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1: Despite the ______ of the evidence against him, the defendant maintained his innocence
throughout the trial. His lawyer tried to cast doubt on the credibility of the witnesses and
the reliability of the forensic tests. However, the jury was not convinced and found him
guilty of murder.
a. paucity b. plethora c. veracity d. ambiguity

2: The ______ of the new law was met with fierce opposition from civil rights groups, who
argued that it violated the privacy and dignity of citizens
a. enactment b. amendment c. revocation d. ratification

3: The teacher was impressed by the student’s ______ of the topic, as he demonstrated a
deep understanding of the concepts and theories involved.
a. scrope b. range c. capacity d. grasp

4: The company decided to ______ its operations in the region, citing low demand and high
costs as the main reasons for the move.
a. curtail b. expand c. diversify d. relocate

5: The author’s latest novel is a ______ of genres, blending elements of science fiction,
fantasy, and horror in a unique and captivating way.
a. distortion b. contrast c. fusion d. deviation

6: The government’s decision to ______ the controversial project sparked a wave of

protests across the country, as many people felt that it was a waste of public money and a
threat to the environment. Despite the public outcry, the authorities insisted that the project
was necessary for the country’s economic development and security.
a. abandon b. pursue c. endorse d. revise

7: The scientist’s discovery of a new species of bacteria in the ocean floor was a ______
breakthrough for marine biology, as it revealed a previously unknown form of life that
could have implications for the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
a. pivotal b. trivial c. dubious d. detrimental
8: The politician’s speech was full of ______ statements that contradicted his previous
claims and promises. Many voters felt betrayed and disillusioned by his apparent lack of
honesty and consistency.
a. ambiguous b. erroneous c. inflammatory d. inconsistent

9: The company was accused of ______ its customers by charging them hidden fees and
providing poor quality services. A class-action lawsuit was filed against the company,
demanding compensation and justice for the victims.
a. exploiting b. enticing c. satisfying d. educating

10: The philosopher’s argument was based on a ______ hypothesis that was not supported
by any evidence or logic. His opponents quickly pointed out the flaws and fallacies in his
reasoning and dismissed his conclusion as invalid.
a. cogent b. spurious c. lucid d. sound

11: The journalist’s report exposed the ______ practices of the corporation, which involved
bribing officials, evading taxes, and violating human rights. The public was outraged by
the revelations and demanded that the corporation be held accountable for its actions.
a. benevolent b. commendable c. nefarious d. innocuous

12: The teacher encouraged her students to ______ their horizons by reading books from
different genres, cultures, and perspectives. She believed that this would help them develop
their critical thinking and empathy skills.
a. broaden b. narrow c. obscure d. confine

13: The theory was based on ______ assumptions that could not be tested or verified. The
critics argued that the theory was too speculative and abstract to have any scientific value.
a. nebulous b. empirical c. pragmatic d. verifiable
14: The lawyer’s ______ of the witness was ruthless and relentless, as he tried to expose
every contradiction and inconsistency in his testimony. The witness felt intimidated and
overwhelmed by the lawyer’s aggressive questioning.
a. interrogation b. cross-examination
c. inquisition d. scrutiny

15: The novel was a(n) ______ of the author’s personal experiences and historical events,
creating a fictional narrative that blended reality and imagination. The readers were
fascinated by the novel’s authenticity and creativity.
a. fabrication b. amalgamation c. simulation d. imitation

16: The politician was accused of ______ by his opponents, who claimed that he had
changed his position on several issues to gain more popularity and support. The politician
denied the allegations and said that he had always been consistent and honest.
a. pragmatism b. idealism c. realism d. opportunism

17: The student’s essay was ______ in its analysis, as it failed to consider the different
perspectives and arguments on the topic. The teacher advised the student to do more
research and critical thinking before writing.
a. benign b. comprehensive c. blithe d. superficial

18: The company’s ______ was to become the market leader in its industry, by providing
innovative and high-quality products and services to its customers. The company had a
clear vision and strategy to achieve its goal.
a. reservation b. aspiration c. reputation d. compensation

19: The doctor’s diagnosis was ______ by a second opinion from another specialist, who
confirmed that the patient had a rare and incurable disease. The patient was devastated by
the news and sought alternative treatments.
a. contested b. invalidated c. corroborated d. disregarded
20: The ______ of the novel was complex and intriguing, involving multiple characters,
timelines, and twists. The readers were captivated by the novel’s plot and eager to find out
how it would end.
a. setting b. theme c. tone d. structure

21: The teacher was ______ in her praise of the student’s work, as she recognized his talent
and effort. She gave him positive feedback and encouragement, and suggested ways to
improve his skills further.
a. effusive b. reserved c. sarcastic d. indifferent

22: The ______ of the poem was obscure and enigmatic, requiring careful and attentive
reading to decipher its meaning and symbolism. The poem challenged the readers to think
beyond the literal and conventional.
a. meter b. imagery c. rhyme d. diction

23: The politician’s speech was ______ with patriotic sentiments and slogans, appealing to
the emotions and values of his supporters. He used rhetorical devices and techniques to
persuade and influence his audience.
a. associated b. compatible c. replete d. consistent

24: The ______ of the argument was based on a false analogy, which compared two things
that were not similar or relevant in any significant way. The argument was therefore weak
and unconvincing.
a. conclusion b. premise c. inference d. implication

25: The ______ of the novel was a young woman who struggled to find her identity and
place in a society that oppressed and marginalized her. The novel mainly portrayed her
journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
a. antagonist b. narrator c. character d. protagonist
26: The ______ of the disease was unknown, as the scientists could not identify its origin
or cause. They speculated that it might have been transmitted by an animal or a mutation
of an existing virus.
a. symptom b. diagnosis c. etiology d. treatment

27: The timbre of the music was soothing and relaxing, creating a calm and peaceful
atmosphere for the listeners. The music used soft and gentle sounds and rhythms to ______
a state of tranquility.
a. strike b. induce c. augment d. sway

28: The ______ of the document was confidential, as it contained sensitive and classified
information that could not be disclosed to the public or the media. The document was
protected by encryption and security protocols to prevent unauthorized access or leakage.
a. content b. format c. status d. source

29: The ______ of the sculpture was impressive, as it showed the intricate details and
textures of the human body and face. The sculpture looked realistic and lifelike, as if it
could come alive at any moment.
a. craftsmanship b. scale c. symmetry d. shape

30: The structure of the speech was clear and concise, as it conveyed the main points and
arguments in a logical and coherent way. The speech avoided unnecessary or ______
information and used simple and direct language to communicate effectively with the
a. external b. defective c. redundant d. ornate

31: The team faced ______ challenges and difficulties in completing the project, as they
had to deal with a tight deadline, a limited budget, and a complex problem. They had to
overcome many obstacles and setbacks to achieve their goal.
a. ineluctable b. uncompromising c. insuperable d. inevitable
32: Before leaving for his trip, Mark gave a ______ glance at his packing list to make sure
he had everything he needed. He didn’t notice that he had forgotten to pack his toothbrush
and charger.
a. meticulous b. cursory c. conspicuous d. admiring

33: Lisa was already feeling stressed about her upcoming deadline, and the loud noise from
the construction site next door only served to ______ her mood. She wished she could work
in a quieter place.
a. alleviate b. appreciate c. anticipate d. aggravate

34: The doctor prescribed a ______ dose of aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack. The
patient was advised to take one tablet every day.
a. copious b. lethal c. salutary d. nominal

35: It was a ______ coincidence that they met at the airport. They had not seen each other
for years and had no idea they were on the same flight.
a. fortuitous b. mediocre c. quaint d. regrettable

36: The project manager had to evaluate whether the proposed plan was ______ within the
given budget and timeline. He had to consider the resources, risks, and benefits of each
a. lucrative b. extraneous c. innovative d. feasible

37: The archaeologists discovered a ______ form of writing on the ancient tablets. The
symbols were crude and simple, but they represented the earliest evidence of literacy in
that region.
a. refined b. rudimentary c. elaborate d. refined

38: Many people wanted to buy the new gadget, but the price was too ______ for most of
them. It cost more than a month’s salary for an average worker.
a. reasonable b. irrational c. prohibitive d. competitive
39: An author released a new book that delves into complex social and political issues,
weaving together multiple narratives to create a thought-provoking and nuanced
exploration of the subject matter. While some readers praise the book for its depth and
intricacy, others find it to be overly ______, making it difficult to follow and comprehend.
a. concise b. candid c. sparse d. dense

40: A renowned architect designed a new office building with an emphasis on creating a
sustainable and energy-efficient environment. The building's design incorporates natural
lighting, green spaces, and innovative insulation materials, fostering a comfortable and
inviting atmosphere for occupants. However, some critics argue that the building's
aesthetics are somewhat ______, detracting from its overall appeal.
a. utilitarian b. ostentatious c. striking d. conventional

41: She felt ______ after her morning run. The exercise and fresh air gave her energy and
enthusiasm for the day ahead.
a. invigorating b. distracting c. conducive d. stifling

42: The report revealed that women and minorities face ______ barriers to career
advancement in the company. They are underrepresented in leadership positions and
receive lower salaries than their peers.
a. disproportionate b. equitable c. negligible d. beneficial

43: The fox was ______ enough to escape from the trap. It chewed off the rope and ran
away before the hunter came back.
a. clumsy b. timid c. cunning d. loyal

44: The news report painted a ______ picture of the situation in the war-torn country. There
was widespread violence, hunger, and disease, and little hope for improvement.
a. bright b. grim c. vague d. cheerful

45: The residents were evacuated as the ______ eruption of the volcano threatened to
destroy their homes. They could see smoke and lava rising from the crater.
a. ancient b. distant c. harmless d. imminent
46: The vase fell from the shelf but luckily it remained ______. There were no cracks or
chips on it.
a. mangled b. fragile c. intact d. empty

47: The priest agreed to ______ the wedding ceremony for his niece and her fiancé. He
was happy to bless their union and celebrate with them.
a. officiate b. participate c. decorate d. mediate

48: It seems ______ that drinking coffee can help you sleep better, but some studies suggest
that moderate caffeine intake can improve your circadian rhythm.
a. logical b. empirical c. rhetorical d. paradoxical

49: He follows the ______ teachings of his religion and does not question the authority of
the scriptures or the clergy. He believes that his faith is the only true path to salvation.
a. secular b. orthodox c. heterodox d. mystical

50: A ______ lifestyle can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular
diseases. People who spend most of their time sitting or lying down should exercise
regularly and eat a balanced diet.
a. active b. healthy c. sedentary d. nomadic

51: She felt ______ as she walked along the beach at sunset. The sound of the waves and
the sight of the sky calmed her mind and relaxed her body.
a. serene b. hesitant c. enraged d. peevish

52: The movie was praised for its ______ portrayal of the main character, who was neither
a hero nor a villain, but a complex and flawed human being.
a. biased b. shallow c. nuanced d. exaggerated

53: The dog was known for its ______ temperament and had attacked several people and
animals in the neighborhood. It had to be kept on a leash and muzzled at all times.
a. vicious b. friendly c. frisky d. lukewarm
54: He felt ______ after losing his job, his home, and his family. He had no hope for the
future and no one to help him.
a. delighted b. grateful c. wretched d. content

55: She tried to lift the heavy suitcase, but her arms were too ______ to hold it. She had
not eaten or slept well for days and was very weak.
a. timorous b. muscular c. aggressive d. feeble

56: His ______ was not genuine, but only a ploy to escape punishment. He had no intention
of changing his ways or making amends for his wrongdoings.
a. repentance b. retribution c. restitution d. resolution

57: The new vaccine will ______ the need for further lockdowns and restrictions. It will
protect people from getting infected and spreading the virus.
a. exacerbate b. mitigate c. obviate d. facilitate

58: He was shocked by the ______ of the corrupt officials who embezzled millions of
dollars from the public funds. They showed no remorse or conscience for their actions.
a. ineptitude b. iniquity c. ingenuity d. integrity

59: The ______ industry of electric vehicles is expected to grow rapidly in the next decade.
More and more consumers are opting for eco-friendly and energy-efficient alternatives to
traditional cars.
a. stagnant b. obsolete c. dominant d. nascent

60: She loved reading ______ stories that involved gruesome murders and twisted plots.
She had a morbid fascination with the dark side of human nature.
a. mundane b. mirthful c. macabre d. melodious

61: He wore a ______ hat and a bright red scarf that contrasted with his gloomy
surroundings. He seemed to be in a cheerful mood despite the cold and rainy weather.
a. jaunty b. jaded c. jarring d. jumbled
62: The dog barked in a ______ tone, warning the intruder to stay away from its territory.
Its teeth were bared and its eyes were fierce.
a. menacing b. meek c. merry d. mellow

63: The government plans to ______ some of the carbon emissions from the power plants
by storing them underground. This is one of the strategies to reduce greenhouse gases and
combat climate change.
a. squander b. sequester c. savor d. surrender

64: She ______ confidence and charisma as she walked on the stage. The audience was
captivated by her presence and charm.
a. exclude b. execute c. exude d. exhale

65: He tried to ______ the memory of his traumatic childhood from his mind. He wanted
to forget the pain and suffering he had endured.
a. expostulate b. expose c. expand d. expunge

66: His actions ______ his true feelings for her. He was always caring, attentive, and
supportive of her dreams and goals.
a. erase b. evade c. evince d. elicit

67: They had an ______ relationship that was full of arguments and conflicts. They could
never agree on anything and always tried to undermine each other.
a. amicable b. altruistic c. antagonistic d. artistic

68: He did not hesitate to ______ his rivals in front of the media. He made false and
derogatory statements about their character and achievements.
a. delegate b. denigrate c. delineate d. demonstrate

69: The teacher tried to ______ her students with a passion for learning and curiosity. She
used various methods and activities to make the lessons engaging and fun.
a. imbue b. impede c. impair d. implore
70: He decided to ______ alcohol and cigarettes after his doctor warned him about the
health risks. He wanted to live a healthier and longer life.
a. embrace b. enhance c. emit d. eschew

71: She had a natural ______ for music and art. She enjoyed playing various instruments
and painting beautiful landscapes.
a. affinity b. aversion c. anxiety d. apathy

72: He had a ______ feeling that something bad was going to happen. He sensed a dark
and ominous presence lurking in the shadows.
a. fortunate b. frivolous c. fervent d. foreboding

73: She ______ the cause of animal rights and welfare. She was an active member of
several organizations that advocated for the protection and care of animals.
a. expiated b. espoused c. expelled d. expired

74: He was a ______ worker who always completed his tasks on time and with high quality.
He paid attention to every detail and never gave up on any challenge.
a. seditious b. sluggish c. sedulous d. sarcastic

75: The ______ value of the contract was estimated at $10 million, but the actual amount
could vary depending on the market conditions and performance indicators.
a. notional b. nominal c. net d. nonnegotiable

76: The ______ of the tyrant was celebrated by the oppressed people. They had suffered
for too long under his cruel and unjust rule.
a. rise b. praise c. disguise d. demise

77: He was too ______ to realize that he was being scammed. He believed everything the
con artist told him and gave him all his money and personal information.
a. credulous b. cagey c. courageous d. conservative
78: She felt an ______blank pain in her chest that made her gasp for air. She realized she
was having a heart attack and called for help.
a. exhilarating b. exonerating c. excruciating d. exasperating

79: The long and exhausting hike ______ him to the point of collapse. He had no energy
or strength left to continue.
a. energized b. elevated c. evaluated d. ennervated

80: He ate a large meal to ______ his hunger after fasting for a day. He felt full and satisfied
and did not want any more food.
a. stimulate b. satiate c. sabotage d. suppress

81: She wrote a ______ review of the movie that she hated. She used harsh and insulting
words to criticize every aspect of the film.
a. visionary b. vitriolic c. virtuous d. vivacious

82: Despite his fame and fortune, the actor remained ______ and avoided the spotlight as
much as possible. He rarely gave interviews or attended social events, preferring to keep
his personal life private.
a. taciturn b. flamboyant c. gregarious d. loquacious

83: The detective noticed that the suspect’s alibi ______ the evidence he had found at the
crime scene. Later, it turned out that he acted as an accessory in that case, which
contradicted with his first claim.
a. belied b. supported c. matched d. explained

84: The chef had a keen ______ sense, which helped him create delicious dishes with the
right balance of flavors.
a. gustatory b. auditory c. tactile d. olfactory

85: The ______ daughter returned home after spending years abroad, hoping to reconcile
with her father who had disowned her for squandering his fortune.
a. frugal b. prodigal c. diligent d. prudent
86: The ______ purpose of the meeting was to discuss the budget, but the real agenda was
to vote on the new CEO.
a. genuine b. dubious c. ostensible d. ulterior

87: The students were ______ with homework and assignments during the exam period,
leaving them little time for leisure or sleep.
a. irrigated b. inundated c. desiccated d. evaporated

88: The spy had to ______ a fake passport and a new identity in order to escape from the
country without being caught by the authorities.
a. discard b. donate c. barter d. procure

89: The idea that the schematic figures of medieval art represent a haphazard “loss” of
realistic techniques in anatomic modeling and representation of perspective has been
_______ by art historians who specialize in the Middle Ages. Such figures, these specialists
argue, achieve new expressive and decorative potential through intentional departures from
a. disputed b. corroborated c. expounded d. hyperbolized

90: The ancient Greeks and Romans were fascinated by the phenomenon of lightning and
thunder, which they attributed to the actions of their gods. Their myths and legends were a
_______ to the scientific study of electricity and magnetism that began in the 17th century.
a. hindrance b. coincidence c. precursor d. hurdle

91: The researchers tested several hypotheses to explain the decline of the bee population,
but none of them seemed _______. They decided to conduct more experiments to find a
better solution.
a. innovative b. viable c. palpable d. contentious

92: The elderly man suffered from a chronic _______ that prevented him from walking
without assistance. He wished he could regain his strength and mobility.
a. allergy b. infection c. injury d. infirmity
93: The explorers had to _______ a vast and treacherous desert before they could reach
their destination. They faced many dangers and hardships along the way.
a. traverse b. circumvent c. inhabit d. survey

94: Some historians consider the attempt of Emperor Napoleon to invade Russia in 1812
as a _______ endeavor that doomed his army to failure. The harsh winter and the scorched
earth policy of the Russians proved to be insurmountable obstacles.
a. misanthropic b. quixotic c. strategic d. heroic

95: The invention of the television in the 20th century had a profound impact on society
and culture. Millions of people were _______ by the images and sounds that they could
watch from their homes.
a. informed b. manipulated c. distracted d. mesmerized

96: The president _______ the nation to remain calm and united in the face of the terrorist
attack. He vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice and to protect the security and freedom
of the people.
a. admonished b. consoled c. exhorted d. deceived

97: The stock market is often influenced by the _______ behavior of investors, who may
buy or sell shares based on their emotions, expectations, or whims. This can lead to
unpredictable fluctuations in prices and returns.
a. capricious b. consonant c. dolorous d. didactic

98: The construction of the Panama Canal was a _______ engineering feat that involved
digging a 77-kilometer waterway across the isthmus of Panama. The canal connects the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans and facilitates global trade and navigation.
a. haptic b. imperious c. ignominious d. colossal

99: Albert Einstein was a renowned physicist who had a _______ for asking deep and
fundamental questions about the nature of reality. His curiosity and creativity led him to
discover the theory of relativity and other groundbreaking insights. A. penchant
a. disdain b. penchant c. protocol d. presage
100: The use of color and contrast in photography can _______ the mood and message of
an image. Different colors can evoke different emotions and associations in the viewer’s
a. distort b. occlude c. repudiate d. accentuate

101: The French Revolution was a _______ period of social and political upheaval that
lasted from 1789 to 1799. It resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy, the establishment
of a republic, and the execution of many prominent figures.
a. prosperous b. fatuous c. tumultuous d. harmonious

102: The development of the internet and social media has challenged the _______ mindset
of many people who used to have limited exposure to different cultures and perspectives.
Now, anyone can access a wealth of information and opinions from around the world.
a. congenial b. mecurial c. parochial d. tangential

103: The Human Genome Project was an international scientific research project that
aimed to map and sequence the entire human genome. The project began in 1990 and was
completed in 2003, two years ahead of its original schedule. The project’s _______ was
motivated by the potential benefits of understanding the genetic basis of human health and
a. inception b. conception c. cessation d. illusion

104: The Black Death was a devastating pandemic that swept across Europe and Asia in
the 14th century. It was caused by a bacterium carried by fleas that infected rats and
humans. The disease _______ the population of many regions, killing an estimated 75 to
200 million people.
a. isolated b. decimated c. exacerbated d. ruminated

105: The Treaty of Paris in 1783 officially ended the American Revolutionary War and
recognized the independence of the United States. As part of the treaty, Britain agreed to
_______ its claims to all lands west of the Appalachian Mountains and south of the Great
a. retain b. putrefy c. relinquish d. stake
106: The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928 was a result of his _______
scientific curiosity and attention to detail. He noticed that a mold growing on a petri dish
had killed the bacteria around it and decided to investigate further.
a. tenacious b. fretful c. sturdy d. unwitting

107: The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley tells the story of a scientist who creates a
living creature from dead body parts. The creature is rejected by his creator and becomes
an _______ who seeks revenge and companionship.
a. accomplice b. outcast c. introvert d. acquaintance

108: The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the world, recognizing
outstanding achievements in various fields of science, literature, and peace. The recipients
of the prize receive not only a large sum of money, but also the _______ of the international
a. abnegation b. aspersion c. approbation d. aggregation

109: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 was the _______
that triggered the outbreak of World War I. The event sparked a series of diplomatic crises
and ultimatums that eventually led to a global conflict.
a. compromise b. catalyst c. conjecture d. convention

110: The Zodiac Killer was a notorious serial killer who operated in Northern California in
the late 1960s and early 1970s. He sent cryptic messages and ciphers to the media and the
police, but was never caught or identified. One of the reasons he evaded capture was his
_______ appearance, which made him blend in with the crowd.
a. nondescript b. distinctive c. flamboyant d. grostesque

111: The ancient Egyptians had a deep _______ for the Nile River, which was the source
of life and fertility for their civilization. They believed that the river was a gift from the
gods and that its annual flooding was a divine act.
a. contempt b. reverence c. propensity d. notion
112: The prisoners of war endured harsh conditions and brutal treatment from their captors.
They tried to remain _______ and hopeful, supporting each other and resisting despair.
a. hysterical b. cynical c. fanatical d. stoical

113: The hackers attempted to infiltrate the company’s network and steal sensitive data.
However, their plan was _______ by the security team, who detected and blocked their
malicious activity.
a. ignored b. perplexed c. thrwarted d. rectified

114: The concept of the sublime, which refers to the experience of awe and terror in the
face of nature’s vastness and power, has been a _______ for Romantic poets and critics.
They often use it to contrast the limitations of reason and civilization with the potential of
imagination and emotion.
a. hindrance b. paradox c. fallacy d. touchstone

115: The atmosphere of the small town was _______ for the young and ambitious
journalist. She felt stifled by the lack of opportunities and excitement, and longed for the
vibrant and dynamic life of the big city.
a. cordial b. exhilarating c. propitious d. somnolent

116: The notion of a(n) _______ love between a knight and a noble lady, which was often
celebrated in the medieval literature and art, was challenged by the feminist scholars of the
20th century. They argued that such love was based on the idealization and objectification
of women, and that it reinforced the patriarchal and hierarchical structure of the society.
a. chivalrous b. platonic c. carnal d. egalitarian

117: The outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 had a devastating impact on the population
and the economy of the world. Many people became _______ and lost their interest and
energy in daily activities. Some historians suggest that this pandemic contributed to the
social and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.
a. resilient b. vigilant c. listless d. vengeful
118: The rise of the bureaucratic state in the 18th and 19th centuries led to the emergence
of a new class of civil servants who were often _______ and meddlesome in their dealings
with the public. They imposed rigid rules and regulations on various aspects of life, such
as trade, taxation, education, and health.
a. precocious b. benevolent c. officious d. discreet

119: The popularity of the novel genre in the 18th century was partly due to the
dissatisfaction of the readers with the _______ poetry and drama of the time. The novel
offered a more realistic and engaging portrayal of human nature and society, with complex
characters and plots.
a. insidious b. insipid c. satirical d. pompous

120: The construction of the Great Wall of China was a _______ undertaking that spanned
over two millennia and involved multiple dynasties and empires. The wall was built to
protect the Chinese civilization from the nomadic invasions and raids, and also to assert
the political and cultural identity of China.
a. futile b. clandestine c. sporadic d. monumental

121: The espionage activities of the Cold War era involved a lot of _______ and deception
on both sides of the conflict. The spies and agents used various methods and devices to
conceal their identities and missions, such as disguises, codes, gadgets, and false
a. sancity b. serendipity c. veracity d. subterfuge

122: The works of Lewis Carroll are often regarded as examples of _______ literature.
They feature fantastical and nonsensical elements, such as talking animals, absurd logic,
and wordplay. Carroll’s stories appeal to both children and adults, as they challenge the
conventional notions of reality and meaning.
a. realistic b. whimsical c. appalling d. abrasive
123: The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred
Russel Wallace, is based on the observation that some traits are more _______ and
beneficial for the survival and reproduction of the organisms in a given environment. These
traits tend to be inherited by the offspring, while the less advantageous traits tend to
disappear over time.
a. immutable b. arbitrary c. unsavory d. salient

124: The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 was a crucial event for the study of ancient
Egypt. The stone contained a bilingual inscription in hieroglyphs and Greek, which allowed
the scholars to decipher the meaning of the Egyptian writing system. This breakthrough
_______ the efforts of many generations of researchers who had tried to unlock the secrets
of the ancient civilization.
a. undermines b. vindicates c. replicates d. extirpates

125: The personality traits of extraversion and introversion are often used to describe how
people interact with others. Extraverts are _______ and enjoy being around other people,
while introverts are more reserved and prefer solitude or small groups. However, these
traits are not fixed and can vary depending on the situation and the mood of the person.
a. gregarious b. jaundiced c. timid d. aloof

126: The Renaissance artists were _______ in using various techniques and media to create
realistic and expressive works of art. They experimented with perspective, shading, color,
anatomy, and composition to achieve a sense of depth, movement, and emotion. They also
used different materials, such as oil paints, frescoes, marble, bronze, and wood, to suit their
artistic purposes.
a. adroit b. inept c. malicious d. gauche

127: The spread of misinformation and propaganda on the internet has been a _______
phenomenon that threatens the quality and credibility of information. Many people are
exposed to false or misleading claims, rumors, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories, which can
influence their opinions and behaviors. Some experts warn that this problem can undermine
the democratic process and social cohesion.
a. meteoric b. perennial c. pernicious d. mundane
128: The practice of witchcraft was widely feared and persecuted in the early modern
period. Many people believed that witches had made a pact with the devil and used their
powers to _______ others. They were accused of causing diseases, disasters, deaths, and
misfortunes, and were often tortured and executed.
a. bless b. exalt c. malign d. reinstate

129: The novel depicts the _______ of the protagonist, who gradually descends into a life
of crime, violence, and addiction. The author exposes the dark and seedy aspects of the
urban underworld, where morality and humanity are lost.
a. depravity b. redemption c. enlightenment d. diminution

130: The philosopher Immanuel Kant is known for his attempt to _______ the fundamental
principles of morality and reason. He argued that human beings have a duty to act according
to the categorical imperative, which is a universal law that can be derived from pure
a. plagiarize b. refute c. enunciate d. sedate

131: The treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, imposed harsh reparations on Germany for
its role in World War I. However, many of the Allied powers later _______ on their
demands and agreed to reduce or cancel the debts. They realized that the economic stability
of Germany was essential for the recovery of Europe.
a. insisted b. reneged c. enforced d. rescinded

132: The development of the internet and the World Wide Web has made information
_______ and accessible to people around the world. Anyone with a computer and a
connection can access a vast amount of data and resources on various topics and domains.
However, this also poses challenges such as information overload, quality control, and
digital divide.
a. ubiquitous b. archaic c. vicarious d. opulent

124: The success of a therapy session depends largely on the _______ between the therapist
and the client. This is the degree of mutual understanding, trust, and respect that they share.
A good rapport helps the client feel comfortable and supported, and encourages them to
open up and explore their feelings and thoughts.
a. infighting b. collision c. contention d. rapport
125: The Black Death was a devastating _______ that swept across Europe and Asia in the
14th century. It was caused by a bacterial infection transmitted by fleas on rats. It killed
millions of people and had profound social and economic consequences.
a. rebellion b. countenance c. concoction d. affliction

126: The defendant showed no remorse for his crimes and even had the _______ to insult
the judge and the jury. His behavior was condemned by everyone in the courtroom and
earned him a harsher sentence.
a. humility b. effrontery c. amenity d. celerity

127: The ability to _______ emotions is an important skill for social animals, especially
humans. By displaying false or exaggerated expressions of fear, anger, happiness, or
sadness, one can manipulate the behavior and reactions of others. Some researchers have
suggested that this skill evolved from the need to deceive predators or competitors, while
others have linked it to the development of empathy and theory of mind.
a. discern b. perpetuate c. mollify d. feign

128: The debate over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture and
food production has been _______ and polarized. Proponents of GMOs argue that they can
increase crop yields, reduce pesticide use, and improve nutrition. Opponents of GMOs
contend that they pose risks to human health, the environment, and biodiversity. Both sides
have mobilized scientific evidence, ethical arguments, and public opinion to support their
a. vociferous b. mellifluous c. rapacious d. solicitous

129: The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 was a _______ breakthrough for the study
of ancient Egypt. The stone contained a decree written in three scripts: hieroglyphic,
demotic, and Greek. By comparing the texts, scholars were able to decipher the meaning
of the hieroglyphs, which had been lost for centuries. The stone unlocked the secrets of
Egyptian history, culture, and religion.
a. trivial b. dubious c. prodigious d. superfluous
130: The famous experiment of Benjamin Franklin with a kite and a key during a
thunderstorm is often _______ as a proof of the electrical nature of lightning. In fact,
Franklin never intended to draw sparks from the clouds, but only to observe the electric
charge on a metal rod attached to the kite. He was well aware of the danger of being struck
by lightning, and he took precautions to avoid it.
a. lauded b. remonstrated c. misconstrued d. evoked

131: The _______ tone of the funeral march in Chopin’s Piano Sonata No. 2 is enhanced
by the use of a musical device called a chromatic scale, which consists of a series of notes
that are a half step apart. This creates a sense of tension and sadness, as the melody seems
to descend into darkness. The march is contrasted by a lyrical and serene middle section,
which represents a brief moment of hope and consolation.
a. lugubrious b. euphoric c. majestic d. heinous

132: The _______ responses of the politician to the reporters’ questions did not satisfy the
public, who demanded more transparency and accountability. The politician seemed to
avoid giving direct answers, and instead relied on clichés, jokes, and vague generalizations.
His critics accused him of being dishonest, insincere, and superficial.
a. earnest b. glib c. eloquent d. poignant

133: The _______ reaction of the fans to the referee’s decision was understandable, but
unacceptable. The referee had awarded a controversial penalty to the opposing team in the
last minute of the game, which resulted in a loss for the home team. The fans expressed
their anger by throwing objects onto the field, booing loudly, and chanting insults. The
referee had to be escorted by security guards to avoid being attacked.
a. jubilant b. apprehensive c. incandescent d. heuristic

134: The process of star formation involves the collapse of a giant cloud of gas and dust
under its own gravity. As the cloud contracts, it rotates faster and flattens into a disk. The
disk fragments into smaller clumps that eventually _______ into stars and planets. This
process can take millions of years and produce various types of stars and planetary systems.
a. disperse b. condense c. coalesce d. recompense
135: The painter of the landscape used a(n) _______ style to capture the beauty and
tranquility of nature. He used soft colors and gentle strokes to create a sense of harmony
and nostalgia. He was inspired by his own experiences of living in the countryside, which
he had to leave due to the industrialization and urbanization of his country.
a. abstract b. indignant c. pugnacious d. wistful

136: The discovery of penicillin was a result of _______. The scientist who made the
discovery, Alexander Fleming, had left some bacterial cultures in his laboratory and went
on a vacation. When he returned, he noticed that some of the cultures had been
contaminated by a mold that killed the bacteria. He realized that the mold produced a
substance that could be used as an antibiotic.
a. serendipity b. negligence c. malleability d. adulation

137: The use of irony and satire is a(n) _______ of the literary genre known as dystopia.
Dystopian writers use these devices to criticize and challenge the existing social and
political systems, by depicting a fictional world where the worst-case scenarios have
become reality. Examples of dystopian novels include George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous
Huxley’s Brave New World and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.
a. hallmark b. anomaly c. drawback d. plenipotentiary

138: The search for extraterrestrial life has _______ scientists and the public for decades.
The possibility of finding intelligent or even microbial life forms on other planets or moons
has inspired numerous missions and experiments, such as the Voyager probes, the Mars
rovers and the SETI project. However, so far, no conclusive evidence of alien life has been
a. flummoxed b. tantalized c. proffered d. oppressed

139: The stock market is known to _______ between periods of growth and decline,
depending on various factors such as supply and demand, consumer confidence, political
events and global trends. Investors and traders have to monitor the market closely and
adjust their strategies accordingly, in order to maximize their profits and minimize their
a. differentiate b. arbitrate c. oscillate d. reiterate
140: The comedian is known for his _______ humor, which often mocks the absurdities
and contradictions of modern society. He uses sharp wit and irony to expose the flaws and
hypocrisies of politicians, celebrities and ordinary people. His jokes can be hilarious but
also controversial and offensive to some.
a. sardonic b. slapstick c. distraught d. ingenuous

141: The disposal of nuclear waste is a _______ issue that poses serious environmental and
health risks. Nuclear waste is the radioactive material that remains after nuclear fission or
fusion reactions. It can remain dangerous for thousands of years and must be stored in
secure and isolated locations. However, finding suitable sites and transporting the waste
safely are major challenges.
a. factitious b. lustrous c. momentous d. hazardous

142: The proposal to build a new airport near the city has been met with _______
opposition from local residents and environmental groups. They argue that the project
would cause noise pollution, air pollution and habitat destruction. They have organized
protests, petitions and campaigns to stop the construction. The government and the
developers, on the other hand, claim that the airport would bring economic benefits and
create jobs.
a. unanimous b. tortuous c. vehement d. innocuous

143: The study of quantum physics involves some of the most _______ concepts and
phenomena in science. Quantum physics deals with the behavior and interactions of
subatomic particles, such as electrons, photons and quarks. Some of the principles and
implications of quantum physics are so counterintuitive and bizarre that they challenge our
common sense and defy our classical logic.
a. esoteric b. delusive c. draconian d. homologous

144: The feminist movement has challenged the traditional gender roles that have made
women _______ to men in many aspects of society. Feminists have fought for equal rights
and opportunities for women in education, employment, politics and culture. They have
also advocated for women’s autonomy and empowerment over their own bodies, sexuality
and identity.
a. impervious b. subservient c. complementary d. repellent
145: The journalist was offended by the _______ that he had fabricated his sources. He
insisted that he had followed the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in his
reporting. He said that he had verified and documented every piece of information in his
article. He accused his critics of trying to discredit him and silence him.
a. commendation b. speculation c. insinuation d. profanity

146: The teacher had a hard time dealing with the _______ students in his class. They were
disobedient, disruptive and disrespectful. They refused to follow the rules, do their
homework or participate in the activities. They often challenged his authority and ignored
his instructions. He tried various methods to discipline them and motivate them, but
nothing seemed to work.
a. recalcitrant b. exemplary c. inquisitive d. morose

147: The composer had a _______ for writing complex and challenging music. He often
used unconventional instruments, techniques and structures in his compositions. He
experimented with different genres, styles and forms of expression. He was not interested
in pleasing the masses or following the trends. He wanted to create original and innovative
music that reflected his vision and personality.
a. reservation b. predilection c. animosity d. neutrality

148: The development of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the
production and dissemination of books in Europe. However, the early printed books were
often _______ in size and weight, making them difficult to transport and store. Some book
collectors and scholars preferred the smaller and lighter manuscripts that preceded the
printed books.
a. pristine b. superseded c. unwieldy d. tumultuous

149: The concept of gravity was revolutionized by Albert Einstein’s general theory of
relativity, which describes how gravity is the result of the curvature of space and time.
However, some astronomical observations have revealed _______ phenomena that cannot
be explained by the theory, such as the accelerated expansion of the universe and the
existence of dark matter and dark energy.
a. congruent b. luminous c. dormant d. wayward
150: The benefits of meditation may not be immediately noticeable, but they tend to
_______ over time as the practice becomes more consistent and habitual. Studies have
shown that meditation can enhance cognitive functions, reduce stress and anxiety, and
improve emotional regulation and well-being.
a. dissipate b. accrue c. vacillate d. commiserate

151: The classical _______ between rationalism and empiricism in philosophy has been
revised by modern thinkers who acknowledge that both reason and experience play a role
in human knowledge. Rationalists claim that some truths can be known a priori,
independently of sensory experience, while empiricists maintain that all knowledge is
derived from observation and experimentation.
a. analogy b. dilemma c. dichotomy d. synthesis

152: The judge praised the defendant’s lawyer for his _______ conduct during the trial,
which was marked by professionalism, integrity and respect for the court. The lawyer had
presented a strong case for his client, without resorting to any unethical or dishonest tactics.
a. irreproachable b. inadvertent c. defective d. reprehensible

153: The composer’s music has a(n) _______ quality that transports the listener to a
different realm of experience. The melodies are delicate and subtle, the harmonies are
complex and rich, and the orchestration is refined and elegant.
a. robust b. somber c. ethereal d. doleful

154: The rise of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century was _______ to the values of
democracy and human rights that had been established by the Enlightenment thinkers.
These aggressive regimes sought to control every aspect of their citizens’ lives, suppressing
dissent, freedom and individuality.
a. conducive b. lackadaisical c. raucuous d. inimical

155: The author of the novel was _______ about revealing the meaning of the ambiguous
ending, preferring to let the readers interpret it for themselves. He said that he did not want
to impose his own vision on the story, but rather to invite multiple perspectives and
a. reticent b. guileless c. candid d. adamant
156: The young journalist had the _______ to question the president’s integrity during a
live press conference, causing a stir among the audience and the media. The president was
visibly annoyed by the bold and impertinent remark, and refused to answer any further
a. alacrity b. temerity c. fecundity d. verity

157: The theory of evolution by natural selection is widely accepted as the most _______
explanation for the diversity and complexity of life on Earth. The theory is supported by a
vast amount of evidence from various fields of science, such as genetics, paleontology,
biogeography and embryology.
a. fanciful b. dodgy c. flimsy d. tenable

158: The protesters were _______ in their demands for justice and equality, chanting
slogans and waving banners outside the government building. They did not shy away from
expressing their anger and frustration, hoping to draw attention and sympathy to their
a. genteel b. hazy c. strident d. tremulous

159: The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as monumental tombs for their pharaohs,
who were considered to be divine rulers. The pyramids represent the _______ of their
architectural and engineering achievements, as well as their cultural and religious beliefs.
a. nadir b. pinnacle c. prototype d. quirk

160: The teacher was appalled by the _______ appearance of some of his students, who
came to class wearing wrinkled clothes, dirty shoes and messy hair. He reminded them that
they should dress neatly and respectfully, as a sign of good manners and self-esteem.
a. slovenly b. modish c. voguish d. gaudy

161: The movie critic gave a negative review to the latest romantic comedy, which he found
to be full of _______ clichés and predictable plot twists. He said that the movie lacked
originality and creativity, and that it was a waste of time and money.
a. defiled b. pathbreaking c. hackneyed d. germinal
162: The biographer tried to portray the famous writer as a complex and flawed human
being, not as a flawless genius. He revealed some of the writer’s _______ , such as his
tendency to procrastinate, his addiction to coffee, and his obsession with cats.
a. merits b. graces c. foibles d. feats

163: The environmental activist denounced the government’s _______ record on tackling
climate change, which he said was putting the future of the planet at risk. He accused the
government of ignoring the scientific evidence, favoring the interests of fossil fuel
industries, and failing to implement effective policies and regulations.
a. meritorious b. pitiful c. abysmal d. archetypical

164: The _______ between the two rival gangs escalated into a violent brawl that left
several people injured and one dead. The police had been monitoring the situation for
months, but they were unable to prevent the outbreak of hostilities. The incident sparked a
public outcry and a demand for stricter law enforcement.
a. liaison b. collusion c. concord d. altercation

165: As an acclaimed novelist, Emily's writing style is often praised for its _______ nature,
engaging readers with intricate plots and thought-provoking themes. Her ability to delve
deep into the human psyche and explore complex emotions has earned her a loyal following
of intellectually curious readers.
a. cerebral b. visceral c. somatic d. palliative

166: The _______ effect of salt water on metal structures was a major challenge for the
engineers who designed the bridge. They had to use special materials and coatings to
prevent rust and deterioration. The bridge was also equipped with sensors and monitors to
detect any signs of damage.
a. adhesive b. corrosive c. curative d. furtive

167: The _______ style of the artist reflected his diverse influences and interests. He
combined elements from different genres and cultures, such as pop art, surrealism, graffiti,
and Japanese manga. His works were colorful, playful, and original, attracting both fans
and critics.
a. monotonous b. derivative c. symbiotic d. eclectic
168: The _______ of democracy in the region was under threat from the rise of
authoritarian regimes. The country had been a stable and prosperous ally for many years,
but it faced increasing pressure and interference from its neighbors. The international
community was concerned about the potential consequences of a conflict or a coup.
a. vestige b. mutilation c. deficit d. bastion

169: The scientist tried to _______ the myths and misconceptions about genetically
modified crops. He explained the benefits and risks of the technology, and presented
evidence from various studies and experiments. He also addressed the common concerns
and questions of the public and the media.
a. dispel b. foster c. embrace d. extinguish

170: The spy used a _______ method to communicate with his contacts. He encoded his
messages in seemingly innocuous images and posted them on a social media platform.
Only those who knew the secret key could decipher the hidden information.
a. extemporaneous b. surreptitious c. imperious d. vociferous

171: The _______ nature of the documentary was evident from the biased narration and
the selective use of sources. The film-maker had a clear agenda and did not attempt to
present a balanced or objective view of the topic. The critics denounced the film as
propaganda and misinformation.
a. tendentious b. veracious c. sagacious d. discerning

172: The _______ speaker captivated the audience with his witty and eloquent speech. He
spoke with confidence and enthusiasm, and used various rhetorical devices to persuade and
entertain. He received a standing ovation at the end of his presentation.
a. laconic b. improvident c. taciturn d. voluble

173: The defendant tried to _______ his crime by claiming that he was under the influence
of drugs and alcohol. He also said that he had a troubled childhood and a history of mental
illness. However, the judge and the jury were not convinced by his arguments and found
him guilty.
a. perpetrate b. amplify c. assuage d. extenuate
174: The speech by the activist _______ the crowd to take action against the injustice. He
urged them to join the protest and demand their rights. He also warned them of the
consequences of remaining silent and passive. His words inspired and motivated many
people to join the movement
a. dissuaded b. placated c. galvanized d. alienated

175: The _______ manner of the diplomat impressed the foreign dignitaries. He was polite,
charming, and witty, and he knew how to handle delicate situations with tact and grace. He
also had a good knowledge of the culture and customs of the host country.
a. rustic b. urbane c. boorish d. gawky

176: The _______ claims of the politician were exposed by the fact-checkers. He had lied
about his achievements, his qualifications, and his plans. He had also spread false and
misleading information about his opponents. He lost the trust and support of many voters.
a. mendacious b. bellicose c. splenetic d. choleric

177: The _______ lifestyle of the monk contrasted with the lavish habits of the nobles. He
lived in a small cell with few possessions, and ate only bread and water. He devoted his
time to prayer and meditation, and renounced worldly pleasures.
a. opulent b. parsimonious c. hedonistic d. magnanimous

178: The _______ of the launch was a huge blow to the company. The rocket exploded
shortly after liftoff, destroying the expensive payload and endangering the crew. The
investigation revealed a series of errors and malfunctions that led to the disaster.
a. coup b. zenith c. corker d. debacle

179: The notion that domesticated animals are merely _______ creatures that blindly
follow their human masters has been challenged by recent studies in animal cognition and
behavior. These studies show that many animals, such as dogs, cats, horses and pigs, have
complex mental abilities and personalities that allow them to adapt to different situations
and communicate with humans and other animals.
a. docile b. feral c. sentient d. wily
180: The term _______ supporter refers to a person who is loyal and faithful to a cause, a
leader, or a group, even in times of difficulty or controversy. This term was often used to
describe the followers of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, who stood by
his policies and vision for the nation.
a. fervent b. partisan c. stalwart d. torrid

181: The term _______ personality refers to a person who is often angry, argumentative,
or uncooperative, especially with people who disagree with them or try to impose their will
on them. This term was famously applied to Mark Twain, the American writer and
humorist, who had a reputation for being witty but also irascible and stubborn.
a. sanguine b. cantankerous c. affable d. turbocharged

182: The launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, by the Soviet Union in 1957 was
a(n) _______ event that marked the beginning of the space age and the space race. The
satellite’s radio signals could be heard by anyone with a radio receiver, and its orbit could
be seen by the naked eye. The event stunned the world and challenged the United States to
catch up in space exploration.
a. calamitous b. auspicious c. ominous d. noxious

183: The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD was a _______ event that destroyed the
Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The volcano spewed a massive cloud of ash,
pumice, and gas that buried the cities under several meters of debris. The event killed
thousands of people and preserved their bodies and belongings in a state of frozen terror.
a. baleful b. propitious c. peevish d. salubrious

184: As the mundane routine of office paperwork consumed his days, John yearned for a
spark of inspiration that could elevate his _______ existence, pushing him towards a realm
of creativity and passion that lay just beyond the confines of his desk.
a. arcane b. sublime c. transcendent d. prosaic
185: The campaign of Napoleon Bonaparte to conquer Russia in 1812 was a _______ event
that resulted in a disastrous defeat and retreat for the French army. The campaign was
motivated by Napoleon’s desire to expand his empire and assert his dominance over
Europe. The event was not a sign of a strategic or rational mind, but a arrogant and
overconfident one.
a. prudent b. munificient c. rancorous d. vainglorious

186: Growing up in a family of musicians, Emily's love for music was _______, flowing
naturally through her veins and shaping her every thought. The harmonious melodies and
rhythmic beats became the essence of her being, guiding her towards a path where her
innate talent could flourish and resonate with the world.
a. peripheral b. extrinsic c. intrinsic d. coercive

187: In the field of neuroscience research, Dr. Anderson diligently compiled a

comprehensive _______ of the latest studies and findings on neuroplasticity, offering a
concise outline of the vast body of knowledge that has emerged in recent years. His
meticulously crafted summary provided scientists and practitioners with a valuable
resource, enabling them to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving understanding of the brain's
remarkable ability to reorganize and adapt throughout life.
a. addendum b. synopsis c. embellishment d. dissertation

188: In the realm of astrophysics, the discovery of gravitational waves sent ripples of
excitement through the scientific community, causing the groundbreaking revelation to
_______ across the globe. The detection of these elusive waves confirmed Einstein's
general theory of relativity and opened up a new era of observing the universe, leaving an
indelible mark on the history of scientific exploration.
a. abate b. attenuate c. exonerate d. reverberate

189: In the solemn halls of the scientific conference, Dr. Johnson's witty remarks and
humorous anecdotes brought a much-needed _______ to the otherwise intense atmosphere,
allowing the participants to momentarily unwind and connect on a human level.
Recognizing the importance of laughter in fostering creativity and collaboration, Dr.
Johnson's lighthearted approach reminded everyone that even in the pursuit of
groundbreaking research, moments of cheerfulness can foster a more vibrant and engaging
scientific community.
a. probity b. despondency c. levity d. sanctity
190: As an avid historian, Dr. Thompson spent countless hours _______ ancient
manuscripts and archival documents, carefully deciphering their faded text to unveil the
secrets of the past. With each page turned and each line scrutinized, Dr. Thompson's
diligent efforts allowed him to piece together a captivating narrative, shedding light on
forgotten civilizations and providing valuable insights into the course of history.
a. perusing b. debunking c. reiterating d. whetting

191: In the late 19th century, during a period of artistic resurgence, the _______ strokes of
the Impressionist painters defied the rigid conventions of the time, capturing fleeting
moments of light and color with a sense of tranquility and introspection. Through their
masterful brushwork and deliberate use of soft edges, the artists transported viewers to
ethereal landscapes and contemplative scenes, ushering in a new era of artistic expression
and challenging the prevailing norms of academic art.
a. immaculate b. languid c. kinetic d. frigid

192: In the realm of behavioral psychology, the concept of _______, or self-denial, has
been a subject of great interest and study. Researchers have explored the psychological
mechanisms behind individuals' ability to resist immediate gratification and make
sacrifices for long-term goals, shedding light on the complexities of human willpower and
a. abnegation b. affirmation c. emulation d. culmination

193: During the Victorian era, the works of renowned playwright William Shakespeare
were often _______, a practice in which the more risqué or controversial elements were
censored or removed to conform to societal norms and moral standards of the time. This
sanitized version of Shakespeare's plays aimed to present a more palatable rendition, but it
sparked debates among scholars and theater enthusiasts about the integrity of the original
text and the impact of censorship on artistic expression.
a. fossilized b. patronized c. bowdlerized d. temporized

194: In the realm of particle physics, the groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs boson
further validated the Standard Model, _______ alternative theories that had sought to
challenge its explanatory power. This momentous finding provided a pivotal confirmation
of the fundamental principles governing the subatomic world, solidifying our
understanding of the universe at its most fundamental level.
a. vindicating b. reinforcing c. magnifying d. nullifying
195: In the field of archaeological research, the excavation team displayed a _______
attention to detail, carefully documenting each artifact and meticulously mapping the dig
site to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their findings. Their methodical approach and
dedication to precision allowed them to reconstruct ancient civilizations with remarkable
accuracy, shedding light on historical mysteries that had long eluded scholars.
a. haphazard b. desultory c. fastidious d. headstrong

196: In the early days of space exploration, the technology available was _______
inadequate, posing significant challenges to scientists and engineers. With limited
computing power and primitive spacecraft, their attempts to reach the moon seemed
daunting and nearly impossible, but their relentless pursuit of knowledge and determination
eventually led to groundbreaking achievements that propelled humanity into the realm of
space travel.
a. impulsively b. nonchalantly c. dexterously d. woefully

197: The search for a universal _______ that can cure all diseases has been a long-standing
aspiration of many physicians and alchemists throughout history. However, modern
medical science has shown that such a remedy is unlikely to exist, as different diseases
have different causes and mechanisms.
a. panacea b. placebo c. vaccine d. elixir

198: In the realm of journalism, the newspaper's editorial team prioritized the _______ of
their articles, aiming to deliver timely and relevant news to their readers. With a keen focus
on current events and societal trends, they sought to provide a comprehensive snapshot of
the world, engaging their audience and fostering informed discussions on pressing issues
of the day.
a. detachment b. topicality c. proclivity d. rectitude

199: The _______ interior of the Hagia Sophia, the largest church in the Byzantine Empire,
was designed to create a sense of awe and transcendence for the worshippers. The dome,
supported by four massive piers, seems to float above the nave, while the walls are covered
with mosaics and marble.
a. commodious b. austere c. intricate d. penurious
200: The invention of the printing press in the 15th century enabled the rapid and
widespread _______ of knowledge and ideas across Europe. Books, pamphlets,
newspapers, and other printed materials became more accessible and affordable for the
masses, stimulating literacy, education, and cultural development.
a. consolidation b. dissemination c. adulteration d. concoction

201: The scientists who developed the first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project
had to _______ the consequences of their creation for humanity and the world. Some of
them, such as Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer, later expressed regret and concern
over the use of nuclear weapons.
a. neglect b. condone c. envisage d. fabricate

202: In the field of primatology, the researchers closely observed a group of _______
chimpanzees, documenting their lively and energetic behaviors within their natural habitat.
Through their meticulous observations and data analysis, they unraveled the complex
social dynamics and communication patterns of these boisterous primates, casting light on
their evolutionary history and contributing to our understanding of primate behavior.
a. solitary b. rambunctious c. militant d. decorous

203: The Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974, was
a result of political _______ and cover-ups. The scandal involved the break-in at the
Democratic National Committee headquarters by Nixon’s operatives and the subsequent
attempts to conceal their involvement and obstruct the investigation.
a. chauvinism b. desertion c. chicanery d. finesse

204: The Black Death, which killed millions of people in Europe and Asia in the 14th
century, was _______ with rumors and superstitions. Some people blamed the Jews, the
Muslims, or the lepers for spreading the disease, while others believed that it was a divine
punishment or a sign of the end of the world.
a. rife b. surfeited c. stark d. depleted
205: The _______ lifestyle of the nomadic tribes in Central Asia was shaped by the harsh
and diverse environment they inhabited. They moved from place to place in search of
pasture, water, and trade opportunities, often following seasonal patterns. They also
developed skills in horse riding, archery, and warfare.
a. agrarian b. stationary c. municipal d. itinerant

206: The _______ consequences of the Chernobyl disaster have been extensively
documented by scientists and journalists alike. The explosion of the nuclear reactor in 1986
released large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere, contaminating vast
areas of land and affecting millions of people. The health and environmental impacts of the
accident are still being felt today, as many survivors suffer from chronic diseases and
genetic mutations.
a. negligible b. lamentable c. fluky d. felicitous

207: The _______ influence of the United Nations on the Syrian civil war has been
lamented by many human rights advocates and observers. The war, which began in 2011
as a popular uprising against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, has claimed over half a million
lives and displaced millions more. The UN Security Council has repeatedly failed to adopt
any meaningful resolutions to end the conflict, due to the veto power of Russia and China,
who support Assad.
a. pervasive b. paramount c. benevolent d. nugatory

208: The _______ resemblance of the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci has been explored
by many scholars and artists. The painting, which is widely regarded as one of the most
famous and enigmatic artworks in history, has been the subject of various theories and
interpretations. Some have suggested that Leonardo painted himself as a woman, or that he
used his own face as a model for the portrait. Others have argued that the similarity is
coincidental or exaggerated.
a. uncanny b. blatant c. paltry d. faint

209: The speech of the dictator was full of _______ rhetoric that aimed to impress and
intimidate his audience. He used grandiose words and phrases that had little substance or
meaning, but sounded impressive and authoritative.
a. erudite b. euphemistic c. bombastic d. brackish
210: In the scientific community, the unexpected experimental results sparked _______
among researchers, challenging established theories and prompting a reevaluation of
existing hypotheses. The perplexing findings ignited a wave of curiosity and intense
debate, driving scientists to delve deeper into the underlying mechanisms at play and
inspiring new avenues of inquiry to unravel all of the mysteries.
a. seduction b. aplomb c. exultation d. consternation

211: The Renaissance was a period of cultural reformation that spanned from the 14th to
the 17th century. It was marked by the revival of classical learning and art, as well as the
emergence of new ideas and innovations in science, literature, philosophy, and politics. The
Renaissance was influenced by the _______ of different cultures and civilizations, such as
the Byzantine, Islamic, and Mongol.
a. divergence b. confluence c. decadence d. resurgence

212: In the realm of art history, the _______ expressions adorning religious paintings
during the Renaissance served as a visual representation of divine serenity and spiritual
bliss. The artists skillfully captured the subtle nuances of happy faces, invoking a sense of
awe and reverence among viewers while conveying the deep religious devotion prevalent
during that historical period.
a. beatific b. pungent c. succinct d. crestfallen

213: The movie Titanic was a blockbuster hit that won many awards and accolades.
However, some critics found the romantic plot to be _______ and sentimental, relying on
clichés and stereotypes to manipulate the audience’s emotions. They argued that the movie
failed to portray the historical and social context of the disaster in a realistic and nuanced
a. scathing b. plaintive c. mawkish d. fecund

214: During times of war and scarcity, _______ individuals have often found innovative
solutions to address pressing challenges. Whether it was through repurposing materials,
implementing rationing systems, or developing alternative energy sources, their ingenuity
played a crucial role in sustaining communities and advancing scientific and technological
progress amidst adversity.
a. resourceful b. heavenly c. serene d. shambolic
215: The success of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, which marked the first time humans
landed on the moon, was largely due to the _______ of the engineers and scientists who
designed and operated the spacecraft and its systems. They had to overcome numerous
technical challenges and uncertainties, as well as manage the risks and costs involved in
such a complex and ambitious endeavor.
a. agility b. acumen c. altruism d. audacity

216: The works of Franz Kafka, a German-speaking writer of the early 20th century, are
often characterized by their _______ nature. His stories and novels feature protagonists
who face absurd or surreal situations, such as being transformed into an insect or being
tried for a crime they do not know. The meaning and purpose of these scenarios are never
fully explained, leaving the reader to interpret them in various ways.
a. inscrutable b. indelible c. incorrigible d. inane

217: The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 was partly caused by the _______ attitude
of some European leaders and diplomats, who failed to foresee the devastating
consequences of their actions and alliances. They underestimated the complexity and
volatility of the international situation, and overestimated their own ability to control it.
a. erratic b. assiduous c. mercenary d. myopic

218: The outdated and ineffective policies of a _______ government have become a source
of frustration for the citizens when it comes to political discourse. The calls for reform and
a fresh perspective have grown louder, as the people yearn for a new leadership that can
navigate the complexities of the modern era and address the pressing challenges of the
a. conscionable b. superannuated c. meagre d. slipshod

219: The concept of free will, which is the ability to act at one’s own _______ without
being constrained by external factors, has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and
scientists for centuries. Some argue that free will is an illusion and that human actions are
determined by natural laws or divine providence. Others maintain that free will is a real
and essential aspect of human nature and morality.
a. volition b. puissance c. stature d. suffrage
220: The Black Death, which was a devastating plague that swept across Europe and Asia
in the 14th century, caused millions of people to _______ to the infection. The disease was
caused by a bacterium that was transmitted by fleas carried by rats. The symptoms included
fever, chills, vomiting, and swollen lymph nodes.
a. subvert b. surmount c. succumb d. subsume

221: The Watergate scandal, which erupted in the early 1970s, was a political crisis that led
to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. He and his associates were accused of
abusing their power and covering up their involvement in a break-in at the Democratic
National Committee headquarters. The scandal provoked public outrage and ________, as
well as a series of investigations and legal actions.
a. obfuscation b. oscillation c. obeisance d. opprobrium

222: The use of ________ arguments to discredit a renowned author's work reflects a
narrow-minded perspective that fails to grasp the depth and significance of their
contributions to the field. Such trivial and petty critiques distract from the larger themes
and artistic merit, undermining the meaningful discussions that can be had regarding the
author's impact on literature and society.
a. panegyrical b. picayune c. garlanded d. florid

223: The ancient Greeks valued the art of rhetoric, which is the skill of using language
effectively and persuasively. They believed that rhetoric could help them achieve their
goals and influence others. They also established schools and methods in _______ the
principles and techniques of rhetoric to their students.
a. inculcating b. abdicating c. berating d. desecrating

224: Many people dream of escaping their _______ lives and having exciting adventures
in exotic places. They fantasize about traveling the world, meeting new people, and
experiencing different cultures. However, they often lack the time, money, or courage to
pursue their dreams.
a. halcyon b. harrowing c. histrionic d. humdrum
225: The _______ legal interpretation of a controversial clause has led to prolonged debates
and conflicting rulings among jurists, easily creating confusion and uncertainty. The
labyrinthine nature of the issue highlights the need for a comprehensive and
straightforward approach to ensure clarity and consistency in legal matters.
a. convoluted b. gubernatorial c. vernacular d. rampant

226: The pirates of the Caribbean were notorious for their _______ acts of plundering and
pillaging the ships and towns along the coast. They showed no fear or remorse for their
crimes, and often flaunted their stolen wealth and power. They also defied the authority of
the colonial governments and the naval forces that tried to stop them.
a. banal b. brazen c. minatory d. pestilent

227: During times of economic downturn, governments often implement stimulus

packages to _______ the struggling industries and promote financial stability. By injecting
funds into key sectors and providing support to businesses and individuals, these measures
aim to revitalize the economy and restore confidence, enabling a path towards recovery
and growth.
a. baffle b. traduce c. bolster d. squelch

228: The acquisition of new territories was often driven by a desire to establish _______
over foreign lands and resources. Through conquest, colonization, and political
maneuvering, powerful nations sought to extend their dominion and exert control, shaping
the course of history and leaving lasting impacts on the cultures and societies of the
subjugated regions.
a. deference b. dominion c. defiance d. demarcation

229: The carnival was a colorful and festive event that attracted people of all ages and
backgrounds. The atmosphere was _______ with music, laughter, and joy. People enjoyed
various games, rides, and shows, and indulged in delicious food and drinks.
a. effete b. heinous c. occult d. ebullient
230: The _______ actions of treacherous rulers can have far-reaching consequences for
their nation and its people. Whether through deceit, betrayal, or acts of sabotage, those
leaders undermine trust, destabilize institutions, and perpetuate a climate of uncertainty,
leaving a lasting stain on their legacy and the socio-political fabric of their society.
a. numinous b. punctilious c. perfidious d. analogous

231: After the death of his father, King George VI, in 1952, Prince Edward VIII was
expected to ascend the throne and become the new monarch of the United Kingdom.
However, he faced a constitutional crisis when he announced his intention to marry Wallis
Simpson, an American divorcee who was considered unsuitable as a royal consort. To avoid
a scandal and a possible abdication of his duties, Edward decided to _______ the throne
and live in exile with his beloved.
a. relinquish b. usurp c. inherit d. abdicate

232: In 2015, the United States and Iran reached a historic agreement on the latter’s nuclear
program, which aimed to limit Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons in exchange for
lifting economic sanctions. The deal was hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough that could
prevent a nuclear war and foster regional stability. However, in 2018, President Donald
Trump announced that the US would withdraw from the agreement and reimpose sanctions
on Iran, claiming that the deal was flawed and ineffective. This decision was met with
criticism and dismay by the other signatories of the deal, who argued that it was an _______
commitment that should not be violated.
a. irrelevant b. irrevocable c. irresolute d. irreconcilable

233: The pursuit of _______ has long been recognized as a catalyst for groundbreaking
discoveries. From Alexander Fleming's fortuitous observation of mold on a petri dish
leading to the discovery of penicillin, to the serendipitous detection of the cosmic
microwave background radiation, unplanned moments have often shaped the course of
human understanding.
a. posterity b. longevity c. spontaneity d. magnanimity

234: In the context of political negotiations, even seemingly insignificant details can hold
great significance and have far-reaching consequences. A _______ such as a misplaced
comma or a misunderstood gesture can alter the trajectory of peace talks or shape the
outcome of crucial diplomatic agreements.
a. trifle b. contention c. flux d. scuffle
235: Martin Luther was a German monk and theologian who initiated the Protestant
Reformation in the 16th century. He was dissatisfied with the doctrines and practices of the
Roman Catholic Church, especially the selling of indulgences, which he considered to be
a form of corruption and exploitation. He wrote a document called the Ninety-five Theses,
in which he criticized the church and called for reforms. He also translated the Bible into
German, making it more accessible to ordinary people. He _______ his views through his
writings and sermons, which spread rapidly across Europe with the help of the printing
press. His actions sparked a religious and political upheaval that divided Western
Christianity and changed the course of history.
a. censured b. camouflaged c. recanted d. promulgated

236: A _______ refers to an individual who possesses exceptional proficiency in multiple

languages. These language savants have played a pivotal role in deciphering ancient
scripts, preserving endangered dialects, and bridging communication gaps between diverse
cultures, opening doors to cross-cultural collaboration and understanding.
a. polybag b. polyglot c. polychrome d. polygamist

237: In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, many countries imposed a _______
on international travel and tourism, restricting the movement of people and goods across
borders. This measure was intended to prevent the spread of the virus and protect public
health, but it also had significant economic and social impacts
a. moratorium b. tariff c. sanction d. subsidy

238: Jane Austen was a British novelist who wrote six major novels in the early 19th
century. Her novels are known for their witty and ironic commentary on the social and
moral issues of her time, especially the role and status of women. Her protagonists are
usually young women who face various challenges and dilemmas in their pursuit of love
and happiness. Austen’s novels are also praised for their _______ style and charm, which
captivate and delight readers of different generations and backgrounds.
a. verbose b. bombastic c. austere d. winsome
239: During the height of the Space Race, scientists and engineers faced a(n) _______
when designing spacecraft for human space travel. Balancing the need for safety with
limited resources presented a complex challenge, as every decision made in the design
process carried immense consequences for the lives of astronauts and the success of the
a. permutation b. quandary c. accolade d. penchant

240: Society has made significant strides in recent decades to remove conditions such as
depression and anxiety. Efforts to raise awareness, promote empathy, and provide access
to appropriate treatment have been crucial in dismantling the harmful stereotypes that
_______ individuals facing these challenges, allowing for greater understanding and
support within communities.
a. galvanize b. canonize c. stigmatize d. cauterize

241: Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath who excelled in various fields of art and
science. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest painters of all time, and his works,
such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, are among the most famous and valuable in the
world. He was also a prolific inventor, engineer, architect, anatomist, botanist, and
musician. He had a keen curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that drove him to explore and
experiment with different ideas and concepts. He kept numerous notebooks and sketches
that documented his observations and discoveries. However, he also had a tendency to
procrastinate and abandon his projects before completion. He often pursued his interests as
an _______ rather than a profession, and left many of his works unfinished or unpublished.
a. avocation b. obligation c. aspiration d. imposition

242: A _______ understanding of complex geopolitical issues can lead to misguided

policies and strategic miscalculations. The interconnected nature of global affairs requires
a nuanced approach that goes beyond simplistic explanations, as the ramifications of
decisions made in this arena can have profound implications for nations and their citizens.
a. facile b. flinty c. profound d. bewildering
243: It is crucial to maintain a constructive environment that encourages rigorous debate
and intellectual growth, rather than resorting to _______ those with differing viewpoints.
History has shown that progress is often hindered when scholars or researchers engage in
the practice of publicly shaming or harshly criticizing their peers, as it stifles innovation
and discourages the exploration of alternative perspectives.
a. expropriating b. mandating c. castigating d. prevaricating

244: The process of natural selection acts as a mechanism to _______ out traits that are
less adaptive to a given environment, favoring those that confer survival advantages.
Through this gradual and ongoing process, species undergo genetic changes over time,
leading to the diversification and adaptation of life forms to their respective ecological
a. thresh b. mill c. sift d. winnow

245: The appreciation of _______ aesthetics has been a recurring theme throughout various
artistic movements. From the intricately detailed sculptures of ancient Greece to the
mesmerizing landscapes of the Renaissance, artists have sought to capture and evoke
beauty in its various forms, resulting in timeless masterpieces that continue to inspire and
captivate audiences today.
a. pulchritudinous b. frumpish c. loathsome d. indignant

246: The pursuit of knowledge often requires a _______ spirit. Scientists must possess
unwavering determination and persistence in the face of challenges and setbacks, as they
diligently work towards uncovering groundbreaking discoveries and advancing our
understanding of the world around us.
a. mellifluous b. pertinacious c. malleable d. heavenly

247: The actions of _______ corporations during the colonial era often exploited the
resources and labor of colonized nations for their own gain. This predatory behavior not
only perpetuated economic inequality but also contributed to the lasting impacts of
colonization on the social, political, and economic landscapes of affected regions.
a. oblivious b. pretentious c. rapacious d. sententious
248: The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928 marked a _______ in the
field of medicine and revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections. This
breakthrough not only saved countless lives but also paved the way for the development of
other antibiotics, fundamentally changing the course of healthcare and our ability to combat
infectious diseases.
a. watershed b. windfall c. stupor d. propensity

249: The role of a _______ healthcare provider is paramount, especially in the field of
palliative care. By demonstrating compassion, empathy, and attentiveness to the physical,
emotional, and spiritual needs of terminally ill individuals, these caregivers can profoundly
enhance the quality of life for patients and their families during their most vulnerable
a. sardonic b. solicitous c. soporific d. surreptitious

250: The crew of the HMS Bounty staged a _______ against their captain, William Bligh,
in 1789. They were dissatisfied with his harsh discipline and his refusal to let them stay on
the island of Tahiti, where they had enjoyed a tropical paradise. The mutineers seized the
ship and set Bligh and his loyalists adrift in a small boat.
a. melee b. maelstrom c. malady d. mutiny

1: Despite the ______ of the evidence against him, the defendant maintained his innocence
throughout the trial. His lawyer tried to cast doubt on the credibility of the witnesses and
the reliability of the forensic tests. However, the jury was not convinced and found him
guilty of murder.
a. paucity b. plethora c. veracity d. ambiguity

2: The ______ of the new law was met with fierce opposition from civil rights groups, who
argued that it violated the privacy and dignity of citizens
a. enactment b. amendment c. revocation d. ratification

3: The teacher was impressed by the student’s ______ of the topic, as he demonstrated a
deep understanding of the concepts and theories involved.
a. scrope b. range c. capacity d. grasp

4: The company decided to ______ its operations in the region, citing low demand and high
costs as the main reasons for the move.
a. curtail b. expand c. diversify d. relocate

5: The author’s latest novel is a ______ of genres, blending elements of science fiction,
fantasy, and horror in a unique and captivating way.
a. distortion b. contrast c. fusion d. deviation

6: The government’s decision to ______ the controversial project sparked a wave of

protests across the country, as many people felt that it was a waste of public money and a
threat to the environment. Despite the public outcry, the authorities insisted that the project
was necessary for the country’s economic development and security.
a. abandon b. pursue c. endorse d. revise

7: The scientist’s discovery of a new species of bacteria in the ocean floor was a ______
breakthrough for marine biology, as it revealed a previously unknown form of life that
could have implications for the origin and evolution of life on Earth.
a. pivotal b. trivial c. dubious d. detrimental
8: The politician’s speech was full of ______ statements that contradicted his previous
claims and promises. Many voters felt betrayed and disillusioned by his apparent lack of
honesty and consistency.
a. ambiguous b. erroneous c. inflammatory d. inconsistent

9: The company was accused of ______ its customers by charging them hidden fees and
providing poor quality services. A class-action lawsuit was filed against the company,
demanding compensation and justice for the victims.
a. exploiting b. enticing c. satisfying d. educating

10: The philosopher’s argument was based on a ______ hypothesis that was not supported
by any evidence or logic. His opponents quickly pointed out the flaws and fallacies in his
reasoning and dismissed his conclusion as invalid.
a. cogent b. spurious c. lucid d. sound

11: The journalist’s report exposed the ______ practices of the corporation, which involved
bribing officials, evading taxes, and violating human rights. The public was outraged by
the revelations and demanded that the corporation be held accountable for its actions.
a. benevolent b. commendable c. nefarious d. innocuous

12: The teacher encouraged her students to ______ their horizons by reading books from
different genres, cultures, and perspectives. She believed that this would help them develop
their critical thinking and empathy skills.
a. broaden b. narrow c. obscure d. confine

13: The theory was based on ______ assumptions that could not be tested or verified. The
critics argued that the theory was too speculative and abstract to have any scientific value.
a. nebulous b. empirical c. pragmatic d. verifiable
14: The lawyer’s ______ of the witness was ruthless and relentless, as he tried to expose
every contradiction and inconsistency in his testimony. The witness felt intimidated and
overwhelmed by the lawyer’s aggressive questioning.
a. interrogation b. cross-examination
c. inquisition d. scrutiny

15: The novel was a(n) ______ of the author’s personal experiences and historical events,
creating a fictional narrative that blended reality and imagination. The readers were
fascinated by the novel’s authenticity and creativity.
a. fabrication b. amalgamation c. simulation d. imitation

16: The politician was accused of ______ by his opponents, who claimed that he had
changed his position on several issues to gain more popularity and support. The politician
denied the allegations and said that he had always been consistent and honest.
a. pragmatism b. idealism c. realism d. opportunism

17: The student’s essay was ______ in its analysis, as it failed to consider the different
perspectives and arguments on the topic. The teacher advised the student to do more
research and critical thinking before writing.
a. benign b. comprehensive c. blithe d. superficial

18: The company’s ______ was to become the market leader in its industry, by providing
innovative and high-quality products and services to its customers. The company had a
clear vision and strategy to achieve its goal.
a. reservation b. aspiration c. reputation d. compensation

19: The doctor’s diagnosis was ______ by a second opinion from another specialist, who
confirmed that the patient had a rare and incurable disease. The patient was devastated by
the news and sought alternative treatments.
a. contested b. invalidated c. corroborated d. disregarded
20: The ______ of the novel was complex and intriguing, involving multiple characters,
timelines, and twists. The readers were captivated by the novel’s plot and eager to find out
how it would end.
a. setting b. theme c. tone d. structure

21: The teacher was ______ in her praise of the student’s work, as she recognized his talent
and effort. She gave him positive feedback and encouragement, and suggested ways to
improve his skills further.
a. effusive b. reserved c. sarcastic d. indifferent

22: The ______ of the poem was obscure and enigmatic, requiring careful and attentive
reading to decipher its meaning and symbolism. The poem challenged the readers to think
beyond the literal and conventional.
a. meter b. imagery c. rhyme d. diction

23: The politician’s speech was ______ with patriotic sentiments and slogans, appealing to
the emotions and values of his supporters. He used rhetorical devices and techniques to
persuade and influence his audience.
a. associated b. compatible c. replete d. consistent

24: The ______ of the argument was based on a false analogy, which compared two things
that were not similar or relevant in any significant way. The argument was therefore weak
and unconvincing.
a. conclusion b. premise c. inference d. implication

25: The ______ of the novel was a young woman who struggled to find her identity and
place in a society that oppressed and marginalized her. The novel mainly portrayed her
journey of self-discovery and empowerment.
a. antagonist b. narrator c. character d. protagonist
26: The ______ of the disease was unknown, as the scientists could not identify its origin
or cause. They speculated that it might have been transmitted by an animal or a mutation
of an existing virus.
a. symptom b. diagnosis c. etiology d. treatment

27: The timbre of the music was soothing and relaxing, creating a calm and peaceful
atmosphere for the listeners. The music used soft and gentle sounds and rhythms to ______
a state of tranquility.
a. strike b. induce c. augment d. sway

28: The ______ of the document was confidential, as it contained sensitive and classified
information that could not be disclosed to the public or the media. The document was
protected by encryption and security protocols to prevent unauthorized access or leakage.
a. content b. format c. status d. source

29: The ______ of the sculpture was impressive, as it showed the intricate details and
textures of the human body and face. The sculpture looked realistic and lifelike, as if it
could come alive at any moment.
a. craftsmanship b. scale c. symmetry d. shape

30: The structure of the speech was clear and concise, as it conveyed the main points and
arguments in a logical and coherent way. The speech avoided unnecessary or ______
information and used simple and direct language to communicate effectively with the
a. external b. defective c. redundant d. ornate

31: The team faced ______ challenges and difficulties in completing the project, as they
had to deal with a tight deadline, a limited budget, and a complex problem. They had to
overcome many obstacles and setbacks to achieve their goal.
a. ineluctable b. uncompromising c. insuperable d. inevitable
32: Before leaving for his trip, Mark gave a ______ glance at his packing list to make sure
he had everything he needed. He didn’t notice that he had forgotten to pack his toothbrush
and charger.
a. meticulous b. cursory c. conspicuous d. admiring

33: Lisa was already feeling stressed about her upcoming deadline, and the loud noise from
the construction site next door only served to ______ her mood. She wished she could work
in a quieter place.
a. alleviate b. appreciate c. anticipate d. aggravate

34: The doctor prescribed a ______ dose of aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attack. The
patient was advised to take one tablet every day.
a. copious b. lethal c. salutary d. nominal

35: It was a ______ coincidence that they met at the airport. They had not seen each other
for years and had no idea they were on the same flight.
a. fortuitous b. mediocre c. quaint d. regrettable

36: The project manager had to evaluate whether the proposed plan was ______ within the
given budget and timeline. He had to consider the resources, risks, and benefits of each
a. lucrative b. extraneous c. innovative d. feasible

37: The archaeologists discovered a ______ form of writing on the ancient tablets. The
symbols were crude and simple, but they represented the earliest evidence of literacy in
that region.
a. refined b. rudimentary c. elaborate d. refined

38: Many people wanted to buy the new gadget, but the price was too ______ for most of
them. It cost more than a month’s salary for an average worker.
a. reasonable b. irrational c. prohibitive d. competitive
39: An author released a new book that delves into complex social and political issues,
weaving together multiple narratives to create a thought-provoking and nuanced
exploration of the subject matter. While some readers praise the book for its depth and
intricacy, others find it to be overly ______, making it difficult to follow and comprehend.
a. concise b. candid c. sparse d. dense

40: A renowned architect designed a new office building with an emphasis on creating a
sustainable and energy-efficient environment. The building's design incorporates natural
lighting, green spaces, and innovative insulation materials, fostering a comfortable and
inviting atmosphere for occupants. However, some critics argue that the building's
aesthetics are somewhat ______, detracting from its overall appeal.
a. utilitarian b. ostentatious c. striking d. conventional

41: She felt ______ after her morning run. The exercise and fresh air gave her energy and
enthusiasm for the day ahead.
a. invigorating b. distracting c. conducive d. stifling

42: The report revealed that women and minorities face ______ barriers to career
advancement in the company. They are underrepresented in leadership positions and
receive lower salaries than their peers.
a. disproportionate b. equitable c. negligible d. beneficial

43: The fox was ______ enough to escape from the trap. It chewed off the rope and ran
away before the hunter came back.
a. clumsy b. timid c. cunning d. loyal

44: The news report painted a ______ picture of the situation in the war-torn country. There
was widespread violence, hunger, and disease, and little hope for improvement.
a. bright b. grim c. vague d. cheerful

45: The residents were evacuated as the ______ eruption of the volcano threatened to
destroy their homes. They could see smoke and lava rising from the crater.
a. ancient b. distant c. harmless d. imminent
46: The vase fell from the shelf but luckily it remained ______. There were no cracks or
chips on it.
a. mangled b. fragile c. intact d. empty

47: The priest agreed to ______ the wedding ceremony for his niece and her fiancé. He
was happy to bless their union and celebrate with them.
a. officiate b. participate c. decorate d. mediate

48: It seems ______ that drinking coffee can help you sleep better, but some studies suggest
that moderate caffeine intake can improve your circadian rhythm.
a. logical b. empirical c. rhetorical d. paradoxical

49: He follows the ______ teachings of his religion and does not question the authority of
the scriptures or the clergy. He believes that his faith is the only true path to salvation.
a. secular b. orthodox c. heterodox d. mystical

50: A ______ lifestyle can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular
diseases. People who spend most of their time sitting or lying down should exercise
regularly and eat a balanced diet.
a. active b. healthy c. sedentary d. nomadic

51: She felt ______ as she walked along the beach at sunset. The sound of the waves and
the sight of the sky calmed her mind and relaxed her body.
a. serene b. hesitant c. enraged d. peevish

52: The movie was praised for its ______ portrayal of the main character, who was neither
a hero nor a villain, but a complex and flawed human being.
a. biased b. shallow c. nuanced d. exaggerated

53: The dog was known for its ______ temperament and had attacked several people and
animals in the neighborhood. It had to be kept on a leash and muzzled at all times.
a. vicious b. friendly c. frisky d. lukewarm
54: He felt ______ after losing his job, his home, and his family. He had no hope for the
future and no one to help him.
a. delighted b. grateful c. wretched d. content

55: She tried to lift the heavy suitcase, but her arms were too ______ to hold it. She had
not eaten or slept well for days and was very weak.
a. timorous b. muscular c. aggressive d. feeble

56: His ______ was not genuine, but only a ploy to escape punishment. He had no intention
of changing his ways or making amends for his wrongdoings.
a. repentance b. retribution c. restitution d. resolution

57: The new vaccine will ______ the need for further lockdowns and restrictions. It will
protect people from getting infected and spreading the virus.
a. exacerbate b. mitigate c. obviate d. facilitate

58: He was shocked by the ______ of the corrupt officials who embezzled millions of
dollars from the public funds. They showed no remorse or conscience for their actions.
a. ineptitude b. iniquity c. ingenuity d. integrity

59: The ______ industry of electric vehicles is expected to grow rapidly in the next decade.
More and more consumers are opting for eco-friendly and energy-efficient alternatives to
traditional cars.
a. stagnant b. obsolete c. dominant d. nascent

60: She loved reading ______ stories that involved gruesome murders and twisted plots.
She had a morbid fascination with the dark side of human nature.
a. mundane b. mirthful c. macabre d. melodious

61: He wore a ______ hat and a bright red scarf that contrasted with his gloomy
surroundings. He seemed to be in a cheerful mood despite the cold and rainy weather.
a. jaunty b. jaded c. jarring d. jumbled
62: The dog barked in a ______ tone, warning the intruder to stay away from its territory.
Its teeth were bared and its eyes were fierce.
a. menacing b. meek c. merry d. mellow

63: The government plans to ______ some of the carbon emissions from the power plants
by storing them underground. This is one of the strategies to reduce greenhouse gases and
combat climate change.
a. squander b. sequester c. savor d. surrender

64: She ______ confidence and charisma as she walked on the stage. The audience was
captivated by her presence and charm.
a. exclude b. execute c. exude d. exhale

65: He tried to ______ the memory of his traumatic childhood from his mind. He wanted
to forget the pain and suffering he had endured.
a. expostulate b. expose c. expand d. expunge

66: His actions ______ his true feelings for her. He was always caring, attentive, and
supportive of her dreams and goals.
a. erase b. evade c. evince d. elicit

67: They had an ______ relationship that was full of arguments and conflicts. They could
never agree on anything and always tried to undermine each other.
a. amicable b. altruistic c. antagonistic d. artistic

68: He did not hesitate to ______ his rivals in front of the media. He made false and
derogatory statements about their character and achievements.
a. delegate b. denigrate c. delineate d. demonstrate

69: The teacher tried to ______ her students with a passion for learning and curiosity. She
used various methods and activities to make the lessons engaging and fun.
a. imbue b. impede c. impair d. implore
70: He decided to ______ alcohol and cigarettes after his doctor warned him about the
health risks. He wanted to live a healthier and longer life.
a. embrace b. enhance c. emit d. eschew

71: She had a natural ______ for music and art. She enjoyed playing various instruments
and painting beautiful landscapes.
a. affinity b. aversion c. anxiety d. apathy

72: He had a ______ feeling that something bad was going to happen. He sensed a dark
and ominous presence lurking in the shadows.
a. fortunate b. frivolous c. fervent d. foreboding

73: She ______ the cause of animal rights and welfare. She was an active member of
several organizations that advocated for the protection and care of animals.
a. expiated b. espoused c. expelled d. expired

74: He was a ______ worker who always completed his tasks on time and with high quality.
He paid attention to every detail and never gave up on any challenge.
a. seditious b. sluggish c. sedulous d. sarcastic

75: The ______ value of the contract was estimated at $10 million, but the actual amount
could vary depending on the market conditions and performance indicators.
a. notional b. nominal c. net d. nonnegotiable

76: The ______ of the tyrant was celebrated by the oppressed people. They had suffered
for too long under his cruel and unjust rule.
a. rise b. praise c. disguise d. demise

77: He was too ______ to realize that he was being scammed. He believed everything the
con artist told him and gave him all his money and personal information.
a. credulous b. cagey c. courageous d. conservative
78: She felt an ______blank pain in her chest that made her gasp for air. She realized she
was having a heart attack and called for help.
a. exhilarating b. exonerating c. excruciating d. exasperating

79: The long and exhausting hike ______ him to the point of collapse. He had no energy
or strength left to continue.
a. energized b. elevated c. evaluated d. ennervated

80: He ate a large meal to ______ his hunger after fasting for a day. He felt full and satisfied
and did not want any more food.
a. stimulate b. satiate c. sabotage d. suppress

81: She wrote a ______ review of the movie that she hated. She used harsh and insulting
words to criticize every aspect of the film.
a. visionary b. vitriolic c. virtuous d. vivacious

82: Despite his fame and fortune, the actor remained ______ and avoided the spotlight as
much as possible. He rarely gave interviews or attended social events, preferring to keep
his personal life private.
a. taciturn b. flamboyant c. gregarious d. loquacious

83: The detective noticed that the suspect’s alibi ______ the evidence he had found at the
crime scene. Later, it turned out that he acted as an accessory in that case, which
contradicted with his first claim.
a. belied b. supported c. matched d. explained

84: The chef had a keen ______ sense, which helped him create delicious dishes with the
right balance of flavors.
a. gustatory b. auditory c. tactile d. olfactory

85: The ______ daughter returned home after spending years abroad, hoping to reconcile
with her father who had disowned her for squandering his fortune.
a. frugal b. prodigal c. diligent d. prudent
86: The ______ purpose of the meeting was to discuss the budget, but the real agenda was
to vote on the new CEO.
a. genuine b. dubious c. ostensible d. ulterior

87: The students were ______ with homework and assignments during the exam period,
leaving them little time for leisure or sleep.
a. irrigated b. inundated c. desiccated d. evaporated

88: The spy had to ______ a fake passport and a new identity in order to escape from the
country without being caught by the authorities.
a. discard b. donate c. barter d. procure

89: The idea that the schematic figures of medieval art represent a haphazard “loss” of
realistic techniques in anatomic modeling and representation of perspective has been
_______ by art historians who specialize in the Middle Ages. Such figures, these specialists
argue, achieve new expressive and decorative potential through intentional departures from
a. disputed b. corroborated c. expounded d. hyperbolized

90: The ancient Greeks and Romans were fascinated by the phenomenon of lightning and
thunder, which they attributed to the actions of their gods. Their myths and legends were a
_______ to the scientific study of electricity and magnetism that began in the 17th century.
a. hindrance b. coincidence c. precursor d. hurdle

91: The researchers tested several hypotheses to explain the decline of the bee population,
but none of them seemed _______. They decided to conduct more experiments to find a
better solution.
a. innovative b. viable c. palpable d. contentious

92: The elderly man suffered from a chronic _______ that prevented him from walking
without assistance. He wished he could regain his strength and mobility.
a. allergy b. infection c. injury d. infirmity
93: The explorers had to _______ a vast and treacherous desert before they could reach
their destination. They faced many dangers and hardships along the way.
a. traverse b. circumvent c. inhabit d. survey

94: Some historians consider the attempt of Emperor Napoleon to invade Russia in 1812
as a _______ endeavor that doomed his army to failure. The harsh winter and the scorched
earth policy of the Russians proved to be insurmountable obstacles.
a. misanthropic b. quixotic c. strategic d. heroic

95: The invention of the television in the 20th century had a profound impact on society
and culture. Millions of people were _______ by the images and sounds that they could
watch from their homes.
a. informed b. manipulated c. distracted d. mesmerized

96: The president _______ the nation to remain calm and united in the face of the terrorist
attack. He vowed to bring the perpetrators to justice and to protect the security and freedom
of the people.
a. admonished b. consoled c. exhorted d. deceived

97: The stock market is often influenced by the _______ behavior of investors, who may
buy or sell shares based on their emotions, expectations, or whims. This can lead to
unpredictable fluctuations in prices and returns.
a. capricious b. consonant c. dolorous d. didactic

98: The construction of the Panama Canal was a _______ engineering feat that involved
digging a 77-kilometer waterway across the isthmus of Panama. The canal connects the
Atlantic and Pacific oceans and facilitates global trade and navigation.
a. haptic b. imperious c. ignominious d. colossal

99: Albert Einstein was a renowned physicist who had a _______ for asking deep and
fundamental questions about the nature of reality. His curiosity and creativity led him to
discover the theory of relativity and other groundbreaking insights. A. penchant
a. disdain b. penchant c. protocol d. presage
100: The use of color and contrast in photography can _______ the mood and message of
an image. Different colors can evoke different emotions and associations in the viewer’s
a. distort b. occlude c. repudiate d. accentuate

101: The French Revolution was a _______ period of social and political upheaval that
lasted from 1789 to 1799. It resulted in the overthrow of the monarchy, the establishment
of a republic, and the execution of many prominent figures.
a. prosperous b. fatuous c. tumultuous d. harmonious

102: The development of the internet and social media has challenged the _______ mindset
of many people who used to have limited exposure to different cultures and perspectives.
Now, anyone can access a wealth of information and opinions from around the world.
a. congenial b. mecurial c. parochial d. tangential

103: The Human Genome Project was an international scientific research project that
aimed to map and sequence the entire human genome. The project began in 1990 and was
completed in 2003, two years ahead of its original schedule. The project’s _______ was
motivated by the potential benefits of understanding the genetic basis of human health and
a. inception b. conception c. cessation d. illusion

104: The Black Death was a devastating pandemic that swept across Europe and Asia in
the 14th century. It was caused by a bacterium carried by fleas that infected rats and
humans. The disease _______ the population of many regions, killing an estimated 75 to
200 million people.
a. isolated b. decimated c. exacerbated d. ruminated

105: The Treaty of Paris in 1783 officially ended the American Revolutionary War and
recognized the independence of the United States. As part of the treaty, Britain agreed to
_______ its claims to all lands west of the Appalachian Mountains and south of the Great
a. retain b. putrefy c. relinquish d. stake
106: The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928 was a result of his _______
scientific curiosity and attention to detail. He noticed that a mold growing on a petri dish
had killed the bacteria around it and decided to investigate further.
a. tenacious b. fretful c. sturdy d. unwitting

107: The novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley tells the story of a scientist who creates a
living creature from dead body parts. The creature is rejected by his creator and becomes
an _______ who seeks revenge and companionship.
a. accomplice b. outcast c. introvert d. acquaintance

108: The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the world, recognizing
outstanding achievements in various fields of science, literature, and peace. The recipients
of the prize receive not only a large sum of money, but also the _______ of the international
a. abnegation b. aspersion c. approbation d. aggregation

109: The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 was the _______
that triggered the outbreak of World War I. The event sparked a series of diplomatic crises
and ultimatums that eventually led to a global conflict.
a. compromise b. catalyst c. conjecture d. convention

110: The Zodiac Killer was a notorious serial killer who operated in Northern California in
the late 1960s and early 1970s. He sent cryptic messages and ciphers to the media and the
police, but was never caught or identified. One of the reasons he evaded capture was his
_______ appearance, which made him blend in with the crowd.
a. nondescript b. distinctive c. flamboyant d. grostesque

111: The ancient Egyptians had a deep _______ for the Nile River, which was the source
of life and fertility for their civilization. They believed that the river was a gift from the
gods and that its annual flooding was a divine act.
a. contempt b. reverence c. propensity d. notion
112: The prisoners of war endured harsh conditions and brutal treatment from their captors.
They tried to remain _______ and hopeful, supporting each other and resisting despair.
a. hysterical b. cynical c. fanatical d. stoical

113: The hackers attempted to infiltrate the company’s network and steal sensitive data.
However, their plan was _______ by the security team, who detected and blocked their
malicious activity.
a. ignored b. perplexed c. thrwarted d. rectified

114: The concept of the sublime, which refers to the experience of awe and terror in the
face of nature’s vastness and power, has been a _______ for Romantic poets and critics.
They often use it to contrast the limitations of reason and civilization with the potential of
imagination and emotion.
a. hindrance b. paradox c. fallacy d. touchstone

115: The atmosphere of the small town was _______ for the young and ambitious
journalist. She felt stifled by the lack of opportunities and excitement, and longed for the
vibrant and dynamic life of the big city.
a. cordial b. exhilarating c. propitious d. somnolent

116: The notion of a(n) _______ love between a knight and a noble lady, which was often
celebrated in the medieval literature and art, was challenged by the feminist scholars of the
20th century. They argued that such love was based on the idealization and objectification
of women, and that it reinforced the patriarchal and hierarchical structure of the society.
a. chivalrous b. platonic c. carnal d. egalitarian

117: The outbreak of the Spanish flu in 1918 had a devastating impact on the population
and the economy of the world. Many people became _______ and lost their interest and
energy in daily activities. Some historians suggest that this pandemic contributed to the
social and cultural changes that occurred in the 1920s.
a. resilient b. vigilant c. listless d. vengeful
118: The rise of the bureaucratic state in the 18th and 19th centuries led to the emergence
of a new class of civil servants who were often _______ and meddlesome in their dealings
with the public. They imposed rigid rules and regulations on various aspects of life, such
as trade, taxation, education, and health.
a. precocious b. benevolent c. officious d. discreet

119: The popularity of the novel genre in the 18th century was partly due to the
dissatisfaction of the readers with the _______ poetry and drama of the time. The novel
offered a more realistic and engaging portrayal of human nature and society, with complex
characters and plots.
a. insidious b. insipid c. satirical d. pompous

120: The construction of the Great Wall of China was a _______ undertaking that spanned
over two millennia and involved multiple dynasties and empires. The wall was built to
protect the Chinese civilization from the nomadic invasions and raids, and also to assert
the political and cultural identity of China.
a. futile b. clandestine c. sporadic d. monumental

121: The espionage activities of the Cold War era involved a lot of _______ and deception
on both sides of the conflict. The spies and agents used various methods and devices to
conceal their identities and missions, such as disguises, codes, gadgets, and false
a. sancity b. serendipity c. veracity d. subterfuge

122: The works of Lewis Carroll are often regarded as examples of _______ literature.
They feature fantastical and nonsensical elements, such as talking animals, absurd logic,
and wordplay. Carroll’s stories appeal to both children and adults, as they challenge the
conventional notions of reality and meaning.
a. realistic b. whimsical c. appalling d. abrasive
123: The theory of evolution by natural selection, proposed by Charles Darwin and Alfred
Russel Wallace, is based on the observation that some traits are more _______ and
beneficial for the survival and reproduction of the organisms in a given environment. These
traits tend to be inherited by the offspring, while the less advantageous traits tend to
disappear over time.
a. immutable b. arbitrary c. unsavory d. salient

124: The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 was a crucial event for the study of ancient
Egypt. The stone contained a bilingual inscription in hieroglyphs and Greek, which allowed
the scholars to decipher the meaning of the Egyptian writing system. This breakthrough
_______ the efforts of many generations of researchers who had tried to unlock the secrets
of the ancient civilization.
a. undermines b. vindicates c. replicates d. extirpates

125: The personality traits of extraversion and introversion are often used to describe how
people interact with others. Extraverts are _______ and enjoy being around other people,
while introverts are more reserved and prefer solitude or small groups. However, these
traits are not fixed and can vary depending on the situation and the mood of the person.
a. gregarious b. jaundiced c. timid d. aloof

126: The Renaissance artists were _______ in using various techniques and media to create
realistic and expressive works of art. They experimented with perspective, shading, color,
anatomy, and composition to achieve a sense of depth, movement, and emotion. They also
used different materials, such as oil paints, frescoes, marble, bronze, and wood, to suit their
artistic purposes.
a. adroit b. inept c. malicious d. gauche

127: The spread of misinformation and propaganda on the internet has been a _______
phenomenon that threatens the quality and credibility of information. Many people are
exposed to false or misleading claims, rumors, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories, which can
influence their opinions and behaviors. Some experts warn that this problem can undermine
the democratic process and social cohesion.
a. meteoric b. perennial c. pernicious d. mundane
128: The practice of witchcraft was widely feared and persecuted in the early modern
period. Many people believed that witches had made a pact with the devil and used their
powers to _______ others. They were accused of causing diseases, disasters, deaths, and
misfortunes, and were often tortured and executed.
a. bless b. exalt c. malign d. reinstate

129: The novel depicts the _______ of the protagonist, who gradually descends into a life
of crime, violence, and addiction. The author exposes the dark and seedy aspects of the
urban underworld, where morality and humanity are lost.
a. depravity b. redemption c. enlightenment d. diminution

130: The philosopher Immanuel Kant is known for his attempt to _______ the fundamental
principles of morality and reason. He argued that human beings have a duty to act according
to the categorical imperative, which is a universal law that can be derived from pure
a. plagiarize b. refute c. enunciate d. sedate

131: The treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, imposed harsh reparations on Germany for
its role in World War I. However, many of the Allied powers later _______ on their
demands and agreed to reduce or cancel the debts. They realized that the economic stability
of Germany was essential for the recovery of Europe.
a. insisted b. reneged c. enforced d. rescinded

132: The development of the internet and the World Wide Web has made information
_______ and accessible to people around the world. Anyone with a computer and a
connection can access a vast amount of data and resources on various topics and domains.
However, this also poses challenges such as information overload, quality control, and
digital divide.
a. ubiquitous b. archaic c. vicarious d. opulent

124: The success of a therapy session depends largely on the _______ between the therapist
and the client. This is the degree of mutual understanding, trust, and respect that they share.
A good rapport helps the client feel comfortable and supported, and encourages them to
open up and explore their feelings and thoughts.
a. infighting b. collision c. contention d. rapport
125: The Black Death was a devastating _______ that swept across Europe and Asia in the
14th century. It was caused by a bacterial infection transmitted by fleas on rats. It killed
millions of people and had profound social and economic consequences.
a. rebellion b. countenance c. concoction d. affliction

126: The defendant showed no remorse for his crimes and even had the _______ to insult
the judge and the jury. His behavior was condemned by everyone in the courtroom and
earned him a harsher sentence.
a. humility b. effrontery c. amenity d. celerity

127: The ability to _______ emotions is an important skill for social animals, especially
humans. By displaying false or exaggerated expressions of fear, anger, happiness, or
sadness, one can manipulate the behavior and reactions of others. Some researchers have
suggested that this skill evolved from the need to deceive predators or competitors, while
others have linked it to the development of empathy and theory of mind.
a. discern b. perpetuate c. mollify d. feign

128: The debate over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture and
food production has been _______ and polarized. Proponents of GMOs argue that they can
increase crop yields, reduce pesticide use, and improve nutrition. Opponents of GMOs
contend that they pose risks to human health, the environment, and biodiversity. Both sides
have mobilized scientific evidence, ethical arguments, and public opinion to support their
a. vociferous b. mellifluous c. rapacious d. solicitous

129: The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in 1799 was a _______ breakthrough for the study
of ancient Egypt. The stone contained a decree written in three scripts: hieroglyphic,
demotic, and Greek. By comparing the texts, scholars were able to decipher the meaning
of the hieroglyphs, which had been lost for centuries. The stone unlocked the secrets of
Egyptian history, culture, and religion.
a. trivial b. dubious c. prodigious d. superfluous
130: The famous experiment of Benjamin Franklin with a kite and a key during a
thunderstorm is often _______ as a proof of the electrical nature of lightning. In fact,
Franklin never intended to draw sparks from the clouds, but only to observe the electric
charge on a metal rod attached to the kite. He was well aware of the danger of being struck
by lightning, and he took precautions to avoid it.
a. lauded b. remonstrated c. misconstrued d. evoked

131: The _______ tone of the funeral march in Chopin’s Piano Sonata No. 2 is enhanced
by the use of a musical device called a chromatic scale, which consists of a series of notes
that are a half step apart. This creates a sense of tension and sadness, as the melody seems
to descend into darkness. The march is contrasted by a lyrical and serene middle section,
which represents a brief moment of hope and consolation.
a. lugubrious b. euphoric c. majestic d. heinous

132: The _______ responses of the politician to the reporters’ questions did not satisfy the
public, who demanded more transparency and accountability. The politician seemed to
avoid giving direct answers, and instead relied on clichés, jokes, and vague generalizations.
His critics accused him of being dishonest, insincere, and superficial.
a. earnest b. glib c. eloquent d. poignant

133: The _______ reaction of the fans to the referee’s decision was understandable, but
unacceptable. The referee had awarded a controversial penalty to the opposing team in the
last minute of the game, which resulted in a loss for the home team. The fans expressed
their anger by throwing objects onto the field, booing loudly, and chanting insults. The
referee had to be escorted by security guards to avoid being attacked.
a. jubilant b. apprehensive c. incandescent d. heuristic

134: The process of star formation involves the collapse of a giant cloud of gas and dust
under its own gravity. As the cloud contracts, it rotates faster and flattens into a disk. The
disk fragments into smaller clumps that eventually _______ into stars and planets. This
process can take millions of years and produce various types of stars and planetary systems.
a. disperse b. condense c. coalesce d. recompense
135: The painter of the landscape used a(n) _______ style to capture the beauty and
tranquility of nature. He used soft colors and gentle strokes to create a sense of harmony
and nostalgia. He was inspired by his own experiences of living in the countryside, which
he had to leave due to the industrialization and urbanization of his country.
a. abstract b. indignant c. pugnacious d. wistful

136: The discovery of penicillin was a result of _______. The scientist who made the
discovery, Alexander Fleming, had left some bacterial cultures in his laboratory and went
on a vacation. When he returned, he noticed that some of the cultures had been
contaminated by a mold that killed the bacteria. He realized that the mold produced a
substance that could be used as an antibiotic.
a. serendipity b. negligence c. malleability d. adulation

137: The use of irony and satire is a(n) _______ of the literary genre known as dystopia.
Dystopian writers use these devices to criticize and challenge the existing social and
political systems, by depicting a fictional world where the worst-case scenarios have
become reality. Examples of dystopian novels include George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous
Huxley’s Brave New World and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale.
a. hallmark b. anomaly c. drawback d. plenipotentiary

138: The search for extraterrestrial life has _______ scientists and the public for decades.
The possibility of finding intelligent or even microbial life forms on other planets or moons
has inspired numerous missions and experiments, such as the Voyager probes, the Mars
rovers and the SETI project. However, so far, no conclusive evidence of alien life has been
a. flummoxed b. tantalized c. proffered d. oppressed

139: The stock market is known to _______ between periods of growth and decline,
depending on various factors such as supply and demand, consumer confidence, political
events and global trends. Investors and traders have to monitor the market closely and
adjust their strategies accordingly, in order to maximize their profits and minimize their
a. differentiate b. arbitrate c. oscillate d. reiterate
140: The comedian is known for his _______ humor, which often mocks the absurdities
and contradictions of modern society. He uses sharp wit and irony to expose the flaws and
hypocrisies of politicians, celebrities and ordinary people. His jokes can be hilarious but
also controversial and offensive to some.
a. sardonic b. slapstick c. distraught d. ingenuous

141: The disposal of nuclear waste is a _______ issue that poses serious environmental and
health risks. Nuclear waste is the radioactive material that remains after nuclear fission or
fusion reactions. It can remain dangerous for thousands of years and must be stored in
secure and isolated locations. However, finding suitable sites and transporting the waste
safely are major challenges.
a. factitious b. lustrous c. momentous d. hazardous

142: The proposal to build a new airport near the city has been met with _______
opposition from local residents and environmental groups. They argue that the project
would cause noise pollution, air pollution and habitat destruction. They have organized
protests, petitions and campaigns to stop the construction. The government and the
developers, on the other hand, claim that the airport would bring economic benefits and
create jobs.
a. unanimous b. tortuous c. vehement d. innocuous

143: The study of quantum physics involves some of the most _______ concepts and
phenomena in science. Quantum physics deals with the behavior and interactions of
subatomic particles, such as electrons, photons and quarks. Some of the principles and
implications of quantum physics are so counterintuitive and bizarre that they challenge our
common sense and defy our classical logic.
a. esoteric b. delusive c. draconian d. homologous

144: The feminist movement has challenged the traditional gender roles that have made
women _______ to men in many aspects of society. Feminists have fought for equal rights
and opportunities for women in education, employment, politics and culture. They have
also advocated for women’s autonomy and empowerment over their own bodies, sexuality
and identity.
a. impervious b. subservient c. complementary d. repellent
145: The journalist was offended by the _______ that he had fabricated his sources. He
insisted that he had followed the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in his
reporting. He said that he had verified and documented every piece of information in his
article. He accused his critics of trying to discredit him and silence him.
a. commendation b. speculation c. insinuation d. profanity

146: The teacher had a hard time dealing with the _______ students in his class. They were
disobedient, disruptive and disrespectful. They refused to follow the rules, do their
homework or participate in the activities. They often challenged his authority and ignored
his instructions. He tried various methods to discipline them and motivate them, but
nothing seemed to work.
a. recalcitrant b. exemplary c. inquisitive d. morose

147: The composer had a _______ for writing complex and challenging music. He often
used unconventional instruments, techniques and structures in his compositions. He
experimented with different genres, styles and forms of expression. He was not interested
in pleasing the masses or following the trends. He wanted to create original and innovative
music that reflected his vision and personality.
a. reservation b. predilection c. animosity d. neutrality

148: The development of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized the
production and dissemination of books in Europe. However, the early printed books were
often _______ in size and weight, making them difficult to transport and store. Some book
collectors and scholars preferred the smaller and lighter manuscripts that preceded the
printed books.
a. pristine b. superseded c. unwieldy d. tumultuous

149: The concept of gravity was revolutionized by Albert Einstein’s general theory of
relativity, which describes how gravity is the result of the curvature of space and time.
However, some astronomical observations have revealed _______ phenomena that cannot
be explained by the theory, such as the accelerated expansion of the universe and the
existence of dark matter and dark energy.
a. congruent b. luminous c. dormant d. wayward
150: The benefits of meditation may not be immediately noticeable, but they tend to
_______ over time as the practice becomes more consistent and habitual. Studies have
shown that meditation can enhance cognitive functions, reduce stress and anxiety, and
improve emotional regulation and well-being.
a. dissipate b. accrue c. vacillate d. commiserate

151: The classical _______ between rationalism and empiricism in philosophy has been
revised by modern thinkers who acknowledge that both reason and experience play a role
in human knowledge. Rationalists claim that some truths can be known a priori,
independently of sensory experience, while empiricists maintain that all knowledge is
derived from observation and experimentation.
a. analogy b. dilemma c. dichotomy d. synthesis

152: The judge praised the defendant’s lawyer for his _______ conduct during the trial,
which was marked by professionalism, integrity and respect for the court. The lawyer had
presented a strong case for his client, without resorting to any unethical or dishonest tactics.
a. irreproachable b. inadvertent c. defective d. reprehensible

153: The composer’s music has a(n) _______ quality that transports the listener to a
different realm of experience. The melodies are delicate and subtle, the harmonies are
complex and rich, and the orchestration is refined and elegant.
a. robust b. somber c. ethereal d. doleful

154: The rise of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century was _______ to the values of
democracy and human rights that had been established by the Enlightenment thinkers.
These aggressive regimes sought to control every aspect of their citizens’ lives, suppressing
dissent, freedom and individuality.
a. conducive b. lackadaisical c. raucuous d. inimical

155: The author of the novel was _______ about revealing the meaning of the ambiguous
ending, preferring to let the readers interpret it for themselves. He said that he did not want
to impose his own vision on the story, but rather to invite multiple perspectives and
a. reticent b. guileless c. candid d. adamant
156: The young journalist had the _______ to question the president’s integrity during a
live press conference, causing a stir among the audience and the media. The president was
visibly annoyed by the bold and impertinent remark, and refused to answer any further
a. alacrity b. temerity c. fecundity d. verity

157: The theory of evolution by natural selection is widely accepted as the most _______
explanation for the diversity and complexity of life on Earth. The theory is supported by a
vast amount of evidence from various fields of science, such as genetics, paleontology,
biogeography and embryology.
a. fanciful b. dodgy c. flimsy d. tenable

158: The protesters were _______ in their demands for justice and equality, chanting
slogans and waving banners outside the government building. They did not shy away from
expressing their anger and frustration, hoping to draw attention and sympathy to their
a. genteel b. hazy c. strident d. tremulous

159: The ancient Egyptians built the pyramids as monumental tombs for their pharaohs,
who were considered to be divine rulers. The pyramids represent the _______ of their
architectural and engineering achievements, as well as their cultural and religious beliefs.
a. nadir b. pinnacle c. prototype d. quirk

160: The teacher was appalled by the _______ appearance of some of his students, who
came to class wearing wrinkled clothes, dirty shoes and messy hair. He reminded them that
they should dress neatly and respectfully, as a sign of good manners and self-esteem.
a. slovenly b. modish c. voguish d. gaudy

161: The movie critic gave a negative review to the latest romantic comedy, which he found
to be full of _______ clichés and predictable plot twists. He said that the movie lacked
originality and creativity, and that it was a waste of time and money.
a. defiled b. pathbreaking c. hackneyed d. germinal
162: The biographer tried to portray the famous writer as a complex and flawed human
being, not as a flawless genius. He revealed some of the writer’s _______ , such as his
tendency to procrastinate, his addiction to coffee, and his obsession with cats.
a. merits b. graces c. foibles d. feats

163: The environmental activist denounced the government’s _______ record on tackling
climate change, which he said was putting the future of the planet at risk. He accused the
government of ignoring the scientific evidence, favoring the interests of fossil fuel
industries, and failing to implement effective policies and regulations.
a. meritorious b. pitiful c. abysmal d. archetypical

164: The _______ between the two rival gangs escalated into a violent brawl that left
several people injured and one dead. The police had been monitoring the situation for
months, but they were unable to prevent the outbreak of hostilities. The incident sparked a
public outcry and a demand for stricter law enforcement.
a. liaison b. collusion c. concord d. altercation

165: As an acclaimed novelist, Emily's writing style is often praised for its _______ nature,
engaging readers with intricate plots and thought-provoking themes. Her ability to delve
deep into the human psyche and explore complex emotions has earned her a loyal following
of intellectually curious readers.
a. cerebral b. visceral c. somatic d. palliative

166: The _______ effect of salt water on metal structures was a major challenge for the
engineers who designed the bridge. They had to use special materials and coatings to
prevent rust and deterioration. The bridge was also equipped with sensors and monitors to
detect any signs of damage.
a. adhesive b. corrosive c. curative d. furtive

167: The _______ style of the artist reflected his diverse influences and interests. He
combined elements from different genres and cultures, such as pop art, surrealism, graffiti,
and Japanese manga. His works were colorful, playful, and original, attracting both fans
and critics.
a. monotonous b. derivative c. symbiotic d. eclectic
168: The _______ of democracy in the region was under threat from the rise of
authoritarian regimes. The country had been a stable and prosperous ally for many years,
but it faced increasing pressure and interference from its neighbors. The international
community was concerned about the potential consequences of a conflict or a coup.
a. vestige b. mutilation c. deficit d. bastion

169: The scientist tried to _______ the myths and misconceptions about genetically
modified crops. He explained the benefits and risks of the technology, and presented
evidence from various studies and experiments. He also addressed the common concerns
and questions of the public and the media.
a. dispel b. foster c. embrace d. extinguish

170: The spy used a _______ method to communicate with his contacts. He encoded his
messages in seemingly innocuous images and posted them on a social media platform.
Only those who knew the secret key could decipher the hidden information.
a. extemporaneous b. surreptitious c. imperious d. vociferous

171: The _______ nature of the documentary was evident from the biased narration and
the selective use of sources. The film-maker had a clear agenda and did not attempt to
present a balanced or objective view of the topic. The critics denounced the film as
propaganda and misinformation.
a. tendentious b. veracious c. sagacious d. discerning

172: The _______ speaker captivated the audience with his witty and eloquent speech. He
spoke with confidence and enthusiasm, and used various rhetorical devices to persuade and
entertain. He received a standing ovation at the end of his presentation.
a. laconic b. improvident c. taciturn d. voluble

173: The defendant tried to _______ his crime by claiming that he was under the influence
of drugs and alcohol. He also said that he had a troubled childhood and a history of mental
illness. However, the judge and the jury were not convinced by his arguments and found
him guilty.
a. perpetrate b. amplify c. assuage d. extenuate
174: The speech by the activist _______ the crowd to take action against the injustice. He
urged them to join the protest and demand their rights. He also warned them of the
consequences of remaining silent and passive. His words inspired and motivated many
people to join the movement
a. dissuaded b. placated c. galvanized d. alienated

175: The _______ manner of the diplomat impressed the foreign dignitaries. He was polite,
charming, and witty, and he knew how to handle delicate situations with tact and grace. He
also had a good knowledge of the culture and customs of the host country.
a. rustic b. urbane c. boorish d. gawky

176: The _______ claims of the politician were exposed by the fact-checkers. He had lied
about his achievements, his qualifications, and his plans. He had also spread false and
misleading information about his opponents. He lost the trust and support of many voters.
a. mendacious b. bellicose c. splenetic d. choleric

177: The _______ lifestyle of the monk contrasted with the lavish habits of the nobles. He
lived in a small cell with few possessions, and ate only bread and water. He devoted his
time to prayer and meditation, and renounced worldly pleasures.
a. opulent b. parsimonious c. hedonistic d. magnanimous

178: The _______ of the launch was a huge blow to the company. The rocket exploded
shortly after liftoff, destroying the expensive payload and endangering the crew. The
investigation revealed a series of errors and malfunctions that led to the disaster.
a. coup b. zenith c. corker d. debacle

179: The notion that domesticated animals are merely _______ creatures that blindly
follow their human masters has been challenged by recent studies in animal cognition and
behavior. These studies show that many animals, such as dogs, cats, horses and pigs, have
complex mental abilities and personalities that allow them to adapt to different situations
and communicate with humans and other animals.
a. docile b. feral c. sentient d. wily
180: The term _______ supporter refers to a person who is loyal and faithful to a cause, a
leader, or a group, even in times of difficulty or controversy. This term was often used to
describe the followers of Abraham Lincoln during the American Civil War, who stood by
his policies and vision for the nation.
a. fervent b. partisan c. stalwart d. torrid

181: The term _______ personality refers to a person who is often angry, argumentative,
or uncooperative, especially with people who disagree with them or try to impose their will
on them. This term was famously applied to Mark Twain, the American writer and
humorist, who had a reputation for being witty but also irascible and stubborn.
a. sanguine b. cantankerous c. affable d. turbocharged

182: The launch of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1, by the Soviet Union in 1957 was
a(n) _______ event that marked the beginning of the space age and the space race. The
satellite’s radio signals could be heard by anyone with a radio receiver, and its orbit could
be seen by the naked eye. The event stunned the world and challenged the United States to
catch up in space exploration.
a. calamitous b. auspicious c. ominous d. noxious

183: The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD was a _______ event that destroyed the
Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The volcano spewed a massive cloud of ash,
pumice, and gas that buried the cities under several meters of debris. The event killed
thousands of people and preserved their bodies and belongings in a state of frozen terror.
a. baleful b. propitious c. peevish d. salubrious

184: As the mundane routine of office paperwork consumed his days, John yearned for a
spark of inspiration that could elevate his _______ existence, pushing him towards a realm
of creativity and passion that lay just beyond the confines of his desk.
a. arcane b. sublime c. transcendent d. prosaic
185: The campaign of Napoleon Bonaparte to conquer Russia in 1812 was a _______ event
that resulted in a disastrous defeat and retreat for the French army. The campaign was
motivated by Napoleon’s desire to expand his empire and assert his dominance over
Europe. The event was not a sign of a strategic or rational mind, but a arrogant and
overconfident one.
a. prudent b. munificient c. rancorous d. vainglorious

186: Growing up in a family of musicians, Emily's love for music was _______, flowing
naturally through her veins and shaping her every thought. The harmonious melodies and
rhythmic beats became the essence of her being, guiding her towards a path where her
innate talent could flourish and resonate with the world.
a. peripheral b. extrinsic c. intrinsic d. coercive

187: In the field of neuroscience research, Dr. Anderson diligently compiled a

comprehensive _______ of the latest studies and findings on neuroplasticity, offering a
concise outline of the vast body of knowledge that has emerged in recent years. His
meticulously crafted summary provided scientists and practitioners with a valuable
resource, enabling them to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving understanding of the brain's
remarkable ability to reorganize and adapt throughout life.
a. addendum b. synopsis c. embellishment d. dissertation

188: In the realm of astrophysics, the discovery of gravitational waves sent ripples of
excitement through the scientific community, causing the groundbreaking revelation to
_______ across the globe. The detection of these elusive waves confirmed Einstein's
general theory of relativity and opened up a new era of observing the universe, leaving an
indelible mark on the history of scientific exploration.
a. abate b. attenuate c. exonerate d. reverberate

189: In the solemn halls of the scientific conference, Dr. Johnson's witty remarks and
humorous anecdotes brought a much-needed _______ to the otherwise intense atmosphere,
allowing the participants to momentarily unwind and connect on a human level.
Recognizing the importance of laughter in fostering creativity and collaboration, Dr.
Johnson's lighthearted approach reminded everyone that even in the pursuit of
groundbreaking research, moments of cheerfulness can foster a more vibrant and engaging
scientific community.
a. probity b. despondency c. levity d. sanctity
190: As an avid historian, Dr. Thompson spent countless hours _______ ancient
manuscripts and archival documents, carefully deciphering their faded text to unveil the
secrets of the past. With each page turned and each line scrutinized, Dr. Thompson's
diligent efforts allowed him to piece together a captivating narrative, shedding light on
forgotten civilizations and providing valuable insights into the course of history.
a. perusing b. debunking c. reiterating d. whetting

191: In the late 19th century, during a period of artistic resurgence, the _______ strokes of
the Impressionist painters defied the rigid conventions of the time, capturing fleeting
moments of light and color with a sense of tranquility and introspection. Through their
masterful brushwork and deliberate use of soft edges, the artists transported viewers to
ethereal landscapes and contemplative scenes, ushering in a new era of artistic expression
and challenging the prevailing norms of academic art.
a. immaculate b. languid c. kinetic d. frigid

192: In the realm of behavioral psychology, the concept of _______, or self-denial, has
been a subject of great interest and study. Researchers have explored the psychological
mechanisms behind individuals' ability to resist immediate gratification and make
sacrifices for long-term goals, shedding light on the complexities of human willpower and
a. abnegation b. affirmation c. emulation d. culmination

193: During the Victorian era, the works of renowned playwright William Shakespeare
were often _______, a practice in which the more risqué or controversial elements were
censored or removed to conform to societal norms and moral standards of the time. This
sanitized version of Shakespeare's plays aimed to present a more palatable rendition, but it
sparked debates among scholars and theater enthusiasts about the integrity of the original
text and the impact of censorship on artistic expression.
a. fossilized b. patronized c. bowdlerized d. temporized

194: In the realm of particle physics, the groundbreaking discovery of the Higgs boson
further validated the Standard Model, _______ alternative theories that had sought to
challenge its explanatory power. This momentous finding provided a pivotal confirmation
of the fundamental principles governing the subatomic world, solidifying our
understanding of the universe at its most fundamental level.
a. vindicating b. reinforcing c. magnifying d. nullifying
195: In the field of archaeological research, the excavation team displayed a _______
attention to detail, carefully documenting each artifact and meticulously mapping the dig
site to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their findings. Their methodical approach and
dedication to precision allowed them to reconstruct ancient civilizations with remarkable
accuracy, shedding light on historical mysteries that had long eluded scholars.
a. haphazard b. desultory c. fastidious d. headstrong

196: In the early days of space exploration, the technology available was _______
inadequate, posing significant challenges to scientists and engineers. With limited
computing power and primitive spacecraft, their attempts to reach the moon seemed
daunting and nearly impossible, but their relentless pursuit of knowledge and determination
eventually led to groundbreaking achievements that propelled humanity into the realm of
space travel.
a. impulsively b. nonchalantly c. dexterously d. woefully

197: The search for a universal _______ that can cure all diseases has been a long-standing
aspiration of many physicians and alchemists throughout history. However, modern
medical science has shown that such a remedy is unlikely to exist, as different diseases
have different causes and mechanisms.
a. panacea b. placebo c. vaccine d. elixir

198: In the realm of journalism, the newspaper's editorial team prioritized the _______ of
their articles, aiming to deliver timely and relevant news to their readers. With a keen focus
on current events and societal trends, they sought to provide a comprehensive snapshot of
the world, engaging their audience and fostering informed discussions on pressing issues
of the day.
a. detachment b. topicality c. proclivity d. rectitude

199: The _______ interior of the Hagia Sophia, the largest church in the Byzantine Empire,
was designed to create a sense of awe and transcendence for the worshippers. The dome,
supported by four massive piers, seems to float above the nave, while the walls are covered
with mosaics and marble.
a. commodious b. austere c. intricate d. penurious
200: The invention of the printing press in the 15th century enabled the rapid and
widespread _______ of knowledge and ideas across Europe. Books, pamphlets,
newspapers, and other printed materials became more accessible and affordable for the
masses, stimulating literacy, education, and cultural development.
a. consolidation b. dissemination c. adulteration d. concoction

201: The scientists who developed the first atomic bomb as part of the Manhattan Project
had to _______ the consequences of their creation for humanity and the world. Some of
them, such as Albert Einstein and Robert Oppenheimer, later expressed regret and concern
over the use of nuclear weapons.
a. neglect b. condone c. envisage d. fabricate

202: In the field of primatology, the researchers closely observed a group of _______
chimpanzees, documenting their lively and energetic behaviors within their natural habitat.
Through their meticulous observations and data analysis, they unraveled the complex
social dynamics and communication patterns of these boisterous primates, casting light on
their evolutionary history and contributing to our understanding of primate behavior.
a. solitary b. rambunctious c. militant d. decorous

203: The Watergate scandal, which led to the resignation of President Nixon in 1974, was
a result of political _______ and cover-ups. The scandal involved the break-in at the
Democratic National Committee headquarters by Nixon’s operatives and the subsequent
attempts to conceal their involvement and obstruct the investigation.
a. chauvinism b. desertion c. chicanery d. finesse

204: The Black Death, which killed millions of people in Europe and Asia in the 14th
century, was _______ with rumors and superstitions. Some people blamed the Jews, the
Muslims, or the lepers for spreading the disease, while others believed that it was a divine
punishment or a sign of the end of the world.
a. rife b. surfeited c. stark d. depleted
205: The _______ lifestyle of the nomadic tribes in Central Asia was shaped by the harsh
and diverse environment they inhabited. They moved from place to place in search of
pasture, water, and trade opportunities, often following seasonal patterns. They also
developed skills in horse riding, archery, and warfare.
a. agrarian b. stationary c. municipal d. itinerant

206: The _______ consequences of the Chernobyl disaster have been extensively
documented by scientists and journalists alike. The explosion of the nuclear reactor in 1986
released large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere, contaminating vast
areas of land and affecting millions of people. The health and environmental impacts of the
accident are still being felt today, as many survivors suffer from chronic diseases and
genetic mutations.
a. negligible b. lamentable c. fluky d. felicitous

207: The _______ influence of the United Nations on the Syrian civil war has been
lamented by many human rights advocates and observers. The war, which began in 2011
as a popular uprising against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, has claimed over half a million
lives and displaced millions more. The UN Security Council has repeatedly failed to adopt
any meaningful resolutions to end the conflict, due to the veto power of Russia and China,
who support Assad.
a. pervasive b. paramount c. benevolent d. nugatory

208: The _______ resemblance of the Mona Lisa to Leonardo da Vinci has been explored
by many scholars and artists. The painting, which is widely regarded as one of the most
famous and enigmatic artworks in history, has been the subject of various theories and
interpretations. Some have suggested that Leonardo painted himself as a woman, or that he
used his own face as a model for the portrait. Others have argued that the similarity is
coincidental or exaggerated.
a. uncanny b. blatant c. paltry d. faint

209: The speech of the dictator was full of _______ rhetoric that aimed to impress and
intimidate his audience. He used grandiose words and phrases that had little substance or
meaning, but sounded impressive and authoritative.
a. erudite b. euphemistic c. bombastic d. brackish
210: In the scientific community, the unexpected experimental results sparked _______
among researchers, challenging established theories and prompting a reevaluation of
existing hypotheses. The perplexing findings ignited a wave of curiosity and intense
debate, driving scientists to delve deeper into the underlying mechanisms at play and
inspiring new avenues of inquiry to unravel all of the mysteries.
a. seduction b. aplomb c. exultation d. consternation

211: The Renaissance was a period of cultural reformation that spanned from the 14th to
the 17th century. It was marked by the revival of classical learning and art, as well as the
emergence of new ideas and innovations in science, literature, philosophy, and politics. The
Renaissance was influenced by the _______ of different cultures and civilizations, such as
the Byzantine, Islamic, and Mongol.
a. divergence b. confluence c. decadence d. resurgence

212: In the realm of art history, the _______ expressions adorning religious paintings
during the Renaissance served as a visual representation of divine serenity and spiritual
bliss. The artists skillfully captured the subtle nuances of happy faces, invoking a sense of
awe and reverence among viewers while conveying the deep religious devotion prevalent
during that historical period.
a. beatific b. pungent c. succinct d. crestfallen

213: The movie Titanic was a blockbuster hit that won many awards and accolades.
However, some critics found the romantic plot to be _______ and sentimental, relying on
clichés and stereotypes to manipulate the audience’s emotions. They argued that the movie
failed to portray the historical and social context of the disaster in a realistic and nuanced
a. scathing b. plaintive c. mawkish d. fecund

214: During times of war and scarcity, _______ individuals have often found innovative
solutions to address pressing challenges. Whether it was through repurposing materials,
implementing rationing systems, or developing alternative energy sources, their ingenuity
played a crucial role in sustaining communities and advancing scientific and technological
progress amidst adversity.
a. resourceful b. heavenly c. serene d. shambolic
215: The success of the Apollo 11 mission in 1969, which marked the first time humans
landed on the moon, was largely due to the _______ of the engineers and scientists who
designed and operated the spacecraft and its systems. They had to overcome numerous
technical challenges and uncertainties, as well as manage the risks and costs involved in
such a complex and ambitious endeavor.
a. agility b. acumen c. altruism d. audacity

216: The works of Franz Kafka, a German-speaking writer of the early 20th century, are
often characterized by their _______ nature. His stories and novels feature protagonists
who face absurd or surreal situations, such as being transformed into an insect or being
tried for a crime they do not know. The meaning and purpose of these scenarios are never
fully explained, leaving the reader to interpret them in various ways.
a. inscrutable b. indelible c. incorrigible d. inane

217: The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 was partly caused by the _______ attitude
of some European leaders and diplomats, who failed to foresee the devastating
consequences of their actions and alliances. They underestimated the complexity and
volatility of the international situation, and overestimated their own ability to control it.
a. erratic b. assiduous c. mercenary d. myopic

218: The outdated and ineffective policies of a _______ government have become a source
of frustration for the citizens when it comes to political discourse. The calls for reform and
a fresh perspective have grown louder, as the people yearn for a new leadership that can
navigate the complexities of the modern era and address the pressing challenges of the
a. conscionable b. superannuated c. meagre d. slipshod

219: The concept of free will, which is the ability to act at one’s own _______ without
being constrained by external factors, has been debated by philosophers, theologians, and
scientists for centuries. Some argue that free will is an illusion and that human actions are
determined by natural laws or divine providence. Others maintain that free will is a real
and essential aspect of human nature and morality.
a. volition b. puissance c. stature d. suffrage
220: The Black Death, which was a devastating plague that swept across Europe and Asia
in the 14th century, caused millions of people to _______ to the infection. The disease was
caused by a bacterium that was transmitted by fleas carried by rats. The symptoms included
fever, chills, vomiting, and swollen lymph nodes.
a. subvert b. surmount c. succumb d. subsume

221: The Watergate scandal, which erupted in the early 1970s, was a political crisis that led
to the resignation of President Richard Nixon. He and his associates were accused of
abusing their power and covering up their involvement in a break-in at the Democratic
National Committee headquarters. The scandal provoked public outrage and ________, as
well as a series of investigations and legal actions.
a. obfuscation b. oscillation c. obeisance d. opprobrium

222: The use of ________ arguments to discredit a renowned author's work reflects a
narrow-minded perspective that fails to grasp the depth and significance of their
contributions to the field. Such trivial and petty critiques distract from the larger themes
and artistic merit, undermining the meaningful discussions that can be had regarding the
author's impact on literature and society.
a. panegyrical b. picayune c. garlanded d. florid

223: The ancient Greeks valued the art of rhetoric, which is the skill of using language
effectively and persuasively. They believed that rhetoric could help them achieve their
goals and influence others. They also established schools and methods in _______ the
principles and techniques of rhetoric to their students.
a. inculcating b. abdicating c. berating d. desecrating

224: Many people dream of escaping their _______ lives and having exciting adventures
in exotic places. They fantasize about traveling the world, meeting new people, and
experiencing different cultures. However, they often lack the time, money, or courage to
pursue their dreams.
a. halcyon b. harrowing c. histrionic d. humdrum
225: The _______ legal interpretation of a controversial clause has led to prolonged debates
and conflicting rulings among jurists, easily creating confusion and uncertainty. The
labyrinthine nature of the issue highlights the need for a comprehensive and
straightforward approach to ensure clarity and consistency in legal matters.
a. convoluted b. gubernatorial c. vernacular d. rampant

226: The pirates of the Caribbean were notorious for their _______ acts of plundering and
pillaging the ships and towns along the coast. They showed no fear or remorse for their
crimes, and often flaunted their stolen wealth and power. They also defied the authority of
the colonial governments and the naval forces that tried to stop them.
a. banal b. brazen c. minatory d. pestilent

227: During times of economic downturn, governments often implement stimulus

packages to _______ the struggling industries and promote financial stability. By injecting
funds into key sectors and providing support to businesses and individuals, these measures
aim to revitalize the economy and restore confidence, enabling a path towards recovery
and growth.
a. baffle b. traduce c. bolster d. squelch

228: The acquisition of new territories was often driven by a desire to establish _______
over foreign lands and resources. Through conquest, colonization, and political
maneuvering, powerful nations sought to extend their dominion and exert control, shaping
the course of history and leaving lasting impacts on the cultures and societies of the
subjugated regions.
a. deference b. dominion c. defiance d. demarcation

229: The carnival was a colorful and festive event that attracted people of all ages and
backgrounds. The atmosphere was _______ with music, laughter, and joy. People enjoyed
various games, rides, and shows, and indulged in delicious food and drinks.
a. effete b. heinous c. occult d. ebullient
230: The _______ actions of treacherous rulers can have far-reaching consequences for
their nation and its people. Whether through deceit, betrayal, or acts of sabotage, those
leaders undermine trust, destabilize institutions, and perpetuate a climate of uncertainty,
leaving a lasting stain on their legacy and the socio-political fabric of their society.
a. numinous b. punctilious c. perfidious d. analogous

231: After the death of his father, King George VI, in 1952, Prince Edward VIII was
expected to ascend the throne and become the new monarch of the United Kingdom.
However, he faced a constitutional crisis when he announced his intention to marry Wallis
Simpson, an American divorcee who was considered unsuitable as a royal consort. To avoid
a scandal and a possible abdication of his duties, Edward decided to _______ the throne
and live in exile with his beloved.
a. relinquish b. usurp c. inherit d. abdicate

232: In 2015, the United States and Iran reached a historic agreement on the latter’s nuclear
program, which aimed to limit Iran’s ability to produce nuclear weapons in exchange for
lifting economic sanctions. The deal was hailed as a diplomatic breakthrough that could
prevent a nuclear war and foster regional stability. However, in 2018, President Donald
Trump announced that the US would withdraw from the agreement and reimpose sanctions
on Iran, claiming that the deal was flawed and ineffective. This decision was met with
criticism and dismay by the other signatories of the deal, who argued that it was an _______
commitment that should not be violated.
a. irrelevant b. irrevocable c. irresolute d. irreconcilable

233: The pursuit of _______ has long been recognized as a catalyst for groundbreaking
discoveries. From Alexander Fleming's fortuitous observation of mold on a petri dish
leading to the discovery of penicillin, to the serendipitous detection of the cosmic
microwave background radiation, unplanned moments have often shaped the course of
human understanding.
a. posterity b. longevity c. spontaneity d. magnanimity

234: In the context of political negotiations, even seemingly insignificant details can hold
great significance and have far-reaching consequences. A _______ such as a misplaced
comma or a misunderstood gesture can alter the trajectory of peace talks or shape the
outcome of crucial diplomatic agreements.
a. trifle b. contention c. flux d. scuffle
235: Martin Luther was a German monk and theologian who initiated the Protestant
Reformation in the 16th century. He was dissatisfied with the doctrines and practices of the
Roman Catholic Church, especially the selling of indulgences, which he considered to be
a form of corruption and exploitation. He wrote a document called the Ninety-five Theses,
in which he criticized the church and called for reforms. He also translated the Bible into
German, making it more accessible to ordinary people. He _______ his views through his
writings and sermons, which spread rapidly across Europe with the help of the printing
press. His actions sparked a religious and political upheaval that divided Western
Christianity and changed the course of history.
a. censured b. camouflaged c. recanted d. promulgated

236: A _______ refers to an individual who possesses exceptional proficiency in multiple

languages. These language savants have played a pivotal role in deciphering ancient
scripts, preserving endangered dialects, and bridging communication gaps between diverse
cultures, opening doors to cross-cultural collaboration and understanding.
a. polybag b. polyglot c. polychrome d. polygamist

237: In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, many countries imposed a _______
on international travel and tourism, restricting the movement of people and goods across
borders. This measure was intended to prevent the spread of the virus and protect public
health, but it also had significant economic and social impacts
a. moratorium b. tariff c. sanction d. subsidy

238: Jane Austen was a British novelist who wrote six major novels in the early 19th
century. Her novels are known for their witty and ironic commentary on the social and
moral issues of her time, especially the role and status of women. Her protagonists are
usually young women who face various challenges and dilemmas in their pursuit of love
and happiness. Austen’s novels are also praised for their _______ style and charm, which
captivate and delight readers of different generations and backgrounds.
a. verbose b. bombastic c. austere d. winsome
239: During the height of the Space Race, scientists and engineers faced a(n) _______
when designing spacecraft for human space travel. Balancing the need for safety with
limited resources presented a complex challenge, as every decision made in the design
process carried immense consequences for the lives of astronauts and the success of the
a. permutation b. quandary c. accolade d. penchant

240: Society has made significant strides in recent decades to remove conditions such as
depression and anxiety. Efforts to raise awareness, promote empathy, and provide access
to appropriate treatment have been crucial in dismantling the harmful stereotypes that
_______ individuals facing these challenges, allowing for greater understanding and
support within communities.
a. galvanize b. canonize c. stigmatize d. cauterize

241: Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian polymath who excelled in various fields of art and
science. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest painters of all time, and his works,
such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper, are among the most famous and valuable in the
world. He was also a prolific inventor, engineer, architect, anatomist, botanist, and
musician. He had a keen curiosity and a thirst for knowledge that drove him to explore and
experiment with different ideas and concepts. He kept numerous notebooks and sketches
that documented his observations and discoveries. However, he also had a tendency to
procrastinate and abandon his projects before completion. He often pursued his interests as
an _______ rather than a profession, and left many of his works unfinished or unpublished.
a. avocation b. obligation c. aspiration d. imposition

242: A _______ understanding of complex geopolitical issues can lead to misguided

policies and strategic miscalculations. The interconnected nature of global affairs requires
a nuanced approach that goes beyond simplistic explanations, as the ramifications of
decisions made in this arena can have profound implications for nations and their citizens.
a. facile b. flinty c. profound d. bewildering
243: It is crucial to maintain a constructive environment that encourages rigorous debate
and intellectual growth, rather than resorting to _______ those with differing viewpoints.
History has shown that progress is often hindered when scholars or researchers engage in
the practice of publicly shaming or harshly criticizing their peers, as it stifles innovation
and discourages the exploration of alternative perspectives.
a. expropriating b. mandating c. castigating d. prevaricating

244: The process of natural selection acts as a mechanism to _______ out traits that are
less adaptive to a given environment, favoring those that confer survival advantages.
Through this gradual and ongoing process, species undergo genetic changes over time,
leading to the diversification and adaptation of life forms to their respective ecological
a. thresh b. mill c. sift d. winnow

245: The appreciation of _______ aesthetics has been a recurring theme throughout various
artistic movements. From the intricately detailed sculptures of ancient Greece to the
mesmerizing landscapes of the Renaissance, artists have sought to capture and evoke
beauty in its various forms, resulting in timeless masterpieces that continue to inspire and
captivate audiences today.
a. pulchritudinous b. frumpish c. loathsome d. indignant

246: The pursuit of knowledge often requires a _______ spirit. Scientists must possess
unwavering determination and persistence in the face of challenges and setbacks, as they
diligently work towards uncovering groundbreaking discoveries and advancing our
understanding of the world around us.
a. mellifluous b. pertinacious c. malleable d. heavenly

247: The actions of _______ corporations during the colonial era often exploited the
resources and labor of colonized nations for their own gain. This predatory behavior not
only perpetuated economic inequality but also contributed to the lasting impacts of
colonization on the social, political, and economic landscapes of affected regions.
a. oblivious b. pretentious c. rapacious d. sententious
248: The discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming in 1928 marked a _______ in the
field of medicine and revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections. This
breakthrough not only saved countless lives but also paved the way for the development of
other antibiotics, fundamentally changing the course of healthcare and our ability to combat
infectious diseases.
a. watershed b. windfall c. stupor d. propensity

249: The role of a _______ healthcare provider is paramount, especially in the field of
palliative care. By demonstrating compassion, empathy, and attentiveness to the physical,
emotional, and spiritual needs of terminally ill individuals, these caregivers can profoundly
enhance the quality of life for patients and their families during their most vulnerable
a. sardonic b. solicitous c. soporific d. surreptitious

250: The crew of the HMS Bounty staged a _______ against their captain, William Bligh,
in 1789. They were dissatisfied with his harsh discipline and his refusal to let them stay on
the island of Tahiti, where they had enjoyed a tropical paradise. The mutineers seized the
ship and set Bligh and his loyalists adrift in a small boat.
a. melee b. maelstrom c. malady d. mutiny

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