall have a digital step of 0.01 mm or 0.001 mm. The digits of the display
shall provide a good contrast with the background.

B 7502 : 2016

1 mechanical digital display

Figure 9 Example of mechanical digital display

4.5.4 Electronic digital display General

The example of electronic digital display is shown in Figure 10. The electronic digital
display shall have a digital step of 0.01 m m o r 0.001 mm.




1 electronic digital display


2 control buttons

Figure 10 Example of electronic digital display Error messages

Micrometer with electronic digital indication , $ h : : \ U j n ~ h t Q . _ ~ ~ _ Y . . i ~ _ ~ Q . ? J H R ~ L 9 f _ ~ l . i : ? _ ~

p . l ~ y i n . g _ ~ n ' p g I ; ~ t i 9 . n n J _ B . . y : : ? _ t ~ n t _ ~ r x m : ~ _ ) I ) g $ _ ~ ~ g ~ B . . J ) g n _ x _ ~ . p _ i d . p _ i n ~ n ~ r 9 _ t ~ t i 9 _ n n ~ l d

, Q ~ l l _ $ _ ~ _ t h ~ _ TQ g n Q . j _ G ~ t i 9 . n _ R Q W ~ r _ - _ $ l l - p . R l y _Q : : \ g ~ ~ Q l i n ~ : ? _ . _
r _wJ)gn Interface

I n the case of micrometer w ith electronic digital indication having a n interface, the
manufacturer shall describe the transmission format of t he dat a outputs interface)
with as much detail as possible i n product documentation.

4.6 Protection of ~ I ~ ( t : r _ Q p . i ( i g i J ~ l j n d i ( ~ t i Q n for field use

W h ~ n _ m j _ G x 9 m ~ t ~ x wj_th ~ l ~ ~ _ t r 9 x ) , i ~ g j g i t ~ l _ i n 9 j ~ J A t i n n _ g T I ~ x ~ n t ~ ~ _ $ _ J l v i c t _ n ~ L _ d 1 - B . . t _ R r 9 _ ~

, t ~ ~ _ t i Q n , t he manufacturers shall indicate clearly which kind of fluid and dust protec
tion I p code, according to J I S C 0920 i n t he body o r in product documents.

4 7 . l J J ~ \ l l ~ t j J J . g - p l a t . ~ .

For hand-held micrometers, the frame . Q X _ J h ~ Q d y j m j _ G X 9 . m ~ t ~ L f 9 x _ j n t ~ n . l : : \ L x n ~ ~ : ? _ ~

, 1 ) X ~ J . l ) g n t ~ L ~ h n ~ l d b e insulated to prevent hand heat from being transmitted.

B 7502 : 2016

4.8 Measuring faces

Measuring faces shall have a wear-resistant and suitable surface finish. rhE; h ~ x d ~

n ~ _ ~ ~ _ Q f _ m ~ ~ ~ 1 - r i r r K J ~ ~ E ; _ i ? h ~ l t J ~ E ; D - g t _ l _ ~ ~ ~ t l ~ ~ r r IQQ_JlY x 3 . Q _ H E Q l . _ R - n d _ t h ~ _ } ) : ) & ~ _ i ? : t J . x ~ ~ ,

m g n t _ ~ h ~ n J ) _ E ; ; _ ~ x r i ~ c t _ Q 1 - t ) ) , _ t J ) g ) ; n ~ ~ ~ J J r i n g _ f ~ _ G ~ _ Q r _ 9 ) ) , _ t h E ; y l i _ n d ~ r _ i ? : t J . x f ~ _ G ~ _ w i t h i n _ l _ m m

~ ~ y _ fl; Q m_ _~ ~ _ ~ J x i D - K f ~ < ; g _ .

4.9 Measuring-force limiting device

Micrometer for external measurements and } ) - J . i ~ X Q m _ ~ t E ; x _ J Q L _ ~ p . ~ n _ m _ ~ _ ~ _ i ? ~ x ~ m ~ D - t ~ Qf
t g ~ t h shall be provided with a measuring-force limiting device { : r _ ~ _ t ~ J H ~ t _ i ? t 9 P Q : r _ J d ~ _ t i Q D 

~ t Q P } integrated in the thimble or in the fast drive. M _ i < ; x Q m ~ t g x J J E ; J ~ . _ d i ? _ i _ t h g ~ _ t m g R - _ ~ ~ X ~

i ) ) g J Q r < ; ~ J i m j _ t i D - . K _ d ~ ~ i ~ ~ _ ~ x ~ _ p _ Q _ ~ ~ i R l ~ : The measuring-force limiting device shall func

tion smoothly.

The measuring force generated by t he measuring-force limiting device shall be

measured as given in, and shall supersede the frictional force of the spindle.
Usually, the micrometers have a measuring force between 5 N a n d 15.. N. T h ~ _ m g _ ~ _ i ? ~ X ~

i n g J Q : r _ G ~ _ d i _ ~ p . ~ r ~ _ i 9 ) ) , _ ~ _ h ~ n _ p g _ n 9 _ t _ m g r ~ . t h ~ ) ) , _ Q _ N :

4.10 Adjustment devices

Micrometer for external measurements, m _ i < ; X Q m ~ t _ E ; x _ f 9 x j n t _ E ; x n ~ t m ~ ~ ~ J x ~ m ~ r r t $ ::rrfl

m _ i G x Q m ~ t . ~ x _ J Q L _ $ p _ ~ n m ~ ~ ~ J x ~ m ~ r r t _ i ? g L _ t ~ ~ _ t h shall be provided with user-accessible
means for setting the micrometer to zero or to the reference point.

An a djus tm e nt device shall be provided to compensate for wear of t he spindle and

n u t threads.

NOTE 1 To set t he reference point, t he reference point setting bars or gauge

blocks should be used.

NOTE 2 The dimensional tolerance on nominal dimension of reference point set

ting b a r is obtained by t he following formula.

where, M dimensional tolerance on nominal dimension of reference
point setting b a r /lm)

L nominal dimension of reference point setting bar mm)

O n a conspicuous position of reference point setting bar, the nominal

dimension and dimensional tolerance shall be described.

4.11 Spindle

The hardness of spindle t hread shall be not less t h a n 700 HV or 60 HRC and i t shall
be measured on t he t hread or o n t he neighbouring cylinder surface. The hardness of
stainless steel t hread shall be not less th a n 530 HV or 51 HRC.

5 Metrological characteristics and performance

5.1 General

The metrological characteristics and performance of micrometers specified in this


B 7502 : 2016

S t a n d a r d s h all apply Q D l Y : _ w h ~ n _ t h ~ _ K ~ f ~ I ~ ) ) g E ; _ j ) _ 9 _ i : Q t j ~ _ ~ _ t _ ~ _ ~ j n g _ t h ~ _ ) J ~ i n i m J m ~ 9 : ~ _ l ; r _ ~

? : ' 9 . . 1 ~ J : l j } . ) . ) . g n ~ _ i 9 x ~ . The metrological ch ar acter is tics a n d performance of a micrometer c a n

b e m e a su r e d b y a s u itab le ins tr um e nt a nd a m e a su r e m e n t s ta nda r d w i t h clear uncer
tain ty , for example a gauge block specified i n JJS_lt'Z9.Q6. T h e m e a su r e m e n t s t a n d a r d
shall be able to m e a su r e the metrological ch ar acter is tics a n d performance of a mI-
cr o m eter over the whole measuring range.

~ I Q T l { Q j & $ n _ l ; ~ _ ~ : . r ~ _ g j y g n j : Q _ A : Q n ~ ~ _ J 3

,N_QTE 2 A n g ~ _ ~ } : A P . l ~ _ Q f Q . ~ t 9 : _ ~ _ h ~ ~ t _ f Q x _ ~ m ~ < ; _ i J i ~ 9 : t j _ Q n _ m 9 : I k i n K _ i _ n _ t J ) g _ G ~ _ ~ ~ _ Q f

p . r _ Q y j _ ~ ] j : Q g _ t _ h ~ j n f Q K m _ ~ t i Q n _ f Q K _ ~ _ ~ ~ r $ _ j _ $ _ g j y ~ ) } j n _ A n n g ~ C

5.2 Metrological characteristics

5.2.1 C l ~ m p j I g of spindle

W h e n clamped in cases w h er e the f r am e is eq u ip p ed with a clamping device), a

spindle ~ h ~ J t b . . ~ _ J j g J . ) . : . t l Y ~ ~ _ l ; r g Q , . The indication shall not change by more t h a n -lm.

5.2.2 Ma x i m u m permissible e r r o r o f in d icatio n MPE) General

The error-of-indication characteristics apply to any indications b a se d o n t h e zero set

ting s ta te d i n 5.1. The tolerance o n error of indication shall b e lim ited b y the m ax im u m
permissible error MPE).

T h ~ _ K ~ P - ~ 9 : t J l J ) j l i t y _ ( 5 _ . _ 2 _ . _ 2 _ ~ a 2 _ J : l . p . p . l i ~ ~ _ Q n J Y _ w h ~ n j t j B . . _ J : : ~ _ C J . l ; i J : : ~ c t _ b Y b g _ m ~ n \ l J 9 : ~ t ~ K ~ r _ ( Q J : :

, t h _ ~ _ ~ J P . p l i ~ r ) _ J ~ 9 : ~ _ ~ _ g _ 9 _ n _ t h ~ ~ _ $ j K 1 J o _ $ ' p _ ~ _ G j f i < ; _~ _ t i Q n _ - < c t ~ $ j K n _ < ; ) } 9 :r ? : . < ; t ~ r j _ ~ t i < ; _ $ > - "

,NQ_TE_: T h ~ Y } : A 9 . . 9 l ~ Q f _ ~ r K Q r ~ 9 f i 1 J o c t i ~ ~ t i Q n _ ~ h ~ J : : 9 : < ; _ t ~ r i $ _ t i ~ $ ~ n _ ( 1 _ t ) } ~ i r _ ~ 9 x x ~ ~ n 9 _ n d ~ ,
. i : Q K m _ ~ x k j _ n g ~ : . r _ ~ _ g i Y E ; n j n _ A n n E ; ~ _ J A Full s u r f ace co n tact e r r o r J m a x i m u m permissible e r r or J M ~ E )

a) Ma x i m u m permissible e r r o r o f indication b y full m e a su r i n g face contact, a s follows.

The full surface contact error refers to the error of indication w h e n full m eas u r 
ing face contact 3.5.1) i s employed a t a n y position of the m e a su r i n g range, ~ n _ ( ~ t J h ~

, m ~ X i m J J n L j ) _ ~ x m _ i $ _ ~ j b J g _ ~ r K Q r _ J M J : ' . E . _ Q f j n Q . i G ~ t . i Q : Q y J l J l L } : A ~ _ ? : . $ J J r i 1 J o g _ f ~ _ G ~ Q n t 9 : < ; _ t _ D f _ ~
, m i ~ r _ Q D ) g t ~ r h ~ l l _ R ~ _ ~ B . . _ g i ~ ~ n _ i 1 J o _ r ~ b l E ; 8


B 7502 : 2016

Table Maximum permissible

permissibl e error
error of indication by full measuring
measuri ng face contact e MPE

Unit: -lm
Measuring range Micrometer for Micrometer for Micrometer for Micrometer h ead
mm) external meas- internal meas- sp an measure-
u remen ts u remen ts men ts of teeth
o to 25 ±2 -
±4 ±2

25 to 50
50 to 75 ±4 ±6
75 to 100 ±3
100 to 125 ±5 ±7
125 to 150
150 to 175 ±4 ±6 ±8
175 to 200
200 to 225
225 to 250 ±5 ±9
250 to 275 ±7 -

275 to 300
300 to 325 ±6
325 to 350
350 to 375 ±8
375 to 400 ±7 -

400 to 425
425 to 450 ±9
450 to 475 ±8
475 to 500
JMP of the micrometer having other measuring ranges shall be as agreed between the p arties
concerned with delivery.

b Measurement of full surface contact error The full surface contact error shall be
tested as follows.

1) Measure the full surface contact error using a n instrument such as gauge block.

2) When the micrometer has a rotating measuring spindle, the following gauge block
dimensions should be used in order to enable the spindle to be measured a t points
with integer multiple of the thread pitch and a t the intermediate positions.

I f the minimum measurable dimension is not zero, th a t value plus the dimen
sion corresponding to the minimum measurable dimension are the preferable
gauge block dimension.

2.5 mm, 5.1 mm, 7.7 mm, 10.3 mm, 12.9 mm, 15.0 mm, 17.6 mm, 20.2 mm, 22.8
mm and 25.0 mm

When the measurement is performed using the gauge block dimensions above,
the error of indication a t various rotational angles of a spindle can be obtained.

3 In the case of large micrometers, i t suffices to measure the minimum and maxi
mum measurable dimensions of the micrometer by gauge in consideration
a block
for the influence of the measuring force on the body, provided that the measuring


B 7502 : 2016

head has been measured separately measurement of spindle screw feed error).

NOTE: Using the error-of-indication curve is t he easest method to evaluate

t he performance of a micrometer, and the effective method to verify
t he measurement result. An example of a n error-of-indication curve
is given in Annex A.

4) The full surface contact error shall be measured as given i n Table 9.

Table Measure ment of full surface contact error

Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microme After setting th e reference Gauge block
ter for point usi ng measuring of grade 0
external force limiting device with or 1 speci-
meas th e minimum measurable fied in JIS
u remen ts dimension of a micrometer, B 7506, o r
place each gauge block of a the gauge
selected length between equal or
measuring faces. Su b tract superIOr

th e gauge block dimension thereto

from the indication of th e
micrometer using th e same
Microme Method 1 Gauge block
ter for in Bring two flat jaws Type of grade
ternal A) into close contact with or 1 speci-
meas th e gauge block having the Flat jaw fied in JIS
u remen ts nominal dimension equal to Type A B 7506, o r
th e minimum measurable gauge equal
dimension of th e microme or supenor
ter, and fix th em with a thereto
gauge block holder. Set th e
reference point of th e mi-
crometer b y measu rin g th e
distance between th e two
faces, and measure the di- Flat jaw -------fL-....-------- I

mension using each gauge Type A)

block of th e selected length.
Su b tract th e gauge block
dimension from th e indica
tion of the micrometer.


B 7502 : 2016

Table 9 continued)
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microme Method 2 Electrical
ter for in  After settin g th e reference comparator
ternal point of a measu rin g in  having the

meas s t r u m e n t with th e gauge scale inter

u remen ts block having th e nominal Electrical comparator val of m
conclud- dimension equal to th e or less and
ed) minimum measurable di- the instru
mension of th e micrometer, men tal er 
set th e reference point of ro r of ±O.5
the micrometer. T h en ad  m as spec-
j u s t th e scale of th e mi-
mi - ified in JIS
crometer to an y indication, B 7536 or
clamp it, an d measu re th e len g th
len g th with th e len g th meaSUring
measu rin g in stru men t. Add instrument
the m i ni m um measurable having a n
dimension to th e indication accuracy
of the length measuring in  equal or
s t r u m e n t a t t h a t time. superIOr
Su b tract t h a t dimension thereto.
from th e indication of th e

Microme After settin g th e reference Gauge block

ter for point using measur of grade


sp an ing-force limiting device or 1 speci-


meas with th e m i ni m um meas fied i n JIS


u rab le dimension of a mi- B 7506 or


u remen ts

of teeth crometer, an d place each gauge equal


gauge block of a selected or superIOr


len g th between measuring th ereto


faces the position indicat

ed i n th e figure). Su b tract
the gauge block dimension
from the indication of th e
micrometer using the same
Microme- Method 1 Gauge block
ter h ead After setting th e reference of grade
Steel Micrometer
point a t the minimum or 1 speci-
ball h ead
measurable dimension of a fied i n JIS
micrometer, place each B 7506 or
gauge block of a selected gauge equal
len g th between the meas to or supe
u rin g face and the steel rior thereto
ball and su b tract th e gauge
block dimension from th e
indication of th e microme
ter head.

B 7502 : 2016

Table 9 concluded)
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microme- Method 2 Length
ter h ead M easu re the spindle screw meaSUring
conclud- feed of th e micrometer instrument

ed) h ead by th e len g th meas- having th e

u rin g in stru men t. scale inter-
vall/-lm or
less and th e
erro r of in-
dication ± l
/-lm or less Repeatability permissible error

maximum permissible J?E.)

This is the closeness of agreement between t he results of successive measurements of

the sa m e m e a s ur a nd under the sa m e conditions of measurement, when a full measur
ing face contact 3.5.1) is employed f m ~ : ~ _ m i G ; r : 9 _ m ~ t ~ ; r : J . Q L ~ ~ t ~ x n ~ L m ~ ~ B _ v : r ~ _ m ~ ) ) J _ ~ __ n ( l m i ~
, ~ X Q m ~ t ~ x _ ) } ~ ~ d __ 9x _ w h ~ n _ ~ _ J ~ ~ ; r : t i ~ 1 __ ~ } ~ ) ? l l x j n g _ f ~ < ; g __ ~ 9 ) } t ~ _ G t _ ( 3 - - J 5 . .. __ __ _ I ) ) - p . l Q y - ~ _ < j _ J 9 . r __ mj_ _
~ X Q m ~ t ~ x _ f . Q ; r : _ B I > _ ~ n _ m g ~ _ ~ } J J . : ~ m ~ p : t & _ Q f J ~ ~ t h _ ~ n ~ L m _ i < ; _ Q x m ~ t ~ x _ f Q x _ i n J ~ D l ~ l _ m ~ ~ ~ } J . x ~ m ~ n t _ .

The repeatability shall be measured, for example b y using gauge blocks having a ny
dimension within the measuring span).

,NQ_TE_: ____ h ~ __ ~ P l l J ~ < ; _ t } J . X ~ r __ ~ 9 } 1 1 ~ t i l ) ) & _ J ~ ~ r Q y i < j ~ __ J ) & _ Q g t ? c i l ~ _ . Q f _ I ~ I > _ ~ _ ~ _ t ~ R i U t Y __ R . Q P '

X ~ g l l _ ~ _ ~ t J r Q _ I ) ) _ J h ~ _ ) I g X ~ Partial surface contact error E m axim um permissible error EM rE}

The pa r tia l surface contact error applies to m j . G I Q _ m ~ _ t ~ r J Q x __ . p _ ~ n __ ~ ~ _ v : r ~ J ) ) & : n t ~ QJ


, t ~ ~ t b - __ n ~ L I ) ) j < ; x Q m _ ~ J & r J Q X __ ~ t . ~ x n ~ l m ~ ~ ~ ~ ; r : ~ _ m ~ n t . The error of indication applies when

partial measuring face contact 3.5.2) is employed on successive measurements of the
same measurand, carried out a t any position of t he measuring faces. If t he micrometer
has a rotating measuring spindle, t he measurements , hQ_v..ld be carried out a t points
with integer multiple of the t hread pitch a nd a t their intermediate positions

. .9.r _ t h ~ _ J ~ r ? c ~ t i ~ _ ~ l __ } J . ; r : R Q _ ~ _ , __ t l ~ ~ __ ~ ~ _ v : r ~ _ I ) ) _ ~ _ : n t _ Q f _ t _ h ~ __ . ~ r t j ~ l __ } J X f ~ _ G ~ __ ; _ Q n t ~ ~ t __ ~ I r . Q ; r :

h ~ U _ J ) _ ~ __ q . k ~ n _ ~ ~ _ t h ~ t __ Q f _ t h ~ _ J l g t _ : n ~ _ J ~ __ f _ m _ ~ ~ ~ } J . X i P K _ f ~ ~ ~ __ g n ~ l J ~ ~ ; r : ~ U ~ h m __ f _ m ~ _ ? c l l x j _ : n g

f ~ ~ g


B 7502 : 2016

5 3 Performance

5 3 1 Performance o micrometer

5 3 1 1 Micrometer
Micrometer for
for external measurem ents

The performance of micrometer for external measurements shall b e a s given i n Table

10 w h e n measured according to 5 3 2 1 to 5 3 2 3 a n d 5 3 2 5

Table 10 Performance o micromete

r for
for external measu remen ts

Unit: f 1m

Measuring Flatness of Parallelism Spindle F r a m e deflection

range mm) meaSUring of measuring screw feed p er 10 N
face face erro r
o to 25 0.6 2 3 2
25 to 50
50 to 75 3
75 to 100 3
100 to 125 4
125 to 150 5
150 to 175 6
175 to 200 4
200 to 225 7
225 to 250 8
250 to 275
275 to 300 5
300 to 325 1 10
325 to 350
350 to 375 11
375 to 400 6 12
400 to 425
425 to 450 13
450 to 475 14
475 to 500 7 15
Performance of micrometer having other measuring ranges shall be as agreed
between th e p arties concerned with delivery.


B 7502 : 2016 Micrometer for

for inter nal meas urements
urem ents

The performance of micrometer for internal measurements shall be a s given i n Table

11 when measured according to

Table 11 Performa nces of micrometer for internal measurements

Unit: m

Measuring range mm) Spindle screw feed erro r

500 max. 3
Performance of micrometer having other measuring
ranges shall be a s agreed between th e p arties con
cerned with delivery. Micrometer for

for spa n meas urements
urem ents of t th

The performance of micrometer for span measurements of teeth shall b e a s given i n

Table 12 when measured according to to a nd

Table 12 Performance micrometer for span measurements of t

of th



Measuring Flatness Parallel- Spindle F r a m e deflection


ran g e mm) of meas- ism of screw feed p er 10 N


uring face meaSUring erro r

o to 25 1 4 3 2
25 to 50
50 to 75 6 3
75 to 100
100 to 125 1.3 7 4
125 to 150 5
150 to 175 8 6

175 to 200
200 to 225 1.6 7
225 to 250 9 8
250 to 275
275 to 300 9
Performance of micrometer having o th er measu rin g ran g es shall be
as agreed between th e p arties concerned with delivery.

5.3.1. 4 Micrometer
Micrometer head

The performance of micrometer he a d shall be as given in Table 13 when measured

according to and

B 7502 : 2016

Table 13 Performance o micrometer heads

Unit: J lm
Measur- Flatn ess Spindle Perpendicularity of
Ing ran g e of meas- screw measuring face to spindle
mm) UrIng feed erro r axial line

to 25 2 3 2
Performance of micrometer having other meaSUring ranges
shall be a s agreed between th e p arties concerned with deliv-

5.3.2 Measureme nt of performance

performance Flatness of measuring face

The flatness of measuring face shall be measured as given in Table 14.

Table 14 Measurement of flatness o measuri ng face
Type Measuring methods Figure Measuring
Micrometer Bring a n optical flat or op Optical flat of
for external tical parallel into close con grade 1 or 2
measure tact with th e measu rin g specified in
ments, face an d count th e n u mb er JIS B 7430 or
micrometer of red interference fringes optical paral
Optical flat
for sp an produced by th e white light. lel of grade 1
measure Count a red interference or specified in
optical parallel
men ts of fringe a s 0.3 J lm JIS B 7431
h ead


B 7502 : 2016 Parallelism o measurin g face

The parallelism of measuring face shall b e measured a s given i n Table 15.

Table 15 Measureme nt of parallelism

parallel ism of measuri
ng face

Type Measuring methods Figure Measuring

Microm Method 1 Optical par
eter for Bring a combination of gauge allelof
external block an d optical parallel, or grade 1
meas optical parallel into close con- specified in
u remen ts tact with th e measu rin g face JIS B 7431
of th e anvil to th e degree t h a t Optical parallel and gauge
a single colour o r closed curve block of
of interference fringe is ob- grade 0 or 1
Gauge block
served). Count the n u mb er of specified in
red interference fringes pro- JIS B 7506
duced by th e white light on or gauge
th e measu rin g face of a spin equal or su 
Optical parallel
dIe using a measuring-force perior
limiting device of th e microm th ereto
eter an d take i t a s a parallel
ism. I t is preferable to obtain
th e maximum value of succes
sive measu remen ts bot h a t
th e position of integer rota
tions of th e spindle and a t
more t h a n one position where
th e fraction of n u mb er of rota
tions equals to th e multiple of
a fraction of one rotation.
W he n th e m a xi m um m e a sur
able dimension exceeds 175
mm, Method 2 may be used.


B 7502 : 2016

Table 15 concluded)
Type Measuring methods Fi gure Measuring
Microm Method 2 Gauge block
eter for Place a gauge block in the of grade or
external centre of bot h measu rin g fac 1 specified

meas es, and read th e indication Gauge blocks in JIS B

u remen ts usi ng a measuring-force lim 7506, o r
conclud iting device of th e micrometer. gauge equal
ed) Place separately the gauge or superIOr
blocks in four corners of th e thereto
measuring face, read each in
dication, and obtain the
m a xi m um difference. Measur
Alternatively, bring th e gauge ing face
block equal to the minimum
The mark x represents
measurable dimension) into
a measuring point.
close contact with th e centre
of anvil measuring face. Place
sep arately
arately an o th er gauge
blocks between th e gauge
block and th e spindle me a s -
uring face, i n centre and four
corners of th e m easu rin g face.
Read each indication, and ob
tain the maximum difference.
Microm Place separately gauge blocks Gauge block
eter for i n four corners of measuring of grade or
sp an face, read each indication us  1 specified
meas ing a measuring-force limiting in JIS B
u remen ts device of the micrometer, an d 7506, o r
of teeth obtain th e m a xi m um differ- gauge equal
ence. or superIOr
Alternatively, bring th e gauge thereto
block equal to the minimum
measurable dimension) into
close contact with the centre The mark x represents
of anvil measuring face, place a measuring point
sep arately
arately an o th er gauge
blocks between th e gauge
block and th e spindle me a s -
uring face in four corners of
measuring face. Read each in 
dication, and obtain the
m a xi m um difference.


B 7502 : 2016

5323 Spindle screw feed error


The spindle screw feed error shall be measured as given i n Table 16.

Table 16 easurement of spindle screw feed error

Type Measuring method Fi gure Measuring

Microm- Fix a n anvil holder to th e Anvil holder Spherical
eter for frame body) so t h a t the centre a n viI, a n viI
\ ~ u g e block
external of measuring face of a spindle holder,
meas- comes into contact with the T) gauge block
ure- centre of th e spherical anvil a t ~ - JI of grade 0 or
ments, th e position of m i ni m um 1 specified
Spherical anvil
mIcrom- measurable dimension, apply in JIS B
eter for th e measuring force an d set Example of micrometer for 7506, or
internal th e reference point. external measurements gauge equal
meas- Place separately gauge blocks or superlOr
ure- of different length between the Micrometer Gauge block thereto
ments, measu rin g face of a spindle
eter for
and the spherical anvil, apply
th e measuring force an d read
n ~ _ + _ ~ ~f i£l
~ 4 5 rt

sp an th e indication.
meas- Obtain th e difference between
u remen ts th e m a xi m um an d the mini- Anvil holder
of teeth mu m from th e differences be
tween the indications of th e Example of micrometer for

micrometer and the dimen- internal measurements

sions of th e gauge block.

In th e case of th e micrometer
for ex tern al measu remen ts
having the maximum meas-
urable dimension of 150 m m
or less, th e difference between
th e m a xi m um an d the mini-
mu m of th e full surface con-
tact erro r Table 9) m a y be
Microm- Determine th e difference be-
eter h ead tween the m a xi m um and th e
minimum of th e full surface
contact erro r a t each measur-
able dimension obtained by
th e method in Table 9.

B 7502 : 2016

5324 Measurin
Meas uring
g force
force and ts dispersion

53241 Measurin
Meas uring
g force
The measuring force shall b e measured as given i n Table 17.

Table 17 Measurement
Measurem ent of measurin g forc
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microm Use a load cell or balance. Load cell of
eter for W he n using a load cell ar  sensitivity

range th e centre of load cell in 0.2 N or less



meas th e centre axil of spindle. automat


Load cell

ure W he n using a balance place a ic-indicating


ments steel ball between loading spring scale


mIcrom point of th e balance an d th e balance of


eter for measuring face centre of spin


Gauge block scale inter


sp an dle. Arrange the spindle and val 20 g or

meas th e balance so t h a t the spindle less or
u remen ts axis is vertical and th e bal equivalent
of teeth ance indicates zero. instrument
mIcrom Read the maximum indication
eter h ead of a load cell or balance using
a measuring-force limiting de
Repeat th is procedure five
times an d average th e values.

53242 Measuring for

ce dispersion
The measuring force dispersion shall be measured a s given i n Table 18.

Table 18 Measurement
Measurem ent of measuring
measuri ng forc
forcee dispersion
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microm- Obtain the difference between Same as Table 1 7 Same as Ta -
eter for th e m a xi m um and th e mini- ble 17
external mum of measuring force ob-
meas- tain ed b y the method of
ure- and take i t as a
ments measuring force dispersion.
eter for
sp an
u remen ts
of teeth
eter h ead

B 7502 : 2016

5 3 2 5 Frame deflection

The frame deflection shall be measured a s given in Table 19.

Table 19 Measurement of fram

e deflection

Type Measuring method Fi gure Measuring

Microm Aim th e anvil of a micrometer Reference
eter for downward and secure th e mi- point setting
external crometer with th e spindle axis b a r or o th er
meas k ep t vertical. b a r equal or
ure Place th e gauge block of an y superlOr
ments, length or the reference point Gauge blocks thereto
mIcrom- setting b a r between both or reference
eter for measuring faces using a point setting Weight
sp an measuring-force limiting de- bar l
meas vice, and read th e indication.
u remen ts Apply th e load of 50 N sus
of teeth pe nd a weight of 5 kg to th e
frame of anvil side, place th e
gauge block o r th e reference
point setting b a r using a
measuring-force limiting de-
vice, and read th e indication.
Obtain th e frame deflection
p e r I O N from th e difference
between two indications.

B 7502 : 2016 Measuring face

face perpendicularity to spindle axial line

The measuring face perpendicularity to spindle axial line shall be measured as given
i n Table 20.

Table 20 Measureme nt o measuring

measuri ng face
face perpendicularity to spindle axial line
Type Measuring method Figure Measuring
Microm Method 1 Electrical Electrical
eter head Fix the mounting part of a / omparator comparator
micrometer head to a slidable I specified in
V-block. JIS B 7536
Move the V-block, and read or length
the indication of a n electrical meaSUring
comparator when the meas instrument
uring face is applied to the of a n accu
stopper. V block racy a t least
Read separately the indica equivalent
tions of the electrical com par th ereto
ator and take a half th e
maximum difference of indica
tions a s a perpendicularity.
Method 2 Autocolli
Rotate the spindle of a mi mato r speci
crometer head read the fied i n JIS B
runout of measuring face us  Au ocollima or 7538
ing a n au ocollima or and
obtain the perpendicularity by
the following formula. - ; ; - ~ - ~ -:
y = D 1 ·x 400
y perpendicularity of
spindle )lm)
D J : d iameter of spindle
x runout of autocollima
tor s)

6 Marking on product documents

For reference the examples of marking t he maximum permissi ble error in product
documents or figures are given i n Annex JA.

7 Proof of conforman
ce with specifications

7.1 General

For the proof of conformance a nd non-conformance with specifications f h ~ j ) } t ~ r n ~ ~ ,


t _ i 9 . n ~ L _ ~ ~ ~ g J _ t ~ n ~ ~ ; x i t ~ x j Q n _ w h ~ x ~ 2 P . ~ d f j ~ ~ t _ i 9 _ : n _ Q ) } ~ g l l \ l _ ~ l B ~ ~ c ; g : D _ t ~ n ~ ~ Q n ~ ,


B 7502 : 2016

( ~ _ i m p . l ~ _ R - _ G ~ ~ . p _ t a . n G ~ ) _ j _ ~ _ : t J . _ ~ ~ Q . : ,

NO_TE_: . T h ~ _ j n t ~ r ) } ~ t j _ Q n ~ l _ ~ ~ c ; g g t ~ n ~ ~ _ c ; x j t ~ x i Q n x ~ f ~ x ~ _ . t Q _ I S Q T R _ . l 1 2 _ Q _ 3 _ ~ 6 _ : _ 2 Q . l 2 : ,

7.2 Measurement standard for calibration of metrological characteristics and perfor-


A m e a s ur e m e nt st andard shall be properly selected and used according to JIS. When

such a measurement st andard is not available, t he one traceable to national st andards
shall be used.

7.3 Standard reference temperature

The specifications for performances given in this Standard shall b e t he values a t the
st andard reference temperature of 20°C as specified i n JIS 0680.

8 Inspection

The dimensions, measuring range, type of indicating device, measuring face, meas
uring-force limiting device, spindle, metrological characteristics and performance of
micrometer shall be inspected and conform to 4.3 to 4.5, 4.8, 4.9, 4.11 and clause 5. For
t he micrometers with measuring faces of anvil and spindle made of cemented carbide
alloys, the measurements of hardnesses may b e omitted.

9 Marking

O n a conspicuous position of a micrometer, t he following items shall be indelibly de-


a) Scale interval QLmjnim1J_l i g i t . ~ t B . . t ~ p .

b) Measuring range see Table 5

c N R - _ l ) ) _ ~ J _ t b . ~ _ } ) 1 ~ q l 1 J £ ~ _ c ; t 1 - r ~ x _ ( ~ : t J . . p . p . l i ~ r 2 _ Q r . _ i t ~ _ ~ R R X ~ Y : i ~ t i 9 _ 1 ; 1

d) Manufacturing number alphanumeric)


B 7502 : 2016

Ann ex A informative)
Example of n error-of-indication
error-of-indication curve

Figure A.1 shows a n example of a n error-of-indication curve. This is a simplified da 

t a set for dat a points in order to illustrate t he characteristics of t he micrometer. The
details of indicating and specifying metrological characteristics are specified in . G l ~ J } J ? g .
1_ gf S_ Q ~ _ ~ : 1Q.


I ~ c

a /1

/ / / \
JIll /

/ _/ \ \

o - \
- -
/ L mm
\ / \
1 ill

I ~ c
0.0 2.5 5.1 7.7 10.3 12.9 15.0 17.6 20.2 22.8 25.0

L length indication
J erro r of indication
h error-of-indication sp an
c . ~ r : r Q r _ MPE
_ Q f j J } 9 j ~ < ; ~ t i _ Q n

error-of-indication curve

Figure A I Error-of-indication
Error-of-indication curve

B 7502 : 2016

Ann ex B informative)
Notes on use

B l obtain reliable repeatable measuring values, ~ _ m _ ~ _ ~ _ ~ } J x i ; t ) . g J m : · _ G ~ J i m i t _ i : n K d ~ ~ i . G ~ ~

w J ) ' J ~ ~ _ : n J ~ r 9 . y i d ~ ~ t i n _ ~ i ~ r _ Q ) ) ) . g _ t ~ r , shall be used to rotate the spindle smoothly.

B2 I n order to avoid heat transfer from the hand, the micrometers shall be held a s
much as possible by the insulating plate or 1 B _ ~ - , ; t w . i t h _ ~ _ m i . G r Q J » . g _ t ~ r _ . t ~ n d .

B3 The micrometer shall be verified periodically, based on the frequency and condi-
tions of use. The abnormalities of spindle e.g. sluggish rotation, hesitation , if any, can
result from its deformation, dirt in the screw, etc.

B4 Before use, the micrometer shall be reset to zero o r reference po int in the posture
of use. Gauge blocks or reference point setting bar should be used for this setting.

A : n _ . t h ~ _ . G ~ ~ ~ Q f g l ~ . G t x Q n i G ~ U g i t ~ _ ~ _ i n Q . j < ; _ ~ _ t i Q D _ ~ l _ . P _ ~ . Y - _ B J ; ~ ~ < ; j _ ~ l _ ~ t _ t ~ D _ t i Q : n _ . t 9 . _ ~ n ~ i x Q n m _ ~ n ~
, t ~ l f ~ < ; . t 9 . r _ ~

,a J} A t . t ~ : n t i 9 ) } _ ~ h m - J J Q . R ~ _ l l _ ~ _ i d _ t 9 l ) & _ t ~ n d ~ ) } < ; y h ~ t _ m ~ ~ _ l } x ~ ) ) ) . g _ 1 } t i _ G _ g _ 1 } d _ Q f _ ~

, m i ~ r _ Q m _ ~ _ t ~ r _ J 9 x p . ~ n _ m ~ ~ B _ 1 1 r ~ _ m ~ : n t ~ _ Q f _ t ~ ~ _ t h - ~ : t : l _ $ ~ ~ _ ~ _ r ~ l ~ t i Y E ? J . Y - J ~ r g ~ _ g x r Q r _ J ) _ E ? _ G ~ } J _ ~ ~ _ t l ~ i ~

, t y ' p ' ~ _ Q f J n i < ; x Q m ~ t _ E ? x _ d Q ~ ~ _ n Q t _ ~ _ d h ~ r _ ~ 9 . _ t b g _ G Q D _ d _ i _ t i Q n ~ _ p . x ~ _ G r i R ~ ~ t i n J h ~ _ A R R ~ : B _ J ~ r i D _ . G i p . l ~ _ . ,


B 7502 : 2016

Anne x C informative)
Typical data sheet
she et for design
desi gn specification design
characteristics), metrological characteristics and

The following dat a sheet shows a n example of product information in catalogues,

brochures, etc., provided with t he us e r b y the manufacturer or the supplier). I n many
cases, these items of information are shown by the forms of dimensional drawings a nd
reference charts.

N arne of equipment
Product profile

D Design specification design characteristics)

Type . _
Types of indicating devices
M i ni m um reading value / scale i n t e r v a l / m i n i m u m digital step : mm
Measuring range . tQ mm
Diameter of spindle and anvil Dl) mm
Le ngt h of anvil Ll) mm
Depth of frame L5) mm
T h read pitch of spindle . mm

D Metrological characteristics an d performance

Maximum permissible erro r of indication MPE)
Maximum permissible erro r of indication by full measuring face contact ~ P
: J lm

Maximum permissible erro r of indication by p artial measu rin g face contact EMPE

Flatn ess of measuring face : J lm

Parallelism of measuring face : J lm

Maximum permissible erro r of repeatability RMPE J lm if necessary)

Company n ame
Date, n u mb er of edition, etc.

B 7502 : 2016

Anne x D informative)
Relation to the GPS
GPS matrix
ma trix model

D.1 General
For details about the GPS matrix model, see ISO/TR 14638

Q - ' J ~ ~ E _ l ____ h E ? _ J ~ t ~ ~ t g Q j _ t i 5 n ) ' __ f J S _ Q I T R _ 1 4 6 3 a _ i _ ~ _ l S Q _ 1 1 6 g ~ __: _ _ _ l Q ~

NQTE 2 h ~ _ ~ h g i n l j n ~ J __ Q n ' J ~ p _ Q n . J l ~ _ t Q _ t h E ? _ ~ h g i n l j n ~ _ : E _ ~ p E ? _ G i f i ~ g _ i n l S Q _ l 1 6 . . 3 _ s . . _ : _ .

2_ _15_

D.2 Information about thi s Standard and its us

This St andard provides t he most im por ta nt design specification design characteris

tics), metrological characteristics and performance of micrometers equipped with ana
logue, mechanical or electronic digital indication.

D.3 Position in th GPS matrix model

This St andard is a general GPS standard, which influences the chain link 5 of t he
chain of st andards o n size in the general GPS matrix, a s shown i n Figure D.l.

Global GPS standards

General G PS standards
Chain link number a 1 2 3 4 5 6
Size x
Form of a line independent of datum
Form of a line dependent of datum
tal GPS Form of a surface independent of datum
Form of a surface dependent of datum
Circular run-out
Total run-out
Roughness profile
Waviness profile

Primary profile

Surface imperfections


Note a The representation of chain link number is as follows


Chain link 1 : symbols and indications Chain link 4 : measurement


Chain link 2 : feature requirements Chain link 5 : measurement equipment


Chain link 3 : Feature properties Chain link 6 : calibration


Figure D.1 GPS matrix model

B 7502 2016

D4 Related Standards

The related standards are included in the chain of standards in Figure D l

B 7502 : 2016

Anne x JA informative)
Marking on product documents

For better visibility and clarity the symbols given in this St andard can be replaced
by the corresponding symbols given in Table JA.1 which have fewer subscripts.

Table JA l Symbols in this Standard and corresponding symbols used

for product documents or figures
Symbols in this Standard Corresponding symbols



[ ] ISO/TR 14253-6 : 2012 Geometrical product specifications GPS) Inspection b y


measurement o f workpieces a n d measuring equipment


Part Generalized


decision rules for the acceptance a n d rejection ofinstrum ents and workpieces

[2] ISO/TR 14638 2015 Geometrical product specifications GPS) Matrix model
[3] ISO/TR 14638 : 1995 Geometrical product specification GPS) Masterplan


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