Test Bank For Foundations of Clinical Research Applications To Evidence Based Practice 4th Edition Leslie G Portney

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Test Bank for Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Evidence-Based Practice, 4th

Test Bank for Foundations of Clinical Research:

Applications to Evidence-Based Practice, 4th Edition,
Leslie G. Portney,

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Chapter 08

Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. The process of assigning numerals to represent quantities of characteristics according to certain rules
is the definition of?
a. Research c. Attribute
b. Test d. Measurement

____ 2. Data on a 5-point opinion scale is labeled from (1) strongly disagree to (5) strongly agree. This best
describes what type of variable?
a. Dichotomous c. Continuous
b. Polytomous d. Discrete

____ 3. An example of a discrete variable is?

a. The total number of full steps a person takes in one minute
b. Bodyweight measured on a scale to two decimal points
c. A question answered as yes or no
d. A 15-point satisfaction scale

____ 4. Assuming each of the following represents different measurements obtained with the same
measuring device. Which of the following demonstrates the largest?
a. 1.4 c. 1.75
b. 1.4873 d. 2

____ 5. Which of the following is an example of something that can be measured directly?
a. Pain c. Temperature
b. Happiness d. Length

____ 6. Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit is an example of which scale of measurement?

a. Nominal c. Interval
b. Ordinal d. Ratio

____ 7. Which of the following tests is an example of a measurement on a ratio scale?

a. Satisfaction classified as yes or no
b. The six-minute walk test in meters
c. A four-point scale to score transfer ability
d. A pain scale of none, minimal, moderate, severe

____ 8. Which of the following arithmetic functions cannot be performed with interval scale measurements?
a. Addition c. Multiplication
b. Subtraction d. Frequency counts

____ 9. Manual muscle testing (MMT) reported on a 0 (zero) to 5 (normal) scale is an example of which
scale of measurement?
a. Nominal c. Interval
b. Ordinal d. Ratio
____ 10. Which of the following is an example of a nominal scale of measurement?
a. Sex of children reported as the number of boys and girls
b. Age as reported as adolescents, adults, and older adults
c. Age reported in number of years
d. Rank ordering the participants in a study based on their heights

____ 11. Which is true regarding measurement scales?

a. Step length is always reported as a ratio scale measure
b. There is not a statistical method to determine is an ordinal measure may be
handled as an interval measure
c. Ratio scale scores cannot be multiplied
d. The scale of measurement is important in determining statistical tests
Chapter 08
Answer Section


1. ANS: D
Rationale: Measurement is the process of assigning numerals to represent quantities of
characteristics according to certain rules. Tests are used to obtained measurements, whereas
attributes are a characteristic of what is being measured.


2. ANS: B
Rationale: Since there are more than 2 levels to the possible responses the variable is polytomous
and not dichotomous. Even though numbers are used one cannot assume that these are equal
variables and hence this is not a discrete variable. Likewise, since values between the integers are
not an option the variable is not continuous.

DIF: Easy OBJ: 1

3. ANS: A
Rationale: The total number of full steps is an example of a discrete number as it can only be
reported as a whole integer. Bodyweight is an example of a continuous variable. A question
answered as either yes or no is dichotomous as it only has two options. The 15-point scale for
satisfaction is polytomous but you cannot assume that each value on the scale is an equal interval.

DIF: Moderate OBJ: 1

4. ANS: B
Rationale: Precision represents the exactness of the measure. As B is able to be measured more
exactly based on being able to obtain the measure to the nearest ten-thousandths decimal place, it is
the most precise.

DIF: Easy OBJ: 1

5. ANS: D
Rationale: Length can be measured in directly in centimeters or inches using a ruler. The other
variables are measured indirectly or more abstractly based on how the variables are defined. For
example, temperature is measured by the height of a column of mercury.

DIF: Easy OBJ: 2

6. ANS: C
Rationale: Temperature is an example of an interval level of measurement as there is no true zero.
Zero degrees Fahrenheit is not the absolute lowest possible temperature!

DIF: Easy OBJ: 3

Test Bank for Foundations of Clinical Research: Applications to Evidence-Based Practice, 4th

7. ANS: B
Rationale: The six-minute walk test is a ratio measure as each meter completed is an equal interval
and a distance of zero meters is a true zero for the distance walked. The satisfaction scale is a
dichotomous nominal scale and the given pain scale is ordinal. The four-point transfer scale is
ordinal as it orders persons into categories based on their abilities.

DIF: Moderate OBJ: 3

8. ANS: C
Rationale: Since there is not a true zero interval scale measures cannot be multiplied or divided. As
interval measures have properties of ordinal measures, they can be grouped for frequency counts
such as in the creation of a histogram.

DIF: Moderate OBJ: 3,4

9. ANS: B
Rationale: Manual muscle testing is an example of an ordinal level measure, as order is implied from
strong to weak. However, one cannot assume that there is an equal interval between each grade. That
is a grade of 4 is not twice a grade of 2.

DIF: Easy OBJ: 3

10. ANS: A
Rationale: Sex is a nominal measurement as there is no implied ordering between girls and boys.
Rank ordering participants height and reporting age by categories are examples of ordinal measures
as there is an implied order. Reporting age in years is an example of ration level measure.

DIF: Easy OBJ: 3

11. ANS: D
Rationale: The scale of measurement is important in determining statistical tests, especially between
parametric and nonparametric tests. Step length, as well as other measures, can be reported
according to different scales of measurement. Rasch analysis is an example of a statistical method to
determine if an ordinal measure may be handled as an ordinal measure.

DIF: Moderate OBJ: 4

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