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9.1.4 a)  = P(  11.

5 |  = 12) =
( X̄ −μ 11.5−12

σ / √n 0 . 5/ √16 )
= P(Z  4) = 0.
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is approximately 0 with a sample size of 16.

b)  = P( > 11.5 |  =11.25) =

( X̄ −μ 11. 5−11.25
σ / √n
0 . 5/ √ 16 )
= P(Z > 2) = 1  P(Z  2)= 1 0.97725 = 0.02275.

c) The probability of failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false is 0.02275.

 = P( > 11.5 |  =11.5) =

P ( X̄ −μ 11. 5−11.5
σ / √n 0 . 5/ √16 )
= P(Z > 0) = 1  P(Z  0) = 1 0.5 = 0.5
The probability of failing to reject the null hypothesis when it is false is 0.5.

9.1.8 a) α = 0.05, n =10, then the critical value 185.37 (from the previous exercise part (b))
 = P( X̄  185.37 when  = 185)

X −185 185.37−185
= P( ≤ ) = P(Z  0.05849) = 0.5199
20 / √ 10 20/ √ 10
b) α = 0.05, n =16, then the critical value 183.2 (from the previous exercise part (d)), then
 = P( X̄  183.2 when  = 185)

(20X̄ −185 ≤
183 .2−185
/ √16 20/ √ 16 ) = P(Z  -0.36) = 0.3594
c) As n increases,  decreases

9.1.10 a)  = P( X̄  4.85 when  = 5) + P( X̄ > 5.15 when  = 5)

( X̄−5

4 . 85−5
) (
5 .15−5
0 . 25/ √ 8 0. 25/ √ 8 + 0 . 25/ √ 8 0 . 25/ √ 8 )
= P(Z  1.697) + P(Z > 1.697) = P(Z  1.697) + (1  P(Z  1.697) = 0.045514 + (1  0.954486) = 0.0910

b) Power = 1  
 = P(4.85  X̄  5.15 when  = 5.1)

( 4 .85−5 .1 X̄−5 . 1 5 . 15−5 . 1
≤ ≤
0 . 25/ √ 8 0 .25 / √ 8 0 . 25/ √ 8 )
= P(2.828  Z  0.5657) = P(Z  0.5657)  P(Z  2.828) = 0.712260  0.002401 = 0.70986
1   = 0.290141

9.2.7 a)
1) The parameter of interest is the true mean battery life in hours, .
2) H0 :  = 40
3) H1 :  > 40

5) Reject H0 if z0 > z where  = 0.05 and z0.05 = 1.65
6) x̄=40. 5 ,  = 1.25
40 . 5−40
z0= =1. 26
1 . 25/ √10
7) Because 1.26 < 1.65, fail to reject H0. There is not sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean battery
life exceeds 40 at  = 0.05.

b) P-value = 1−Φ(1. 26 )=1−0 .8962=0 .1038

β=Φ z 0. 05 +
1. 25/ √ 10 ) = (1.65 + 5.06) = (-3.41)  0.000325
2 2
( zα + z β) σ ( z 0 . 05+ z 0. 10 )2 σ 2 (1. 65+1 .29 )2 (1 . 25)2
n= = = =0 .844 ,
d) δ2 (40−44 )2 (4 )2 n≃1

e) 95% Confidence Interval

x̄−z 0 .05 σ / √n≤μ
40 . 5−1 . 65(1. 25 )/ √10≤μ
39 . 85≤μ
The lower bound of the 90 % confidence interval must be greater than 40 to verify that the true mean
exceeds 40 hours.

9.2.9 a)
1) The parameter of interest is the true average battery life, .
2) H0 :  = 4
3) H1 :  > 4

5) Reject H0 if z0 > z where  = 0.05 and z0.05 = 1.65
6) x̄=4 . 05 ,  = 0.2
4 . 05−4
z 0= =1. 77
0. 2/ √ 50
7) Because 1.77 > 1.65, reject the null hypothesis. Conclude that the true average battery life exceeds 4
hours at  = 0.05.

b) P-value=1-
Φ (Z 0 ) =1-Φ(1. 77 )¿ 0.04

β=Φ z 0. 05−
(4 . 5−4 ) √ 50
0 .2 ) = (1.65 – 17.68) = (-16.03) = 0
Power = 1- = 1-0 = 1
( z α + z β )2 σ 2 ( z 0. 05 + z 0. 1 ) 2 σ 2 (1. 65+1 .29 )2 (0 . 2)2
= = =1 . 38 ,
d) n = δ2 (4 . 5−4 )2 (0 . 5)2

e) 95% Confidence Interval

x̄−z 0 .05
√n ( )

4 .05−1 .65
√50( )
0 .2

4 .003≤μ
Because the lower limit of the CI is greater than 4, we conclude that average life is greater than 4 hours at 
= 0.05.

9.3.6 a)
1) The parameter of interest is the true mean interior temperature life, .
2) H0 :  = 22.5
3) H1 :   22.5
t 0=
4) s / √n
5) Reject H0 if |t0| > t/2,n-1 where  = 0.05 and t/2,n-1 = 2.776 for n = 5
6) x̄=22 . 496 , s = 0.378, n = 5 (To=-0.02366)
t 0= =−0.02366
0.378 / √ 5
7) Because –0.02366 > –2.776, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is not sufficient evidence to
conclude that the true mean interior temperature differs from 22.5 C at  = 0.05.
Also, 2(0.4) < P-value < 2(0.5). That is, 0.8 < P-value < 1.0.

b) The points on the normal probability plot fall along a line. Therefore, the normality assumption is

Normal Probability Plot for temp

ML Estimates - 95% CI

99 ML Estimates
Mean 22.496
StDev 0.338384




21.5 22.5 23.5


δ |μ−μ0| |22. 75−22 .5|

= = =0 .66
c) d = σ σ 0 .378

Using the OC curve, Chart VII e) for  = 0.05, d = 0.66, and n = 5, we obtain   0.8 and power of 10.8 =
δ |μ−μ0| |22. 75−22 .5|
= = =0 .66
d) d = σ σ 0 .378
Using the OC curve, Chart VII e) for  = 0.05, d = 0.66, and   0.1 (Power=0.9), n = 40

e) 95% two sided confidence interval

( )s
x̄−t 0. 025 , 4
≤μ≤ x̄+t 0 .025 , 4
√n ( )
22 . 496−2 . 776
√5( )
0 . 378
≤μ≤22. 496 +2. 776
0 .378
√5 ( )
22 .027≤μ≤22. 965
We cannot conclude that the mean interior temperature differs from 22.5 at  = 0.05 because the value is
included in the confidence interval.

9.3.7 a)
1) The parameter of interest is the true mean of body weight, .
2) H0:  = 300
3) H1:   300
t 0=
4) s / √n
5) Reject H0 if |t0| > t/2,n-1 where  = 0.05 and t/2,n-1 = 2.056 for n = 27
6) x̄=325 . 496 , s = 198.786, n = 27
325. 496−300
t 0= =0 . 6665
198. 786 / √27
7) Because 0.6665 < 2.056 we fail to reject the null hypothesis. There is not sufficient evidence to conclude
that the true mean body weight differs from 300 at  = 0.05. We have 2(0.25) < P-value < 2(0.4). That is,
0.5 < P-value < 0.8

b) We reject the null hypothesis if P-value < . The P-value = 2(0.2554) = 0.5108. Therefore, the smallest
level of significance at which we can reject the null hypothesis is approximately 0.51.

c) 95% two sided confidence interval

√n ( )
≤μ≤ x̄ +t 0 .025 , 26
x̄−t 0. 025 , 26
√n ( )
325 . 496−2. 056
√27 (
198. 786
≤μ≤325 . 496+2 . 056
198 . 786
√27 ( )
246 . 8409≤μ≤404 . 1511
We fail to reject the null hypothesis because the hypothesized value of 300 is included within the
confidence interval.

a) In order to use the 2 statistic in hypothesis testing and confidence interval construction, we need to assume
that the underlying distribution is normal.
1) The parameter of interest is the true standard deviation of performance time . However, the solution
can be found by performing a hypothesis test on 2.
2) H0 : 2 = 0.752
3) H1 : 2 > 0.752

4) =

5) Reject H0 if 0
χ 2 > χ 2α , n−1 where  = 0.05 and χ 20 . 05 , 16=26 . 30
6) n = 17, s = 0.09
( n−1) s 2 16 ( 0. 09 )2
= 2 =0 .23
= σ2 . 75
7) Because 0.23 < 26.30, fail to reject H0. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that the true variance
of performance time content exceeds 0.752 at  = 0.05. Because = 0.23, the P-value > 0.995

b) The 95% one sided confidence interval given below includes the value 0.75. Therefore, we are not be
able to conclude that the standard deviation is greater than 0.75.
16(. 09 )2
≤σ 2
26 . 3
0 . 07≤σ

a) In order to use the 2 statistic in hypothesis testing and confidence interval construction, we need to assume
that the underlying distribution is normal.
1) The parameter of interest is the true standard deviation of titanium percentage, . However, the solution
can be found by performing a hypothesis test on 2.
2) H0 : 2 = (0.25)2
3) H1 : 2  (0.25)2

4) =
5) Reject H0 if where  = 0.05 and 32.36 or where  = 0.05 and
71.42 for n = 51
6) n = 51, s = 0.37

7) Because 109.52 > 71.42 reject H0. The standard deviation of titanium percentage is significantly
different from 0.25 at  = 0.01. P-value/2 < 0.005, then P-value < 0.01

b) 95% confidence interval for :

First find the confidence interval for 2 :
For  = 0.05 and n = 51, 71.42 and 32.36
2 2
50(0 . 37 ) 50(0 .37 )
≤σ 2 ≤
71 . 42 32. 36
0.096  2  0.2115
Taking the square root of the endpoints of this interval we obtain, 0.31 <  < 0.46

Because 0.25 falls below the lower confidence bound we conclude that the population standard deviation is
not equal to 0.25.
9.5.2 a)
1) The parameter of interest is the true fraction of satisfied customers.
2) H0 : p = 0.9
3) H1 : p  0.9
p^ − p0

x−np 0 p 0 ( 1−p 0 )
4) √np 0( 1− p0 ) or n ;
Either approach will yield the same conclusion
5) Reject H0 if z0 <  z/2 where  = 0.05 and z/2 = z0.025 = 1.96 or z0 > z/2 where  = 0.05 and z/2 =
z0.025 = 1.96
^p= =0 . 85
6) x = 850 n = 1000 1000
x−np 0 850−1000 (0 .9 )
z0= = =−5 . 27
√np 0 (1− p0 ) √1000(0 . 9 )(0. 1 )
7) Because -5.27 < -1.96 reject the null hypothesis and conclude the true fraction of satisfied customers
differs from 0.9 at  = 0.05.

The P-value: 2(1-(5.27)) ≤ 2(1-1) ≈ 0

b) The 95% confidence interval for the fraction of surveyed customers is:

^p−z α /2
n √
p^ (1− p^ )
≤ p≤ ^p +z α /2
n √
p^ (1− ^p )

. 85−1 . 96

0. 85 (0. 15 )
0 . 827≤ p≤0 . 87
≤ p≤. 85+1 . 96
√ 0 .85 (0 .15 )

Because 0.9 is not included in the confidence interval, reject the null hypothesis at  = 0.05.

9.5.4 a)
1) The parameter of interest is the true proportion of engineering students planning graduate studies
2) H0 : p = 0.50
3) H1 : p  0.50
p^ − p0
z 0=

x−np 0 p 0 ( 1−p 0 )
z 0=
4) √np 0( 1− p0 ) or n ; Either approach will yield the same conclusion
5) Reject H0 if z0 <  z/2 where  = 0.05 and z/2 = z0.025 = 1.96 or z0 > z/2 where  = 0.05 and z/2 =
z0.025 = 1.96
6) x = 117 n = 484
^p= =0.2417
x−np 0 117−484 (0 .5 )
z0= = =−11. 36
np 0 ( 1− p0 ) √ 484(0 . 5)(0 . 5)

7) Because 11.36 > 1.65 reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the true proportion of engineering
students planning graduate studies differs from 0.5, at  = 0.05.
P-value = 2[1  (11.36)]  0

b) ^p= =0.2417  0.242

^p−z α /2
n √
p^ (1− p^ )

≤ p≤ ^p +z α /2
p^ (1− ^p )

0 . 242−1 .96

0 . 242(0 .758 )
0 . 204≤p≤0 . 280
≤ p≤0 .242−1. 96
0 . 242(0 .758 )

Because the 95% confidence interval does not contain the value 0.5 we conclude that the true proportion of
engineering students planning graduate studies differs from 0.5.

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