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EXERCISE: Choose the correct preposition in parentheses in the exercise

below. Translate each sentence into French


A) Place or position or Direction

1-Do you live (at, on) Rue 14 (in on) Medina coura?

2- I hang the picture (above, on) the fridge.

3-She walked (in, into) the kitchen and put her packages on the table.

4-Is Amy (at in), home? No, she is (on, at) the library.

5-Mary is sitting (in, on) the sofa (at, in) the living room.

6-Fana is situated (in, between) Bamako and Segou.

7- While waiting for my train to, I took a walk (across, around) the station.

8-A formation of twelve airplanes flew (on top of, over), our house.

9-The artist spends many hours (on, in) his studio (on, at) 50 Charles Street.

10-Sékou found a note pinned (in, on) his door which said: “Meet me (at, in) the corner of Rue 14
and Rue 12”.

11-The Drave family lives (at, on) Third Street (in, on) Dravela, Bamako.

12- Don’t forget to put your return address (on, in) the envelope.

13-He sat (near, against) his attorney to answer the judge questions.

14-Mr. Famagan, who is (of, from) Kati, is staying (at, to) his sister’s home in Bamako.

15- Someone has spilled ink (in, on) this rug and has burned a hole in that one.

16-The door was locked: so, I showed the letter (around, under) it.

17-He piled the books (above, on top of) the table.

18-He arrived (in, at) Niger last week.

19-You are ahead of me. Your name is (above, at the top of) the list.

20-Your score on the examination is well (above, over) average.

EXERCISE C. Choose a preposition of place to complete
1-Why did he move to the country? He wanted to get away ……. life ……. Bamako.
2-I’m always glad to come back …… hometown after the holidays.
3-There was an accident……. the crossroads last night.
4-Will you please write your name ……. the top of the page?
5-Don’t come …… the kitchen with your muddy shoes, please.
6-It was a very hot day. We all jumped …. the swimming pool with shouts and delight.
7- After their boat sank, he swam……...the river for an hour, and got safe …...the river
8-He asked to be transferred ……another branch the ……...South.


1-We arrived in North Mali …. Sunny day …... March. We never have rain there …. That
2-………...World War II, lots of children were evacuated from London to the country.
3-Did you actually wait …… two hours?
4-They work ………8………….5.
5-We’ll have plenty of time to rest………...the holidays.
6-…………wet days, I take the tube, Fine weather I walk to the office.
7-I haven’t seen him ………… Christmas.
8-We ‘d better start ……. Six, you know. He’s always dead …. time

EXERCISE E Chose the appropriate preposition

1-You don’t look (like/as) your brother.
2-We ‘ve had her (like/as) a teacher for two years now.
3-(Between/Among) other things, he knows how to cook
4-I’ll meet you (between /among) five and six
5-You ‘ll get a fine if you don’t bring it back (by/) Wednesday
6-When he got back (in/ to) London, he let himself (in/into) the flat and found it empty.
7-You know what? I cried (in/at) the end of the film
8-How could we get out if the building went (in/on) fire?
9-she lived (in/on) a farm in Africa.
10-The beauty parlour is situated (at/on) the first floor of the hotel.

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