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Tishri Rosh Ha-Shanah (New Year's Day)

2. Tishri Rosh Ha-Shanah (New Year's Day)
10. Tishri Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
15. Tishri Sukkot
22. Tishri Simkhat Torah (outside Israel 23 Tishri)
25. Kislev Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
26. Kislev Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
27. Kislev Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
28. Kislev Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
29. Kislev Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
1. Tevet Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
2. Tevet Chanukah - The Holiday Of Lights
Tu B'Shevat - Jewish Arbor Day. Celebration of new fruits and the
15. Shevat
land of Israel.
Purim - Commemorates the rescue of the Jewish people in ancient
14. Adar
Shushan Purim - Purim in cities surrounded by walls from the days
15. Adar
of Joshua such as Jerusalem.
15. Nisan Passah
16. Nisan Passah
17. Nisan Passah
18. Nisan Passah
19. Nisan Passah
20. Nisan Passah
21. Nisan Passah
Yom HaShoah - Holocaust Memorial Day - Special memorial
27. Nisan
prayers are said.
Yom HaZikaron Lechalalei Ma'arachot Yisrael - Israel Defense
4. Iyyar
Forces Memorial Day.
5. Iyyar Yom ha-Azma'ut - Independence Day
Lag BaOmer - Break in the mourning period for the 24,000
18. Iyyar
students of Rabbi Akiva (2nd century).
28. Iyyar Yom Yerushalayim - Jerusalem Reunification Day.
6. Sivan Shavuot
Fast of Shiva Asar B'Tammuz - Fast Day Lamenting Breach of
17. Tammuz
Jerusalem Walls.
9. Av Fast of Tisha B'Av - Fast Day Lamenting Destruction of Temples.

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