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‘Grammar: present simple and present continuous; modal verbs (present and past; past simple, past continuous, used to; present perfect and past simple; future tense review Shortinterviews about musicin publi spaces ‘Subskill: Understanding the speaker’ attitude Aradio programme ‘about online and offline friends ‘Subskill:inferring meaning, Apodeast ‘about the Voynich manuscript ‘Subskill: Using key ‘words to predict Aphone conversation between two friends ‘who are going to visit ‘each other ‘Subskill: Taking notes while listening ‘Aradio phone-in about online fraud and cyber- ime ‘Subskill:Identitying speakers‘intentions Aquiz ‘about time meTalking about feelings Reaching an ‘agreement Expressing certainty and doubt AA formal conversation {Comparing and ‘contrasting (WeTalking about problems and solutions BADiscussing points of view (BXDescribing an event Listening: review of subskills Areview Words starting s+ Subskill:Giving Consonant recommendations. Intonation in ‘question tags An email abouta _/w/ and /h/ Word stress with phrasal verbs Word stress in longer words your iting more Weak forms with interesting past perfect Ig|and [d3/ ‘Weak forms with haveto fen Afor-and-against _Intonatio essay conditional SubskilzUsing “entences connectors of addition and contrast Areport Intonation in Subskil:Talking "Ported questions about statistics An opinion essay _/e//t/ and /ex/ /0/and /0/ ‘Speaking: review of Key phrases \&XGivea presentation about a singer or band that you think brings people together @communication Giving a presentation WKCreatea podcast giving advice to listeners about their friendship problems Beoliaboration Empathy ‘Wk Writea film script for a scene from a mystery story or film Bereativity Using a variety of creative thinking techniques lmAWriteand edit your CVto apply for a part-time job @Bcommunication Demonstrating your skills and strengths lm Choosea green issue and design a leaflet for a campaign to raise awareness Beollaboration Being flexible (WKDiscuss the rules of your dass/school and decide how you would change them BCritical thinking Cause andeffect {interview a person from the past and report what he/she told you BHCreativity Using your imagination ImiMake a video of your candidate for Sports Star of the Year Bectial thinking Choosing and using reliable web sources Writing: review of subs! 1220% O4BO0-- a 26 online.« = = ow e006 ED) ting ric Serenctesenet page 2 CD Froneserter (CAD Wt prsont sharcersishelp © ‘getonvathathes? roge 28 EQ tees (CERED Wist mtess ecabularychelth are eli, peona quali ete actives reli ear techn Music ndperxmance Feeling and eroions mwhatmuieandhen? Deseibna people Fens and acquainances Things that ends do mereonaity ie xtreme ajecives Descptieadjctnes ‘verbs cf mame lace maine aie ads the pride sfrapar Future goals plans nd aspirator: Ve reposition ‘combinations ‘ichoosng youre ‘envionment Protecting the planet Noten Come ant cine Gtercnme fekCrime mn Btion Reporting verbs ems an egressions out tne reser perfect ene and present pert continues ‘uesiontags uestions th prepositions Defining and nendetring relate ‘ner Reflex pronouns and eachother Modalves of deduction and Pst pret Future continuous and ature perket Fire tne duses ‘Thepessve ‘eofowed. make Impasoralpvases ondtorals ner is secon and ths Concer with ane Iowa Woy Feponcaspesen Reported questions An online arte Were yo dopalng Sisk Topic ete Amagazine ate Meda doympieres Subs: Gessing An ania Spring ings tat te cana! Subst Recognising ecamples nance Catyou wardobe he, saretepiondl? Subst dentitng te ane arte Grin Ceo! Subst Recognsing synonyms ‘umelne Faingtine trough be Cheodes mewasting ime Subst Recooning relerences Spons Gang anette Ananice Sig eae Guanes Amessageot one a baka caning teihacetothePole coe VoeabularysndGrammarreview ——Readngtrevew of sbeil

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