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| press Ventures Primary ENCLISH ECDB | — = Bk: rE, aay J egies Wen re Workbook Ventures Primary ENCLISH ECDB Ventures Primary English Workbook ECD B has been written to the requirements of the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Infant English Language ECD B Syllabus. It contains all the activities needed to cover the learning and facilitating of English Language at ECD B. The book feature: + Colourful level-aporopriate illustrations that communicate content. + Active learning and leamer engagement strategies. + Opportunities to use a variety of facilitating and lear preferences and abilities. + Wholesome development of the learner. * Activities that balance individual and collaborative learning and foster the development of skills such as problem solving and critical thinking + An inter-disciplinary approach to learning English Language. + Achecklist to assess how the learner is progressing. 1g methods to cater for individual learning Ventures Primary English Workbook ECD B comes with a Leamer’s Book and Facilitator's Resource Book. PA|college press | 9 7817 79"300836! Approved by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, 2017 Ventures Primary English Workbook PAlcollege press Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic & Topic 9 Topic 10 Myself... My body Likes and dislikes My photograph. My things. My clothes. My family. Greetings. Formal greeting: Informal greetings My friends Me and my frien Games we play..... Me and my friends at schoo! News and stories. News time Folk stories Our school People at our schoo! Our school..........--- What we do at school Domestic animals and birds. My favourite domestic animal Domestic birds Wild animals and birds. Wild animals. What are they doing’ Topic 11 Topic 12 Topic 13 Topic 14 Topic 15 Topic 16 Topic 17 Topic 18 Topic 19 Topic 20 Topic 21 Objecis in the environment. Big and small Tall and short. Picture phonics Orientation ..... Top to bottom Left to right. Picture reading Describing pictures. Tell the story ...... Spot the difference. Object arrangement.... Arranging objects according to. ‘colour. Arranging objects according to shape . Arranging objects according to use Writing... Handling wri ing insirurnents Scribbling .... Drawing Patterns Tracing... Sound in the environment. Bird sounds... Animal sounds Vehicle sounds . Musical instrumeni Traditional musical instruments Modern musical instruments Following instructions . Yes/No responses... Yes/No questions..... Developmental checklis Draw a picture of yourseli. Colour in your picture. Tak about yoursett Date: My body Identity the missing body parts. Complete the drawing. Date: Likes and dislikes Colourin the pictures. What do you like? Say, “Ike...” What do you dislike? Say, “Ii Circle the one you lke best. Date: My photograph Paste your photograph. Takk about yourself. SS Date: My things Draw your toothbrush, shoes and cup. Colour in. What do you use each for? Date: My clothes Name these clothes. jour in. My family Date: Cut and paste pictures of family members. Talk about your own family. SS EE Date: My family Draw a picture of your family. Colour in. Tak about the people in your drawing Topic Greetings Date: Formal greetings Colour in. What is happening? Dramatise the way you formally greet yaur elders. Date: Informal greetings Colour in, Describe what is happening. How do you greet each other with your friend? Topic v2 My friends Date: Me and my friends Colour the ball rec, the gills! dresses green and the boy's shirt blue. What do you do with your friends? Date: Games we play Cut and paste pictures of children playing different games. Toik about the games that the children are playing. Which games do you play with your fiends? Date: Me and my friends at school Draw a picture of you and your friends at school. Colour in your picture. Talk about your picture. News and stories Date: Colour in the picture. What is it? Retell some news you have heard before. Date: News time Colourin. Where do we gel news from? Retell some news you have heard. Date: Folk stories Draw characters from a fok story you know. Colour in your pictures. Retell the story. Our school Date: People at our school Colour in. Talk about the people thet cre found at your school. Date: Our school Draw your school. Colouritin. Describe what you have drawn, Date: What we do at school Colour in the shorts green and the shirts yellow. ‘ell your fiend the sports you perform at school. What else do you do at school? Domestic animals and birds Date: My favourite domestic animal Draw your favourite domestic animal. Colour in your picture. Tolk about the animal. Imitate the sound made by that animal. Date: Domestic birds Colour in the birds. Name the birds, Draw a line to match ecch bird to its shadow. Topic ) Wild animals and birds Date: Wild animals Join the dots to complete the picture. What is it? Colour in. Describe the animal. SSS Date: Wild birds Identify these birds. Colour in. Name other wild birds. Occupations Draw g line to match the product to the person. Colour in the pictures. ————————— ee SS Date: Occupations What are they doing? Date: What are the chilcren doing? Put an X on the gil who is comrying a box. Imitate the actions. Objects in the environment Date: Join the dots to complete the picture. what is it? What is it used for? Date: Big and small Colourin. Nome what isin each picture. Circle the smaller one in each picture. Date: Tall and short Picture phonics Date: What are they? Colour in. Say the beginning sound for each. For each picture, name other things that begin with the same sound. Date: Picture phonics What ate they? Colour in. Say the beginning sound for each. For each picture name other things that begin with the same sound. Draw a line to match objects which begin with the same sound. Date: Picture phonics What are they? Colour in. Say the beginning sound for each. For each picture, name other things that begin with the same sound. selina eee ee Date: i i Picture phonics Whet ore they? Colourin, Say the beginning sound for each. For each picture, name other things thal begin with the same sound, Date: Picture phonics Orientation Date: Top to bottom he ay x ) mae FAP ES Colourin, What are they? Draw lines from top to bottom to match the mother to its young one. Date: Left to right What can you see in the picture? What does each feed on? Draw a line trom left to right to match each animal to its food. Picture reading Date: Describing pictures Ld ef. Wi Yh \_ Colour in. Describe what sin the picture. Circle the odd one out. Date: Tell the story Colour in the pictures. Draw arrows fo show the sequence. Tel the story. Date: Spot the difference Object arrangement Date: Arranging objects according to colour Describe the objects in each set. Cross out the object with c different colour from the rest. Date: a Arranging objects according to shape v HAPDOICO Colour in, Draw ine to join the shape to an object with similarshape. Date: Arranging objects according to use Paste pictures of garden tools. Describe each tool. What is each tool used for? Topic Writing 16 Date: Handling writing instruments Scribble something in the space provided. Hold your pencil correctly. Se Date: Scribbling Scribble anything you like. ———————————S Date: Drawing Draw something you tke. Colour in your picture. Talk about your picture. Date: Patterns nm Wn Complete the pattems. SS Date: Tracing Trace over the lines to complete the patteins. Sound in the environment Date: Bird sounds Name each bird. Cotour in the birds. imitate the sound each bird produces. Date: Animal sounds Draw a cow thot is mooing and a sheep that is bleating. Colour in your pictures. Imitate the sound each animal produces. Date: Vehicle sounds Colour in, Whats it? Imitate the sound it produces. Date: Traditional musical instruments Join the dots to complete the picture. Colour in. Name the instrument, Make your own ike that. SS Date: Modern musical instruments Paste pictures of modern instruments. Describe the instruments you have pasted. Choose one of the instruments and make one like it Following instructions Date: Colour in the the chidren's t-shirts yellow. Colour in the boys’ shorts green Colour in the gym skris red. Colour in the fennis shoes blue. Did you folow the instructions? Topic Yes/No responses Cojour in. Take turns to ask one another questions about the pictures. Respond with yes/no. Yes/No questions Date: What isin the picture? Colour in. in pairs, ask one another yes/no questions about the picture. Learning outcomes checklist Name of student: ... Fac Key: tator: Has developed B_ Inprogress C Cando with assistance Date observed Skill Comments Say name, age ond sex Identify body parts and state their functions Say the nomes of family members Tell similarities and Gifferences in pictures and objects Tell simple stories Say their responsibiities at home and at school Draw and coleurin pictures Cut and paste pictures Distinguish the facilitator's voice from other voices Ask questions properly Trace and colour simpie objects Hold a book properly and jum pages Follow simple instructions Answer questions from stories ond news Trace, copy and shape letters Ask politely forsomething Give an account of events the environment

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