Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI - # 3 - Proportion

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Lesson Plan in Mathematics VI

I. Objective:

Solve word problems involving partitive proportion

II. Learning Content:

A. Skill : Solving word problems involving partitive proportion

Competency: Solves problems involving direct proportion, partitive
proportion and inverse proportion in different contexts such as distance,
rate and time using appropriate strategies and tools
Quarter: II
Week: 3
GAD Concept: Shared Responsibility
B. References: Lesson Guide in Elem. Math Gr. 6,pp.304-307 , MISOSA
Module Gr.6- Word Problems on Direct, Partitive and Inverse Proportion


C. Instructional Materials: charts, worksheets

III. Learning Experiences:

A. Preparatory Activity:

1. Drill

Individual Activity

Let them answer on a sheet of paper.

Find the hidden message. What is hello in the Hawaiian language?

Give the missing element to form a proportion. Write in the blanks the
letters that correspond to the answer.

________ _______ _________ ________ ________

1 2 3 4 5
A – 12 1. 3 = __
8 32
E–8 2. 5 = 35
H – 35 3. 40 = __
60 9
L–9 4. 2 = 10
M–5 5. __= 18
20 30

2. Review

What is a direct proportion? Can you give an example of a direct


3. Motivation

Identify the missing information in the following problems.

Let the pupils explain their answers.

a. John bought a ballpen in the canteen. Clarissa also bought 4 ball

pens. How much did Clarissa pay?
b. One hundred sixty –five boys and two hundred eighty –four girls
attended the parade.
Let the pupils explain their answers.

B. Developmental Activities:
1. Presentation
Post the story problem on the board.
Let them read it silently.
a. Story Problem
Jane and Dave are twins. They always share their things equally. Even
their mother gives them the same amount of anything, whether money, toys,
candies and others. But they found out that there are things that cannot be
shared equally. One day their father gave them P 225.00 so that the ratio is 2 :3, 2
parts for Jane and 3 parts for Dave. How much did each child receive?

GAD Integration
Say: Let us now analyze the posted problem on the board.
 What do you think each of the siblings felt?
 Why did their mother give them things equally?
 Is it alright to have the same amount of things as your sibling?
(Expected answer: It is good to share the things equally in order
to help one another.)
 What is asked in the problem?
 What are the given facts?
 How can we find the answer?

Use a table to show the relationship.

Jane Dave Sum of Money
2 x P1 = P2 3x P 1 = P3 P5
2 x P 2= P 4 3xP2=P6 P 10
2 x P 3= P 6 3xP3=P9 P 15

2 x P __= _____ 3 x P ___= ____ P 250

 What amount will you multiply to the 2 parts of Jane and 3 parts of
Dave so that the sum will be P 250.00 ?
2 x P _____= P _____ 3 x P ____= P ______
 What number did you get?
Jane----- 2 x P 45 .00 Dave -----3 x P 45.00 = P 135.00
P 90 + P135 = P 225.00
 As equation, we write it as :
2n + 3n = P 225.00
5n = P 225.00
n = P225.00 ÷ 5
n = P 45.00
 To check :
( 2x P 45.00 ) + ( 3 x P 45.00 ) = P 225.00
P 90.00 + P 135.00 = P 225.00
P225.00 = P 225.00
P 90.00 is the amount received by Jane.
P 135.00 is the amount received by Dave.

2. Fixing Skills
Group Activity
Divide the class into 3.
Distribute the activity sheets to each group.
Let them follow the instructions written on the activity sheet.

1. Three boys sold garlands in the ratio of 2 : 3 : 4. Together they sold

225 garlands. How many garlands did each boy sell?
2. The salary of two workers is in the ratio 3 : 4. They received
P 12,250.00. How much did each worker receive?
3. There are 80 animals in Mang Pablo’s farm. The ratio of cows to
carabaos to goats to horses is 4:2:3:1. How many animals of each
kind are there in Mang Pablo’s farm?

The teacher will then check the output of each group.

GAD Integration
Ask: Did you experience selling garlands or other things? How did you
Let them share their experiences about selling garlands or other things.

4. Generalization:

How do you solve word problems involving partitive proportion?

What are the processes involved?
In a partitive proportion, a whole is divided into parts that are proportional
to the given ratio.

5. Application:

Read analyze and answer.

Call any volunteer to answer the word problem. (Maybe, 1 volunteer coming
from the boys’ group and the other one from the girls’ group.)

Mr. Gonzales gave his wife and son P2, 980.00 as present last Christmas in the
ratio 3 : 2, respectively. How much did each receive?
Check and make comparison out of their given answers.

Ask: Did you receive any gift from your mother or father? What did you say to
your parents?

IV. Evaluation:

Read and analyze, then solve the problems below.

1. The ratio of cats to dogs is 6:5. There are 495 dogs and cats in a certain
a. How many cats are there?
b. How many dogs are there?
2. A certain amount of money worth P 60,000.00 is divided among Sheena,
Vance and Leah in the ratio 4:2:1, respectively. How much did each
a. Sheena ________
b. Vance _________
c. Leah _________

V. Assignment:

Analyze and solve the problems carefully.

1. Three numbers are in the ratio 1:4:7. Find the second number if their sum
is 276.
2. The ratio of the angles of a triangle is 3:4:5. Find the measure of each



San Isidro Central School SPED Center

San Isidro North District

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