Exercise Quantifiers

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1-There weren’t much/ many cars parked in the Centre of Bamako

2-Eating out of expensive here. There aren’t any/some cheap restaurants.

3-Liverpool has a lot/many of great nightclubs.

4-Hurry up! We have only a few /a little time before the coach leaves

5-We saw a little of / some beautiful scenery when we went to Australia.

6-There are a few /any shops near the university

7-It’s very quiet. There aren’t many /much people here today.

8-There are some / much expensive new flats next to the river.

II-Fill in with: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few and
translate each sentence into French

1. It seems we have had ……………………… assignments in English this year.

How ………………………. do we have to read this week in English?

2. …………………………………….. of Malians are proud of Assimi GOÏTA.

3. There aren’t very…………………. English books in the library of our school

4. I think he drank …………………………………………………… wine last night.

5. I have had ……………………………headaches already because of the stress.

6. Farmers didn’t use…………………………………………… fertilizer during last cotton campaign,

that’s why we had so ……………………………………. weeds

7. It has rained very ………………………… this season, that’s why the grass is so brown.

8. …………………. people know as much about computers as Chloé O’Brian does.


9. I’m having ………………………………… trouble passing my driving test.

10. I do have …………………………. friends but not that many.

11. How …………………. juice is left in the bottle?

12. Amidou had ……………… money with him so he couldn’t even buy a bus ticket.

13. ……………………...time and money is spent on education in Great Britain.

14. I know ………………………. Spanish so I am going to have a problem when I get there.

15. ………………. of the children in our block have got tablets.

16. Football is the only subject I know very ……………of. It doesn’t interest me that much.

…………….. people can live without money. We simply need it.

17. There are ……………. leftovers for you in the refrigerator.

18. Is she already gone? – I’m only …………… minutes late.

19. There is …………… doubt that Fati will win the contest.

20. There is not very ………… dancing going on at the party.

21. …………….. people in the city ride a bike to work because you are simply faster.

22. Bamako, ACI 2000 has …………. beautiful buildings.

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