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Showing Admiration

Showing Admiration
(menunjukkan kekaguman)
Kelas IX Semester 1

Oleh, Mr. Karaeng


A. Material
Showing admiration
The patterns are:
1. What + a/an + Adjective +Noun + *(he/she/it +is)
2. How + adjective + Subject + be
*It’s ok whether you use it or not.

How beautiful you are

Smart She Is

What a beautiful Flower it is

a smart Student he is

Study the following expressions of giving admiration!

You are right
I think so
Thank you
- Well - Ok
- Umm - All right
- Right -etc.

 adorable  curious  elated
 adventurous  dark  elegant
 alive  defiant  energetic
 attractive  delightful  enthusiastic
 better  distinct  envious
 bewildered  doubtful  evil
 brainy  fierce  excited
 breakable  fragile  fair
 cautious  friendly  faithful
 charming  frightened  famous
 cloudy  gentle  fancy
 cooperative  glamorous  fantastic
 courageous Etc.

dialogue 1
Raras shows her flowers in her garden to Dini, her classmate.
Dini : What a beautiful flower it is.
: Thanks. I planted it myself. Do you want the seed, I will give you for free.
: How kind you are.
: Haa, just forget it.
Dini : Yes, thank you. I will plant it at my house.
dialogue 2
At house
Adam : Dio, look at the effects of ecstasy on this pamflet.
Dio : What a dangerous thing it is.
: Yes. How powerful poison is. It damages our brain and messes our emotion.
Dio : You are right. We have to stay away from it.
Adam : Yes.

Dialogue 3
At the diamond gallery
Brenda : Look at the diamond over there.
Kim : How beautiful it is. It is awesome.
Brenda : Look at the price over there. What an expensive jewelry it is.
Kim : We must study and work hard if we want this.
Brenda : Someone who have it should be very careful in wearing it.
Kim : Right. There is so many crime over there.


Subject : English

Class/Semester : IX / 1

Time allocation :45’

Skill : Speaking

: Expressing admiration

Task 1
Pronunce the words below and find the meaning.
1.Courageous : 6. Faithful:
2. delightful : 7. Fancy :
3. glamorous : 8. Endanger :
4. fierce : 9. Ecstasy :
5. cautious : 10. Charming :

Task 2
Read the expression below with a good pronunciation and intonation.
1.What a faithful person she is.
2. How noxious the gas is.
3. How generous the driver is.
4. What a spicy food it is.
5. How elegant the woman is.

Task 3

Make expression of admiration based on the statement below.

- The test is difficult.
Answer :

A. What a difficult test it is.

B. How difficult test is.
1. The headmaster is very tricks.
Answer : A.
2. “Harry Potter” is an exciting film.
Answer : A.
3.Ecstasy is a danger drug.
Answer : A.
4. Those diamonds are awesome.
Answer : A.
5. These animals are endangered.
Answer : A

Task 4
Make expression of admiration based on the adjectives below orally.

slow : What a slow music it is.

speed - quick, fast, slow

smell - putrid, smelly, aromatic, fragrant.
size, weight - heavy, big, small, tiny, tall, short, thin.


Choose the correct response to the following expressions!

1. A : How was my painting, Jhon?

B : .........................

2. A : Brad, I am going to Japan to join Language Contest.

B : .....................

3. A : How was the meal I cooked, Jack?

B : .....................

4. A : Look at the scenery! Waow!

B : ..........................

5. A : How was the Jateng fair last night?

B : ..........................

6. A : Jane, look at the rainbow over there!

B : .........................

7. A : Bill, how was the Tsunami film last night .

B : .....................

8. A : How was your vacation to Trans Studio Bandung yesterday, Anne?

B : .....................

9. A : Look at that waterfall, it’s about 80 meters high.Waow!

B : ..........................

10. A : Look at the old building over there?

B : ..........................

-How beautiful the scenery is. – How lucky you are.

-How scary the man is. – How awesome painting is.
-What a generous man he is. – What spectacular celebration it is.
-What a salty meal it is. – What a scary movie it is.
- How ancient it is - How colorful it is.
- How high it is. – How bright it is.
- What a wonderful place it is.

A : Look at the old building over there?

B : How ancient it is. Wow!

A : It built on 1945.

B : What an old building it is.

A : Yes. I feel frightened every time I past the building.

B : Maybe there is a ghost over there.

A : I think so. Hmm, let’s hurry then.

Chooseone of the pictures above and make dialogue based on it. You can findthe
additional information of admiration dialogues and the example ofadjectives from thelinksabove
the pictures.

Write your name and class, and post the dialogue in the comment space of this blog.



a. Alice won the storytelling competition.

Lia: How wonderful your performance is.
Tika : Thanks. I practice hard for this competition.
Lia : I hope someday I can win in a competition like you.
Tika : I believe you can. Just practice seriously dear.

Picture 1
picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4
Picture 5

Kistono, dkk.2007. The Bridge English Competence for SMP Grade IX. Surabaya:Yudhistira
Expressions of Admiration

Activity 1 (apperception)
Answer the following questions orally!
1. Mention some tourist destinations in your country!
2. Which one do you like most?
3. What do you feel when you are there?

Activity 2
When we admire someone or something, we often show our admiration in words. In this
activity, your teacher will read a short dialogue. Please, write down the expressions of
admiration stated in the dialogues!
Hamid : (Showing a picture). Hey, look! This is Lengge, my traditional house.
Andi : Wow, it’s fantastic. By the way, who is this girl?
Hamid : That is Rahadatul Aisy, the student of SMPN 1 Wawo.
Andi : Hmm.. How beautiful she is!
Hamid : Ehm, ehm ...
Andi : Oh, sorry. What is she doing?
Hamid : She is delivering a welcome speech for the Australian tourist.
Andi : Wow, what a smart girl.

The expressions of admiration:

a. ________________________
b. ________________________
c. ________________________

Activity 3
The followings are some expressions of admiration. Please, repeat after your teacher!

(Wow,) That’s/It’s awesome
so cool

It sounds (for good news)
It tastes (for food)

Expressing admiration using “How” and “What”

Expressing admiration with “How” follows the pattern: How + adjective + Noun + Be
For example:
- How beautiful you are!
- How smart she is!

However, expressing admiration with “What” follows the pattern: What + (a/an) adjective +
For example:
 What a beautiful flower!
 What a smart student!

Activity 5
Do as the example!

The car is luxurious.
a. How luxurious the car is!
b. What a luxurious car!

1. The baby is cute.

a. How ……………………….
b. What ………………………
2. The student is diligent.
a. How ……………………….
b. What ………………………
3. The man is strong.
a. How ……………………….
b. What ………………………
4. The woman is generous.
a. How ……………………….
b. What ………………………
5. The test is easy.
a. How ……………………….
b. What ………………………

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