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PPCHEM Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand

Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle

Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand
Ruedi Germann

This contribution is a report on the first
Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar, held
in Bangkok, Thailand, on March 27–28,
2012. The presentations of the four semi-
nar sessions, Chemical Regimes and the
Respective Chemistry-Related Surveil-
lance Requirements, Analytical Methods
and Instruments, Cooling Water Sampling
and Monitoring, and a Hands-On Session,
are summarized.


Southeast Asia is a fast growing region with a high
demand for technical know-how and expertise. Due to a
lack of travel budgets, station chemists, designers and The Importance of Instrumentation
operators are not frequently seen at international confer- Michael Rziha, Siemens AG
ences in the USA and Europe. For this reason, Waesseri
GmbH, publisher of the PowerPlant Chemistry journal, An overview of the most important plant cycle chemistry
organized the first Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar guidelines was presented. These are issued by the Electric
(March 27–28, 2012) in Bangkok, Thailand. The event was Power Research Institute (EPRI), Palo Alto, CA, U.S.A., by
held under the sponsorship of the PowerPlant Chemistry® the International Association for the Properties of Water
journal, and SWAN Analytical Instruments AG provided and Steam (IAPWS), and by VGB PowerTech e.V. (VGB),
financial support. Essen, Germany.

The seminar consisted of four sessions: EPRI's Comprehensive Cycle Chemistry Guidelines for
Fossil Plants (Report 1021767) was issued in December
– Chemical Regimes and the Respective Chemistry-
2011. Information about this document may be down-
Related Surveillance Requirements
loaded at
– Analytical Methods and Instruments http://my.epri.com/portal/server.pt?space=CommunityPa
– Cooling Water Sampling and Monitoring
– Hands-On Session 0000000001021767&RaiseDocType=Abstract_id.

The proceedings of these sessions are summarized in this IAPWS is an international non-profit association of
report. national organizations concerned with the properties of
water and steam, particularly thermophysical properties
and other aspects of high-temperature steam, water and
aqueous mixtures that are relevant to thermal power

© 2012 by Waesseri GmbH. All rights reserved.

244 http://www.swan.ch PowerPlant Chemistry 2012, 14(4)
Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand PPCHEM

cycles and other industrial applications. It has issued four In the revised guidelines, key and diagnostic parameters
very important Technical Guidance Documents: are introduced, normal levels are newly defined and have
become plant-specific, a new Action Level philosophy has
– Phosphate and NaOH Treatments for the Steam-Water
been developed and important hints for monitoring cam-
Circuits of Drum Boilers of Fossil and Combined
paigns and statistics are included. Recommendations for
Cycle/HRSG Power Plants (September 2011)
sampling locations in the plant cycle are linked to the new
– Volatile Treatments for the Steam-Water Circuits of VGB Guidelines on Sampling and Instrumentation.
Fossil and Combined Cycle/HRSG Power Plants (July
Introduction to On-Line Water-Steam Sampling
– Instrumentation for Monitoring and Control of Cycle
Chemistry for the Steam-Water Circuits of Fossil-Fired
Manuel Sigrist
and Combined-Cycle Power Plants (September 2009)
– Procedures for the Measurement of Carryover of Boiler The principles of the upcoming new VGB Guidelines for
Water and Steam (September 2008) Sampling and Instrumentation were explained. The focus
of this presentation was on typical pitfalls between the
All four documents may be downloaded (free) from the actual plant process and correct on-line measurement val-
IAPWS homepage http://IAPWS.org. ues. Some examples:
– inadequate extraction points
The VGB Guidelines for Feed Water, Boiler Water and
Steam Quality for Power Plants/Industrial Plants (2006) – inadequate extraction probes
have been revised and are issued in German as
– incorrect sample pipe size and/or material
Feedwater, Boiler Water and Steam Quality for Power
Plants/Industrial Plants (VGB-S-010-T-00; 2011-12.DE). – excessive sampling line length
The revised Guidelines may be ordered at VGB PowerTech
– suboptimal sampling line routing
Service GmbH, Klinkestrasse 27–31, 45136 Essen,
Germany. – outdated design concepts

PowerPlant Chemistry 2012, 14(4) http://www.swan.ch 245
PPCHEM Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand

– missing safety functions One thing should not be forgotten: one grab sample per
day means that nearly 100 % of the time, the respective
– excessive line and instrument sharing
system is operated out of control.
– missing or incorrect temperature compensation
– lack of self-diagnosis capability
– maintenance-intensive operation
– inadequate process value ranges and/or scaling
Sample Conditioning for the Water-Steam Cycle
– no remote diagnostic information Manuel Sigrist

Sample conditioning is a very important step between the

All above-listed issues are dealt with in detail in the VGB
process and the on-line measurement. The correct sample
Guidelines for Sampling and Instrumentation that is in
conditioning should meet – among other things – the fol-
lowing demands:
– functional requirements
The Cost of Instrument Failures – Potential Cost of – safety requirements
Unreliable Instruments with Case Studies
– operation and maintenance requirements
David Addison, Thermal Chemistry Limited
– reasonable cost of ownership
Cycle chemistry troubleshooting is very challenging. Cycle
chemistry problems are very complex, multi-dimensional Reliable sample flow for on-line instruments and for grab
issues that are influenced by plant or cycle design, system sampling as well as pressure and temperature safety are
metallurgy, cycle chemistry program selection, and oper- the essential demands of all sample conditioning systems.
ating philosophy. Important is also whether there are ade-
quate chemistry knowledge resources on site or the
Examples of all individual subsystems of state-of-the-art
chemistry function is outsourced (contracted chemistry
sample conditioning systems, such as sample cooling,
resources). Unfortunately, substandard sampling and
flow throttle and pressure reduction, temperature shut-off,
analysis systems (very common within industry) and a
sample pressure regulation and distribution to individual
poor level of data storage and/or analysis make trou-
instruments, were given. Instrument arrangement and pri-
bleshooting very difficult, sometimes nearly impossible.
mary and secondary cooling were also dealt with.
Case Study A – Stress Corrosion Cracking in the Low-
Pressure Turbine The root cause of very expensive
Instrumentation Requirements for Commissioning
damage that occurred in the phase transition zone on the
Michael Rziha
low-pressure turbine could not be identified due to limited
sampling and analysis systems; only very minimal chem-
The tasks of chemistry-related instruments during com-
istry data were available. Only after installation of addi-
missioning are very multiplex. Their listing would be
tional monitoring equipment could high sodium hydroxide
almost endless. Some examples:
mechanical carryover from the auxiliary boiler and inade-
quate steam turbine off-line storage be identified as the – supervision and control of overall plant chemistry
main root causes of this turbine damage.
– automatic control of dosing of treatment chemicals
Case Study B – Repeat Overheating Boiler Tube – requirement for startup of steam turbine
Failures Troubleshooting a cycle chemistry process is
– requirement for boiler feedwater
extremely difficult without good data. In this particular
case, extremely limited sampling and analysis systems, a – control of cycle clean-up
poor cycle chemistry program and third party chemical
– control of protective layer formation
services resulted in an extensive corrosion product trans-
port into the boilers. The majority of the data available was – detection of cooling water leaks
based on grab sampling, with the sample filtered before
– detection of possible air ingress
analysis. For this reason, the actual corrosion product
transport could not be evaluated. Savings due to the – proof of function of deaerator
installation of only insufficient sampling and monitoring
– control of mechanical carryover
systems have led to enormous costs and significant
downtimes. – and, and, and...

246 http://www.swan.ch PowerPlant Chemistry 2012, 14(4)
Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand PPCHEM

Some issues are specific to commissioning. However, On-Line QA Self-diagnostics performed automatically
most requirements are valid for operation as well (the by the on-line instrument represents the state-of-the-art. It
guidelines do not distinguish between normal operation includes permanent, intermittent or triggered verification
and commissioning). of elements of the measurement chain, local interpretation
of conditions, remote signaling, and data logging on-
In contrast to normal operation, the protective layers are line/off-line.
not yet completely formed during commissioning. This
typically results in a high load of suspended solids and fre- Self-diagnostics should inform the operator whether sam-
quent clogging of sampling lines and/or probes. Frequent ple flow is correct, an adequate amount of reagents is on
cleaning and calibration of probes are typical commission- hand, sample temperature is within the given range, and
ing tasks. Sometimes it would be advantageous if the per- whether the sensor is in best order. Remote derailed infor-
son responsible for chemistry issues during commission- mation about the quality of the process value is required.
ing had more than one pair of hands.... Summary alarms lead nowhere. Operation monitoring
instruments without complete self-diagnostic information
may result in incorrect values ("false truth") and false
Quality Assurance for On-Line Water-Steam Analyzers alarms.
Manuel Sigrist
Off-Line QA Periodic verification of an instrument by
How can an operator make sure he can rely on his on-line an operator is required. A plant-specific QA plan and log-
analyzers? Here is the solution: ging and monitoring of QA activities are advisable.
Naturally, procedures and methods used by the instru-
• for on-line monitoring of key parameters, both on-line ment have to be considered.
quality assurance (QA) and off-line QA measures are
On-line instrument status verification (good, uncertain, or
• for surveillance of diagnostic parameters (that do not bad status) allows fast identification of real versus false
require permanent on-line monitoring), periodic verifi- alarms and detection of blind spots in monitoring (false
cation is required and off-line QA measures are suffi- truth), and enhances the quality of data logs used as
cient. inputs for further data analysis.

PowerPlant Chemistry 2012, 14(4) http://www.swan.ch 247
PPCHEM Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand


Manuel Sigrist
This session consisted of two papers and a brief introduc-
tion to chlorine monitoring. It was David Addison again
There are many differences between the water-steam
who reported on cooling water monitoring, drawing from
cycle and the cooling water cycle with respect to sampling
his experience as a consultant. Manuel Sigrist then talked
and on-line analytics:
about the often neglected problem of correct sampling
points and sampling technologies. The introduction to
chlorine monitoring closed the session.
Water-steam cycle Cooling water cycle

– High temperature – Low temperature

Cooling Water Monitoring Requirements
David Addison – Near atmospheric
– High pressures
For re-circulating cooling systems with cooling towers,
adequate water treatment is required to control the scale – Ultrapure water – Fluctuating water quality
formation, corrosion, and bacteria and microbiological
growth. These treatments need to be monitored using – Solids are mostly iron
– Solids, algae, biofilms etc.
either on-line instrumentation or effective manual sam- oxide particles
pling and testing. – Cycle is isolated from – Cycle is open to the
the atmosphere atmosphere
Scale formation and corrosion are typically controlled by
– Sampling systems are – Local sampling
the level of total dissolved solids (TDS) and the saturation
centralized substations
index. The TDS limit determines the cycles of concentra-
tion that the system can run to. TDS is controlled via an
on-line direct conductivity meter. By use of system blow-
Sampling system requirements are fundamentally different
down (removal of cycled up water and replacement by
– different sample conditions and different analytics.
fresh makeup water), the TDS level can be mastered.
In-Line Measurement In-line measurement has some
The oversaturation of hardness salts leading to scale for-
disadvantages: the sensors are exposed to process
mation is usually prevented by the control of the cooling
media, in-line measurement is not available for all parame-
water pH. Most often sulfuric acid dosing is applied as a
ters (just temperature, conductivity and pH), and mainte-
remedy. The scaling potential of the water therefore can
nance/calibration is difficult or dangerous. However, there
be relatively easily controlled and monitored via a pH or
is not any bias from sample conditioning (advantage).
alkalinity set point. Polymer and phosphonate treatments
can also be used as alternatives to acid dosing; polymers
On-Line Measurement For on-line measurement, the
are often used for waters with a high silica level.
sample is continuously extracted from the process
stream. The sample might require conditioning (e.g.,
Monitoring of the corrosion rates in the cooling systems is
strainer, pump). Thus, the risk of sample alteration cannot
often performed by means of corrosion coupons. This is
be excluded. On-line measurement is available not only
not a real-time measurement but an average over the
for temperature, conductivity and pH (like in-line measure-
exposure time.
ment) but also for chlorine, turbidity, hardness etc. An
advantage is the easier maintenance in contrast to in-line
For microbiological control, biocides are added to the
cooling water. The most common biocide is chlorine,
injected in the system as sodium hypochlorite. Bromine-
Hydraulic Design Good practice for sound hydraulic
based biocides are also on duty. The residual of chlorine is
design in cooling water sampling presupposes evaluation-
monitored either with an N, N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine
effective process pressures and hydrostatic effects, and
(DPD) reagent (spectrometric/colorimetric measurement)
choosing of sample extraction points with sufficient sam-
or via monitoring of the oxidizing reducing potential (ORP).
ple pressure (this limits the need for sample pumps,
Non-oxidizing biocides are monitored with specialty sys-
reduces operating costs, and increases reliability), selec-
tems supplied by the supplier of the chemicals.
tion position and type of extraction to minimize possible
disturbances by solids, gas bubbles or foam. If a sample
pump is required, the sample suction height should be
minimized to < 3 m (incompatibility between displacement
pumps and particles in the sample).

248 http://www.swan.ch PowerPlant Chemistry 2012, 14(4)
Report on the SWAN/PowerPlant Chemistry Power Cycle Instrumentation Seminar in Bangkok, Thailand PPCHEM

Sample Lines Sample lines should be as short as CONCLUSION

possible. In the sample line, turbulent conditions should
The seminar drew over 60 station chemists, instrument tech-
be ensured (Reynolds number > 2 000). In this way, fast
nicians, designers and engineers from all over Asia. Linked to
response time and no sedimentation in the line will be
participation was a free e-paper subscription to PPChem
achieved. Sample lines, typically DN 10 – DN 15, with a
until the end of the year. The feedback from the audience
smooth inner surface, e.g., stainless steel, polyvinyl chlo-
was very positive. The organizers are considering repeating
ride (PVC) or high-density polyethylene (HD PE), are the
this type of event to spread the knowledge of cycle chem-
optimum. In some cases, fast loop cycling is advised.
istry and the awareness for analytical instruments.

The last session was dedicated to operation and mainte-
Ruedi Germann worked for 20 years as an independent
nance. The participants worked in groups with real instru-
business consultant before starting SWAN Analytical. He
ments under the guidance of experts. Quality assurance
was instrumental in a management buy-out in 1991 and has
was the most important issue. "How do you know it's
served as the managing director ever since. The company
right?" was the most prominent question. Hopefully, the
has realized several information technology projects that
session helped many a technician to feel more comfort-
integrate analytical instruments with modern software tools
able with his analyzers.
for quality assurance applications in thermal power plants.
Specialists gave an introduction to the analytical methods,
the sampling points and the critical issues for each param-
eter. For many participants this was a new way of looking
at their instrumentation because the emphasis was on Ruedi Germann
understanding the basic principles instead of focusing on Swan Analytische Instrumente AG
specific brands. Studbachstrasse 13
8340 Hinwil
E-mail: ruedi.germann@swan.ch

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