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Review for quiz 2 Hyponatremia and hypernatremia o Hyponatremia: sodium less than 135 mEq/L ( low sodium) Sodium

um loss manifestations. Headaches confusion decreased BP, nausea dry skin, and mucous membranes. Outcome management: restore sodium levels Reduce sodium loss: prevent vomiting and diarrhea o Hypernatremia ( high sodium) Sodium level above 145 mEq/L Excess fluid loss or sodium intake Note volume, mucous membranes, skin tugor, orthostatic vital signs and neck veins. Outcome management o Replace fluid loss o Sodium restriction o Prevent skin/mucosal breakdown o Teach self-care o Fluid overload (hypernatremia) Renal problems Potassium sodiumo values and what are the side effects of it if it is to high or to low low potassium occurs in paitents who feels cramping low calcium numbness and tingling of hands, toes, and lips, hypotension, dysrhythmias and spontaneous fractures high calcium : polyuria due to osmotic diuresis, anorexia, constipation, nausea , and fatigue, depression, muscle weakness high potassium : hypotension, cardiac and respiratory areest due to muscle paralysis low sodium: Upper respiratory infections o Know the general of the theses diseases ( what causes it ) o Abductor pillow o What is the purpose and when it is should Symptoms of a fluid volume over load and with its signs& symptoms of its physical appearance Compartment syndrome- how do you know What cuase or leads up to kidney failure ( glomeralitis focus on that ) o Glomerulonphritits Type of kidney disease that damages your kidneys ability to remove waste and excessfluids. Cuase is unknown but can be related to Post strep

Viral infections Immune disorders Lupus High blood pressure and diabetic kidney disease can cuase scarring of glomeruli Nephrotic syndrome- when many signs and symptoms that may accompany glomerulonephritis, can complicate the flitering ability of the glomeruli. High protein levels in the urine , resulting in low protein levels in the blood, high blood cholesterol , fluid retention of the eye Can lead to acute or chronic renal failure o Know lab values on WBCs and RBCs, Urine values o normal values for specific gravity: 1.020 to 1.028 Normal count: WBCs 4,500 to 10,000 o Normal count: RBCs Kidney stones- what cause them, how to get rid of them, ( o ultra sounds , surgery etc.) expands the pelvic muscles. (?) Cancer of the Larynx o Signs and symptoms Depends on the size of the tumor. Hoarseness, lump in the neck Sore in throat and cough does not go away. Bad breath- bcuz the cancer is eating away your thorax, weight loss o Different surgeries( stoma, koach pouch etc.) Laser Partial and total larynegectomy Cervical lymph node dissection Neck dissection How would you sooth the patient if they are feeling depress After ABCs , worry about the pain of the patient Pulmonary edema o Know what MAD DOG (meds, airway, digitalis, diuretic, oxygen , blood gases) What clubbing is o From a chronic hypoxic state Geriatric patients number one concern for them would be constipation then fall risk Know the UAP work and what RNs can delegate Need to have food in your stomach if you are taking NSAIDS Impetigo- common skin infection, pus

Dont need to know scabies Know teach pursed lip breathing to pink puffer- related to COPD o Deep breathing excersise that promotes more are deep breathing

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