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DAY 02
Boycott of Banu Hashim
• After the acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Hamza and Hazrat Umar, the Quraish came under pressure
from Abu Jahl to take action against the growing popularity of Islam and the courage the Muslims
were now showing in the practise of their faith. In the seventh year of prophethood the Quraish
mounted pressure on Abu Talib the chief of the Clan of Banu Hashim that he should abandon his
nephew and surrender him to their custody. But when he refused, they decided to impose a ban
on the entire clan of Banu Hashim which, with the exception of Abu Lahab, was committed to
protecting Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) whether or not they believed him to be a Prophet.
• According to terms of ban, which was placed inside the Ka’ba, no one would marry a Hashimi
woman or give his daughter in marriage to a Hashmi; no one was to sell or buy anything from them.
This was to continue until the Banu Hashim themselves renounced Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
or until he renounced his claim to prophethood.
• The agreement was duly written and hung on Ka’bah. Members of Banu Hashim (Muslim as well
as non-Muslim) were compelled to retire to a narrow gorge called Shib Abu talib in the outskirts
of Makkah, which was the property of Abu Talib. The boycott lasted for three years i.e 7th to 10th
year of prophethood (616AD-619AD) during which Banu Hashim suffered a lot. They lived in dire
condition and face starvation. The pagans did not allow anyone to deliver food or other necessities
to them. Crying of the children due to hunger and starvation could be heard outside the gorge.
They were forced to eat grass and leaves of trees.
• Sometimes some relatives would flout the ban and smuggle food inside the gorge. For instance,
Hakim ibn Hazim was once caught by Abu Jahl, trying to smuggle in a sack of wheat to his aunt
Khadija R.A. The besieged could leave the gorge in the season of Hajj. The Boycott strengthened
the faith of the Muslims. They were more determined than ever to see their mission successful.
• Finally, after Three years, the ban was lifted in the month of Muharram when hashim bin Amr
one of the Quraish who used to smuggled food to the Banu Hashim, went to Zuhayr, one of the
Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) cousin, to protest about the ban and its effects on the besieged kinsmen. The
two men won the support of others. They met at the Ka’aba and swore not to give up until the ban
was torn up. Abu Jahl and one or two others, who opposed this action, now realised that would be
futile to resist any longer. After much discussion they decided to lift the ban and when they went
to take out the document, they found that the termite had already eaten it up and only the name
of Allah was left on it.
The Year of Sorrow
The year 619 AD was a year of deep grief for the Prophet (P.B.U.H). A few months after the lifting of
ban, his beloved wife Hazrat Khadija R.A passed away. It was soon after Hazrat Khadija R.A passing
away that Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) uncle Abu fell ill. The clan leaders came to honour him and asked him
if he could arrange a compromise between his nephew and themselves. The Quraish leaders, in their
effort to reach a compromise with the Prophet (P.B.U.H), suggested that they should practise both
religions. Before the Prophet could formulate a response, he received the Sura Kafirun as a divine
answer. “You have your religion and I have my religion.” [109:6] . The meeting failed and broke
up. Soon afterwards, Abu Talib passed away. With his death, the leadership of the Banu Hashim
passed over to Abu Lahab, who was one of the Prophet’s (P.B.U.H) most violent opponents.
Visit to Taif
• In 10th year of prophethood, 619D, Abu Lahab became the chief of Banu Hashim after the death
of Abu Talib, the Quraish increased their attacks against the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). This new
situation meant that he could no longer stay in Makkah with any hope of success. Before things
became too critical, he had to explore new avenues in his search for support. So, accompanied
by his adopted son, Zaid bin Hartih, he set out for Taif, a town about 60 miles from Makkah, to
preach Divine Message to its people.
• Taif was populated by Banu Saqeef, this second largest tribe in Arabia. As he began his journey,
he was full of hope that if they responded favourably it would signify a new phase in the history
of Islam. In Taif the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) approached three chiefs Masood, Habib, Abd Yalail,
calling upon them to believe in Allah and support him in his efforts to establish Islam; but none
gave him a favourable response and asked him to leave the town. Prophet (P.B.U.H) did not lose
heart and started to preach Islam to common people of Taif which continued for ten days.
• When the chiefs came to know about this, they were infuriated and set upon him a crowd of
teenagers and slaves, who not only abused him but also threw stones at him. He was so badly
wounded that his shoes were filled with blood. Zaid tried hard to defend and protect him from
the stones. In trying to shield the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), his head was badly wounded. The mob
followed them until they were driven to the outskirts of the city.
• The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) then sought refuge in an orchard that belong to two brothers Utba
and Shaiba, who although opposed to Islam and to the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), felt sorry for him.
They sent their Christian slave Adas with a bunch of grapes for him. After conversation with the
Prophet pbuh Adas accepted Islam.
• At that time the Angel Gabriel appeared and addressed him saying: “Allah has heard what your
people said to you, and how they have replied to you. Allah has sent the angel of the Mountains
to you so that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people.”
The Angel of the Mountains then appeared and said, “O Muhammad! Order what you wish. If
you like, I shall cause mountains surrounding Al-Ta’if, to fall upon them, and crush them into
pieces.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied, “Why should I pray for
their destruction, for I hope that there shall be among their children those who will worship
Allah alone, and will worship none besides Him.”
He prayed, “O Allah forgive them and guide them … for they know me not.”
Afterwards, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) set out on his journey back to Makkah.
• Before entering Makkah, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) tried to seek the protection of many influential
men but was turned down. He finally sought protection from Mut’im, the chief of Nawfal. The
next day, fully armed and accompanied by his sons and cousins, he escorted Prophet (P.B.U.H)
to the Ka’aba and announced to protect him.
3 (b) How can Muslims apply in practice the lessons learnt from the Prophet’s
behaviour in this situation? [4]
• The Prophet did not give up his faith in times of difficulty, despite few conversions and
losing his wife and uncle, but rather he persevered.
• Muslims should learn to persevere in times of difficulty, when they have lost family
members or they are living in difficult circumstances in their community;
• the Prophet did not curse or wish the worst for those people who had treated him so badly,
but rather prayed for them.
• So Muslims now should not get angry and wish bad things towards those who insult them,
but should try to do or say good things for them.

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