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Epic User Story Title Story Acceptance Criteria Value (Story Sprint
Plant Care out which plants are easiest to care for "advanced" Points)
Low-maintenance options As a plant owner, I want to access care each order $$$ 8 Current Sprint
Plant Care so that I can purchase low-maintenance 2) Ability to search for plants with
Plant care tips instructions easily so that I can keep my 2) Option
tree to sign up for monthly
species $$$ 8 Current Sprint
Initiatives able
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Selection plantto select
alive from a variety of different
longer. emails
2) withto
Options seasonal care tips $$$ 13 Current Sprint
As a Bonsai
Bonsai trees tree owner,
so that I canI want
pick the to learn
exact 2) Can sign upsort
forby species,
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Techniques As howa to shape and Istyle size, and care requirements $$$ 21 Next Sprint
plant owner, wantmy tree so
to have thethat I styling course
Plant Care can control itscare
growth. vines, etc.)
3) Can sign up for advanced
Plant care tools right
As a tools
plant to owner, for my to
I want plant so that I
remember $$ 13 Current Sprint
Plant Care 2) Option
2) Option toto add
buy partial kits or
Watering reminders canwhen
keep it healthy
to water
a customer, my
I want
and beautiful.
plants so that I don't
a hassle-free way on homepage $$ 5 Current Sprint
Plant Care stickers for use with calendars to
Return policy under-
to ormy overwater them.
Initiatives As a new Bonsai tree owner, I wantsure
return order so that I can be to I 2) All orders ship with return $$ 5 Current Sprint
have the right plant for me. styles so I website
labels and instructions
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Styles learn
As about
a Bonsai different
tree owner, BonsaiI want to have purchase $$ 8 Next Sprint
2) Customers can take a quiz to
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Tools can right
the decide toolswhich is right
to care for my
for Imy tree tree.I
As a Bonsai tree owner, want toso
learn 2) Customers
history of Bonsaicaninchoose
Japan from a $$ 13 Next Sprint
can shape
about and style it properly.
the Bonsai selection of premium toolsBonsai
Bonsai Trees Bonsai History As a plant owner, history
I want to and gettraditions
expert 2)
1) Can purchase
Access booklet
to live chat support $$ 13 Next Sprint
Plant Care so that I can better appreciate
Expert help & advice As a and advice
customer, I quickly
want toso thatmy
know that
I knowmy
2) Japanesephone design
support hours $ 8 Current Sprint
Initiatives during checkout
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Shipping what to do
tree will be ifshipped
my plant gets sick.
securely so that it $ 5 Next Sprint
2) Signature required when a
arrives in good condition.
Epic User Story Title As a potential customer, StoryI want to find out
Plant Care Low-maintenance
which plants
As a plant are easiest
owner, I want toto care
access forcare
so that I
Plant Care options
Plant care tips can purchase low-maintenance
instructions easily so that I can keep my options.
Initiatives select fromlonger.
a variety of different Bonsai
Bonsai Trees Bonsai Selection plant alive
treesa plant
so thatowner,
I can Ipick
wanttheto exact
have thetyperight
Plant Care
Plant care tools tools to care for my plant so that
As a plant owner, I want to remember when I can keep
Plant Care
Watering reminders ittohealthy and beautiful.
Initiatives Aswater my plants
a customer, so that
I want I don't under-
a hassle-free way orto
Plant Care overwater them.
Return policy return my order so that I can be
As a plant owner, I want to get expert helpsure I have
Plant Care Expert help & the
adviceplant for me.
quickly so that I know what to do
Initiatives advice
if my plant gets sick.
Acceptance Criteria Value e (Story
"advanced" Points)
each order $$$ 8 Current Sprint Name Current Sprint
2) Ability to search for plants with
species to sign up for monthly
Option $$$ 8 Current Sprint Start date March 1
emails withto
2) Options seasonal care tipssize,
sort by species, $$$ 13 Current Sprint End date March 19
and care requirements Point
texts or emails $$ 13 Current Sprint 60
2) Option to buy partial kits or single Capacity
homepageto add reminder stickers
Option $$ 5 Current Sprint 60
2) use with calendars to each order
1) All orders
Access to ship with support
live chat return labels $$ 5 Current Sprint
and instructions
2) Longer phone support hours $ 8 Current Sprint
Next Sprint
March 22
April 9

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