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the island's mountain glacier

Eyjafjallajökull or ( in English) the island’s mountain glacier, is an active volcano.

Meaning it is expected to erupt again shortly. It is also a composite volcano because
of its cone-like structure. Eyjafjallajökull formed in Southern Iceland, east of the
country’s volcanic zone and along the Mid- Atlantic ridge ( the North American plate
and Eurasian plate boundary). Eyjafjallajökull last erupted on 14 April 2010.

Eyjafjallajökull’s eruption polluted the air around it and created a giant ash cloud that
consisted of, water vapor; carbon dioxide, and sulfuric acids. The ash cloud that
came out of Eyjafjallajökull wasn't the same as a normal ash cloud that is in the sky for
a couple of a day and then come to the ground. Eyjafjallajökull’s ash could manage to
stay in the sky for 6 weeks which blocked air travel over Europe for almost a month.
Airlines lost $170 million in revenue per day due to Eyjafjallajokull's disruption of flights.
Before the eruption in 2010, the last time the volcano erupted was between 1821 and
1823. It also erupted in 920 and 1612. Surprising after all that has been stated you
would think someone got injured right? Well, actually no one got injured during or
after the eruption. When the eruption started on the Fimmvörðuháls hiking trail it
formed two new volcanic craters which were named Magmi and Móði. Eyjafjallajökull
feeds Seljalandsfoss waterfall.

Eyjafjallajokull is a volcano that is entirely covered by an ice cap. It is located

on the south coast of the island of Iceland, about 3km inland.
The ice cap covers an area of about 100 square km, although it is one of the
smallest ice caps in the country. Iceland has about 130 volcanic mountains.
Eyjafjallajokull is what is known as a composite volcano, meaning it has a large,
steep-sided cone. Mount Etna and Mount Vesuvius are also composite
The volcano is 1,651 meters high, with a crater of up to 4 km in diameter,
containing 3 main peaks. The mountain was once part of the coast, although it
has now retreated.
Although active, Eyjafjallajokull usually goes several centuries between
eruptions, erupting in 920, 1612, 1821, and 2010. The ash from the 1821
eruption can still be found in the area.
The eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in May 2010 resulted in the grounding of
thousands of flights all over Europe. It was the highest level of air travel
disruption since World War 2.
The ash cloud reached as far as the south coast of England, Germany, and
parts of western Russia. Farmers in Iceland were warned to not let livestock
drink from water tainted by the ash.


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