Countryfield Lighter USB

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a r o u n d


d tsesa Lithum-Hon rechargeddle battery (37V170mAh) Booster technology increases the low vOIdge ot 37V to half-_cinuse of
s p v d .

7KV frequency o
us high voltage of with
q u e n c y

s and
thot eeates high frequency, SnockS the ar creating a high
high temperature
temperature ar arc andles, dry
as ignites candles,
iedves and othr
other flammable materials
C e s conventional g0s
This replaces
15Aers d is an environmentally friendiy oltor
vronmentaly and friendly alternative conver
fe to traditional ighie
s Comected ith fat USB COole and is very home
convenient to be hanged d
P r o d u c t d e s c r i p t i o n

prodet d vo LS interfoce when connected to

computer, mobile phone charger and any
other chargers with output
voltage of DV output current below
2100mA Is recommended) 5V, max
m e USe. connect charger to ignter or when
SmOrt charging circuit wil disconnect
ilumiate at the
This should also to be done the ighterhas
a r e four
notDeen used for long time
battery power ights
motcoy aiter full charging
bottom of the product charging (10%,20-30,40%-70%.80-I00 ). The lighter turns o
ctpover immediately after ful Charge
Deom This lighter is charged I hour. fully charged batery connected to one power source because overchargi
oftery e
haterys rechargeable and con be cnarged hundreds of times
rroduc! haS protection assurge protector and overload If tOo long and its temperdture
i m e is too
is tOO ign, the product will qutomatically
Hea n d

heating time TO . cut the power supply in

nck the orcurothat t can not longer De used
before the
e is at
product is
Droduct at the correct operating temperature
EOch gngis
O/seconds This avoids hinh of the prduct
"Oure and protects the life

p s the Switcn on tne cover With one inger upwards, press the button found
found below
below this one twice and put the gnier arC in contact vith the material you want to ignite I no
mnute this product can be turn off
automatically, to ro.oress the button twice to re-use ine igntet.
you have ETnishing igniting, pull the switch backwards
Peste o
nwer dsoiay of the
ton dowmwards and pul out the USB coble. then connect chorgeradaptersuitabefor chargingthe batteryDuring chargng the nicator ights on
product are flash in blue After full chargina all the indicator lights will be turn off automatically
Dease dsoonmect tne power plug atter full charging to avoid overload or to affect the bottery ie dnd plug e b cable into the lighter, then you can hang the lighter where y
oud ke to
USS 5V Charer (mobile and Ipad chargers)
Aeful crging. tne product can be Use about 60 times (5 seconds per edch niting) When the battery capoity 1s belovw 10%, the indicator light will be flash to rernind you
gu y

oe Drthe cn ddvanced product that meets the highest quaity and safety standards Please kindy folow the below safety standards carefuil
Do rct usec sharp object to puncture the lighter. Do not burn it.
Keeo tre product out of the reach of children
Tne proauct must only be opened by authorized service technicians
Tre igrter does not tolerate water and any other liquids
Use a nai ie to remove stearin residues around the poles
Do rat use trs product on any charger than the charger types mentioned above! In cOse of improper use it may couse an explosion hazard
Tre Drodct s not suitable for lighting

PEe keeo t product away from others and your own face, skin and unsutable combustble substances Make sure that the arc is fuly turn off after use to avoid darger.
Tre proat sraud be kept away from the open flames and temperatures of more than 50 degrees Celsus Avod prolonged sun exposure, especially in a glass mount or in car
Crer e t will cause overheatng fire or malfunction and reduce the lfe of the lighter,
eae c r e c t the power immediately ater full charge Do not alow a fully charged battery to be connected to a power source because overcharging will shorten the battery

whe ou ig: the candie, you only need to bring the candle into arc, whch quickly igntes the condie Please remove ashes and ather debris in the top of the head, so as not to
fect te effect of the gnter Pleose do not touch it with your hand


On/Off USB

sofety butio
USB cobe 3.7V
do not toch

DERLANDS battery indicador

the lighter arc
RoHs A

y n ts u t cen cpitrrore itraurn-ionbattery (3/ v, l o m n Bo0ster-technologie verhoogt de lage spanning van 3,7V tot half-sinus hoge spanning van 7 KV met een
asrte oy meeer 5 YHu de t e frequentie gerereer,Oe cnt schokt en een hoge temperatuurboog creëert, terwijl kaarsen, droge bladeren en andere brandtbare
"n wsen ontston Dt vervangt corrventionele 905 C Draastlofaonstekers en is een mlieuvrieridelijk en vriendeljk allernatief voor traditionele aanstekers
R I I CEKA , V e r t r d e n r t con potte USH-karel en s CTg nandig o n thuis op te hongon

po YBrtodoo ty rrraitirrg p Utrpuior, " O a d e r en uncere opladers rnet uitgangsspanning van DV 05 V, max. utgangsstroom onder 3000mA

m erso t y / uu do r e n p de onsee 1 Di moet ook wordeen qgecdaan als de aansleker lange tijd niet is gebrukt
crrervot Van ret reni

regpouni irn sirssn vit p o n de

product vier Er zir batierjampjes (107.
20-30% 40%. -10%,
80-100) De aanstcker wordt

n or y s oPJGKYSEN Dezo oansteMor

blGrer ordt
ut r v y t dozn voledig in l uur opgeladen Laat een volledig opgeldden batlerj niet op éen stroombron
,Yr o i v n k kerd an de atterj
r i tra1en keren worden geren n
le 71 hot product automatisch d
inoen t crcut veryorcei ukkt et tet glid te lung is en de tomperatur hoog bedry/stemperatuur
r 1y t u r r n s r r t y i u n en O arrfenratueni
aroturen tnontAstmt
vOrdan gebruikt voordat het proctiCt do justo heeft
tM dist I vI1i t sAAnt bop do levenschuur von het IS

Elect Rechongentle Lihter


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