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The Circulatory
Mrs. Roza - 6D
Getting Started:

Learning Objectives:
Students describe the human circulatory system in
terms of the heart pumping blood through arteries,
capillaries and veins.
Students describe the heart’s function;
(limited to transporting oxygen, nutrients and waste)
Students know that many vertebrates have a
similar circulatory system.
Parts of the
P. 3 - 5
Read P. 3 - 5 and
answer questions
in the next
What is the circulatory system?
Name parts of the circulatory system.
What does the circulatory system do?
Where is the heart inside our body?
How is the heart protected?
What does the right side of our hearts do?
What does the left side of our hearts do?
Right side of Left side of
the heart: the heart:
Gets deoxygenated Gets oxygenated
blood from the body blood from the
Sends the
deoxygenated blood Sends oxygenated
to the lungs. blood to the entire
P. 4-5
What is blood?
What does blood do?
What organs help with getting rid of waste products inside the body?
What are blood vessels?
What do blood vessels do?
Name the three types of blood vessels.
Name 1 similarity between Arteries and Veins
Name 1 difference between Artieries and Veins
Arteries Vs. Veins

Arteries Veins
A type of blood vessel A type of blood vessel
Write the question you want
Take blood from the Take blood from
to ask your students and allot
heart and send it to body
space andanswers.
for the send it to the
the parts of the body heart

A type of blood vessel
Smallest blood vessels
very narrow with thin
join the arteries and
veins together
P. 5
a. The heart pumps blood around the
b. to supply all parts of the body
with food and oxygen and to remove
waste products from different parts of
the body.

Questions 2) The heart muscle contracts as it

pumps the blood

P. 5 3)To pick up oxygen that is carried in

the blood to the rest of the body.
4) They each have different jobs to do
to ensure that all parts of the body
get food and oxygen, and that waste
product are removed from different
parts of the body. Arteries carry blood
containing oxygen and food to all parts
of the body. Veins carry blood from
Questions different parts of the body back to
the heart. Capillaries join arteries and
veins, bring oxygen and food to the
P. 5 body cells, and take away waste.
5) The heart pumps blood in arteries to
the lungs to pick up oxygen. The
oxygen-rich blood travels back in veins
to the heart. The heart pumps the
oxygen-rich blood in other arteries to
the rest of the body. The blood from
the rest of the body, which is now low
in oxygen, travels back to the heart in
Questions veins.

P. 5
Describe the flow of blood
in the circulatory system.
Name three functions of
the heart.
Learning Objectives:
Students describe the human circulatory system in
terms of the heart pumping blood through arteries,
capillaries and veins.
Students describe the heart’s function;
(limited to transporting oxygen, nutrients and waste)
Students know that many vertebrates have a
similar circulatory system.
systems of
other animals
P. 6
Read P. 6 and answer
Activity 1 questions.
Activity 1
P. 6

1) Heart, blood, arteries and veins.

Activity 1
P. 6
2) In humans, the blood is pumped from the
heart to the lungs. The blood then goes back
to the heart before it is pumped to the rest
of the body and returns again to the heart.
In the fish, blood is pumped from the heart
to the gills and to the rest of the body
before it goes back to the heart. In the frog,
Activity 1 blood flows in the same pathway as in
humans, except that it also flows to the skin
to pick up oxygen before it flows back to
P. 6 the heart to be pumped to the rest of the
Heartbeat &
P. 7
P. 7
1. How many times does your heart beat per minute?
2. What happens to your heartbeat as you grow up?
3. Why does your heartbeat increase when you are active?
4. How can you count your heartbeat?
5. What is pulse?
6. How can you feel your pulse?
7. What is pressure?
8. Where can you feel your pulse?
9. What happens when you find your pulse?
10. How does heartbeat happen?
1. Open your science notebooks on a new page.
2. Make a table like the following on your notebook.
3. Look at Think like a scientist 1 on P. 7

Think like a scientist 1 P.7-8

Number of time Pulse rate

First time

Second time

Third Time
Think like a scientist 2
P. 9
Heartbeat Vs. Pulse

Heartbeat Pulse
Heartbeat is the Pulse
Question is caused by the
contraction of the Writepressure ofyouthe
the question wantblood as

heart muscle as it to askit

and allotby the
space for the answers.
pumps blood. heart.
Activity 2
P. 10
Pulse rates can vary according to fitness, age, gender
and time of day, as well as emotions.
For example;

Our hearts beat faster when we are nervous.

Fit people generally have lower pulse rates than
unfit people.
Activity 2 Males usually have lower pulse rates than
Young children usually have higher pulse rates
P. 10 than adults.
Learning Objectives:
Students describe the human circulatory system
in terms of the heart pumping blood through
arteries, capillaries and veins.
Students describe the heart’s function;
(limited to transporting oxygen, nutrients and waste)
Students know that many vertebrates have a
similar circulatory system.
Thank You
For Today!
See you in the next class!

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