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Note: Ignore the numbers at the end of each scene.

They were used as markers to help time a full 60

minute episode w/comms.

Season 5 Episode 14
"The Tampa Job"
Previously On Lost:

Bernard finding the secret room in the Tempest in 5.8.

Rose dropping Locke off in the ocean in 5.12.
Rose having a nose-bleed in 5.12.
Sawyer telling Hibbs he should kill him for what he did to him in the Tampa Job in 1.16.
Kevin Callis giving Kate information about Mittelos and Sawyer in prison in 5.13.
Rachel telling Juliet she is pregnant in 3.7.
Zach and Emma not remembering Christine in 5.10.
Jin's drugged out memory of his time in the Orchid from in 5.6.
The polar bear encounter with Walt, Frank and Christine in 5.12.
Walt covered in blood in 5.12.
Widmore getting something from the Captain's Desk in the Black Rock in 5.12.


We see a dress laid out on the bed and a woman's arm reach down to pick it up. We then
see the woman from the waste down walking towards the TV unit across the room. She
pulls out a CD from her bag sitting next to the table and she takes it out and puts it into the
CD player. She hits the Play button and skips to Track Number 8. The song starts:

NOTE: To get the max effect of this, I sincerely ask you to copy this link and play it on
YouTube when read. I will put the song's
time in brackets in relation to the scene.

[:01] The song is "Let Me In" by The Sensations. She cranks the volume up rather loud
and walks to the mirror where she is doing a little dance as she holds the dress up to body.
Because the camera is behind the woman looking in her reflection we can only see from her
neck down.

[:26] The camera is now on the outside of the motel, but the music is still very
audible, from the second floor walkway looking down towards the main desk where we see
a man walk into the manager's office. A second goes by and the manager walks back out
with the man. He is holding something and looks down at it then he points back up
towards the camera. The man's face, who is talking to the manager, the man picks up a

[:40] The camera focuses back on the room of the woman dancing around. The woman
picks up a toothbrush from the table and begins pretending to sing into it as she dances
around. The camera pans up and we see that it is Juliet!!

[1:04] The camera is back outside now from the POV of the second floor outside walkway
of the motel looking down towards the parking lot. The music is still heard from inside the
room rather loudly as a series of police cars with "Tampa PD" on the side come squealing
into the parking lot. The officers get out of their cars and some are talking on walkie talkies
and some shield themselves with their police car doors.

[1:22] The camera pans back to Juliet who is wearing nothing but her bra and panties as
she begins to slip the dress onto her body. She looks completely happy as if she has has
had the best day in a long time.

[1:31] The camera is now focused on the outside again in the same spot as the police are
now running from their cars up towards the hotel. Some run into the manager's office as
some with dogs run towards the pool area with the dogs sniffing around. Some of the other
policemen begin running up the stairs to the second floor walkway where the camera is.

[1:54] The camera focuses back onto Juliet who is now spraying herself with perfume. She
walks over to her bag and she pulls out a folder, of which the Mittelos Bioscience brochure
falls out of it and it falls on the floor. Juliet goes to pick it up and we see there is a phone
number on the back that is written down in pen. It is Richard Alpert's number.

[2:20] Suddenly, as the lyrics say "Why Don't You Open Up That Door" we see the police
on the outside walkway kick in the door of the motel room. They begin rushing in with their
guns aimed.

[2:26] Juliet is picking up the phone as the police kick in her door and rush into her room
and begin looking around. She jumps back in shock and one of the policemen run up to her
and hold up a photo of Hibbs! Julie shakes her head "no."

[2:37] The camera shows the outside of the motel second floor as police are standing
there pointing guns into the first room they kicked in which is directly beside Juliet's.

[2:42] The camera goes into that first room and we see police rummaging around the
bags of whoever was just in there. They then spot an open window and one policeman
rushes over to it and looks out.

[2:50] The camera is looking down from the window the police man looked out and laying
on the ground a story below is Sawyer! He's laying there and his is holding onto his leg as if
he hurt it in the fall. Sawyer looks up at the policeman as police on the ground rush up to

[2:57] Juliet turns off the CD player and looks at the policeman.


What the hell's this!?


We're looking for a fugitive who fled from the scene of a crime last night in Miami...


I'm from Miami...

Yes, we know... Ms. Burke. You are under arrest for the aiding and abetting of Albert Hibbs
in the robbery of your ex-husband's laboratory.

The policemen start to put the cuffs on Juliet as she defiantly says:


What?! I didn't do anything! Albert? We're just dating!!

She pauses and thinks about it.


Damn it!

The police cuff her and one of the officers picks up the Mittelos Brochure and Juliet's

Policeman 2:

Doug, get Callis from Miami ready for them...


Juliet Burke, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be used
against you in the court of law...


Perfect, just perfect.


The police, who have handcuffed Sawyer, are putting him into the back of the police car.
Sawyer looks really pissed off. As the policeman slams Sawyer's door shut, the police escort
Juliet out of her room in handcuffs. The cop car holding Sawyer drives right past Juliet as
the cops begin putting her in the car. Juliet is seen looking out of the window of the cop car,
looking furious, as it pulls away. The music builds and:


-commercial- (w/previously & com. 8:15)


SUBTITLED: "The Night Before"

Juliet is sitting on the dining room terrace of a fancy Miami restaurant. She is looking up
at the hanging string of white lights that surround the outside terrace. The camera pans to
Hibbs sitting across from her.

I'm so glad you accepted this date, Juliet.

He flashes a bright smile to her and she looks very flattered and is blushing a bit.


It's been a long time since I've been on a date...


I find that hard to believe. A woman as beautiful as you?!

Juliet smiles and giggled.


Well, my work is my life...


Ah, mine too. Real Estate is a tough, but rewarding business.


I bet it is...


Not as rewarding as helping women get pregnant, though...


Oh, stop... You move houses and I move babies.

Hibbs laughs and he raises his wine glass to Juliet. They clink their glasses and drink.
When Hibbs sits his glass down, he accidentally spills his red wine all over Juliet's side of the
table and her lap. She jumps up:




I'm so sorry... I'm such a klutz... Let me get that.

He gets up and goes to her side of the table to wipe her off. She smiles and stands up.


It's fine, it's fine... I just need to use the sink in the ladies room.

It's right over there...

He points and as she walks away he says:


Remember! Blot, don't wipe!

Juliet turns and smiles at him. Once she turns the corner, Hibbs grabs her bag and opens
it. He digs through and his eyes light up. He finds a key-chain with the Miami U. emblem on
it. He pulls it out of her bag and puts her other keys back in. He gets up and rushes to the
front of the restaurant. He walks outside of the main doors and turns. There is Sawyer,
standing there leaning up against the side of the building smoking a cigarette with one foot
propped up against the building. He looks 100 Kinds of cool. Hibbs tosses Sawyer the keys.


Remember, her desk... grab it, then just get out of there.


J. Burke, right... got it. You're the boss, boss.

Sawyer walks to the curb and gets onto a Harley Davidson motorcycle, revs up and peels
out. Hibbs watches while rolling his eyes. Hibbs hurries back into the restaurant and finds
his seat back at the table just as Juliet rounds the corner to join him. He then notices he left
her bag on her chair. He tries very hard to kick it off from under the table, but does succeed
until she just reaches the table. She pulls out the chair and sits down as the bag falls to the
ground. She turns to look, but Hibbs grabs her by both her hands and looks deeply into her


Juliet, come with me to Tampa....


What? Now?! It's only been about a week!


I know, but don't you just want to... get away... Grab life and escape for a day?


Well... I....

Hibbs doesn't let her finish. He pulls a key out of his pocket. It is a motel room key for
room #23. He turns Juliet's hand over and opens her palm and drops the key in it.


Meet me there, go straight home, pack your things and drive there!

But, my sister Rachel is expecting me...


Then as soon as you're done with her.

Juliet looks at Hibbs as he looks back at her with sincere eyes. She smiles, takes a deep
breath and rolls her eyes back in her head as she says:


Ahhh.. ok!

Hibbs lets out a grand smile as he looks at Juliet who is smiling back at him looking very
giddy and as happy as a teenage girl on a first date, all while the flash sound begins....


We start off on the scene we last left Juliet. Walt is standing in front of her, covered head
to toe in blood. Juliet looks at him with caution and a bit of surprise.



Walt doesn't say a word. He just stands there looking dazed.


Walt, what happened? Where's Frank?

Walt still doesn't move or say a word. He looks to be in shock.


Are you hurt?

Still, nothing. Juliet kneels down next to Walt and looks over his body. She doesn't find
any wounds. She stands up and takes his arm.


Come on, let's get you to the Barracks... we can get you cleaned up. There are showers

Juliet grabs Walt's arm and yanks him towards the direction of the Barracks. He starts to
walk with her and they go into the jungle. As they walk into the thicket, we see a whisp of
Black Smoke trail past the camera.


Richard and Sawyer are standing in the same spot we saw them in at the end of 5.12
where they saw the light shooting into the sky from Locke's departure from the island.
Richard looks rather displeased as Sawyer looks at him with a dumb look on his face.


Ok, so what was the shooting beam of light into the sky this time?


It was Locke... he left... he shouldn't have left.


How do you know?


I just know these things, James, it comes with the territory.


I see, kinda like when Hugo found the Dharma Van full of beer and I ran into him. Fate,



Richard and Sawyer look at the Temple and they hear something in the jungle close-by.
Without looking at each-other Sawyer raises his gun that he picked up in the plane
wreckage. Richard too has a gun, but it is unclear where he got it from. They point it at the
jungle as if it is a natural reflex. They look on in anticipation to see who it is and eventually
they see it. It is Jin, Charlotte, Charles and Annie. When Richard sees Annie his eyes light
up, but when he sees Charles they instantly change to panic. Charles spots Richard and has
a big grin on his face. The group walks closer to Sawyer and Richard and the whole time
Richard stares at Charles with wide eyes. Charles winks at Richard.


Well, if it ain't the old Mystery Machine gang, where's Scooby?

Just then Vincent runs out of the jungle and up to Richard and Sawyer barking.


Guess I spoke too soon...

Sawyer looks up at Widmore who is still wearing his 3 piece suit and looking as dashing
as ever.


Where'd you find this guy? Is there a Brooks Brothers on the island I don't know about?

No, this is my Uncle Charles I was telling you about back at the Barracks.

Sawyer's demeanor changes from smiley to instant anger as he looks at Charles. He

walks over to Charles and punches him in the face. Charles grabs his nose and looks back at
Sawyer. Richard stops Sawyer from continuing the beating.


Stop it, James!


What?! This is the guy who sent those renegade G.I. Joes here to kill us!!


We have more important issues at hand.

Richard looks at Annie then at Charlotte.


I need the help of you and your mother.


Excuse me?


Please, it's a matter of life and death... James, take Widmore and go back to the Arrow.


I don't think so.... I go where she goes.

Richard looks down then back up. Vincent is still barking at Sawyer.


Fine, I don't have time for this... follow me.


Where are we going?


The Orchid.
Annie, who has been rather emotionless and speechless for the past 5 days looks up at
the mention of the Orchid and her facial expression changes to fear. Charlotte doesn't


I will explain once we're there...

Charlotte hesitantly puts her arm around her mother and follows Richard towards the
jungle. Widmore and Jin follow behind. Sawyer stays back.


Yo, Richard, I'm gonna head back... I've had enough field trips for one day...

Richard just waves his hand and doesn't even look back at Sawyer. Charles says to
Richard out of earshot of the others:


Don't worry... your little secret is safe with me... Richard.

Richard gives Widmore a squinty look as the 5 of them disappear into the jungle leaving
Sawyer there with a barking Vincent.


And what the hell do you want?

Vincent barks and begins running towards the jungle, stops, turns to look at Sawyer and
barks again.


What is it boy? Timmy fall in a well?

Vincent barks again. Sawyer throws his head back like "what's next" and he starts
walking in the direction of Vincent looking down and talking to him.


This better be good... or I'm gonna have some doggie-ka-bobs later... (looks down at
Vincent and pats him saying in a very patronizing way that people talk to babies or dogs in)
A-yes I am, yes I am!

The two walk off into the jungle.


The scene starts with the camera looking out over the ocean as we watch Giovanni's
fishing boat that Rose was on coming full throttle towards the island. The boat comes closer
and closer until it drives itself up onto the beach and stalls out. The camera turns to reveal
Harper standing there watching as it happens. Harper immediately runs towards the boat
and climbs up on board. She looks around, but doesn't see anyone. She turns the key of the
boat when she sees it: Rose is laying on the deck below the controls of the ship. Harper
quickly bends down and picks up Rose's head and we see a trickle of blood running down
from her nose. Harper check's Rose's pulse. The look on Harper's face is grim as she looks
down at Rose. Out of nowhere, Rose's eyes pop open and she gasps for air as she looks at
Harper in a daze.


I was just at dinner with my daughter...

Rose looks up at Harper who looks back at Rose with a bit of animosity.


You mean, you jumped... back... in time?

Rose doesn't say anything, she just nods...


Well, that's a new one...

The camera pans on Rose's face as the music builds then cuts abruptly to black.



Sawyer is walking through the jungle with Vincent ahead of him leading the way. Sawyer
looks a bit tired, but is trucking along behind Vincent who looks overly excited about


Just where are you taking me boy... I think we're lost... and I don't like to be lost...

Vincent barks and begins to pick up pace. Sawyer follows as the flash sound begins...


Subtitled: "Later The Same Night"

The camera shows the door to the exit of the lab from the inside. We hear a key turn and
click and the doorknob turn. The camera pans up and we see it is Sawyer as he sneaks into
the entryway of the lab. It is a reception type area. He glances over towards the
receptionist's desk and turns on a flashlight he brought with him. He clicks the light on and
makes his way down the hallway and is looking at the doors as he passes all while shining
the light on them. He eventually comes across a room with "Dr. J. Burke" on the door. He
pulls out his keys again and unlocks her door. He goes inside and flicks on the lights. He
takes a look around and it looks like a rather typical lab with microscopes and equipment.
Sawyer looks around and he sees what he is looking for. Juliet's desk. He jogs over to the
desk and tries to open the door to the filing cabinet, but can't because it is locked. He slams
his hand down onto the desk in frustration. He looks around on the desk for a key, but finds
nothing. Then he spots it, a Mittelos Bioscience letter addressed to "Ms. Burke." Sawyer
reads over the paper and the camera shows the words "outstanding work in the field of
fertility..." "...making the impossible possible with your research..." "...curing women who
are barren to conceive..." "...making dreams come true for any woman..." Sawyer begins to
read more into it, but then sees a key on the corner of the desk. He grabs the key and
opens the cabinet. He rummages through the cabinet and he pulls out Case Study 42. He
opens it and we see the words "...impregnating a male field mouse..." He quickly shuts it
and turns around where he sees Dr. Burke, Juliet's ex-husband, looking through the window
of the door with Sherry standing beside him with her shirt un-buttoned. Sawyer and Dr.
Burke stare at each-other like something of a showdown.


Son of a bitch....

With that said, Sawyer turns to look at the far wall for windows and as he does this he
knocks two Coolers with a "Bio-hazard" sticker on them over. When he does that he hears
the alarm start to go off and he hurriedly bends down and sits the Coolers upright. He
notices that there were Post-It notes on each of the Coolers and he picks them up. One
reads "Shipment" and the other reads "Storage." He doesn't know what to do so he
randomly assigns a Post-It to each Cooler and runs towards the window. Dr. Burke rushes
into the lab after him and shouts:

Dr. Burke:

Hey! You! Get back here! What you got there?!

Sawyer, in his rush to the window, picks up a small microscope and throws it through the
window in front of him. He picks up his pace towards the window and leaps out. He hits the
ground and keeps running. Inside, we see Dr. Burke watching out the window as Sawyer
escapes. He looks down and notices that Sawyer dropped the keys that Hibbs stole from
Juliet. He picks them up and turns towards her desk as the flash sound starts....

Dr. Burke:

Damn it, Juliet.


Sawyer loses sight of Vincent.


Vincent?! Where are ya, boy?!

Sawyer walks towards a tree and moves the branches away from the path. He steps over
a log and he looks up. The camera shows his face as it changes from normal to him
dropping his jaw and looking at the scene in front of him. Sawyer's eyes widen and he looks
stunned as the camera pans to show what he is looking at. In front of Sawyer is a big mess
of blood and gore. There are body parts scattered around the path as if something has
totally ripped them apart in a massacre. Sawyer looks around and the camera shows some
of the faces of the men. They are the "others" that Amelia sent out looking for Christine in
5.12. It is just that now they are totally ripped apart and dead. Sawyer looks on in a bit of
disgust as we hear Vincent barking again. Sawyer turns towards Vincent who is standing at
the base of a tree jumping and clawing upwards at the tree barking his tail off. Sawyer
looks up and the camera pans up to what Vincent is barking at... It is the polar bear that
confronted Frank and Christine in 5.12. It is hanging from the tree, ripped open with its
white fur almost completely bloodstained red. Sawyer, without looking away from the bear,
in a hurried tone says to Vincent:


Come on, boy... let's get out of here...

Sawyer begins to back away from the scene and Vincent follows him.


The camera is focused on the jungle when out of the bush stumbles Christine and Frank.
They don't appear to be hurt or have any blood on them, but they look out of breath and
very tired. Christine loses her footing and collapses into the sand as Frank bends over and
puts his hands on his knees catching his breath.


What.. the (panting) HELL was that?!


I have no idea...(breathing) Why did Walt just... stand there?

Frank just shakes his head. Christine lowers her head to the ground then she looks up
and she notices it: Giovanni's fishing boat washed up on shore. She gets a wide smile on
her face and jumps up and runs towards it. Frank watches as she turns towards him,
still running, and waves him to come along. Frank looks at her like "damn it." Christine
reaches the boat and says:


Do you think it works?!

Frank makes it to the boat and looks at it.


I normally pilot aircraft, but I can tell someone really did a number on this thing.


Can we fix it?


And why would you want to do that?


I'm going to that other island... I need to figure out how to get my kids back!

You have no idea where it is or what to do once you get there...


But you do. You must have seen it when you flew off the island the first time...

Frank looks down.


Well, I'm going with... or without you.

Frank looks up at her like he isn't budging. Christine shakes her head and goes to the
controls. She spots the key and she turns the engine on. It doesn't start at first, but she
plays with the key and she sees the control to throw the propellers into reverse. She pulls
really hard on the lever and switches it over to reverse. She tries the key again and the
boat starts. She smiles and claps her hands as she looks up at Frank.



Frank drops his head into his chest. He looks back up and without saying a word climbs
up onto the boat. He walks over to Christine and puts his hands on the controls.


Yeah, but I'm driving...

Christine shoots a big smile up at Frank and puts her arm around him. The camera shows
the boat as Frank backs it up into the open water.


Harper has Rose slung around her arm as she makes her way through the jungle. Rose
isn't being of much help as they are walking, but she seems to be in a current state of mind.


Come on, Rose... you have to help me out a bit here...


What was that? What happened?


I have a question for you Rose...

Harper struggles as she helps Rose on her way.

Have you ever been surrounded by large amounts of electromagnetism?


No... I don't think so...


Well... then... how about large quantities of radiation?

Rose stops dead in her tracks and falls to the ground. She looks up at Harper and nods.
Harper looks back down at Rose with a very serious face.


What, Rose, why?


I had cancer... before the crash. I've been in and out of chemotherapy... radiation.


Well, that will do it.

Harper helps Rose back up to her feet. The two start on their way again.


So, tell me... when you went back... what happened?


I was just suddenly... there... 13 years ago... having dinner with my daughter... but... it
wasn't a memory. It was me, right now, there...


Did you say anything to your daughter?


Yeah, but she didn't believe me, she thought I was crazy.


Good, that's probably for the best...

The camera pans to the two of them making their way through the jungle...


The camera is focused on the lowest level of the Orchid Station on the elevator doors.
The doors slide open and we see Richard, Annie, Charlotte, Jin and Widmore standing there.
Richard walks out and down the hall towards the main room with the chamber that Ben
destroyed. The rest follow and look around them as make their way to the main chamber.


What is this place?


The portal.


As in... to another dimension?


No... just off the island.

Charlotte looks around with her eyebrows shrugged as if she doesn't understand. She
then suddenly gets a bright look on her face.


You mean, how the polar bears got off?!

Richard turns the corner after turning all the lights on. He then sees it: The destroyed
chamber from when Ben put all the metal into it.


Kind of... damn.

Jin is trailing behind looking around him at his surroundings. He sees the room where he
was locked in for so long in 5.6 and he:

A. -flashes- Int. Orchid. 1988.

He flashes back quickly to when he was sitting in the room and Pierre Chang came into
the room and gave him the orange injection.

B. -end of flash- Int. Orchid. Present.

Jin snaps out of his flash and continues down the hall until when he spots the chamber.

C. -flashes- Int. Orchid. 1988.

He flashes again to when he was drugged being dragged to the vault. He now remembers
being put in by Dr. Chang. The camera then pans to the hallway where Montande came
running down with his arm missing and bleeding from the bullet hole where Danielle shot
him (now clearly visible by the camera) screaming:

What do you think you're doing!


Who are you?!


I'm with Il Destino Sinergia...

Jin lays on the ground as this pans out. Barely with it. Pierre picks Jin up and places him
in the chamber.


Well, I'm sorry... but I can't help you.


Oh, yes, you can. Where are you sending him?




Don't play stupid with me, Dr... where are you sending him?! I want off this island too!


It's not like that....

Montand pushes his way past Pierre and jumps into the vault and the doors slam shut.
Pierre is on the outside looking in as a figure walks out from the hall holding a gun.


Let him go. It won't make a difference.


You don't know that... he could mess with the whole...

The man interrupts and the camera pans up to reveal who it is. It is Daniel Faraday!!


Just do it, Pierre.

Pierre reluctantly goes to the controls and presses a yellow button. The chamber's lights

D. -flash- Int. Orchid. Present.

Jin snaps out of of the flash and he looks up to see Richard putting Annie into the small
room we saw her in, in "Ghost In the Machine" when she was used to teleport Mathias off
the island. Charlotte runs up to her mother in the chair, Annie looks terrified as Widmore is
on the other side of the glass room watching.


What the hell do you think you're doing to her?!


It doesn't hurt for more than a second. I need you to press this button when I tell you.


This won't work without the chamber.


In the preliminary tests we didn't have a chamber. It is the only way...


What's the only way?!


For me to stop John from making a big mistake...

Richard finishes setting the controls on the big machine and he flips a switch.


How do you know when he went?


I don't.....

Widmore looks surprised as Richard turns to Charlotte and points to a button.


Press that when I give you the sign... the rest of you may want to stand back.

Richard walks into the room with Annie. He opens up a cabinet and takes out a bag of
dust that reads "Holmium Deposit." The dust/powder looks much like that of the substance
that surrounded Jacob's cabin. Richard dumps the bag of dust over his head and walks over
to Annie who has the metal cap on her head. Charlotte looks on with concern as Widmore
looks intrigued.

I don't see how this could possibly work.

Richard grabs on to a metal harness beside Annie and puts one hand on her arm. He
signals to Charlotte. Charlotte looks down and goes to press the button, but she hesitates
and pulls her hand back. Jin crouches down behind a desk as Widmore walks up and pushes
Charlotte's hand out of the way. He presses the button. The entire room fills up with an
emense bright light and the camera pans to Annie and Richard whose faces look like they
are in pure agony as the light gets brighter and brigher and the hum of the machine
intensifies to a peak... then nothing. Widmore and Charlotte unsheild their eyes and look in
the room. Annie is sitting there, passed out. Richard is gone. Widmore looks at Charlotte
with a look of surprise and a bit of disdain.


Well, I wasn't expecting that... Bullox.

The camera pans to Charlotte's face then to Annie as the music builds then cuts to black.



Frank and Christine are on Giovanni's fishing boat as they make their way towards the
Hydra. Frank says to Christine:


Why'd you do that?


Do what?


What do you mean, do what? Hijack the plane?


Do you have children, Frank?


No... I don't.


Do you have anything you care about deeply, that you love?


.... I have fish?

Well, Frank... wouldn't you do anything for those fish?


No... not really.


When you have children, Frank... you will do anything for them.


Jack would have taken care of your kids, you know? He's a good man...


Well, I couldn't take my chances.

The boat pulls away from the island and turns around a large rock in the middle of the
ocean. That is when they see it: There is a half sunken ship partly out of the water.
Christine grabs the binoculars and looks at it. The side of the ship reads "The Dawn
Treader." It is what's left of Danielle's expedition boat. Christine lowers the binoculars.


I wonder whose that was...


The camera focuses on Jin as he looks into the room where Annie is being held. He looks
back at the chamber and then back towards Widmore who is now looking at him.


You must be Jin Kwon... the man Sun is so desperately trying to get back to see.


Sun? You know Sun?


Yes, you are very lucky to have a woman so loyal to you.


Is she ok?!


Well, you should be asking are they ok?

Jin looks a bit puzzled at Widmore.


Mr. Kwon, you are a father of a 3 year old daughter.

Jin looks at Widmore, then down. He looks back up and smiles a grand smile. He throws
his arms around Widmore and hugs him. Widmore doesn't look pleased and he pushes Jin
off of him.


This is a 6 thousand pound suit, boy, don't soil it...

The camera cuts to the room where Charlotte is looking at Annie and rapidly taking the
harnesses and straps off of her.


Mom?! Are you all right?! Mom?!

Annie looks up at Charlotte and she looks very weak. She manages, through much strain,
to say to Charlotte:


You mustn't trust your uncle.



In the background we see Widmore pull the gun away from Jin as he looks so happy and
he points it directly at Jin's head. He motions for Jin to walk towards the room. Charlotte
looks back and she sees Widmore standing there pointing a gun at them. He tilts his head
and says:


Charlotte, be a dear, would you? Strap your mother back up to the chair.

Charlotte looks back at her mother who is looking at Charlotte with a tear in her eye.
Charlotte looks back at Widmore who looks on without emotion.


Juliet sits on a chair in her house looking at some paperwork dated 2001. She looks at it
with a bit of hate in her eye and we see the paper says "Mittelos." Just then, Walt comes
walking down the hallway with a towel in his hand. He is now all clean and blood-free. Juliet
puts the paper down on the table next to her and stands up. She walks over to Walt and
looks him deeply in the eyes.


Walt, you have to tell me, what did you do back there? Why were you covered in blood?
Walt doesn't answer. He just stares blankly at her. He doesn't say a word.


Walt, I know what you can do... you aren't the only one, you know...

Juliet walks to her kitchen counter and she picks up a book. She walks back to Walt and
hands it to him. Walt looks down at the book and it is "Carrie" by Stephen King. It is the
book from 3.1 and the book club.


Incidentally, it is my favorite book. A very good read.

Walt stares back up at Juliet and you can tell she looks very uncomfortable when BANG!
Her door swings open and she turns around in haste as she lets out a little scream. Sawyer
is standing in the doorway.


What the hell you doin' in my house?


Your house?


Yeah, move your feet... lose your house.

Juliet smiles at Sawyer. Sawyer looks at Walt.


Whats the boy wonder doing here?


There was an... incident. He's ok though.

Sawyer, who looks beat, goes over and sits down in the chair Juliet was sitting in. Just as
he sits down Harper and Rose blast through the door making both Juliet and Sawyer jump
back in surprise. Rose's nose is still bloody and she appears to be unconscious.


Thank god... you guys are here. Help me with her...

Sawyer and Juliet grab Rose and help her to the couch where they lay her down. Sawyer
shoots a look at Harper.

What the hell'd you do to her?!


She... left the island... she took Locke outside of the island on Giovanni's boat.


Yeah, so?


She crossed the electro-magnetic field... and she had been exposed to high amounts of


So this means what?


What happened to Desmond... it's happening to her. Daniel told us on the beach... shes...


Skipping? What the hell... will she be all right?


I need to get to Ben's house. He may have some of the antidote.


What do you mean, antidote?


I will explain when I get back with hit...

Juliet steps in front of Harper as she is about to walk out the door blocking her way.


No, you will tell me now.... You didn't get to the island in 96, did you Harper?

Harper swallows hard and she looks at Juliet in the eyes.


If you don't move out of my way, right now... those are going to get worse... then she will

Juliet looks Harper up and down then slowly moves out of the way. Harper nods.

Thank you.

Harper runs out the door and Juliet turns and walks over to Rose. Sawyer sits back down
on the chair and he notices the paper that Juliet was reading. He picks it up and begins
reading it. Juliet is tending to Rose's bloody nose as Sawyer's eyes get really big. The
camera shows the top of the paper. It says "Mittelos Bioscience" and it is addressed to "Dr.
J. Burke." Sawyer lowers the paper and shoots a wide eyed look at Juliet.


Your last name is Burke?!


Yeah, why?


Dr. Juliet Burke from Miami Florida who worked in the fertility labs at Miami University?


Um... yes... why?


I believe I knocked over your Coolers....

Juliet looks at Sawyer as the flash sound begins...


Subtitled: "The Afternoon Before."

Juliet is in her lab with her white lab coat on peering through the microscope looking into
a petry dish. Just then Sherry walks into the lab and over to Juliet. Sherry is holding mail in
her hand and Juliet looks up at her. Juliet smiles and pulls her goggles down and puts her
hand out to Sherry.


You must be Sherry... Edward has raved about you.


Pleasure to meet you... where should I put this?


Oh, just over there on my desk will be fine.

Sherry walks over and puts Juliet's mail down on her desk. On the top of the stack is an
envelope from "Mittelos Bioscience." The first Juliet has ever heard of it. Sherry walks back
towards the door.


Oh, Sherry, before you go... I need you to do something for me.

Juliet grabs the petry dish and puts it into a sealed container. She then goes over to the
Coolers that Sawyer knocked over. As she is doing this she says to Sherry:


Have you ever considered donating some eggs to the program here?


No, I haven't thought about it.


Oh... I wish more women would... these ones here (she points), these are mine. They'll
never be fertilized, but they are needed for research... You should think about it.

Juliet grabs a stack of Post-It notes. She writes "Storage" on one and "Shipment" on the
other. She then applies "Storage" to the white Cooler and "Shipment" on the black Cooler.
She gets Sherry's attention.


Now, this is very important. This white Cooler marked "Shipment" are my donation and
need to be put away until I need them again. The specimens in the black one are for
shipment to the fertilization clinic. Those have my sister's eggs in them... for when we are
able to finally impregnate her. Got it?


Got it... bye Dr. Burke.


Call me Juliet.

Juliet watches as Sherry walks out of the lab and the flash sound starts....


Juliet's eyes are wide and they are focused on Sawyer.


What do you mean... you knocked over my Coolers?

When I was stealing your work... about the field mouse for Hibbs...


You worked for Hibbs?! You are the one who broke into the office and got me framed?!


Well, it sounds bad when you say it like that....


I was arrested in Tampa because of you!

Juliet puts her head in her hands and sits down across from Sawyer.


How did you get cleared of the charges?


Well, Hibbs set me up for the fall, so I told them all about his past cons. They let me off.
How about you?


My ex-husband dropped the charges. He said he wanted to scare me for being so stupid...

Sawyer shakes his head and smiles.


What's so funny?


It's a small world, ain't it?


No... what did you want with my research on the field mouse?


It was for Mittelos Bioscience.... they...

Juliet cuts him off.


Richard tried to steal the research from me, but when you were caught the police got it...
which left him to physically bring me here, to this island.



I'm here because of you, Sawyer...

The two of them sit there in dead silence for a moment staring at each-other. Juliet looks
down. She then shoots her head back up.


You said you knocked the Coolers over. You didn't knock the Post-It notes off of them did


Yeah, sorry. I put them back though.


You idiot! Which did you put on which!?


How am I supposed to remember...

Juliet rushes over to him and takes him by the throat and cuts him off.




I put the "Storage" one on the black Cooler...

Juliet loosens her grip. She stumbles backwards until she hits the coffee table and fall
down onto it sitting on the edge of the table. She looks up at Sawyer in astonishment.


Rachel's baby... it's, it's mine.

The camera focuses on the two of them as the music builds then blackness...



Juliet is pacing back and forth in her living room as Walt sits in the corner
reading, Rose lays on the couch and Sawyer sits in the armchair. Sawyer looks up at Juliet


I know what it's like... to have a kid without knowing and then... bang, you're suddenly a

Juliet turns and looks at Sawyer with a "you have no clue" look on her face. She walks
towards Sawyer with determination when suddenly Rose wakes up out of her time-tripping
consciousness. She sits up and gasps for air. Juliet and Sawyer turn their attention to her
and Juliet rushes over to Rose's side.


Rose, are you all right?


I, I think so...


Do you need something?


An explanation of what the hell is going on would be nice...

Just then, Harper comes running in the door with a syringe and a small tube of orange
liquid. She stops as Juliet sees it and she continues over to Rose's side. She sticks the
syringe into the vile.


That's the stuff Ethan and Richard gave me to drink before they brought me here, isn't it?


Yes... it counteracts the body's electromagnetism... it shuts off the part of your brain that
would be effected from the trips on and off the island...


How long have you known about this stuff?


For a long while now...

Juliet hang her head.

Harper... it's time you start coming clean to me about what you know and where you're


Sorry, Juliet, but I don't answer to you. Ok?


Actually, Harper, you do.

Harper and Sawyer look at Juliet after her "matter of fact" statement.


Locke make me the leader before he left.

Sawyer smiles.


Are you the first woman leader? Congratulations! Boy, time's really are a-changin' aren't

Harper ignores Sawyer and Juliet as she pushes the orange liquid into Rose's arm. They
sit back and watch Rose.


How will you know if it worked?


We'll just have to wait and see...

Harper stands up.


I'll be in my house... I haven't slept in a bed in weeks. Come and get me when she wakes

Harper stands up and walks out of the house. Juliet looks at Walt and says:


Could you go outside for a few minutes Walt? I need to talk to Sawyer alone.

Walt gets up and begins towards the door. Sawyer realizes something.


Oh, and Walt... there's an old friend out there waiting to see you!
Walt looks at Sawyer, but doesn't say anything. He just walks out of the house. Juliet
looks at Sawyer then stands up and walks over to her desk. She opens it and pulls out a
document of some sort. She looks it over then she walks over to Sawyer and hands it to


What's this?


Just read it.


Charles Widmore now has Charlotte and Jin sitting against the wall in the main room of
the Orchid. Annie is still strapped down to the chair in the smaller room as he points the
gun at the two. Widmore pulls something out of his pocket and looks at it. It is a piece of
paper, but the camera can't see what is on it. It looks old.


What are you going to do with her?


I'm going to make some changes...


What changes, what is that?!


This, my dear, is something I came across nearly 30 years ago when I first arrived on this

Widmore walks over to Charlotte and hands it to her. Charlotte looks down at the paper
and read what it says. Her eyes widen as she glares back up at Widmore.


You've got to be joking.


Quite the opposite. I've never been more serious about anything in my entire life...

Jin looks at Charlotte confused. Charlotte looks back at Jin. She hands Jin the paper and
Jin looks at it. He looks back up at Charlotte with a question on his face.

He is going to try to move the island...




Yeah... back to it's original location.


Ah, but more importantly, it's original time.

There is a silence that fills the room. Jin looks up at Widmore with a stern, but sincere
look on his face.


But... you said Sun is looking for me. She is coming back!


You are mistaken, boy... they can't come back... I won't allow it.

Jin looks down the at Charlotte. He looks back down then out of nowhere he springs into
action and lunges towards Widmore. Jin makes a full body contact with Widmore and the
two of them fall backwards onto the floor where there is a struggle as the two fight to
control the gun. Widmore tries to aim the gun at Jin, but Jin punches Widmore in the arm
and Widmore shrieks in pain as the gun goes off shooting BANG! and then a PING! as it
ricochets off of the wall right beside Charlotte's head. With that, Charlotte jumps up and she
runs towards the little room where Annie is and begins to untie her. Meanwhile, Jin and
Widmore are still struggling on the floor and Widmore pins Jin down onto the ground and hit
Jin square in the forehead with the butt of the gun THUNK!. Jin is knocked out. Widmore
picks himself up then dusts himself off and he walks into the smaller room to find Annie and
Charlotte. He reaches the room, but it is empty. He turns towards the main room of the
Orchid and says:


Charlotte, there is no use in hiding! This is my destiny!

Widmore walks around the dark halls of the Orchid slowly looking in each of the small
rooms and aiming his gun into each of them. He does this very slow and meticulously as we
so often see in movies where cops search an abandoned warehouse for the bad guy.
Widmore resembles Keamy when Keamy was in the Orchid in 4.13 looking for Ben. Widmore
finally pushes the door of a small room open and Annie is sitting there on the floor shaking.
Widmore walks in.


Please, Jeanette, don't be afraid... it will only hurt for a few moments and then you will
never have to feel pain again...
Annie looks up at Widmore as he gets closer. He eventually gets to her side and puts his
arm out to help her up. Annie grabs on to his arm as she is shaking and then suddenly she
pulls herself up with a great force and sticks Widmore in the neck with a syringe. Widmore's
eyes get huge as he drops the gun to the floor and slowly goes limp. Annie looks down at
him and says:


This is for all the pain you put us through... Yes, this is is your destiny...

Charlotte comes in with Jin and they pick Widmore up and begin to pull him into the main
room of the Orchid.


Sawyer is reading over the paper as the flash sound begins...


Subtitled: "A Week Before"

Sawyer walks out of a room down the main hallway of the lab holding a cup. As he is
walking down the hall he takes note of every door he passes both on the left and the right.
When he walks past the door of "Dr. J. Burke" he pauses and takes note. He continues down
the hall just as Juliet walks out of her office and looks in the direction of Sawyer. She sees
him from the back and she continues down the hall in the opposite direction. They just
missed each-other. Sawyer reaches the main reception desk where Sherry is sitting and he
hands her the cup.


That's it then?


That's it! Thank you again, Mr. Finn.


All in a day's work.

The camera cuts to Sawyer walking out of the building and to a car where Hibbs is inside
waiting. Sawyer opens the door of the car and gets in. He looks at Hibbs and Hibbs looks
back at him with a question in his eye.


I found the office.


Excellent. Give me a few days to sweet talk her and I will get the keys...

Tell me again why we're pulling a con like this... what is this for?


A rival group, Mittelos Bioscience, is paying us handsomely for this information... it is the
easiest money you will ever make, Sawbucks...


How did you get involved with this?


An old friend of mine, Tom... he keyed me in on it. He knows the guy who runs Mittelos...
apparently out of Tampa.

Sawyer looks away from Hibbs and back at the building.


There doesn't appear to be any real security in there... it should be an in and out job.


Good work.


Why though, did I have to scout the place by doing that?


It was the best way to let you wonder around... besides, it was your good deed that makes
up for all the wrong you're doing in this job...


But... those are my boys I just gave away...


Don't worry, Sawbucks. No woman in their right mind would ever choose you to father her

Hibbs laughs as Sawyer shoots Hibbs a "screw you" look as the flash sound begins...


Sawyer looks up at Juliet with a look of unbelief on his face. The camera pans onto
Juliet's face and she:

A. -flash- Hydra. Months Ago.

She flashes to the scene where she is reading the document Ben handed her in the
flashback of 5.9 "Ghost In the Machine." That had the name of the father/donor for Julian,
Rachel's Child. The expression on Juliet's face widens as Ben says " you see why it's in
your best interest to help, Juliet."

B. -flash- Juliet's House. Present.


You mean...


That's right, Mr. Finn.... you're a father.

The camera pans onto Sawyer's face as the music builds and the camera cuts to:


Walt walks off the edge of the porch and he sees Vincent. Vincent runs up to Walt
barking and is excited to see him. Walt looks down at Vincent as Vincent is going nuts about
seeing his owner after so long. Without any emotion or hesitation, Walt pulls his leg back
and kicks Vincent!! Vincent yelps and runs away... Walt looks up and standing directly in
front of him is Christian Shephard!!


Now, that wasn't very nice, was it, Walter?....


Annie is strapped back into the chair and the camera pans down to see Charles Widmore,
passed out with his hand propped up on the strap that Richard held onto beside Annie
earlier. Widmore is covered with the dusty Holmium substance as well. Charlotte is standing
in front of her mother looking a bit sad as she says:


Are you sure you want to do this mum? We could just kill him...


We don't kill, Charlotte... we aren't that kind... his kind. This is the best way, so we never
have to worry about him again.

Charlotte nods and she kisses her mother on the cheek. She walks out to the control
panel where Jin is standing there.


This won't hurt her will it?

I sure as hell hope not. But we're sending him away... far away...

Charlotte turns a dial and she puts her hand out to push the button to activate the
machine as she looks at her mother. Right before Charlotte is about to press the button
BANG! There is an enormous noise and the entire place begins to shake violently! Charlotte
and Jin are thrown to the ground as the entire Orchid Station shakes out of control with
things falling down all around them and crashing to the floor.


Frank and Christine are pulling up towards the Hydra Island and Christine is looking
through the binoculars for a place to dock the boat.


I don't see a good place... they don't have any docks anywhere...

Frank turns around and puts his hand up to silence Christine. Christine stops in mid
sentence. Frank tilts his head and scrunches his face.


Do you hear that?


Hear what?

As Christine says that the camera is behind them looking in the direction of the main



BANG!!! KA-PLOW! There is an intense explosion sound and in the background we can
see the top of one of the peaks of the island blows completely off hundreds of feet into the
air!!! There is massive amounts of dirt and debris and red hot fire and smoke blasting out of
the top of the mountain in the distance!! A huge cloud of smoke and ash fill the air above
that peak as Frank turns to Christine and they looks at each-other with huge eyes and
dropped jaws.


Walt is looking up at Christian as the same exact scene plays out again, except the huge
explosion, cloud of smoke, fire and ash is in the distance directly behind Christian. Walt is
looking past Christian as Christian, without look behind him says:


It's time.
Juliet and Sawyer run out of the house as the earth is shaking looking into the sky all
around until Juliet spots it in the distance. Sawyer comes up behind her and looks up in
amazement. Harper runs out of her house and up to the two of them.


Wasn't expecting that....

They all look up and into the distance speechless as the ash cloud falls towards the
island. The camera pans on Juliet and Sawyer's face which are of pure fright and surprise as
the music builds.


The camera shows the room where Bernard accidentally released the gas pressure of the
island. Mass chaos ensues as the entire room shakes violently and all the temperature levels
on the electronic map of the island on the wall are a bright Red which indicates extreme
temperatures. There is a siren going off and the same "System Failure" message heard over
and over in the Swan when the button isn't pushed. The camera focuses on one spot then
BAM!!! The entire station explodes!!!


As the music builds the camera continues to pan back further and further revealing that
an entire top of one of the peaks on the island has completely blown off. The camera pulls
back further to reveal the ice-burgs floating in the ocean nearby and continues to pull back
as the music stops completely. There is silence as we look at this scene then suddenly we
hear it: The monstrous scream of the Smoke Monster in the distance as it echos throughout
the island. The camera cuts immediately to black and:

59:55 w/ previews and credits

Voice Over: Next Time On Lost...

VO: With Only 3 Episodes Remaining Until the Blow-Out Season Finale...

Shot of:

1) The Oceanic Six

2) The Islanders Left Behind.

VO: The Survivors Have A Lot Of Work To Do....

Clip of:

1) The Scene from 5.10 of Jack confronting Abaddon and shooting Hurley.
2) Richard Killing Locke from 5.10.
3) Sun holding Ji Yeon and standing with Daniel and Kaname.
4) The Island Erupting.

VO: That Is If They Survive Long Enough To Make It Back...

Silence except for A Heartbeat effect as each Shot is Shown:

1) Sayid laying on the ground.

2) Hurley bleeding from his arm.
3) Kate standing over Abaddon's body.
4) Jack with his head in his hands.
5) Sun holding a smoking gun.

Sound of gunshot!

VO: One Of The Oceanic Six Won't Make It Back Alive... On The Next Lost...

Cast In Order Of Appearance:

Juliet Burke...............Elizabeth Mitchell

James "Sawyer" Ford...Josh Holloway
Policeman 1...............???
Policeman 2...............???
Albert Hibbs..............Robert Patrick
Walter Lloyd..............Malcolm David Kelley
Richard Alpert............Nestor Carbonell
Charlotte Lewis..........Rebecca Mader
Charles Widmore.........Alan Dale
Jin Kwon...................Daniel Dae Kim
Jeanette "Annie" Lewis.Brenda Strong
Rose Nadler...............L. Scott Caldwell
Harper Stanhope........Andrea Roth
Dr. Edward Burke........Zeljko Ivanek
Sherry......................Kimberley Estrada
Frank Lapidus............Jeff Fahey
Christine DeVries........Jody Thompson
Harold Montand..........Michael Vartan
Pierre Chang..............Francois Chau
Daniel Faraday...........Jeremy Davies
Benjamin Linus...........Michael Emerson
Christian Shephard.....John Terry

Questions Answered:

1) The Orange Stuff Juliet Drank is in Fact Teleportationlike Medicine.

2) Juliet was brought to the island by another means that isn't submarine.
3) Juliet and Sawyer are the parents of Rachel's son, Julian.
4) What the Tampa Job was. Tom contracted Hibbs to do the work.
5) Widmore plans on moving the island back to its original location and time.
6) The explanation of how Richard got off the island to kill John.
7) Part of what happened with the Polar Bear and Christine/Frank.
8) The whereabouts of Danielle's wrecked expedition boat.
9) The island's volcano is, in fact, very active.
10) Rose has at least one child.
11) Rose is time tripping much like Desmond, except her present consciousness is going to
the past whereas Desmond's past consciousness came to the future.

Questions Posed:

1) Where is Miles?
2) Why is Walt acting so strangely?
3) What happened with the Polar Bear?
4) Why did Widmore wink at Richard and call him Richard in a weird way?
5) How does Annie do what she does?
6) Why does Widmore want to move the island back in time and place?
7) What is the deal with Harper's past?
8) What did Christian mean when he said to Walt, "It is Time."?

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