Suiting Up For The Moon What Astronauts Wear To Work Questions

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Suiting up for the Moon: What astronauts wear to work Questions:

Short Answer:

1) How does NASA define a spacesuit and what is its purpose in space exploration?

2) Why is moon dust (regolith) especially problematic for spacesuits?

3) How long does it take to put on a spacesuit and why is it white in color?

4) What is the weight of a spacesuit on Earth? Why is that important since it is weightless in zero gravity?

5) What are some of the key requirements NASA issued for their new spacesuits?

6) Describe the significance of the first all-female spacewalk in 2019.

Critical Thinking:

Imagine you are an astronaut preparing for a mission to the moon. Describe the features you would
want in your spacesuit.


Video questions:

ILC Dover

• What were some of the early uses of latex by ILC Dover?

• What are some of the materials used in the construction of spacesuits and why are these
materials important for the safety of the crew?
• Describe the significance of the liquid cooling garment? Why is it necessary for the crew during

Extension Activity:

Have students research the evolution of spacesuit technology and create a presentation highlighting
key advancements in materials and design. Include challenges faced by design engineers.

Curriculum Links:

• Science: Space, Spacesuit construction, space safety

• History: Space Exploration

• Technology: Aerospace Engineering

• Language Arts: Reading Comprehension, Writing Skills

• Critical Thinking: Problem-solving, Analytical Skills

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