Magnesite - Formation in Karnataka

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Features and genesis of vein-type magnesite deposit in the Doddakanya area

of Karnataka, India

Article in Journal of the Geological Society of India · November 1999


7 565

6 authors, including:

Mysore SUNDAR RAJ. Sethumadhav H. Albert Gilg

University of Mysore Technische Universität München


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Vo1.54, Nov.1999, pp.449-465

Features and Genesis of Vein-type Magnesite Deposit

in the Doddakanya Area of Karnataka, India


Department of studies in Geology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore-570006
IPresent address: Geological survey of India, Sanjivani Nagar, Garha Road, Jabalpur - 482003
21nstitute for Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Technical University of Munich, Lichtenberg str,
D-85747, Garching, Munich, Germany·

Abstract: Vein-type magnesite deposit of Doddakanya area is situated in the southern part of the
Archaean Dharwar craton. Magnesite is confined to a c.3.3 Ga old ultramafic body which constitutes a
tectonically dismembered part of a layered ultramafic-mafic complex emplaced into supracrustal rocks
of the Sargur Group. The magnesite-bearing ultramafic body is comp·osed of dunite with minor
harzburgite and exhibits varying degrees of serpentinization and weathering. About 50 vol. % of the
ultramafic body is serpentinized and the intensity of serpentinization decreases with depth. The serpentine
minerals are represented essentially by Iizardite/chrysotile exhibiting pseudomorphic mesh-texture.
SerPentinization of the ultramafic body took place within 6 km of the Earth's surface at low temperatures
(<200°C) and essentially involved volume expansion (isochemicaJ) process. During weathering, the
relict olivine of the serpentinized ultramafic body was pseudomorphously replaced by a mixture of
amorphous material (with variable amounts of Fe, Mg, Si and volatiles) and minor ferric oxyhydroxides
and secondary silica. The Mg mobilized during weathering participated in the formation of magnesite
in tensional fractures developed during the late- to post- serpentinization event. Oxygen isotope data
(01R() = avo 30.6%0 SMOW) indicate the precipitation of magnesite at ambient temperatures and carbon
isotope values (0 13 C = avo -2.6%0 PDB) suggest the derivation of carbon from a biogenic soil source
dominated by C4 plants. The latter constrains the timing of the magnesite formation to a period not
older than 8 - 7 Ma.

Keywords: Economic geology, Arcllaean ultramafic rocks, Vein-type magnesite, Serpentinization,

C and 0 isotopes, Supergene origin, Doddakanya, Karnataka.

INTRODUCTION Doddakatur, Hullahal1i, Karya, Sinduvalli and

Vein-type magnesite deposits are Mavinahalli areas under similar geological
encountered worldwide in ultramafic rocks; the settings. Among them, the magnesite mine at
latter range in age from Archaean to Jurassic. Doddakanya extends for a depth of about
The majority of the reported occurrences are 25m from the present - day surface level and
encountered in Phanerozoic Alpine - type is accessible for carrying out detailed
peridotites (ophiolite complexes) and the investigations. According to Venkataramana
literature available on the vein-type magnesite (1983), the magnesite mineralization at
deposits in Precambrian ultramafic rocks, Doddakanya resulted from the reaction of late-
emplaced into the continental crust, is rather stage co-magmatic hydrothermal fl uids with the
limited. The present investigation is a case study host ultramafic rocks of Archaean age. It is to
of an Archaean ultramafic rock- hosted vein- be noted here that the Archaean ultramafic rocks
type magnesite deposit from the Dharwar ofthe Doddakanya area, along with the spatially
craton, southern India. and temporally associated supracrustal rocks,
In Mysore district. Karnataka. vein-type have been SUbjected to tectonic deformation and
magnesite is encountered at Doddakanya, metamorphism during the late Archaean period

00 16-7622/99-54-5-449/$ 1.00 © GEOL. SOc. INDIA


(Chadwick et al. 1978 ; Srikantappa et a1. 1985). now occur as N-S to N 20° E trending lenses,
However, the magnesite mineralization does not sheets and bands, exhibiting tectonic contacts
exhibit any evidence of deformation and hence with the surrounding c.3.3 Ga old gneisses.
the view that magnesite resulted through the Subsequently, these rocks were subjected
process of late - stage hydrothermal activity . to an upper amphibolite - facies regional
associated with the ultramafic-mafic metamorphism c.2.5 Ga ago (Srikantappa et al.
magmatism, needs re-evaluation. Therefore, the 1984, 1985).
present investigators carried out detailed
geological studies on the evolution of the terrain. MAGNESITE-BEARING ULTRAMAFIC
Based on these results, an alternate view for the BODY
genesis of vein-type magnesite deposit at
Doddakanya area is proposed. The magnesite - bearing ultramafic body,
which constitutes a dismembered unit of the
ultramafic - mafic intrusive complex, is lensoid
in shape: and extends for a length of about
The vein-type magnesite deposit qf the 1.5 km, with a maximum width of about
Doddakanya area (Lat.76° 35' -76° 45'; Long. 0.5 km. It is composed of dunite and minor
12° 5' - 12° 10') is located in the southern part harzburgite and is traversed by thin sheets of
of the late Archaean Dharwar craton (Fig.lA). norite, anorthosite and felsite porphyry. The
The study area near Sargur lies within the norite and anorthosite constitute co-magmatic
amphibolite- to granulite- facies transition zone, member~; of the ultramafic body and the felsite
separating: the south Indian shield into the porphyry belongs to a younger (0.8 Ga old)
northern low-grade granite-greenstone terrain granitic activity witnessed by the area. In
and the southern high-grade charnockite- the ultramafic body, a thin band of meta-
granulite terrain. The study area is composed sedimentary rock (anthophyllite and feldspar-
of volcano-sedimentary supracrustal rocks and bearing gneiss) is intercalated; the latter
rocks of thc~ ultramafic-mafic intrusive complex constitmes a tectonically dismembered and
of Sargur Group and are surrounded by interleav,ed slice of the Sargur supracrustal rocks
orthoglleisses (TTG-Peninsular gneisses) (Fig.lC).
(Fig.lB). No age data is available on the In thl~ ultramafic body, unaltered dunite is
supracrustal rocks and gneisses of the encountc;~red mainly in the lower levels of the
Doddakanya area. However, geochronological -25m open-cast magnesite mine. It is coarse-
studies carried out by Peucat et a1. (1995) on grained and is essentially made up of olivine
similar ancient rocks in the Holenarsipur schist (Fo 92 ira) and minor chromite and spinel.
belt indicate that the Sargur Group of rocks are Dunite often exhibits a few,mm to 3-4 em thick
c.3.3 Ga old and the surrounding gneisses could chromite:-rich layers alternating with olivine-
be 10-30 Ma older or younger than the rich layers, indicating igneous layering.
supracrustal rocks of the Sargur Group. Harzburgite is essentially composed of olivine,
The Sargur Group of rocks of the study area orthopyroxene and minor chromite and spinel.
were subjected to three episodes of deformation The olivine grains in dunite and harzburgite
sequentially and have undergone greenschist - exhibit cumulus to granoblastic textures and are
to lower amphibolite - facies metamorphism and fractured. Within the ultramafic body, narrow
migmatisation c.3.3 - 3.0 Ga ago (Chadwick (few mm to a few cm wide) shear zones
et a1. 1978; Viswanatha and Ramakrishnan, composed of talc ± tremolite ± carbonate are
1981). The tectonic defonnation of the Sargur often encountered.
Group of rocks involved folding and tectonic The magnesite-bearing ultramafic body
slicing, as a result of which these rocks exhibits varying degrees of serpentinization and



B c

v v
v v

00 Felsite
[J1] Anorthosite
[ill Metanorite
[]IJ Anthophynite

gneiss V V v
~ Dunite n~
~ Quartzite U\.{1 V V
~ Mig.gneiss V V V

CJ Dolerite dyke
~ Late gabbro(two pyroxene granulite
f§§ Pyroxenite
[Ji] 8ronzite peridotite
[Z] Dunite • harzburgite
tIJ Ironstone
ig.1. A. Map showing the location of the study area.
[]l] Pelite
B. Geological map of the area around Doddakanya,
IZ1 Quartzite after Srikantappa et al. (1984). C. Geological map
D Peninsular gneiss of a part of the magnesite-bearing ultramafic body
of Doddakanya.

weathering, the details of which are provided textured and vein -type serpentine, while less
below. than 1 vol. % of the ultramafic body is made up
of bladed serpentine and cross-fibered
serpentine ± calcite.
ULTRAMAFIC BODY Bladed serpentine: Out of 180 thin
sections of the serpentinized ultramafic body
Serpentinization of the ultramafic body examined, only 2 sections revealed the presence
involved the development offour textural types of antigorite exhibiting a bladed or thorn-like
of serpentine: 1. bladed serpentine, 2. cross- fabric (Fig.2A). According to O'Hanley (1991),
fibered serpentine, 3. mesh - textured serpentine, antigorite forms in a high pressure-temperature
and 4. vein serpentine. The modal analyses of (T<460°C) metamorphic regime. Therefore, the
the serpentinized ultramafic body reveal that development of minor antigorite in the
about 50 vol. % of the ultramafic body ultramafic body of the study area may be related
(excluding the microfracture fillings of to the waning stages of the c.2.5 Ga old
magnesite present in it) is composed of mesh- metamorphic event.



Cross· fibered serpentine: Cross-fibered completely serpentinized and such spots exhibit
serpentine is noticed in minor quantities in a either hDur-glass texture or isotropism. The
narrow zone of the magnesite mine. At places, mesh rims are generally composed of either
the cross-fibered serpentine is associated with massi VI! serpentine or apparently fibrous
minor crystalline calcite. The individual fibers serpentine, the latter exhibiting undulose
of the cross - fibered serpentine show wall to extinction. The apparently fibrous serpentine is
wall growth and the length of the individual optically length fast and therefore represents
fibrils varies from a few mm to 1-2 cm. The a. - serpentine. According to Wicks and
fibrous serpentine is made up of chrysotite ± Zussma fl (1975), a. - serpentine is composed of
lizardite. The development of minor cross- lizardite ± chrysotile. X-ray studies carried out
fibered serpentine ± calcite may also be on the mesh-textured serpentine of the study
attributed to the c.2.5 Ga metamorphic event; area ind lcate the presence of both lizardite and
the latter, according to Srikantappa et al. (1985), chrysotil e. In the mesh rims, disseminated grains
was accompanied by ascending CO 2 - rich of magnetite, developed as a result of the
fluids. serpenti::lization of olivine, are often noticed.
Mesh-textured serpentine: The develop- The intensity of development of mesh-textured
ment of mesh-textured serpentine was initiated serpentine in the ultramafic body decreases with
along the grain boundaries of olivine and depth. At lower levels of the mine, the
fractures in it (Fig.2B). The mesh-centres are serpenti flized zones occur mainly as steeply
usually composed of relict olivine grains or their dipping linear patches and blocks following
weathered products. At placesJ mesh-centres are joints and fractures.

Fig.2. A. Photomicrograph of antigorite exhibiting bladed fabric. Cros5 ed nicols. B. Photomicrograph of serpentine
exhibiting mesh-texture. Crossed nicols. C. Photomicrograph of vdn-serpentine (S) extending into mesh-textured
serpentine. Crossed nicols. D. Photomicrograph of weathered m lterial (W) pseudomorphously replacing relict
olivine. Crossed nicols.

j('UR.GEOL.SOC.lNDIA, VOL.54, NOV. 1999


Vein serpentine: Vein serpentine, which observed near-surface and depth-wise decrease
constitutes a minor phase, is confined to in the intensity of development of the mesh-
microfractures. It is essentially massive and is textured serpentine. also negates the possibility
composed of lizardite. Vein serpentine often of serpentinization through either mig-
extends into mesh-textured serpentine (Fig.2C). matitisation or other metamorphic process.
This feature suggests that the formation of vein Considering the above, the major event of
serpentine closely followed the development of serpentinization of the ultramafic body has to
mesh-textured serpentine. be attributed to a younger event, post-dating the
tectonic deformation and metamorphism.
Serpentinization process However, as mentioned earlier, the development
As mentioned earlier, about 50 vol. % of of minor antigorite and cross-fibred serpentine
the ultramafic body was subjected to ± calcite may be related to the waning stages of
serpentinization, practically involving the the c.2.5 Ga metamorphic event.
development of mesh-textured and rarely vein- It is now established that in ultramafic
type Iizardite and chrysotile. The serpentinite rocks, mesh-textured serpentine (lizardite ±
is essentially massive and is comparable to the chrysotile) can form as a result of reaction of
type-l serpentinite of Coleman (1971). Hence, meteoric waters with the host ultramafic rock
it may be presumed that serpentinization took at. temperatures of 85 0 < T < 185 0 C,
place essentially under static conditions. corresponding to a crustal depth of 2 to 6 km
The timing of the above serpentinization (O'Neil and Barnes, 1971; Wenner and Taylor,
event needs an elucidation, in view of the 1971, 1974; Wicks and O'Hanley, 1988;
evolution of the terrain during a long span of O'Hanley et a1. 1989; O'Hanley, 1991). In the
time. According to Varadarajan (1970), the study area, low temperature serpentinization
ultramafic rocks of the study area were intruded possibly occurred during retrograde
at lower crustal levels and were subjected to metamorphism which followed the uplift of
serpentinization through metaso.matic/ the ultramafic body to the near-surface level.
hydrothermal acitivity and the serpentinized Elsewhere, several investigators have
ultramafic body was subsequently emplaced documented the process of near - surface low
into the upper crust as a cold intrusive. This temperature serpentinization, involving the
view cannot be accepted for lack of field formation of mesh - textured lizardite ±
evidence. chrysotile. Worst (1960) reported near-surface
The next geological event, which may have serpentinization in the ultramafic rocks of the
caused serpentinization of the ultramafic body, Great dyke, Zimbabwe. Campbell (1975) also
was the c.3.3 - 3-.0 Ga old metamorphic/ suggested the formation of mesh - textured
migmatization event. In the study area, the serpentine in the ultramafic body at Jimberlan~,
contact zone of the ultramafic body with the Western Australia, under near - surface
migmatites/gneisses does not show any conditions. In both cases, the intensity of
evidence of development of intensely serpentinization decreases with depth and the
serpentinized zone and hence the migmatisation serpentinization resulted essentially through
event cannot be the causative factor for the volume expansion (internal deformation) of the
serpentinization. Likewise, the subsequent c.2.5 host rock in a vertical direction as a consequence
Ga old upper amphibolite - granulite facies of erosional unloading. The latter process
metamorphic event also cannot be linked with facilitates dilation of the pre-existing weak
the serpentinization process, as the latter planes in the ultramafic body and the movement
involved the development of low temperature of microblocks of the serpentinizing ultramafic
serpentine minerals (lizardite and chrysotile) body along the fractures to accommodate the
exhibiting a pseudomorphic texture. Further, the volume expansion. A similar near - surface



serpentinization, involving volume expansion, essentially of saprolite and a minor silica-rich

may be suggested for the present area. The zone. In the near-surface exposure (up to a depth
observed fraeturing of chromite grains and of 2-4m), the weathered ultramafic body is
displacement of mesh-rims of mesh-textured yellowish brown in color, porous and friable.
serpentine support the hypothesis of a volume In this zone, stringers and box-works of
expansion during serpentinization. secondary silica are more conspicuous and the
The decrease in the intensity of magnesite mineralization is rather sporadic. In
serpentinization with depth may be attributed the middle portion of the weathered profile, the
to water pressure. According to Wicks and saprolite is brownish in colour, comparatively
O'Hanley (1988), the hydration reaction during dense and compact, and poor in silica veins.
the formation of lizardite/chrysotile in an Along the vertical profile, a depth-wise decrease
ultramafic body often buffers the water pressure in the intensity of weathering is clearly seen
at the reaction front. With increasing depth, and the weathering seems to have been
the rate of water pressure p(H20) and geostatic controlled mainly by pre-existing weak planes
pressure peg) changes in such a way that at a in the serpentinized ultramafic body.
particular depth p(H 20) equals peg). On Petrographic studies on the saprolite
attaining this condition, the process of indicate that the weathering essentially affected
serpentinization ceases. A similar mechanism the relict oliving grains of the serpentinized
may be visualized for the observed de~rease in dunite and harzburgite. Weathering is generally
the intensity of serpentinization with depth in initiated at the grain boundaries and along,
the ultramafic body of the study area. fractures in relict olivine, as a result of which
The nature of serpentinizing fluids can be the latter is pseudomorphously replaced
evaluated from the work of Johannes (1969) partially or "completely by an optically
and Moody (1976), who suggested that unresol vable yellowish brown coloured
serpentinizing fluids should contain low amorphous material, goethite and secondary
concentrations of CO2 , since lizardite and silica (Fig.2D). Some olivine grains display
chrysotite are not stable in CO 2-bearing simultaneous weathering at several spots,
fluids. Hence, the fluids responsible for leaving tiny skeletal remnants of olivine amidst
serpentinization of the ultramafic body of the the weath<:~rcd material. Microprobe data of
study area were possibly CO 2- poor meteoric several spots of the amorphous weathered
waters with a low oxygen fugacity. It may material indicate the presence of variable
therefore be concluded that the major event of amounts of major elements. The analysed spots
serpentinization witnessed by the ultramafic consist of ~:i02' ranging from 23.24 to 48.17%;
body of the study area is essentially a low MgO, from 0.08 to 37.97% ; FeOt, from 0.16
temperature, near - surface phenomenon and is to 15.95% and CaO, from 0.02 to 1.06%. The
neither related to late Archaean magmatic microprobe data of the amorphous material
activity nor to metamorphic events. show wide, variation in the content of Mg and
comparatively less variation in the contents of
Si and Fe, The chemical composition of the
individual spots of the amorphous material
differ cons:lderably and do not compare with that
It is well known that the weathered profile of any known secondary mineral developed
over ultramafic rocks consists of, from top to from the weathering of olivine. Supergene
bottom, a ferTIcrete/limonite zone, a silica-rich minerals after olivine/serpentine in magnesite -
zone and saprolite. In the study area, the bearing ultramafic rocks occurring elsewhere,
serpentinized ultramafic body exhibits a have been variously identified as smectite,
truncated weathered profile which consists sepiolite, cerolite (mixture of stevensite and



serpentine) and nontronite (Abu Jaber and slightly enriched in Fe. Similar changes in the
Kimberley. 1992). According to Golightly chemical composition of serpentinized and
(1981). the development of smectite or weathered peridotite were reported by
nontronite after olivine is related to drainage Golightly (1981), who suggested that the
conditions. Wen - drained terrains lead to the modification of the chemical composition of
replacement of olivine by an amorphous phase serpentine possibly takes place during
(ferric-silicic hydroxides), whereas poorly weathering through a partial replacement of
drained terrains and relatively dry climates lead magnesium in serpentine by iron derived from
to the formation of smectite. Thus the absence submicron-size magnetite inclusions.
of smectite in the study area may be attributed
to the well drained conditions during the
weathering of the serpentinized ultramafic INTENSITY OF SERPENTINIZATION
The mesh-textured serpentine of the
saprolite is almost devoid of any visible signs To quantify the depth - wise variation in the
of weathering, except for rare brown staining, intensity of serpentinization and weathering of
which may be related to the oxidation of the magnesite-bearing ultramafic body, modal
magnetite inclusions. However, microprobe analyses were carried out on 98 samples of the
analyses of mesh-textured serpentine (data not host rock, representing 15 m thick vertical zone
provided) indicate feeble effects of chemical in the middle and lower levels of the -25 m
alteration. The MgO and FeCY contents of the deep magnesite mine. From the data obtained,
mesh-textured serpentine range from 36.69 to the modal percentage of olivine, serpentine and
38.65% and 4.01 to 5.27%, respectively. In weathered material were recalculated to 100%,
comparision with the chemical composition of eliminating the modal content of magnesite, the
a typical Ii zardi te and chrysotile (MgO =- 41 %, latter being the material introduced into the rock
and FeO t < 2 %), the mesh-textured serpentine as microfracture fillings. Fig.3 shows the depth-
of the study area is slightly depleted in Mg and wise variation in the modal contents of olivine,

Depth in m
706 -709

+ + + + + V

703-706 + + + + + v v 0 Micro-

+ + + + +
700-703 + Ser pentinite

+ + + +
697-100 1- + + +
1- + +

o 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40

Modol content (yol. %)

Fig.3. Depth ~wise variation in modal contents of relict olivine, serpentine. weathered material and magnesite in magnesite-
bearing ultramafic body of Doddakanya.



serpentine and weathered material. In the thin sections of the host rock, magnesite is also
examined portion of the vertical profile, from encountered as micro-veinlets, which in
top to bottom, a general increase in the modal places constitute up to 50-60 vol. % of the
content of relict olivine and a decrease in the host rock. The attitude of 1500 magnesite
modal contents of serpentine and weathered veins encountered in the upper and middle
material is observed. Here, the ultramafic body levels of the mine indicate the following
was subjected to about 44 to 55 vol. % major orientations, given in the decreasing
serpentinization and about 11 to 19 vol. % order oftheir abundance: (1) N 20 °E~ 25° SE,
weathering. In the lower most bench of the (2) N 15 °E; 200NW and (3) N 400W~ 300SW.
mine, the ultramafic body exhibits a feeble At lower levels of the mine, magnesite veins
serpentinization and weathering and in fact, at exhibit es:;ential1y steep dips. The magnesite
this level, mining for dunite is in progress. The veins show sharp contacts with the host rock
above data indicate that the serpentinization and and the contact zone is devoid of any evidence
weathering decrease with depth and these of wall-rock alteration. At several places, the
processes were triggered and controlled by contact surface of the magnesite veins with the
downward percolating meteoric waters. host rock resembles a cauliflower-like surface
(Fig.4D). A narrow gap is often noticed at the
contact surface between the magnesite vein and
the host rock. Within the magnesite veins, lens-
Along the vertical profile of the mine, like voids and contraction cracks are often
barring the uppermost 2-4 m thick zone, the observed.
intensity of the magnesite mineralization The magnesite exhibits essentially granular
increases gradually up to a depth of 18-20 m, and massive fabrics and rarely banded and
beyond which the magnesite veins are sporadic fibrous textures. Among them, the granular
in occurrence. In the uppennost zone, magnesite variety is often composed of tiny
occurs mainly as veinlets and stringers. The cryptocrystalline spherules (less than 1 mm in
magnesite is confined essentially to fractures diameter). The massive magnesite is
and joints in the intensely serpentinized and cryptocrystalline and exhibits a porcellaneous
weathered portions of the ultramafic body and lustre. The massive magnesite, in comparison
occurs in varIous forms, ranging from tiny blebs with the granular variety, is slightly enriched
to veins of varying sizes and disposition. in silica content. The banded magnesite is
Indi vidual magnesite veins are essentiall y of the composed of thin ]ayers «1 mm) which often
fracture - filling type and extend along strike show colour variation. This variety of magnesite
for a length of a few cm to tens of meters. contains high amounts of silica and minor
Magnesite vei ns of replacement origin are rare, country - rock material. The fibrous magnesite
but at several places, the serpentinized is restricted to a narrow zone in the mine and is
ultramafic body consists of close]y - spaced made up of a few mm thick, tightly packed fiber-
tiny patches (1-2 mm wide) of magnesite, which like magnesite, oriented perpendicular to the
may be of replacement origin. Economic - grade vein wa:Js. The fibrous magnesite veins are
magnesite occurs mainly as: (i) afewcm to more generally 1 to 3 em in thickness and contain
than 1 m thick, moderate to steeply dipping tiny relict grains of the host rock, indicating their
discontinuous veins, (ii) less than 1 em to about development possibly through the replacement
~5 cm thick parallel to subparallel veins of fibrous serpentine. Individual magnesite
disposed sub-horizontally (Fig.4A), (iii) stock- veins are normally composed of only one
work or network of veins of a few em thickness textural variety. However, in places, massive
(FigAB), (iv) sinuous veins (Fig.4C) and magnesite occurs adjacent to or as vein-in-vein
(v) veins arranged in an ~n echelon pattern. In within the granular magnesite and vice - versa.



Fig.4. A. Field photograph of horizontal to sub-horizontal magnesite veins. B. Field photograph of stockwork/network
of magnesite veins. C. Field photograph of sinuous magnesite veins. D. Photograph of hand specimen ofmagnesile
exhibiting cauliflower - like contact surface.

The magnesite is associated with minor magnesite samples and the results are presented
amounts of silica (chalcedony or opal), which in Table 1. The analyses were carried out
occurs as: (i) cryptocrystalline material following the method proposed by Mc'Crea
intimately admixed with magnesite, (ii) thin (1950) and kinetic fractionation corrections
selvages, often enveloping the cauliflower-like were made according to the procedure of
contact surface ofthe magnesite veins, and (iii) Friedman and O'Neil (1977). However, direct
surface coatings in voids and along contraction corrections for magnesite have not yet been
cracks in magnesite. DTAlDTGffG studies on
4 samples of granular and massive magnesite
Table 1. Carbon and Oxygen isotope data of magnesite of
indicate the presence of minor amounts (up to
Doddakanya area
6 %) of calcite, dolomite and inert material
(silica and host rock) intimately admixed with S. No. ODC%o (PDB) OIHO%o (SMOW)
MDI -2.27%0 32.18%0
C and 0 Isotope Data M02 -2.54%0 31 .91%0
MD3 -2.60%0 32.01%0
To evaluate the source of carbon and the MD4 -2.36%0 28 .39%0
temperature of formation of magnesite in the MD5 -2.76%0 30.70%0
study area, carbon and oxygen isotope studies MD6 -2.97%0 30.21 %0
were carried out on 7 granular and massive MD7 -2.70%0 28 .99%0



determined experimentally. In the present case, results are provided in Table 2. From the
the obtained i.sotope values may be attributed Table it is seen that MgO varies from 40.62 to
essentially to magnesite, since the analysed 54.25%; Si0 2, from 31.56 to 44.09 %; Fe20 3,
magnesite samples contain insignificant from 8.42 t·) 11.27 % • and CaO, from 0.03 to
amounts of other carbonates. The significance 1.53% . The modal content of the mineral
of the C and 0 isotope data of the magnesite is phases present in the above samples. viz.,
discussed elsewhere. olivine, serpentine, weathered material and
microveinlets of magnesite are also provided
in Table 2. In these samples the modal content
of olivine varies from 17.30 to 44.30 vol.%;
In the present investigation. geochemical serpentine, from 26.80 to 33.80 vol. % and
studies were (;arried out mainly to decipher the weathered material, from 12.20 to 35.70 vol. %.
process (either serpentinization or weathering) Magnetite and calcite occur in minor amounts
which brought about the release of magnesium (generally.::: 1 vol. %).
from the ultramafic body needed for the The mobility of major elements during the
formation of magnesite. For this purpose, 5 processes of serpentinization and weathering of
samples of the host rocks exhibiting variable the ultram afic body can be evaluated by
intensities of serpentinization and weathering, correlating the major - element contents of the
,but containing more or less similar vol. % of individual 3amples with their modal analysis
micro vein lets of magnesite, were selected. The data. Since the samples contain a more or less
major- and rninor- element content of these similar amount of microfracture fillings of
samples was determined by XRF, using USGS- magnesite. a certain amount of ~lg0 in each of
PCC-1 and C.O.S.UM-l as standards and the the analysed samples belongs to magnesite and

Table 2.Major, minor ( wt. %) and trace element (ppm) content and modal a;Jalyses data of serpentinized and weathered
magnesite·bearing ultramafic body of Doddakanya area.

S.No. MB2 MB4 MB5 MB6 MB7

Si02 40.62 40.65 41.49 54.23 45.27

Alp) 00.12 00.15 00.18 00.33 00.25
TiOl 00.03 00.03 00.03 00.04 00.04
CaO 00.03 00.10 00.15 00.36 01.53
MgO 44.09 41.79 37.50 31.56 32.17
NalO 00.04 00.04 00.04 00.11 00.06
K20 00.01 00.02 00.02 00.01 00.02
FepJt 08.56 08.42 08.93 09.23 11.27
MnO 00.18 00.17 00.19 00.22 00.24
pps 00.01 00.01 00.01 00.01 00.01
Total 93.69 91.38 88.54 96.00 90.86
Ni 2179 2204 2203 2228 2461
Cr 7886 9291 10438 15035 9865


Sample No. MB2 MB4 MB5 MB6 MB7

Relict. Olv. 44.30 39.40 20.60 17.30 18.10
Serp. 26.80 27.80 28.60 28.90 33.80
Weath.Mat. 12.20 20.60 33.90 35.70 34.30
Magnesite 16.50 12.10 16.80 17.90 13.70



J( •
the remaining amount of MgO pertains to
olivine, serpentine and weathered material.
Hence, the modal contents of olivine, serpentine
and weathered material of the above S samples
were recalculated to 100% (on a magnesite-
free basis) for an interpretation of the chemical
analyses data. The recalculated modal contents ... •, ...
of the samples and their chemical analytical oL-_____ ______L -____~ ~· ______ ~

data can be used to evaluate the mobility ofMg, 30 3!) 40


Si and Fe during serpentinization and

Fig.5. Graph showing the trend lines of MgO (wt.%) vs
weathering of the ultramafic body. (1) olivine (vol.%), (2) oIivine+serpentine (vol.%),
From the modal and chemical data of the (3) weathered material (vol.%).
samples, the graphs showing the relationship of ;It •

MgO, Si02 and Fe2 0 3 contents vs the modal % ~~ oo~_------------------------~

of olivine, (olivine + serpentine), and weathered ci;>;>
i5 10 -- -_lC Ie

material of individual samples were plotted ~'g' SO - - __ 2

CI !)O x "tt-_
(Figs.5, 6 and 7). Fig.S provides the lines of '"' -_ x
best fit of the relationship between MgO % vs
~ ~ e- 40 3 • ~..!..:
15J;~30 ~ •••

... ....
modal % of oli vine, (oli vjne + serpentine) and .~ "~~ 20
weathered material. Likewise, the lines o(best ~ 5~ 10
~ N rti 0 '--_---L____--'-_ _ _-1..._ _ _....I...-_ _---I
fit of the relationship between Si02 % vs modal 3!5 40 4!5 !)O 60
% of olivine, (olivine + serpentine) and Si0 (wt%)
weathered material are given in Fig.6. Similarly, Fig.6. Graph showing the trend lines of Si02 (wt. %) vs
the lines of best fit of the relationship between (1) olivine (vol.%),(2) olivine+serpentine (vol.%),
Fe 20 3 % vs modal % of olivine, (olivine + (3) weathered material (vol.%).
;It •
serpentine) and weathered. material are
;i ~ 00 , . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
provided in Fig.7. From these figures, the
1 J70 X
behaviour of Mg, Si and Fe during '";;-:::
"~ "~60 -----_ 2
serpentinization and weathering of the host 4 C CI ;---------~
ultramafic body have been qualitatively ~~~40
evaluated in the following section. ';t1 30
~ c: - 20
£ r<i 10
Behaviour of major elements during
sepentinization O~------------------------~
e 9 10 11 12 13
Fe 0 (wt.·/.)
2 3
Several investigators, including Hostetler Fig.7. Graph showing"the trend lines of Fep3 (wt.%) vs
et al. (1966) favour the idea that the (1) olivine (vol.%),2) olivine+serpentine (vol.%),
serpentinization of ultramafic rocks is (3) weathered material (vol.%).
accompanied by minimal changes in chemical
composition (except for the addition of water) protolith are described by the following
and is accompanied by a volume increase. On reactions (Coleman, 1971).
the other hand, some investigators, including
Thayer (1966), advocate that the 2Mg2Si04 + 3H 20 =Mg3SizOiOH)4 + Mg(OH)2
serpentinization involves a major change in bulk Olivine added Serpentine Brucite
composition and at least in certain cases is
accompanied by no change in volume. In the 2Mg2Si04 + 2H 20 = Mg 3 Si 20 6 (OH)4 + Mg>+
absence of the external silica source, these two Olivine added Serpentine removed
.possibilities of serpentinization of the ultramafic water



In these reactions, the formation oflizarditel slope and the line of best fit of Si02 content vs
chrysotile - bearing serpentinite from ultramafic modal % oJ (olivine + serpentine) lies above
rocks involves the development of either brucite the line of best fit of Si0 2 content vs modal %
or the removal of Mg. In the study area, brucite of olivine. These features indicate that during
is not noticed in the serpentinized ultramafic serpentinization Si was also retained practically
body. However, even if brucite is considered in situ. A si:nilar exercise carried out to evaluate
to have developed during the serpentinization, the mobility of Fe indicates that Fe was also
its absence in the host rock can be attributed essentially immobile during serpentinization of
to leaching during subsequent weathering the ultramafic body (Fig.7). This tentative
process. If brucite did not form during the interpretation of the data of the major element
serpentinization process, then some amount of contents and modal % of the olivine and
Mg removal during the serpentinization has to (olivine+serpentine) of the host rock suggests
be accounted for. In the study area, there is no that the major elements were practically
field evidence for Mg metasomatism of the immobile and hence the alisumption that
surrounding rocks and hence it may be serpentinization took place through the process
conjectured that the serpentinization of the of volume expansion, without involving any
ultramafic body involved the formation of minor appreciab"le mobility of major elements, is
amounts of brucite, which possibly was justified. However, it is to be noted that the
mobilized during the subsequent weathering serpentinization of the ultramafic body did
process. Hence, it may be presumed that the involve th~ mobilization of minor amounts of
serpentinization of the ultramafic body of the Mg, Si and Fe, which re-precipitated as vein·
study area took place mainly as a result of type serpentine and magnetite in the host rock.
volume expansion, without any significant loss
of major elements, including Mg. Behaviour of Elements during Weathering
Behaviour of major elements during the The mobility of major elements during
serpentinization of the ultramafic rocks can be weatherin g of the serpentinized host rock can
evaluated from the chemical analyses data by be evaluated from Figs.S, 6 and 7. In Fig.S, the
various methods as proposed by several workers lines of best fit of MgO content vs modal % of
Ccf.Coleman and Keith, 1971). However, these (olivine + serpentine) and weathered material
methods cannot be employed for the study area show 0ppDsite trends. The figure also shows a
due to the weathering of the ultramafic body decrease of MgO content with the increase in
subsequent to its serpentinization. However, the the modal % of the weathered material. This
behaviour of the individual major elements implies t~,e mobility of Mg during weathering
during serpentinization of the ultramafic body of the serpentinized host rock. In contrast,
can still be visualized qualitatively from Figs. 6 and 7 reveal an increase of Si0 2 and
Figs.S, 6 and 7. Fe20 3 contents, respectively, with increase in
In Fig.S, the lines of best fit of MgO content the modal % of weathered material. The above
vs modal % of olivine and (olivine + serpentine) feature indicates that Si and Fe were retained
exhibit a similar trend and slope. Further, the substantially in the host rock during weathering.
line of best fit of MgO content vs modal % of The observed positive correlation of the modal
(olivine + serpentine) lies above the line of best % of wea.thered material with Si02 and Fe z0 3
fit of MgO content vs modal % of oli vine. These contents can be attributed to a relative
features suggest that during serpentinization, enrichment of Si and Fe, due to the leaching of
the bulk of the Mg was retained in situ. Mg from the host rock during the weathering
Likewise, the lines of best fit ofSi02 content vs process. The magnesium thus mobilized,
modal % of olivine and (olivine + serpentine), eventually participated during the formation of
shown in Fig.6, exhibit a similar trend and magnesit'~. Minor amounts of Fe and Si released



during weathering reprecipitated as goethite and fractures also developed in the upper parts of
secondary silica. the serpentinized ultramafic body. These
tensional fractures obviously developed at
shallow crustal levels, where the lithostatic
pressure was less than 2 Kbar; the latter,
according to Raleigh and Patterson (1965),
Srikantappa et al. (1984,1985) reported that constitutes the pressure regime of ductile I brittle
the event of high grade metamorphism (8-9 kbar deformation boundary zone for serpentinite.
and 700-750° C) of ultramafic rocks of the study However, a few magnesite veins in the study
area was accompanied by ascending CO2 - rich area are confined to sinuous fractures. These
fluids and involved the development of sinuous tensional fractures, oriented in different
magnesite along with enstatite, forsterite, directions, may have followed the pre-existing
anthophy11ite and scapolite. The magnesite structural w~ak planes and were possibly folded
reported by them does represent isolated during minor ductile deformation of the
mineral grains and thus cannot constitute the serpentinized ultramafic body at comparatively
commercial grade magnesite mineralization deeper crustal levels (slightly below 2 Kbar
encountered in the area. Field observation, lithostatic pressure zone).
petrological and geochemical data provided
earlier, clearly indicate that the magnesite Mode of magnesite precipitation
mineralization of the study area post-dates the The network or stock-work like magnesite
event of near-surface and low-temperature veins developed essentially as a result of the
serpentinization of the ultramafic body and is simultaneous formation of magnesite along the
genetically related to the weathering process. pre-existing intersecting tensional fractures.
The vein-type magnesite mineralization of the However, at some places, such networks of
Doddakanya area, as elsewhere in the world, is magnesite veins exhibit evidence in favour of
essenti ally of the fracture-filling type; their formation sequentially along tensional
metasomatic process played an insignificant role fractures that developed episodically. The
in the formation of magnesite. junction of such intersecting veins show
neither brecciation nor displacement. This
Formation of magnesite-bearing fractures feature rules out the possibility of formation of
The structural weak zones in the ultramafic magnesite from forcefully injected mineralizing
body, which subsequently acted as the avenues fluids and suggests the formation of magnesite
for magnesite localization, developed possibly from the downward percolating mineralizing
during a long span of time, viz., from the c.3.3 solutions. The observed minor quantitative
- 3.0 Ga old tectonic deformation to sub-recent variation in the mineralogical composition
erosional unloading (exhumation) of the terrain. (viz., MgC0 3 and Si02) as wen as the textural
During the early stages, the development of variation of magnesite (viz., granular and
tensional fractures were initiated along the pre- cryptocrystalline) suggest episodic minor
existing structural weak planes in the host rock changes in the chemistry of mineralizing
(viz., minor faults, conjugate shear planes, en solutions. Lens-like openings in the magnesite,
echelon fractures, etc.), developed during the cauliflower - like contact surfaces of the
late Archaean tectonic deformation of the magnesite veins, and contraction cracks in the
terrain. These structural weak planes were silica layer enveloping the cauliflower - like
rejuvenated and opened up as tensional fractures contact surfaces - all indicate the possibility of
under extensional tectonic regime during the developmen t of magnesite by a process of
erosional unloading of the terrain. During this compaction of the initial precipitates of
process, a series of sub-horizontal distensional hydromagnesite derived from a gel-like



material. Secondary silica also possibly owes derivation of Mg-rich solutions from the upper
its source to a gel-like material. levels. As :?ointed out by Golightly (1981),
Oxygen isotope data of magnesite have been intense chemical weathering of ultramafic rocks
used by several investigators to evaluate the may mobilize up to 85 to 91 vol. % of the rock
temperature of precipitation (Kralik et al. 1989; leaving behind residual (stable) products,
Jedrysk and Halas, 1990). The OU10 values of mainly mad.e up of iron-ox ide-hydroxides and
the magnesite of this study area vary narrowly secondary ,iilica. The Mg released from the
from +28.39 to +32.18%0 (SMOW) [av.30.6%0] upper parts of the weathered profile can
indicating a heavy oxygen enrichment. Since percolate d'Jwn along fractures. In the study
magnesite formed as fracture fillings, it is area, the upper part of the weathered profile
pertinent to visualize its formation under over the ult:-amafic body is eroded and hence it
conditions of high water - rock ratio. This in may be pres umed that a part of the Mg invo! ved
turn implies thato 180 values of magnesite were in the formation of magnesite at deeper levels
controlled by oxygen-isotope composition of was derived partly from the upper weathered
the ore-forming waters. According to Barnes portions and the rest was derived from its
and O'Neil (1969), high 0180 values (+ 22%0 neighbourhood. According to Zachmann and
to + 29%0 SMOW) indicate the formation of Johannes (1.989), formation of magnesite from
magnesite at low temperatures (eg., Red Mg2+ and CO2-rich meteoric waters can result
Mountain area, California). Since the magnesite due to mixing of downward percolating surficial
of the study area is a product of weathering of mineralizing solutions with the deeper meteoric
the serpentinized ultramafic body, the meteoric waters of still higher pH values (> 8.3). This
waters and soil solution obviously acte~ as the may· partly explain the observed feeble
ore forming solutions. The oxygen isotope magnesite mineralization near the upper most
composition of the magnesite suggests that zone of the vertical profile.
meteoric waters with an extremely low 018 0
value (about -7%0 SMOW) could have been in Source of carbon
isotopic equilibrium with the magnesite. When. With TI~gard to the source of CO2 -rich
the above OUIO value of water is considered for mineralizing fluids, which are required for the
a temperature estimation in the oxygen isotope formation· of vein-type magnesite, several views
~xchange reaction of the mineral - water system are in vogue. Among the earlier investigators,
(ef Aharon. 1988), the result indicates that Lesko (1972), Petrov etal. (1979), and Jedrysk
magnesite of the study area formed under and Halas (1990) suggested that meteoric waters
ambient temperature conditions. enriched with atmospheric / biogenic carbon
acted as the mineralizing solutions. Several
Source of magnesium other workers. including IIlic (1968), Dabitzias
Throughout the world. the source of (1980) and PohI (1990), suggested that vein-
magnesium of vein-type magnesite is attributed type magnesite developed as a result of reaction
to the host ultramafic rocks. In the present case, of ultramafic rocks with ascending CO 2 -rich
magnesium was released during the weathering diagenetic/metamorphic fluids, derived from
of the ultramafic body subsequent to its decarbona1ion of deep - seated carbonates or
serpentinization. In the middle portion of the decarboxylation of organic-rich sediments.
mine profile, less than 20 vol. % of the Gold (1979) and Veizer et a1. (1989) suggested
serpentinized ultramafic body has been the derivation of CO2 - rich fluids from a mantle
subjected to weathering and the Mg released source. Abu Jaber and Kimberley (1992)
during weathering may not be sufficient to proposed ~l mixed source for the mineralizing
account for the magnesite veins at this depth. fluids. According to them, CH4-CO-C02-rich
Therefore. it is necessary to visualize the and water-poor ascending fluids, on mixing with



near surface meteoric waters, constitute the (Cerling et al. 1993). For example, OI3C values
mineralizing solutions. of palaeosol carbonates' from the Siwalik
In several recent investigations, the source sequence of Pakistan changed from -9 to
of carbon of vein-type magnesite deposits have -12 %0 beginning at about 7.5 Ma to -2 to +2 %0
been' evaluated based on their carbon isotope at about 5 Ma. This indicates the existence of a
data ( Kralik et al. 1989; Veizer et al. 1989; virtually pure C3 ecosystem before 7.5 Ma,
Zachmann and Johannes, 1989; Jedrysk and which was replaced by an ecosystem dominated
Halas, 1990; Brydie et al. 1993). In the study by C4 biomass about 5 Ma ago (Quade and
area, the5 13C values ofthe analysed magnesite Ceding, 1995). The onset of a C4 ecosystem in
samples vary in a narrow range from -2.27 to Asia is attributed to a decreased CO 2 content
-2.97%0 (PDB) [av.-2.6%0] (Table 1). Such a in the atmosphere (C02starvation), which may
narrow range of variation of the carbon isotope be re1ated to the upliftment and weathering of
values rules out the possibility of a contribution Himalayas (Ceding et al. 1998). These data
of carbon from more than one source. The OI3C account for the observed difference in carbon
values of the magnesite are comparable with isotope values between the vein-type magnesite
those of calcrete and soil carbonates of modern deposits of Europe and the study area. It also
sub - humid climatic conditions, whose ol3C constrains the timing of magnesite fonnation
values vary from -2.5%0 to -6%0 (PDB) in the study area to a period not older than
(CerIing, 1984). Miller et a1. (1987) reported a 8 -7 Ma.
group of pedogenic carbonates with an average r-
013C value of -2.1 %0 (PDB), the most l2C
enriched sample yielding a value of -5.4%0
(PDB). Hence, it can be suggested that CO 2 From our field and laboratory data, it may
required for the formation of magnesite in the be concluded that the ultramafic body of the
study area was derived from a biogenic soil Doddakanya area was subjected to a near-
source. surface, low temperature serpentinization, post-
It is interesting to note that the Ol3C values dating the late Archaean tectonic deformation
of the majority of vein-type and stock-work type and metamorphism. Subsequently during
magnesite deposits of Europe, including those weathering downward percolating CO2-rich
considered to have resulted through weathering meteoric waters reacted with the host ultramafic
process (Petrov et a1. 1979), cluster around rocks under ambient temperature conditions to
- 10%0 (PDB) (Kralik et a1. 1989; Zachmann produce magnesite. The weathering was more
and Johannes, 1989; Jedrysk and Halas, 1990; recent than 8 Ma. The vein-type magnesite
Brydie et al. 1993), whereas the vein-type deposits encountered at Doddakatur, Hullahalli,
magnesite of the study area are slightly enriched Karya, Sinduvalli and Mavinahalli areas of the
in I3C (av. ol3C = -2.6%0 PDB). The observed Mysore district also exhibit geological features
difference in the ol3C values of the vein-type similar to those of the Doddakanya magnesite
magnesites between the European deposits and deposit and hence these deposits can also be
the study area may be attributed to the difference of supergene origin and of similar age.
in the isotope values of the carbon of the
biogenic soil source. Soil carbonates are
Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to
enriched in 13C by about 14 to 17%0 in Yu.G.Sofonov. IGEM. Acad.of Sciences, Moscow, for
comparision with the local biomass (Cerling et facilities to carry out DTAffGA analyses; to late Prof. M.
al. 1998). Throughout the past several Ma, Schidlowski, Max-Plank Institute of Chemistry, Mainz; and
Europe has been characterised by a C 3 biomass to Dr.Bjorn Buchardt and Dr.A.A.Garde, Geological survey
of Denmark, Copenhagen, for providing the stable isotope
(o 13 C = -25%0) whereas Asia has been data of the magnesite samples. AVR is thankful to UGC-
dominated by a C4 biomass (0 13 .C = -11%0) New Delhi for providing research fellowship.

10UR.GEOL.SOC.lNDIA, VOL.54, NOV. 1999


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(Received: 19 March 1999,' Revised/firm accepted: 15 July /999)


Geollognc31ll §ocnety of liRldii31
llIIDterRlatnoRlall As'socn31tnoll1l of Geochemnstry
3L1Illdl CosmocIbtemnstry

In recent years instrumentation analysis of chemical elements contained in a

rock, mineral, water and diversified environmental samples through Inductively
Coupled Plasma (ICP) - Atomic Emission Spectrometry (AES) has come to be
widely adopted. There are a number of practical procedures, which have to be
understood before successfully using this new technology. Thus the major objective
of the course is real1y to highlight all the "tricky" procedures!
The course includes a detailed discussion on various aspects relating to analysis
of environmental samples besides the regular geological samples. and viability of
using ICP-AES in oil exploration vis-a-vis chemostratigraphy of paJynologically
barren clastic successions.
In order to provide an opportunity for young research workers as well as for
professionals in the industry, it is proposed to organize a short course under the
auspices of Geologial Society of India and International Association of Geochemistry
and Cosmochemistry during the last week of January 2000 for three days at
Hyderabad. The course will be offered by Prof. J.N. Walsh of the Royal Holloway
College, University of London, U.K.
Registration fee is Rs.2000/- (includes the cost of Lecture Notes). In the case of
teachers and students, registration fee is reduced to Rs.200/-.
Those who have the necessary preliminary know:ledge and intend updating
their information on ICP-AES and its methodology and applications, are requested
to contact: Prof. K.V. Subbarao, Course-in-charge, Department of Earth
Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076; Email: Please send a copy of your I:!orrespondence to Sri S.Y.
Srikantia, Hon. Secretary, Geological Society of India, P.B. No. 1922, Gavipuram,
Bangalore - 560019. Telefax: (080) 6613352; Email:gsocind@bgl.vsn1.netin.

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