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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 4, July-August 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

The Philosophical Foundations of Indian Classical Music:

A Study of the Relationship between Music, Spirituality and
Aesthetics in Indian Culture
Dr. Ram Manohar Sharma
Professor (Music-Vocal), SPC Government College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Ram

Indian classical music has a rich philosophical tradition that has Manohar Sharma "The Philosophical
played a significant role in shaping the musical form as we know it Foundations of Indian Classical Music:
today. This research paper explores the philosophical foundations of A Study of the Relationship between
Indian classical music and investigates the intricate relationship Music, Spirituality and Aesthetics in
Indian Culture" Published in
between music, spirituality, and aesthetics in Indian culture. It delves
International Journal
into the rich history and cultural heritage of Indian classical music, of Trend in
tracing its origins to ancient philosophical concepts and traditions. Scientific Research
The paper seeks to examine the relationship between Indian classical and Development
music and Indian spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
and Jainism. The paper also examines the profound influence of 6470, Volume-7 |
spirituality on the development and practice of Indian classical Issue-4, August IJTSRD58610
music, highlighting its role as a means of transcendence and spiritual 2023, pp.1-4, URL:
communication. Furthermore, it explores the aesthetic principles that
govern the composition and performance of Indian classical music,
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
emphasizing its unique approach to beauty and artistic expression,
International Journal of Trend in
promoting inner peace and enlightenment. By analyzing these Scientific Research and Development
interconnected dimensions, this study provides a comprehensive Journal. This is an
understanding of the philosophical underpinnings that shape the Open Access article
essence of Indian classical music. The paper also discusses the role of distributed under the
Indian classical music in contemporary society and its potential to terms of the Creative Commons
promote spiritual and aesthetic values in a globalized world. Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
KEYWORDS: Indian Classical Music, Spirituality, Aesthetics,
Philosophy, Raga, Tala, Rasa, Bhakti, Sufism, Yoga, Meditation

Introduction Research Objectives:

Indian classical music is deeply rooted in ancient The main objective of this research paper is to
philosophical traditions and holds a significant place explore the philosophical foundations of Indian
in the cultural heritage of India. Its origins can be classical music and investigate the intricate
traced back to the Vedic and Samavedic traditions, relationship between music, spirituality, and
which considered sound as a divine entity and a aesthetics. By examining the historical development
means of spiritual connection. Over the centuries, of Indian classical music, analyzing its philosophical
Indian classical music has evolved through various underpinnings, and exploring the role of spirituality
philosophical and musical treatises, leaving an and aesthetics, this study aims to provide a
indelible impact on the spiritual and aesthetic fabric comprehensive understanding of the profound
of Indian culture. It an art form that has been influence that Indian classical music has on Indian
practiced in India for thousands of years and is widely culture. Through this exploration, we hope to shed
recognized for its technical complexity and aesthetic light on the unique connection between Indian
beauty. However, the significance of Indian classical classical music, spirituality, and aesthetics, and the
music extends far beyond just its artistic qualities. ways in which they have influenced each other
The art form is deeply rooted in the philosophical throughout the history of Indian culture.
traditions of Indian culture and is often seen as a
means of spiritual expression and self-realization.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD58610 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 1

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Methodology: practice that can lead to self-realization and union
This research paper adopts a qualitative approach, with the divine.
utilizing a combination of historical analysis and Sangeet Shastra: The Science of Music - Sangeet
literature review. It draws on primary and secondary Shastra, the science of music, forms the foundation of
sources, including ancient philosophical texts, Indian classical music's philosophical framework. It
musical treatises, scholarly articles, and recorded encompasses the understanding of melodic structures
performances. The methodology involves analyzing (ragas), rhythmic patterns (talas), and the intricate
the historical evolution of Indian classical music, interplay between melody, rhythm, and expression.
exploring its philosophical concepts, and examining Sangeet Shastra emphasizes the importance of precise
the interplay between music, spirituality, and intonation, microtones, and ornamentations in
aesthetics in Indian culture. conveying the emotional essence of the music [4].
Historical Development of Indian Classical Music Rasa and Bhava: Emotions and Expressions -
Vedic and Samavedic Traditions - Indian classical Indian classical music places great emphasis on the
music finds its roots in the Vedic period, where the evocation of emotions (rasa) and expressions (bhava).
Samaveda, one of the four sacred texts of Hinduism, Each raga is believed to evoke a specific emotional
played a crucial role. The Samaveda emphasized the mood and aesthetic experience, allowing the listener
connection between sound, spirituality, and ritualistic to embark on a profound journey of emotional
practices, laying the foundation for the musical exploration and spiritual awakening [5].
traditions that followed [1]. The Role of Ragas and Tala - Ragas, the melodic
Influence of Natyashastra and Sangita Ratnakara frameworks of Indian classical music, are
The Natyashastra, an ancient Sanskrit text on fundamental to its aesthetic and spiritual dimensions.
performing arts, and the Sangita Ratnakara, a Each raga is associated with a particular time of day,
medieval treatise on Indian music, played pivotal season, and emotion, and carries its own distinct
roles in shaping the theoretical and practical aspects melodic phrases, ornamentations, and mood. Tala, the
of Indian classical music. These texts provided rhythmic cycle, provides a structured framework for
guidelines for the organization of melodies, rhythmic improvisation and composition, enhancing
classification of ragas (melodic frameworks), and the the expressive possibilities of Indian classical music
intricate relationship between music, dance, and [2] [6].
drama [2].
Guru-Shishya Parampara: The Teacher-Student
Medieval and Mughal Periods - During the Tradition - The Guru-Shishya Parampara, the
medieval period, Persian and Central Asian traditional teacher-student lineage, is deeply ingrained
influences merged with indigenous musical traditions, in the philosophical fabric of Indian classical music.
resulting in the synthesis of new musical styles and Students learn directly from their Gurus, not only the
genres. The Mughal emperors, particularly Emperor technical aspects but also the spiritual and
Akbar, played a significant role in patronizing Indian philosophical dimensions of the music. The Guru
classical music and fostering cross-cultural imparts knowledge and wisdom, nurturing the holistic
exchanges. development of the student as a musician and as an
individual [7].
Modern Era and Contemporary Developments -
The modern era witnessed the preservation and Music, Spirituality, and Transcendence
revival of Indian classical music, with musicians and Bhakti and Devotional Music - Bhakti, the path of
scholars actively engaged in documenting and devotion, has had a profound influence on Indian
transmitting traditional musical knowledge. The classical music. Devotional compositions, such as
advent of recording technology and globalization has bhajans and kirtans, express love and devotion to the
further facilitated the dissemination of Indian divine. The repetition of sacred verses and the
classical music worldwide. integration of devotional poetry in the music create a
Philosophy of Indian Classical Music deeply spiritual and transformative experience for
Nada Brahma: Sound as Divine - Indian classical both the performers and the audience [8].
music embodies the concept of Nada Brahma, where Sufism and Qawwali - The mystical tradition of
sound is considered as the manifestation of the divine. Sufism has greatly influenced Indian classical music,
The philosophy recognizes the profound power of particularly in the form of Qawwali. Qawwali is a
sound vibrations to connect individuals with the devotional musical expression of Sufi poetry, aimed
transcendental realm [3]. It views music as a spiritual at attaining spiritual ecstasy and union with the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD58610 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 2

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
divine. The mesmerizing melodies, rhythmic patterns, Improvisation and Creative Expression - One of
and soul-stirring lyrics invoke a transcendent the distinguishing features of Indian classical music is
experience, transcending religious boundaries [9]. the emphasis on improvisation. Musicians have the
Yoga and Nada Yoga - Nada Yoga, the yoga of freedom to explore and expand upon the melodic and
sound, explores the transformative power of sound rhythmic frameworks within the given raga and tala.
vibrations on the human body and consciousness. It Improvisation allows for creative expression,
incorporates techniques such as chanting, mantra spontaneity, and individual interpretation, resulting in
repetition, and listening to music with deep awareness unique and captivating performances that transcend
to induce a meditative state and enhance spiritual the boundaries of composition [7].
growth. Indian classical music is considered a potent Dance and Music: Aesthetic Synergy - In Indian
tool in the practice of Nada Yoga, as it enables culture, dance and music have a profound symbiotic
individuals to experience the unity of body, mind, and relationship. Classical dance forms such as
soul [4]. Bharatanatyam, Kathak, and Odissi are often
Meditation and Sound Healing - Indian classical performed to the accompaniment of live classical
music has been used as a therapeutic tool for music. The integration of expressive movements with
centuries, both in traditional Ayurvedic medicine and the melodic and rhythmic aspects of the music creates
contemporary sound healing practices. The serene a harmonious aesthetic synergy, enhancing the
melodies, rhythmic patterns, and precise intonations emotional and visual appeal of the performance [6]
have a calming effect on the mind and can facilitate [8].
deep states of relaxation, meditation, and healing The Role of Indian Classical Music in
[10]. A study conducted by the Department of Contemporary Society
Physiology at the All India Institute of Medical Preservation and Revitalization Efforts - In recent
Sciences found that listening to Indian classical music years, there has been a growing recognition of the
for 30 minutes a day for six weeks led to a significant importance of preserving and revitalizing Indian
reduction in stress and anxiety levels among classical music. Various organizations, educational
participants [11]. institutions, and artists are actively engaged in
Aesthetics of Indian Classical Music initiatives to safeguard traditional musical knowledge,
Rasa: Aesthetic Experience of Emotions - A central promote training and education, and create platforms
concept in Indian classical music is Rasa, which for performance and appreciation of Indian classical
refers to the aesthetic experience of emotions. Each music.
raga is associated with a specific Rasa, such as love, Fusion and Collaboration with Western Music -
joy, compassion, or tranquility. The musician's Indian classical music has also made significant
mastery of the raga enables them to evoke and inroads into the global music scene through fusion
express the intended emotion, creating a profound and collaboration with Western music genres. The
aesthetic impact on the listener [5]. blending of Indian classical music with jazz, rock,
electronic music, and other genres has resulted in
Raga: Melodic Frameworks and Mood Induction -
Ragas are intricate melodic frameworks that govern innovative and cross-cultural musical expressions,
the composition and improvisation in Indian classical fostering a broader audience base and appreciation for
music. Each raga has a unique set of ascending and Indian classical music worldwide [12].
descending notes, characteristic phrases, and Influence on World Music and New Age
ornamentations that evoke a specific mood and Movements - The spiritual and philosophical
aesthetic ambiance. The musician skillfully weaves dimensions of Indian classical music have influenced
these elements together to create a melodic narrative various world music genres and new age movements.
that captivates the audience and evokes a deep The use of Indian musical elements, such as ragas, in
emotional response [2] [9] ambient music, meditation music, and therapeutic
soundscapes, reflects the profound impact of Indian
Tala: Rhythmic Structures and Temporal Patterns
- Tala, the rhythmic cycle, is an essential aspect of classical music on contemporary global musical
Indian classical music's aesthetic framework. It expressions.
provides a rhythmic structure and framework for Conclusion:
compositions and improvisations. The intricate In conclusion, Indian classical music is a deeply
interplay of beats, subdivisions, and rhythmic patterns layered and multifaceted art form that embodies the
enhances the aesthetic appeal of the music and creates spiritual, aesthetic, and philosophical traditions of
a sense of rhythmic vitality [6]. Indian culture. Its rich history and association with

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD58610 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 3

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD58610 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 4 | Jul-Aug 2023 Page 4

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