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Directors Roles

and just enough Know-How to get started

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Responsibilities for All:

Be a Manager of one, and a Member of one
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Program Manager
Manages program components Sets meeting agendas Runs meetings (as necessary, in general 1x/wk) Holds program members accountable Communicates internal/external VP Check in: milestones [2011-2012] esp: RSVP & Follow up Check in: any sudden changes/unforeseen happenstances/evaluation

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Program Member
Carries out project components Eg logistics of: space, food, attendance, event agenda, deco, promotion If absent for meeting, checks off that has read the tasks & updates tracker Communicated with project manager Develops projects further (both during and post events)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Roles...
as much as were about the substance, were also aware of the organization...
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Oversees PDSA operations/project management Sets agenda for general meeting (general rule: 5 days before meeting) Runs general meeting Attends at least 1 mtg a week of 1 of the programs Checks on evaluations/feedback Submits proposals to advisor, other departments Head contact to: advisory panel, PR outlet spokesperson

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Internal Affairs VP
Manages and leads training of PDSA members & operations Information ow, accountability, project development Runs all-encompassing end-of-qtr evaluations Facilitates management of internally-oriented programs Attends at least 1 mtg a week of 1 of the programs Checks on task-tracker Identies where structure/internal organization could be revised, expanded Meets with upper management 1x a week

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

External Affairs VP
Facilitates communication w outside organizations both on and off campus Facilitates management of externally-oriented programs Checks on task-tracker Identies potential for PDSA program expansion, broadening of network Attends at least 1 mtg a week of 1 of the programs Meets with upper management 1x a week

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Web Manager
Sets up and maintains website Not responsible for content directly Aids in other web-related content structures (online RSVPs, forms, etc) Manages at least one PDSA Program Is a member of at least one PDSA Program

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Director of Communication and Marketing

Director of Communications and Marketing Point person in viral presence Oversees PR of PDSA Promotional material Campus publications Off-campus publications In-dorm/in-VSO/in-dept communications

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Director of Financial Operations

Point person for state of budget Oversees all grant applications Is the signee on all event applications to SAL Reimburses us

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Director of Corporate Relations

Point person for all new contacts Point person for sponsored programs

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Director of Undergraduate Recruiting

Point person (but not necessarily Program Manager) of all undergrad recruiting related events Expands events that lend themselves to recruiting works with Communication and Marketing for targeted PR of events and programs Encouraged to work with Academic Deans and Advising

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Director of Events
Point person (but not necessarily Program manager) of all PDSA events Encouraged to coordinate with JPD, other design-related bodies Has right to veto an event application Exands PDSA event scope

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

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