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Read the passage below and answer all the questions on the next page in full
sentences. Remember to punctuate your work.

Emma's Favourite Restaurant When Emma and her family go out to dinner,
they always go to their favourite restaurant. Their favourite restaurant is an
Italian restaurant, and they usually go once a week. Emma always gets ravioli,
and her little brother Josh always gets spaghetti with meatballs. Their parents
like to try different things.

One week when they were getting ready to go out to dinner, Emma's father
suggested they try the new restaurant in town. Emma and Josh both moaned
and groaned. The new restaurant was Lebanese. All Emma and Josh knew
about Lebanese food was that it often revolved around chick peas and grape
leaves. "You might actually end up liking it if you give it a try," said their mom.
Their dad added, "Let's try it once, and if you don't like it, we will go back to our
'tried and true' spot next week." Emma and Josh got into the backseat of the
car and rolled their eyes at each other. Josh asked, "If we don't like it, can we
get a pizza on the way home?" "I highly doubt you will go hungry, but if it
makes you feel better, we will grab a pizza on the way home." When they
arrived at the restaurant, a host met them at the door and greeted them with

He led them to a table and said, "We are very happy that you are trying our
new restaurant. If you have any questions about the menu or need any help
choosing a menu item, your server will be with you shortly. The restaurant was
looked pretty cool, and the host was super nice. Emma and Josh began to relax
a little bit. They actually started to think it would be fun to try something new.
When the server came over, he told them what some of his favorite meals
were. Emma and Josh were surprised to learn that the restaurant served
something similar to ravioli, and it served a meatball dish. Emma ordered
manti, dumplings filled with spiced lamb and covered in tomato sauce. Josh
ordered kibbeh, meatballs made with wheat and spiced ground Iamb and
served with garlic sauce.

After Emma and Josh took the first bites of their dishes, they paused before
saying anything. Emma was thinking that the manti tasted different than ravioli,
but she didn't think it was bad. Josh was thinking his meatballs looked very
similar to the meatballs that come with spaghetti, but the sauce was white, not

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red like he was used to. He liked the kibbeh, though. They each took a few
more bites, and then they both declared, "You were right, Mom. This food is
pretty tasty." When the meal was over, Emma said, "l think I have another
favourite restaurant. Now I have a favourite Italian restaurant and a favorite
Lebanese restaurant." Josh agreed and asked, "Can we switch between the two
restaurants for our weekly dinners out?" "l think that is a great idea," said
Emma and Josh's parents. "Maybe we can even try the Thai restaurant
sometime soon," said Emma.

1. Why would Emma and Josh have moaned and groaned about trying a new

2. What do you think the phrase "tried and true" means?

3. Why would Emma and her family need help choosing a menu item?

4. Which dish was similar to ravioli?

5. What do you think the moral of the story is?

6. Why would Emma want to try the Thai restaurant sometime soon?

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Read the sentences below and decide if the underlined verb is present (happening now) or past tense
(has already happened)

2.1 Granny needs to go for shopping today.

2.2 Fred slung the shopping bag over his shoulder.

2.3 Fred bumps into his friends.

2.3 Fred wore his red jacket.

2.4 Jake asks Fred to help.

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Lees die storie oor Rudi en beantwoord die vrae. (Read the story about Rudi and
answer the questions).
"Dis darem lekker om te lewe as die
sonnetjiejou so warm bak!" dink Rudi
die haan. Hy klap sy vlerke en begin
hard te kraai sodat almal kan weet dat
die son sy eerste strale oor die werf
gegooi het. Rudi vlieg tot op 'n
onderste tak van 'n boom en kraai
weer hard.
Terwyl hy so lekker kraai, kom Jasper
die jakkaWls daar verby. Toe Jasper vir
Rudi Haan Sien, dink maar dit is 'n
lekker vet haan. Ek wens ek kan hom
in die hande kry, want my maag knor
van die honger!'
Nadat Jasper so 'n rukkie daaroor gedink het, sê hy: "Goeiemôre, Haan."
"Goeiemôre, Jakkals," antwoord die haan. "Het jy die goeie nuus gehoor?"
vra Jakkals. "Nee," antwoord die haan. "Nou ja," sê die jakkals, "die diere
en die voëls het vrede gemaak. Hulle gaan mekaar nie meer vang nie. Kom
af, dan gesels ons lekker hier onder die boom!'
"Dit is goeie nuus, maar kom ons wag vir my ander vriende. Ek Sien hulle
aankom," sê die haan. "Wie is hulle?" vra Jasper die jakkals. "Die honde op die
plaast" antwoord Rudie die haan. Toe Jasper opspring, sê Rudi: "Jy hoef nie so
haastig te wees nie, want almal is mos nou vriende met mekaar!'
"Dit mag so wees, maar dalk het die honde nog nie die nuus gehoor nie,"
antwoord Jasper. Jasper die jakkals het weggehardloop en nooit weer naby
Rudie die haan gekom nie.

1. Hoe dinkjy voel Rudi die haan op hierdie lekker sonnige dag? Byvoeglike
naamwoorde wat jy kan gebruik, is:
opgewonde Vroljk gelukkig

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2. Wanneer het Jakkals daar verbygekom?

3. Wat wou die jakkals met die haan doen?

4. Die jakkals het gedink die haan sal lekker smaak. Hoekom?

5. Watter storie het die jakkals vir die haan vertel?

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6. Vir watter vriende wou Haan wag?

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