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The code of conduct exists so that the school is a safe, orderly h

can learn to the best of their ability. We aim to be positive and eappy environment where
pupils through a system of rewards. Punishments will be given to PUpil ohurage good
behaviour Respect and Consideration for Others break any of the rules.
• Pupils must show respect for all members of the school t .
speak and in the way they act. We have zero tolerance faa abll times ln the way they
. . . r ullyihg·•
to speak against physical, social, cyber and verbal includ' .we expect pupils
out (
biphobic and transphobic) bullying and inform a trusted adul g racist, homophobic,
• Pupils must show respect and consideration to all people they
. . · m e et outside s h
and on the journey to and from school - this is parti cularly lm po r ta t 00 c
school visits. n on the buses and
• Pupils must follow instructions from the teachers and other adults helpfully and
without argument.
• Pupils must always stand when an adult enters the room.
• Pupils must address any adult as Sir or Miss.
Dress - Uniform
• Pupils must be dressed properly in full school uniform.

Extreme haircuts or colours are not acceptable. Grade 2 is the mi nimum length.
• Make up must not be worn by any KS3 or KS4 pupil in school.
• Trainers must not be worn - black formal shoes only.
• Jewellery is not allowed and may be confiscated for collection by parents or carer at
the end of the school day: only wristwatches are allowed.
• All hats are banned on the school
site. Equipment
• Every pupil must have a bag to carry books and equipment to and from school.
• Pupils must be properly equipped for every lesson.
• Pupils must bring the correct dress and equipment for PE and practical lessons .
Movement ·1d·
ils must enter and leave bu1
• Before and after lessons - moving around school pup
by the correct route which will be made clear to them. d them into the
classroom -
. h t ac he rs to lea
• Pupils must line up quietly and wai t for t e e . .
they should not enter classrooms . h t perm1ss1on. wing the one-way system and
wit ou. f
ta rcases o110
• Pupils should move around corridors and s 1
walk on the left-hand side of the I street'· .
Ourlng lessons . diately and without question.
b followed
• All instructions from the teacher must e h ·r of t the right of
rmme h best and respec
Pupils must concentrate and work e to t
t er

everyone to learn.
No-one must disrupt a lesson. t

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