DB1 - Pineda Bstm2a

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What are the obvious linkages between
transportation and tourism?
The linkages between transportation and tourism are
quite apparent. Without transportation, it becomes
difficult for tourists to reach their intended
destinations. This is because tourists often travel from
one place to another, and the transportation system
provides a means of getting from one place to Opel Astra

another like car, bus, airplane, train, ships and many

more. Additionally, efficient transportation systems
can make it easier for tourists to get around in the
destination, allowing them to visit more places and
engage in more activities.

Why transportation is a pre-requisite

for tourism to occur?
Transportation is considered a pre-requisite for
tourism to occur because tourists need a means of
getting to their destinations. This could be through
air, land, or sea transportation systems. Without
transportation, it becomes difficult for tourists to
travel to their desired destinations. Additionally,
efficient transportation systems can lead to more
tourism, as it makes it easier for tourists to get
around and see more of the destination.

What are the underlying valid points when development on

transportation IS linked to the development of tourism?

There are several valid points when development on

transportation is linked to the development of tourism. Firstly,
improved transportation infrastructure can lead to more
tourism, as tourists are more likely to visit destinations that are
easily accessible. Secondly, transportation development can
lead to economic benefits through increased trade and
commerce, job creation, and other economic activities. Finally,
efficient transportation systems can lead to environmental
benefits, as it can reduce the carbon footprint of tourists and
local residents alike. Linking transportation development with
tourism can lead to a range of benefits for both tourists and
local communities.

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