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195 PC
The petty cash fund of €200 for Vernon Company appeared as follows on December 31, 2011:
Cash €91.60
Petty cash vouchers
Freight in €22.40
Postage 40.00
Balloons for a special occasion 18.00
Meals 25.00
1. Briefly describe when the petty cash fund should be replenished. Because there is cash on
hand, is there a need to replenish the fund at year end on December 31? Explain.

Dana kas kecil biasanya diisi kembali secara berkala, ketika habis, atau mencapai jumlah minimum.
Diisi maksimal sesuai dgn jumlah yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 200, jika masih terdapat 91.60 maka
akan diisi 108.4

2. Prepare in general journal form the entry to replenish the fund.

Dr. Freight-in 22.40

Dr. Postage 40.00
Dr. Balloons for a special occasion 18.00
Dr. Meals 25.00
Dr. Cash short&over
Cr. Bank

3. On December 31, the office manager gives instructions to increase the petty cash fund by
€100. Make the appropriate journal entry.

Dr. Petty Cash 100

Cr. Bank 100

On May 1, 2011, Vuitton Company established a petty cash fund by issuing a check for €250 to
Antoinette Mercier, the custodian of the petty cash fund. On May 31, 2011, Mercier submitted the
following paid petty cash vouchers for replenishment of the petty cash fund when there is €10 cash in
the fund:
Freight-in €83
Office Supplies Expense 65
Entertainment of clients 62
Postage Expense 25

Dr. Petty Cash 250

Cr. Bank 250

Dr. Freight-in 83
Dr. Office Supplies Expense 65
Dr. Entertainment of clients 62
Dr. Postage Expense 25
Dr. Cash short&over 5
Cr. Bank 240
Petty cash 2:
On October 2, 2011, Bienvenu Manufacturing Company established a petty cash fund by issuing a
check for €350 to the custodian of the petty cash fund. On October 31, 2011, The custodian submitted
the following paid petty cash vouchers for replenishment of the petty cash fund when there is €15
cash in the fund:
Freight-in €145
Office Supplies Expense 55
Entertainment of clients 89
Postage Expense 50

Dr. Petty Cash 350

Cr. Bank 350

Dr. Freight-in 145

Dr. Office Supplies Expense 55
Dr. Entertainment of clients 89
Dr. Postage Expense 50
Cr. Cash short&over 4
Cr. Bank 343

PE 8-1A
Identify each of the following as relating to (a) the control environment, (b) control procedures, or (c)
information and communication.
1. Management’s philosophy and operating style – a) control environment
2. Report of company’s conformity with environmental laws and regulations – c) information
and communication
3. Separating related operations – b) control procedures

PE 8-2B
Identify each of the following as relating to (a) the control environment, (b) control procedures, or (c)
1. Hiring of external auditors to review the adequacy of controls – c) monitoring
2. Personnel policies – a) control environment
3. Safeguarding inventory in a locked warehouse – b) control procedures

EX 8-2
State whether you agree or disagree with Madonna’s method of handling each situation and explain
your answer.
 Beans Coffee Shop has one cash register. Prior to Madonna’s joining the coffee shop, each
employee working on a shift would take a customer order, accept payment, and then prepare
the order. Madonna made one employee on each shift responsible for taking orders and
accepting the customer’s payment. Other employees prepare the orders.
Saya setuju, dengan pembagian tugas seperti itu operasional coffee shop tsb akan lebih efisien
 Since only one employee uses the cash register, that employee is responsible for counting the
cash at the end of the shift and verifying that the cash in the drawer matches the amount of
cash sales recorded by the cash register. Madonna expects each cashier to balance the
drawer to the penny every time—no exceptions.
Saya kurang setuju, karena memang tidak selalu bisa seimbang antara uang tunai dgn hasil yang
dicatat. Bisa saja pelanggan memberi lebih karena tidak ada kembalian pas, bisa juga pelanggan
sengaja memberi lebih karena good service pelayan coffee shop tsb. Dan jika setiap saat harus
mengecek uang kecil saya rasa itu tidak efektif.
 Madonna caught an employee putting a case of 500 single-serving tea bags in her car. Not
wanting to create a scene, Madonna smiled and said, “I don’t think you’re putting those tea
bags on the right shelf. Don’t they belong inside the coffee shop?” The employee returned the
tea bags to the stockroom.
Saya setuju, karena cara Madonna menegur sangat halus dan beretika. Tp sesudah itu ia harus
bertindak tegas kpd pegawainya karena melakukan pelanggaran tsb.

EX 8-12 (Cash Short)

The actual cash received from cash sales was $114,850, and the amount indicated by the cash register
total was $114,975. Journalize the entry to record the cash receipts and cash sales.

Dr. Cash 114,850

Dr. Cash Short&Over 125
Cr. Sales 114,975

EX 8-13 (Cash Over)

The actual cash received from cash sales was $32,730, and the amount indicated by the cash register
total was $32,690. Journalize the entry to record the cash receipts and cash sales.

Dr. Cash 32,730

Dr. Cash Short&Over 40
Cr. Sales 32,690

PR 8-2A
Picasso Restoration Company completed the following selected transactions during
May 2014:
1. Established a petty cash fund of $800.
10. The cash sales for the day, according to the cash register records, totaled $3,345.
The actual cash received from cash sales was $3,358.
31. Petty cash on hand was $275. Replenished the petty cash fund for the following disbursements,
each evidenced by a petty cash receipt:
May 3. Store supplies, $290.
7. Express charges on merchandise sold, $70 (Delivery Expense).
9. Office supplies, $12.
13. Office supplies, $25.
19. Postage stamps, $18 (Office Supplies).
21. Repair to office file cabinet lock, $20 (Miscellaneous Administrative Expense).
May 22. Postage due on special delivery letter, $16 (Misc. Administrative Expense).
24. Express charges on merchandise sold, $40 (Delivery Expense).
30. Office supplies, $10.
May 31. The cash sales for the day, according to the cash register records, totaled $6,155. The actual
cash received from cash sales was $6,125.
31. Decreased the petty cash fund by $50.
Journalize the transactions :

2014 1 Petty Cash 800

May Cash 800
10 Cash 3,358
Cash Short&Over 13
Sales 3,345
31 Store Supplies 290
Delivery Expense 70
Office Supplies 12
Office Supplies 25
Office Supplies 18
Misc. Adm. Expense 20
Misc. Adm. Expense 16
Delivery Expense 40
Office Supplies 10
Cash Short&Over 24
Bank 525
31 Cash 6,125
Cash Short&Over 30
Sales 6,155
31 Bank 50
Petty Cash 50

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