Determining The Interphase Thickness and Properties in Polymer Matrix Composites Using Phase Imaging Atomic Force Microscopy and Nanoindentation

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Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology

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Determining the interphase thickness and

properties in polymer matrix composites using
phase imaging atomic force microscopy and

T. D. Downing, R. Kumar, W. M. Cross, L. Kjerengtroen & J. J. Kellar

To cite this article: T. D. Downing, R. Kumar, W. M. Cross, L. Kjerengtroen & J. J. Kellar (2000)
Determining the interphase thickness and properties in polymer matrix composites using
phase imaging atomic force microscopy and nanoindentation , Journal of Adhesion Science
and Technology, 14:14, 1801-1812, DOI: 10.1163/156856100743248

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J. Adhesion Sci. Technol., Vol. 14, No. 14, pp. 1801– 1812 (2000)
Ó VSP 2000.

Determining the interphase thickness and properties in

polymer matrix composites using phase imaging atomic
force microscopy and nanoindentation


and J. J. KELLAR 1;¤
1 Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, South Dakota School of
Mines and
Technology, Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, USA
2 Materials Engineering and Science Program, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, USA
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology,
Rapid City, South Dakota 57701, USA

Received in Ž nal form 24 January 2000

Abstract—In polymer matrix composites, the interface between the reinforcing phase and the bulk
phase is paramount to the overall performance of the composite as a structural material. This interface
is now thought to be a distinct, three-dimensional phase surrounding the reinforcing phase called
the interphase. The developments of the atomic force microscope and nanoindentation devices have
facilitated the investigation of the interphase. Previously, force modulation atomic force microscopy
(AFM) and nanoindentation were the primary methods used to determine the size of the interphase
and its stiffness relative to the bulk phase. The present investigation utilized phase imaging AFM
and nanoindentation to examine the interphase in a glass Ž ber-reinforced epoxy matrix composite.
Nanoindentation experiments indicated that the relatively stiff Ž ber might have caused a gradient in
the modulus across the interphase region. SpeciŽ cally, the modulus next to the Ž ber approached that of
the Ž ber and decreased to that of the bulk polymer as the distance away from the Ž ber increased. Once
the Ž ber was removed by chemical etching, this gradient reversed itself; hence, nanoindentation, due
to the Ž ber bias, was not found to be adequate for measuring actual interphase properties. It was found
that phase imaging AFM was a highly useful tool for probing the interphase, because it involves much
lower interaction forces between the probe and the sample than force modulation or nanoindentation.
The interphase in the model composite investigated was found to be softer than the bulk phase with a
thickness of 2.4– 2.9 ¹m, and was independent of Ž ber silane pretreatment, for silane pretreatments
between 0.1% and 5.0% (initial aqueous concentration).

Keywords: Interphase; polymer matrix composites; atomic force microscopy (AFM); phase imaging;

¤ To
whom correspondence should be addressed. Phone: (605) 394-2343; Fax: (605) 394-3360;
1802 T. D. Downing et al.

In polymer matrix composites (PMCs), the region separating the bulk polymer from
the Ž brous reinforcement is of utmost importance to load transfer. This region was
originally dubbed an interface, but is now most often viewed to be an interphase
because of its three-dimensional, heterogeneous nature [1, 2]. This is not to say
that it is a distinct phase, as the interphase does not have a clear boundary. It is
more accurately viewed as a transition region that possesses neither the properties
of the Ž ber nor those of the matrix. Consequently, the mechanical properties of
the interphase are of interest. This paper discusses methods used in these analyses
and a new approach to measuring the size and relative mechanical properties of the
Researchers have hypothesized that the interphase has distinct mechanical prop-
erties from those of the reinforcing phase or the bulk polymer. For example, an
interphase that is softer than the surrounding polymer would result in lower over-
all stiffness and strength, but greater resistance to fracture [2, 3]. The deformable
layer theory describes this type of interphase [4]. On the other hand, an interphase
that is stiffer than the surrounding polymer would give the composite less fracture
resistance but make it very strong and stiff [5]. This type of interphase is described
by the restrained layer theory [6]. It is conceivable that the nature of the interphase
would vary with the speciŽ c composite system (e.g. carbon Ž ber versus glass Ž ber).
The existence of an interphase in PMCs had long been speculated before the
advent of techniques that could probe on the scale necessary to show its existence.
The interphase is generally thought to be very thin (less than 5 ¹m), with the
differences in properties between the bulk polymer and the interphase very subtle.
The thickness and property gradients within the interphase region have been the
focus of increasing research efforts during recent years. These efforts have been
heightened by the advent of scanning probe microscopy, which has the ability to
probe materials, and presumably the interphase, on the nanometer scale.
In 1990, Williams et al. [3] estimated the thickness of the interphase in a carbon
Ž ber /epoxy system to be 500 nm. Williams et al.’s approach involved a micro-
pullout method to estimate interphase thickness. In 1997, VanLandingham et al.
used an atomic force microscopy (AFM) nanoindentation technique to determine
the thickness of the interphase in a copolymer to be 3 ¹m [7]. In 1998, Munz et al.,
using force modulation AFM, determined the interphase in a carbon Ž ber/ epoxy
system to be 20–80 nm thick [8]. Also in 1998, Mai et al. observed the interphase
in a glass Ž ber /epoxy composite using force modulation AFM to be 1– 3 ¹m [9].
In 1999, Bogetti et al. found the interphase in a carbon Ž ber / epoxy system to be
3 nm [10]. A summary of these Ž ndings, along with the system and technique used,
appears in Table 1. Also shown in Table 1 is the relative hardness of the interphase
compared with the bulk polymer (if determined).
As can be seen in Table 1, the primary methods for measuring interphase char-
acteristics have been AFM force modulation and various forms of nanoindentation.
Force modulation involves moving the atomic force microscope tip across a sample
Determining the interphase thickness and properties in PMCs 1803

Table 1.
Summary of previous Ž ndings on interphase thickness and properties in various PMCs

Investigators Polymer system (method) Interphase thickness; hardness

relative to bulk polymer
Munz et al. [8] Carbon Ž ber in epoxy 20– 80 nm est.; hardness not
(AFM force modulation) reported

Bogetti et al. [10] Carbon Ž ber in epoxy 0.003 ¹m; softer

(Ž nite element analysis of AFM

Williams et al. [3] Carbon Ž ber in epoxy 500 nm est.; softer

(nanoindentation and micro-pullout

VanLandingham et al. [7] Epoxy and polysulphone 3 ¹m; harder

(AFM nanoindentation)

Winter and Houston [11] Glass Ž ber in epoxy 8 ¹m; softer initially, then
(nanoindentation/ interfacial force harder than bulk

Mai et al. [9] Glass Ž ber in epoxy 1–3 ¹m; ductile in sized
(AFM force modulation) Ž bers, brittle in unsized

in contact mode while the force between the tip and the sample is modulated using
a piezoelectric element in the tip holder [12]. Nanoindentation utilizes the same
principle as microindentation (or microhardness testing). The difference is that in
nanoindentation the probe and loads are much smaller so as to produce indents a few
micrometers to a few hundred nanometers in size. Nanoindentation is performed ei-
ther with an indenter probe on the end of a capacitive load sensor or by a diamond
AFM probe afŽ xed to a stiff, stainless steel cantilever.
Reviewing the material in Table 1, it appears that the interphase in carbon
Ž ber systems appears to be thinner than in glass Ž ber systems and the interphase
generally tends to be softer than the surrounding polymer. Also, surface treatment
of the Ž bers is rarely reported. This paper will focus on nanoindentation and a phase
imaging technique, the use of which in interphase analysis has not been reported.
Phase imaging is similar to force modulation except that Tapping ModeTM is used
rather than contact mode.
In Tapping ModeTM , the AFM tip is oscillated at its resonant frequency and the
tip brie y and lightly impacts the sample surface during each oscillatory cycle
[13]. This is advantageous in probing soft materials, such as polymers, because
the tip –sample interactions are much less damaging than in force modulation or
nanoindentation. Phase imaging measures the changes in the phase lag of the
oscillation frequency when the AFM tip interacts with areas of differing mechanical
1804 T. D. Downing et al.

Table 2.
Materials used in this research

Constituent Product Manufacturer Comment

Fiber 25 ¹m diameter, Dolan-Jenner Optical Ž ber approximating
optical grade SiO2 Ž berglass reinforcement

Matrix material EPON 828 Shell Chemical Commercially used polymer

Curing agent Nadic methyl Aldrich Chemical

anhydride (NMA)

Initiator Imidazole Avocado Research 0.5% concentration

Surface treatment ° -Aminopropyl- Aldrich Chemical 0.0%, 0.1%, 1.0%, and 5.0%
triethoxysilane concentrations
(° -APS)

properties, and is an extremely sensitive method for differentiating surface features

of differing stiffness [12]. For example, a softer material will lead to a greater
phase shift and appear bright in the phase image [14]. The phase image would,
in the case of a softer interphase, show a bright area surrounding the reinforcing
phase. The size of this bright area would then indicate the size of the interphase.
Conversely, an area adjacent to the Ž ber that is darker than the surrounding matrix
would indicate a harder, stiffer interphase. However, some care must be exercised
in the interpretation of data between different materials as the phase lag may depend
on the contact mechanics of the tip – sample interaction.

The choice of materials for this research was made to integrate all areas of investi-
gation within our research group. The integrated effort includes various analytical
techniques and encompasses multiple scales, namely molecular, nanometer, and mi-
crometer. Evanescent wave spectroscopy using optical glass Ž bers has been used to
give molecular level information concerning PMC interphase chemistry [15, 16].
Similarly, microbead-debonding tests have been used to measure microscopic level
mechanical properties [17, 18]. Taking these other areas of investigation into ac-
count, Table 2 shows the constituents of the Ž ber /matrix system used in this re-
Each sample was initially prepared by Ž ber surface treatment followed by polymer
curing. The curing agent chosen was NMA with 0.5% imidazole initiator (see
Table 2). The Ž ber bundles used with the epoxy system were immersed in an
aqueous solution of ° -aminopropyltrimethoxysilane (° -APS) at room temperature
for 1 h. The Ž ber bundles were then dried at 115 ± C for 1 h and cooled to 93 ± C.
Treated Ž bers were next placed in a 100 : 90 EPON 828– NMA mixture along with
Determining the interphase thickness and properties in PMCs 1805

Figure 1. AFM roughness analysis of a 1% silane sample.

0.5% imidazole initiator. The mixture was contained in an insulated aluminum cell
and maintained at 93 ± C using a Harrick ScientiŽ c temperature controller. After 1 h
the temperature was increased over a period of 10 min to 115 ± C and the sample was
allowed to cure overnight [16].
Subsequently, the samples were prepared for AFM and nanoindentation analyses.
The sample preparation was as follows. The original specimens were donut-shaped
with the Ž bers running circumferentially about the center. The ‘donut’ was then cut
along a diameter. A small section, approximately 3 cm in width, was then cut from
one of the half-donut pieces. The small section was then shaped into a 2 cm cube
using a circular diamond wafering blade. The resulting cube had Ž bers running
along the upright axis perpendicular to the top and bottom faces. The cube was then
afŽ xed to a stainless steel disc, or puck, such that the Ž bers ran perpendicular to the
Next, the top face of the sample was polished using suspended alumina particles
on a standard polishing wheel. Polishing was performed stepwise starting with
1 ¹m alumina particles (Buehler ScientiŽ c), then 0.3 ¹m particles, and Ž nally
0.05 ¹m particles. The top face of the sample was then cleaned in an ultrasonic
bath consisting of three parts water to one part isopropyl alcohol [8]. After the
sample was dried, it was then ready for analysis.
The surface of a typical sample had a vertical range of 100– 200 nm with an RMS
roughness (Rq ) of 15–20 nm and a mean roughness (Ra ) of 10– 20 nm. Figure 1
1806 T. D. Downing et al.

shows a roughness analysis of an AFM height image of a typical sample using a

Digital Instruments Nanoscope IIIa Multi-Mode AFM. The Ž ber appears on the
left-hand side of the image. Some scoring in the polymer matrix (right-hand side)
due to polishing can be seen.
The polished sample was then analyzed using phase imaging in Tapping ModeTM
[13, 14]. Areas adjacent to a Ž ber, yet sufŽ ciently away (approximately 20 ¹m)
from another Ž ber were selected so as to prevent the in uence of interphase overlap.
The drive frequency of the cantilever was chosen such that the tip – sample forces
were minimized. This was achieved by setting the drive frequency at the low end of
the second free resonant frequency [19]. Other settings, such as feedback set point
and oscillation amplitude, were kept constant from one sample to the next.
For nanoindentation experiments, the near-Ž ber region was located and imaged
using scanning force microscopy (SFM) available with the Digital Instruments
Nanoscope IIIa Multi-Mode AFM. To avoid erroneous results due to rough topog-
raphy, the surface to be indented was checked for  atness, with a maximum permis-
sible topographical variation of 5 nm.
Nanoindentations were performed using a Hysitron TriboscopeTM Nanomechani-
cal Test Instrument running parallel to the AFM. The standard indenting procedure
prescribed by Hysitron Inc. [20] was adopted for performing nanoindentations. A
peak load of 120 ¹N at a loading rate of 40 ¹N /s was used. SFM images of indents
and their load – displacement curves were stored in the Hysitron sensor program for
future analysis.
After initial nanoindentation, the samples were leached with concentrated hy-
dro uoric acid for 5 min to remove the Ž bers. Each sample surface was repol-
ished and nanoindentations were performed on the same region to see the change
in nanomechanical properties in the near-Ž ber region in the absence of Ž bers. The
nanoindending procedure and parameters were kept the same as those used for sam-
ples with Ž bers. Figure 2 shows the images before and after leaching Ž bers from
the sample.

Nanoindentation experiments next to the Ž ber resulted in a gradient in the reduced
modulus. SpeciŽ cally, as shown in Fig. 3A, the reduced modulus varied between
»35 and »5 GPa at a distance of about 1.5 ¹m away from the Ž ber, after which
the modulus value seemed to be close to that of the bulk matrix. However, after the
Ž ber was removed by chemical etching, this gradient in the modulus was reversed,
as shown in Fig. 3B. A similarly shaped curve was observed for every Ž ber studied,
although the maximum value obtained varied. Also, the bulk value of »5 GPa was
constant in all tests.
Figure 4 shows a representative phase image from one of the samples. The
interphase thickness was determined by a statistical analysis of the phase image
data. Each phase image was taken apart line-by-line and averaged to produce a
Determining the interphase thickness and properties in PMCs 1807


Figure 2. (A) AFM image of the composite surface in the presence of a glass Ž ber. The scan size of
the image is 53.20 ¹m. (B) AFM image of the composite surface in the absence of a glass Ž ber. The
scan size of the image is 51.29 ¹m.

Table 3.
Interphase thickness determined by phase imaging

° -APS concentration Average interphase thickness of each Ž ber scanned (¹m)

0.0 No successful trials
0.1 2.2, 2.1, 2.9, 2.8, 2.5, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, 2.8, 2.7, 2.1, 3.0, 2.7, 2.4, 2.4
1.0 2.3, 2.6, 2.8, 3.1, 2.5, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.5, 2.7, 3.0, 2.8, 2.6, 2.7, 2.6
5.0 2.8, 2.9, 3.2, 3.3, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7, 2.8, 2.5, 3.1, 2.3, 2.9, 2.9, 2.5, 2.3

single line representing the mean scan line. This mean line showed the property
gradient between the Ž ber and the bulk polymer. The thickness of the interphase
is the distance from the Ž ber where the property gradient decayed 90%, or 10% of
its initial value. In Fig. 4, the position of the three sets of pointers indicates the
100% (right pointer) and 10% (left pointer) values of the gradient. Table 3 shows
the phase imaging results of each sample with different ° -APS Ž ber pretreatments.
The sample with no ° -APS pretreatment did not yield any phase imaging results
because the Ž bers debonded each time the sample surface was prepared, creating
a chasm between the Ž ber and the interphase that was too deep to probe with the
AFM. This was due to the fact that the surface treatment promotes adhesion between
1808 T. D. Downing et al.


Figure 3. (A) Reduced modulus of the matrix next to the Ž ber, in the presence of a Ž ber. The reduced
modulus varied between »35 and 5 GPa at a distance of about 1.5 ¹m. (B) Reduced modulus of the
matrix next to the Ž ber, in the absence of a Ž ber. The reduced modulus varied between »3 and 5
GPa at a distance of about 1.5 ¹m away from the original Ž ber volume. Results for 1 wt% ° -APS
surface-treated Ž ber.

the Ž ber and epoxy, and since no ° -APS was used with this sample, the Ž bers did
not bond well to the epoxy.
The interphase thickness in this system was found to vary between 2.4 and 2.9 ¹m
(95% conŽ dence). Furthermore, it was found that this interphase thickness did not
vary with the silane concentration pretreatment, when this pretreatment was used.
The dark area on the right of the phase image shown in Fig. 4 is the Ž ber. The
bright area to the left of the Ž ber is the interphase, which then transitions into the
darker bulk material. Because the interphase is brighter than the bulk material, it is
relatively softer, as described previously. Figure 4 also shows the thickness of the
interphase. The distance between the three sets of pointers is shown to the right of
the image. As can be seen in this example, the thickness of the interphase ranges
from 2.3 to 2.4 ¹m.
Determining the interphase thickness and properties in PMCs 1809

Figure 4. Section analysis of phase image showing interphase size and gradient.


A possible effect of the Ž ber on the interphase measurements was seen by nanoin-
dentation. This Ž ber effect manifests itself as an increase in the effective modulus
when the nanoindentations are made within 1 ¹m of the Ž ber. In other words, de-
spite the extremely low load (120 ¹N) used with nanoindentation measurements,
the presence or absence of the Ž ber in uenced the reduced modulus values that re-
sulted within 1 ¹m of the Ž ber. Our research group is currently performing other
analyses, including Ž nite element analysis, to model the effect of Ž ber proximity.
Phase imaging of the samples on which nanoindentation was conducted indicates
that the interphase thickness is 2.4– 2.9 ¹m and that the interphase is softer than the
bulk polymer matrix. Neither of these effects was observed in the nanoindentation
data. With the Ž ber present, a stiffer interphase was found within 1 ¹m of the Ž ber
and no difference between the Ž ber and the matrix was found. The Ž rst effect has
been attributed to a Ž ber bias, as described previously. The second effect is most
likely due to the relatively small differences between the properties of the interphase
and matrix making their differentiation difŽ cult. These effects indicate that, for the
system studied in this work, a 120 ¹N load does not provide sufŽ cient sensitivity
for the resolution of the interphase properties.
Consequently, the approach to determining the thickness and relative stiffness of
the interphase via phase imaging appears to be an improvement over nanoinden-
tation. The advantage of phase imaging over current nanoindentation techniques
1810 T. D. Downing et al.

is the ability to probe a soft sample using very small loads. It has been estimated
that tapping mode contact forces between the tip and the sample surface is of the
order of 100– 150 nN [19]. This makes phase imaging much more sensitive to local
variation in surface stiffness, much more so than nanoindentation where loads are
between 50 and 150 ¹N.
Phase imaging also proved a much better method of analysis than force modula-
tion for this system. Force modulation was attempted but the resultant images pro-
vided an extremely low contrast when compared with phase imaging. This low con-
trast is thought to occur because the AFM probe is not in constant contact with the
sample surface in phase imaging, whereas in force modulation the probe is dragged
along the sample surface. This creates high lateral forces that degrade the sample
signiŽ cantly, resulting in a lower contrast.
As mentioned earlier, the phase imaging results suggest that the interphase
thickness does not change appreciably with the silane concentration. These results
can be interpreted in terms of the possible methods by which the interphase forms.
Furthermore, the coating of Ž bers with silane coupling agents is not a very well
understood phenomenon. Current understanding suggests that such silane coatings
have three layers [21]: a surface bonded layer whose structure depends on the type
of substrate and the conditions under which adsorption occurred. This surface
bonded layer is attached to a chemisorbed multilayer whose structure is fairly
compact near the surface and becomes less compact as the distance from the
surface increases. Finally, the outermost layer is a physically bonded layer which is
composed of silane oligomers which are only weakly bonded to the silane, which is
chemisorbed to the surface. The relative abundance of each of these phases depends
on the surface chemistry of the Ž ber and on the solution concentration. At 5% silane
in solution, relatively more physisorbed silane is expected to be present on the Ž ber
than when 1% silane is in solution. At 0.1% silane, little or perhaps no physisorbed
silane is expected.
Two hypotheses for the same interphase thickness can then be envisioned. First,
the physisorbed silane may be soluble in the epoxy resin. This would cause all
surfaces to exhibit a nearly identical chemisorbed silane surface to the polymer.
Alternatively, the chemical differences between the physisorbed layer and the
chemisorbed layer are extremely small, thus causing the polymer to ‘see’ essentially
the same surface in all cases. Previous research on coupling agent reaction
chemistry in our group has indicated that only a little of the adsorbed silane leaves
the surface upon exposure to epoxy polymer [22]. This seems to indicate that the
alternative explanation may be more likely.
In either case, the important factor is the chemical nature of the surface. In many
cases, the interphase forms due to preferential adsorption of one component (usually
the amine curing agent) with respect to the other components of the polymer.
Thus, if essentially identical surfaces are exposed to the polymer, equal thickness
interphases should result. This assumes that the interphase is much thicker than
the thickness of the adsorbed layer. A good test of this hypothesis would be to
Determining the interphase thickness and properties in PMCs 1811

measure via phase imaging the interphase thickness in the absence of adsorbed
silane. Unfortunately, we were unable to complete these experiments in time for
this paper, due to debonding of the Ž ber from the matrix during sample preparation.
The preferential adsorption of one component of the polymer is also thought
to be responsible for the softness of the interphase. VanLandingham et al. [23]
showed that altering the stoichiometry of epoxy resulted in an alteration of the
network formed during curing. SpeciŽ cally, the epoxies contained a harder phase
and a softer phase. For amine-rich epoxy, which may be similar to the interphase,
a greater amount of the softer phase was observed compared with stoichiometric
(bulk) epoxy.


A possible Ž ber effect was found on nanoindentation measurements in the near-

Ž ber region. This was shown by nanoindentation measurements with and without
the Ž ber present. Under these conditions, the gradient in the modulus was
seen to reverse itself. AFM phase imaging is a good tool for measuring the
thickness and relative stiffness of the interphase in PMCs. SpeciŽ cally, due to
the extremely low loads involved with phase imaging, any Ž ber bias effect found
with nanoindenation can be minimized. For the PMC system investigated, phase
imaging found the interphase to be 2.4– 2.9 ¹m thick, with the interphase being
softer than the bulk matrix. Also, the interphase size was found to be independent
of the Ž ber silane pretreatment. Future work will incorporate Ž nite element analysis
with nanoindentaiton and AFM phase imaging. It is felt that this combined
analytical / experimental approach will lead to an improved understanding of the
role of the interphase in PMC performance.

We would like to thank Farrah Johnson for sample preparation. This research was
made possible by grants from the National Science Foundation (CMS-9453467 and

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