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English LIterature

Definition of Discourse
Discourse is a complete unit of language, so that in the grammatical hierarchy it is the highest or
largest grammatical unit (Chaer, 2007: 267). As the highest unit in the syntactic hierarchy,
discourse has a complete or intact meaning, built by sentences or sentences. It can also be said
that discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious
discussions about a particular topic.

An example of discourse is when you discuss something with your friends in person or over a chat
platform. Discourse can also be when someone expresses their ideas on a particular subject in a
formal and orderly way, either verbally or in writing.
Discourse Structure
(Struktur Wacana)
Luxemburg (dalam Youpika, 2014: 1) menganggap teks
sebagai ekspresi bahasa yang merupakan kontinum dari
segi isi, sintaksis, dan pragmatik. Selanjutnya Van Dijk

(dalam Eriyanto, 2001: 225 226), menyatakan bahwa
sebuah teks terdiri dari beberapa struktur/hierarki yang
masing-masing bagian saling mendukung. Struktur
wacana meliputi struktur makro, superstruktur, dan
Type of
Spoken & Written
Spoken Discourse
Accordingto Mulyana, oral discourse is a type of discourse delivered directly or verbally. This type of discourse is
often referred to as speech or speech. Basically language is born through the mouth or spoken. To receive,
understand or enjoy this oral discourse, the recipient must listen or listen to it. Long before humans recognize
letters, language has been used by humans, humans use spoken language in communicating. Spoken language is
the main language in human life because it is known and used by humans before written language.

Written Discourse
According to Henry Guntur Tarigan, written discourse is discourse conveyed in writing, through written media.
Written discourse became known after the discovery of letters. Letters are made to replace the role of language
sounds so that people usually say that letters are sound symbols. The letters are learned by humans and then
used to convey information to other people who live far away. Discourse can be realized in the form of words,
sentences, paragraphs or complete essays (books, novels, encyclopedias, etc.)
Direct & Indirect Discourse
Direct Discourese Indirect Speech

Wacana lansung adalah kutipan wacana yang Adalah pengungkapan kembali wacana tanpa
sebenarnya dibatasi oleh intonasi atau mengutip harfiah kata-kata yang dipakai oleh
pungtuasi. (Kridalaksana, 1984: 208). pembicara dengan mempergunakan kontruksi
gramatikal atau kata tertentu, antara lain dengan
Contoh : Ibu Nursalamah berkata, “ Untuk klausa subordinatif, kata bahwa dan sebagainya.
menjadi terkenal, sesuatu/ seseorang itu (Kridalaksana, 1964 : 208 – 9 ).
haruslah menjadi yang pertama, terbaik dan
berbeda.” Contoh : Ibu Nursalamah pernah berkata bahwa
untuk menjadi terkenal, sesuatu/seseorang itu
haruslah menjadi yan pertama, terbaik dan berbeda.
Fictional Fictional Discourse

Discourse and Non- Fictional discourse is one whose form and content
are oriented to imagination. The language adheres
Fictional Discourse to connotative, analogical, and multi interpretabble
streams. In general, the appearance and sense of
language are packaged literally or aesthetically
(beautifully), besides that it does not rule out the
possibility that works of fiction contain facts, and
are even almost the same as reality. However, like
the birth process and its nature, this kind of work is
still included in the fictitious category. Fictional
discourse can be selected into three types, namely:
prose discourse, poetry discourse, and drama
Fictional Discourse
Prose Discourse Poetry Discourse Dramatic Discourse
Prose discourse is discourse Poetry discourse is a type of Drama discourse is a type of
conveyed or written in prose. discourse that is spoken or discourse delivered in the form
This discourse can be written conveyed in the form of poetry. of drama. The pattern used is
or spoken (HG Taarigan, Poetry discourse can also be in generally in the form of a
1987:57). Novels, short stories, the form of writing or oral. conversation or dialogue.
articles, papers, books, Examples of written discourse Therefore, in this discourse
research reports, theses, include poetry and poetry, there must be a conversation
theses, dissertations, and while poetry which is recited and a speech partner.
several forms of working and songs is an example of the
papers can be classified as type of spoken poetry
prose discourse. discourse.
Non Fiction Discourse
Non-fiction discourse is also called scientific discourse. This type of discourse is conveyed
in scientific patterns and ways that can be justified. The language used is denotative,
straightforward, and clear. The aesthetic aspect is no longer the main goal. Some
examples of non-fiction discourse include research reports, lecture material books,
instructions for operating aircraft fly and so on.
Narrative discourse, descriptive
discourse, exposition discourse,
and argumentative discourse
Narrative Discourse
Istilah narasi berasal dari bahasa Inggris narration yang berarti cerita, karena
wacana narasi sering ditafsirkan sebagai cerita yang bersifat menceritakan
sutau peristiwa atau serangkaian peristiwa yang disusun sedemikian rupa
sehingga menimbulkan pengertian-pengertian yang merefleksikan interpretasi
penulisnya. (Marwoto dkk, 1987:152).

Descriptive Discourse
Dalam wacana deskripsi, penulis atau pembicara berkeinginan untuk
menggambarkan atau menceritakan bagaimana bentuk suatu wujud atau
barang objek, atau mendeskripsikan cita rasa suatu benda, hal, atau bunyi
(Keraf, 1995:7). Adapun pengertian lain wacana deskripsi adalah wacana yang
terutama digunakan untuk membangkitkan impresi kesan tentang: seorang,
tempat, sutau pemandangan dan yang semacam itu (Marwoto dkk, 1987:167).
Exposition Discourse Argumentative Discourse

Wacana eksposisi adalah paparan yang Wacana argumentasi adalah wacana yang
memberikan mengupas atau menguraiakan isinya terdiri dari paparan alasan dan
sesuatu demi sesuatu penyuluhannya penyintetisan pendapat untuk membangun
(penyampain informasi), dan penyuluhan suatu kesimpulan. Pada wacana tersebut,
tersebut tanpa diseratai desakan atau paksaan aragumentasi digunakan untuk menyakinkan
kepada pembacanya agar menerima suatu yang kebenaran pendapat, gagasan, atauapun
dipaparkan sebagai suatu yang besar (Marwoto konsepsi, suatu berdsarkan fenomena-
dkk, 1987:170). Contoh: petunjuk cara melakukan fenomena keilmuan yang digunakan (Marwoto,
teknik sablon, petunjuk cara melakukan dkk, 1987:174).
penyemaian benih padi, dll.

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