SonicEar BlueSports3

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Important Notes :
1. PleClle kMp this earphones OWoy from heat m<>1sh.i 3
Other~- · re water and - G•tttng to know your ..,.Sports 3
2. ~ do not use the earphones In VfKV high Of
~ t . It wlll cause damage to e arphones::~~ roture
3. 1f earphones Is wet, dQmoge refrain from uslnn
damoge / Injuries.
~ ·
· ·w ,.....event further
4. When you need repair •Ol"Phones. P4ease c ontac t f
staff oth-•"-- It ......_, pro eslono1
• ... .,,_ may .,. """ some trouble . Kindly c ontac t
loc:01 dlsh1butor for technlc::01 asslstence.
6. 1hls Is not to. Please keep It way from babies
YOI.K e e-Oecrwolev~
"°"'9/tN!laUIC9ar,bA10ft off,.__. ptw:,ne
9 - ~\c»SftlNcaa.nt-.
2. Pairing with aiuetooth device : lndco1-Ughts
1. Press the mult-functlon b.itton for 3 sec onds It will tum o". .,_ lnc:r.a. Voll,me /
Press tor another 3 seconds. It wtH tum on. N-.t Song
2. Keep your moblle phone and blvetooth earphones distance
Within 1 metre when palmg.
3. Active the bluetooth of mobile phone , searching for bluetooth
device and then choose wBlueSports 3".
4. The blue LED lights wlll flash two times for every four s~ond
When pairing successfully.
5. Ensure thot the &orphonts ate not paired to any devices
before pairing with a ne~ d evice.

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♦ Charging with
ACodopt..- ;
COfll'leCI eorµhonos 'with
vse coblo I use
c h 01 ,g1"o
lt'\tertuce l
Ofid AC adopt..-

A Charging wrth
Y Computer :

c onnec t ooiphoncu v-Alh usucablo

ar'ld plug thom to compvlor
US& ln!Of(OCO

6. Battery uscige Instructions :

folk tltnO UP 10 3 hOUtl conllnuovi ly
U$1en 10 music al ~ vohJn10 con lost up to _. t'1t>VrJ
2 hours l o fvll c florgod tho bol lOIY lr-OtTl ftol

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