24 Pat Rigsby

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Chapter 24

1-on-1 and
by Pat Rigsby

Pat Rigsby

Coach / Entrepreneur

Fitness Business

Pat Rigsby is a business coach who has built over

25 businesses in the fitness industry, with 7 becoming
million dollar or multi-million dollar ventures. Two
have been multiple time winners on the Entrepreneur
Franchise 500 with another being a multiple time
honoree on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing busi-
nesses in the U.S. Pat now coaches fitness & health en-
trepreneurs who want to build their own Ideal Busi-
ness. You can connect with him at PatRigsby.com.

412 30Days.com
Day 1
The first day in this journey is quite possibly the most important
one. It’s about making the decision to go from “I could” to “I will.”
Every success starts with that decision, yet only a few choose to
make it. We consider the vast array of things we could do or would
like to do, but we fail to actually make the most important decision in
building a successful business: the decision to start.
So Day 1 is about committing to the process and deciding that over
the next 30 days, I’ll discard the reasons why it won’t work, let go of
past failures, and focus on simply moving forward every day.
I know that it takes just as much effort to think big as it does to
think small, and that I can accomplish some pretty meaningful things
if I’m willing to work hard. The foundation of me getting back on my
feet in just a month is the inner belief that I can do it if I simply ex-
ecute my plan.

Day 2
The first step to crafting my plan is to take inventory of what
I do have.
It’s my belief that the foundation of creating an ideal business is
playing to your strengths, so that’s the first place I’d start—identify-
ing my strengths.
For me, that would be experience in building and operating success-
ful health and fitness businesses and coaching others to do the same.
With that in mind, I’d document those specific strengths.

• Business Strategy
• Coaching
• Marketing
• Sales
• Team Development

Completing this first step of planning would give me confidence

that I have something valuable to bring to the market.

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 413

Day 3
Now that I’m confident I can build a solid business foundation and
have something valuable to offer the market, I need to identify the
target market I want to serve.
The easiest place to start here is to look at the target markets I’ve
been a part of, currently belong to, or have successfully served.
To narrow this even further, I’d identify where my strengths match
the biggest available opportunities or most pressing needs.
If I didn’t know what those opportunities or needs were, I’d join a
few Facebook Groups and start diving deep into research to discover
what the pain points for my target market were. In this case, it would
be helping health and fitness professionals with their strategy, mar-
keting, and sales through offering coaching solutions.

Day 4
Now that I know who I want to help—fitness-business owners, with
a focus on business growth—it’s time to craft my initial offer.
Since I don’t have a reputation in this scenario, my irresistible offer
needs to really remove the risk for the client, since I can’t fall back on
a well-known track record or a library of social proof to create trust.
With that in mind, I’d lead off with the offer of a free coaching call
where we’d talk for an hour and I’d identify untapped opportunities
in their business—no strings attached.
At the end of the call, if they wanted my help in an ongoing way
to execute the suggestions I’d identified and to optimize the other
growth opportunities in their business, I’d offer two options.

Option A We’ll work together for the next six months and you’ll
only pay me based on the delivery of the results I promise. For every
new dollar I generate for your business above what you’re already
making, you pay me $.25.
I’m only paid for results and only for new business.

Option B We work together for the next six months and I guarantee

414 30Days.com
that you add $6,000 to your recurring revenue. Your investment is
just $2,000 per month…and if you don’t increase your recurring rev-
enue by $6,000 in that span, I’ll refund every penny.
The logic is simple—I first deliver results in advance with the free
call and then make two zero-risk, irresistible offers and let the pro-
spective client choose between them.

Day 5
Now it’s “build day.” I’ve got to build my funnel to get prospects to
schedule the initial call, so I’d create a pretty basic video sales-letter
funnel from the templates available in ClickFunnels with the focus of
hitting the hot buttons that I identified on Day 3 and how I can help…
at no cost to them.

Day 6
Today is the day to set some initial goals and start executing the plan.
I’d initially want to schedule a minimum of three calls a day, with
the expectation that at least two would show and that I’d close one
sale on either the A or B offer.
To start toward achieving this goal without any ad spend or an
email list, I’d reach out to anyone I know who fits my target market
and offer to help them by providing the free call.
Through this outreach to my personal network—a network that
each of us has that often goes untapped—I’d expect to be able to
schedule 15–20 calls.
Where would I find those connections?
I’d start by pulling out my phone and going through all of my con-
tacts there.
Then I’d move to my Gmail contacts and finally my Facebook and
LinkedIn contacts.
While I don’t expect that everyone would respond positively, with
personal outreach and a truly risk-free, high-value offer, I am confi-
dent that I’d be able to schedule those 15–20 calls.
Okay, I’ve now crafted a plan and started the initial execution of it…
in less than a week.

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 415

Days 7–9
These days are basically dedicated to two things.
First, I would really focus on doing a great job delivering results
during my calls with prospects and converting them into clients for
one of my two offers.
Second, I’d begin delivering great coaching videos on Facebook
Live, basically treating it as my own business-coaching TV show on a
daily basis and then offering my free coaching call at the conclusion
of the video.
Between that video and continued outreach to my connections, I’d
expect to be able to add another one or two scheduled calls per day
during those three days.
Since I’d already scheduled 15–20 calls, I’d expect 6–8 of those to
have happened in that 3-day window (knowing that some wouldn’t
schedule that quickly and others would no-show or reschedule). From
those six to eight calls, I’d expect at least three or four sales with one
or two taking the flat monthly rate and one or two taking the pay-for-
performance plan.

Day 10
With $2,000 to $4,000 in cash collected from the initial sales, I
would be able to start some small-scale advertising, spending $20 per
day to keep driving prospects to the free coaching call and boosting
any of the Facebook Live videos that got any traction.
This approach would keep a modest but steady flow of prospects
signing up for calls, with roughly a call being scheduled every day
and a pace of a sale every two to three days…for now.

Day 11
Because of my past experiences, aside from generating immediate
clients and cash flow, I’d also place a significant amount of energy
into list building.
My goal has always been to build businesses that were stable and
not dependent on any single traffic source or promotion, so begin-
ning on Day 11, I’d start investing a couple of hours each day on build-

416 30Days.com
ing a lead magnet that would be a high-value asset.
In this scenario, I’d create a small book.
Now, before you think that this sort of thing is overwhelming,
here’s the plan I’d follow:

Step 1 I’d outline the three biggest problems I help my clients solve.
In this case, it would be…

• Not enough leads

• Poor conversion to clients
• No strategy to scale and still have a life

Then, I’d identify three things I do to solve each of those problems.

It would look something like this:

Problem: Not Enough Leads

• Identify a target market.
• Develop a predictable plan to consistently generate leads (by cre-
ating a marketing calendar).
• Grow from the inside out (i.e., referral marketing).

Problem: Poor Conversion to Clients

• Develop a great offer.
• Follow up consistently and effectively.
• Deliver a great high-converting success session.

Problem: No Strategy to Scale and Still Have a Life

• Hire and develop a team.
• Build your role around your strengths.
• Find leverage points within the business.

So now I’d have an outline like this:

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 417

Chapter 1: The 3 Problems Fitness Business Owners Face
Chapter 2: Identifying A Target Market
Chapter 3: Developing A Predictable Plan To Consistently
Generate Leads
Chapter 3: Growing From The Inside Out
Chapter 4: Developing A Great Offer
Chapter 5: Following Up Consistently And Effectively
Chapter 6: Delivering A Great High-Converting Success Session
Chapter 7: Hiring And Developing A Team
Chapter 8: Building Your Role Around Your Strengths
Chapter 9: Finding Leverage Points Within The Business
Chapter 10: Putting It All Together

Step 2 I’d take each chapter and list out three to five talking points
about each on a slide.

Step 3 I’d schedule time to record five chapters during each of the
next two days. Each chapter would basically be me talking. At 1,250 to
1,500 words per 10 minutes, I could have a short book draft dictated in
a couple of hours of recording.
By now, my days would be a mix of coaching the handful of clients
already on board, doing calls with prospects, and investing a couple
of hours in generating leads or building my first marketing asset.
Things are starting to feel like a “real” business!

Day 12
I’d basically be executing on things I’ve already plotted out. I’ll be
recording the first five chapter drafts, doing a call with a prospect,
and coaching my clients.
By now, I’d have converted at least one or two more prospects, and
my advertising efforts would be keeping a lead or two coming in daily.
Now things are starting to take shape.
I’ve got a foundation of a few clients to build from.
There are enough prospects coming in to yield a few clients, some
cash flow, and some additional revenue based on production.

418 30Days.com
And now I’m creating a marketing asset that will help me build a
list and will serve as a positioning tool moving forward.

Day 13
Aside from coaching the five or six clients I have at this point, I’d be
focused on recording the final five chapter audios today.
Hopefully, I’d have at least one coaching call with a prospective cli-
ent and I’d be sure to get another FB Live coaching video posted, too.

Day 14
Two weeks in and I’m feeling good.
I’ve got five or six clients, and a couple of them are already getting
great results after just a week of coaching, uncovering some previ-
ously untapped opportunities and adding enough revenue to cover
the full six months of coaching with me.
My FB Live coaching videos are getting good feedback and, com-
bined with my ads, I’m up to doing one free coaching call a day and
selling one coaching program about every other day.
I’ve recorded 10 chapters, and now it’s time to get them transcribed.
I want to conserve funds, so I pick an artificial-intelligence-based
transcription service called Temi over the live transcription options.
The total transcription will likely come in at under $30.

Days 15–17
These three days are more of the same as far as coaching—doing
a free coaching call each day, yielding one new client, and doing an-
other FB Live coaching video. The rest of my time is spent editing the
transcripts that I got back from Temi.It takes a while to shape spoken
words into something that reads well, and I want this to make a great
first impression with anyone who gets a copy, so I spend a lot of time
reading and editing until it flows.

Day 18
I submit the draft of the book to someone who does editing on
Fiverr and pay to get it turned around in a day, so I can then hand it

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 419

over to a designer from Fiverr tomorrow.
At the same time, I hire the designer to create a cover, so I can start
promoting the book before it’s finished.
While I’m waiting on the editing of the book to get finished, I log in
to ClickFunnels and model Russell’s book funnel so that’s it’s ready to
go when I have the book completed.

Day 19
I get the book back from the editor and immediately hand it over to
the designer to format it, again paying for the 24-hour turnaround.
I get the cover art back and like it, so no changes are needed. It
helped that I gave the designer three examples I liked that were all
best-sellers on Amazon. Model what works.
To generate some buzz about the book, I do a post asking if anyone
wants a free copy when it’s done and telling them to just comment be-
low if they do. It gets some traction pretty quickly, so I boost the post.
My clients are continuing to get great results, but my free coaching
calls are slowing down a bit, so I’m pretty happy and relieved that I’ll
have the book ready soon.

Day 20
I change my FB Live video up a bit today and interview one of my
successful clients, basically sharing a case study for my coaching pro-
gram. This produces some immediate interest and yields six more
scheduled calls, so I boost that video.

Day 21
The PDF version of the book is ready, so I share a copy with the fit-
ness entrepreneurs who replied to the previous post wanting a copy.
In addition to that, I create my first ad promoting a free copy of the
book, with the second step in the funnel now being the same page I’ve
been using for the free coaching call.
From the FB Live case study video I boosted, I’m up to 12 scheduled
calls and I’ve already gotten two clients from it, so I schedule another
case study video for tomorrow.

420 30Days.com
Day 22
I send the book to a fulfillment center that does print-on-demand
so I don’t have to pay for a lot of books up front. The cost per book
is higher, but I’m not doing enough volume for the potential loss of
a couple dollars per prospect to scare me, since I’m still converting
about 33% of the prospects who schedule calls into one of my two
coaching offerings.
So far, I’m up to 10 clients with 4 of them paying the flat monthly
rate, producing $8,000 in cash for the month.
Plus, I’ve got about 40 other fitness entrepreneurs who’ve down-
loaded the book, so I send them a quick personal (very informal)
email asking if they’d like to jump on a quick call to see if I can help
them apply some of what’s in the book.
Four take me up on the offer, but I’m starting to send a daily email
with a quick tip, idea, or story that educates and motivates all of them,
so when they’re ready, I’ll already have a relationship with them.

Day 23
By now, my days are divided between these tasks:

• Coaching my one-on-one clients

• Doing a daily FB Live coaching video as a marketing vehicle
• Writing a daily email to my small but growing list of entrepre-
neurs who’ve downloaded my book
• Connecting with one or two prospects for free coaching calls and
closing about half of those I talk to with one of my two coaching

While things are going well, I’m already recognizing that to keep
scaling this, I need to start moving to a coaching model that isn’t only
one-on-one, and I need to be able to keep growing my audience with-
out doing four times as many prospect calls.
So I decide that I’m going to launch a mastermind group, and I
amend my offers to be…

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 421

Option A We’ll work together through my exclusive mastermind
program for the next 12 months, and you’ll have the option to either
only pay me based on the delivery of the results I promise or pay a flat
monthly fee. If you choose the pay-based-on-results approach, then
for every new dollar I generate for your business above what you’re
already making, you pay me $.25. In this case, I’m only paid for results
and only for new business.
If you prefer the flat fee option, you pay me just $1,000 per month.
Either way, we’ll meet weekly as a group on a video conference,
you’ll have unlimited Voxer access to me, and we’ll meet in person
three times annually for two days per meeting.

Option B If you’d rather collaborate one-on-one, we’ll work togeth-

er for the next six months, and I guarantee that you’ll add $6,000 to
your recurring revenue. We’ll begin with a strategic planning session
to outline your game plan for success and talk on a weekly basis, as
well as using Voxer for open access.
Your investment is just $2,000 per month…and if you don’t increase
your recurring revenue by $6,000 in that span, I’ll refund every penny.
Now I’ve got one option that provides me with a little more lever-
age, and both are still sold with me first delivering results in advance
with the free call and then making two zero-risk, irresistible offers
and letting the prospective client choose between them.
I’ll put this amended set of offerings to the test over the next few days.

Days 24–26
I’ve upped the ad spend, I’m averaging two to three free coaching
calls per day, and I’m still closing about half…with about two-thirds of
them going for the mastermind option.
That’s good, because my schedule is getting tighter with client
coaching calls, the weekly video conference, calls with prospects, and
scheduled calls that are either rescheduled or result in no-shows.

Day 27
After pushing straight through for 26 days, I’m taking today off.

422 30Days.com
I read for a while, get a decent workout in, and go the park with my
family before catching an evening movie.
It’s nice to celebrate the win of getting some traction with my new
business in less than a month. That sort of appreciation for things
that are going well professionally and personally is something I didn’t
do enough of when I was younger, and I’m not going to fall into that
trap again.

Day 28
After a refreshing day off, I’m back at it and energized.
I’ve got 3 people enrolled in the mastermind, and I’m up to 13 pri-
vate clients.
The next step in the process is to craft a webinar to start pre-quali-
fying and pre-selling prospects before I do a call.
I log in to ClickFunnels and start reviewing Russell’s Perfect Webi-
nar format.
Between writing my daily email, delivering my quick video (anoth-
er case study with a successful client), and my calls, I start scripting
things out.
I get the first version of the webinar slides done and decide to sleep
on it, getting up early tomorrow to tighten it up and record it while
I’m fresh.

Day 29
I start the day by reviewing the webinar slides and Russell’s
Admittedly, I’m a bit nervous about recording the webinar, as it’s
not something I’ve been practicing…but I know it will save me a lot
of time over the coming months by pre-qualifying prospects, so it’s a
valuable asset that I’m committed to getting done.
I start recording and stumble a few times, but I get it finished.
For the most part, I leave it as is and don’t worry about the small
hiccups, feeling like the informality seems more congruent with my
business-coaching approach anyhow.
So between calls, my quick daily FB Live and email, I get everything

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 423

done and the webinar is ready to go.
For now, I’m going to use it immediately after someone downloads
the book and offer it as a free training. Once the book offer slows
down, I’ll start running ads directly to the webinar.
Either way, if everything goes as planned, it should improve my
show rate for the prospects who schedule free coaching calls and pre-
sell them on my coaching options.

Day 30
We’re here—a month into the new business.
I’ve got 4 mastermind members and 13 private clients, and I’ve col-
lected $12,000.
In addition to that, I’ll be able to start the billing for the first couple
percentage-of-results-based clients later this week and will have some
of that revenue coming in throughout the next few weeks as each of
their first months comes to an end.
I’ve built an email list of over 100 additional prospects who’ve
downloaded my book in the 10 days it’s been available.
Speaking of the book, I’ve now got a solid lead magnet and position-
ing tool, and I will have print copies available within the week.
When I get these, I’ll have the option to start running a free + ship-
ping offer but will need to get something else tied in to the funnel to
increase the average cart value so I don’t lose money on the front end
if I can avoid it.
I’ll also send copies of the book to influencers along with a gift, to
see if I can start to do some guest posting or be a guest on some pod-
casts to reach my target market in different ways.
I’ve got a nice rhythm with my daily FB Live and my short daily
email, so I’ll keep that going and—while I don’t have much of an idea
of how the webinar is working yet—it feels good to have version 1.0
live and working.
I’m not sure how many more one-on-one clients I want to add, so I
may up the cost of that program to steer more of my prospects into
the mastermind—at least while my lead flow and conversion rate
stays about where it is.

424 30Days.com
Final THoughts

Overall, it’s been a great first month, and now I can look at ways to
hand off some of the administrative work to free up a little time, as
I’ve got some recurring revenue to cover the expense.
Beyond that, I’ll also create a few done-for-you funnels for my
clients to share with them as an incentive to get them to join Click-
Funnels, also creating an offer I can use for the prospects who don’t
join either of my coaching options that will still yield recurring rev-
enue for me.
Not a bad first 30 days.

• Amazon.com • Fiverr (fiverr.com)
• BuzzSumo • Temi (temi.com)
(buzzsumo.com) • Voxer (voxer.com)
• Facebook Live

Chapter 24: Pat Rigsby 425

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