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Bridging the Digital Gap in the behind, foremost,

and outermost areas

Rahman Hanafi

Production begins on June 21 to 23, 2023 and Revised on June, 24 2023


The digital divide poses significant challenges in achieving inclusive and equitable
development, particularly in remote and underserved areas. This research paper focuses
on the role of Satria-1, a geostationary satellite recently launched by Indonesia, in
bridging the digital gap in the behind, primordial, and outermost regions. The study
investigates the impact of Satria-1 in improving telecommunications services and
fostering socio-economic development in these areas. Through a comprehensive review of
existing literature and analysis of empirical data, this paper explores the technical
capabilities of Satria-1 and assesses its effectiveness in providing reliable connectivity,
high-speed internet access, and voice communication services. The results reveal the
positive impact of Satria-1 in enhancing digital inclusion, enabling access to educational
resources, healthcare services, and promoting economic opportunities in the targeted
regions. The findings also shed light on the challenges and future prospects of satellite-
based solutions for bridging the digital divide. The research contributes to the
understanding of satellite technology's potential in addressing connectivity disparities
and offers recommendations for policymakers, stakeholders, and future research


Satria-1, Digital Gap, Telecommunications, Satellite Technology, Bridging the Gap,

Connectivity, Remore regions, Industry 4.0, Socioeconomic Development


Hanafi, Rahman. SATRIA-1 Bridging the Digital Gap in the behind, foremost, and outermost
areas, 2023, 23, 14-4656.
1. Introduction
The digital divide presents a significant challenge to achieving inclusive development and socio-
economic progress, particularly in remote and underserved areas. Limited connectivity in these
regions hinders access to essential services, educational opportunities, and economic growth. To
address this gap, I explore the deployment of Satria-1, a geostationary satellite recently launched
by Indonesia, designed to bridge the digital divide in the behind, primordial, and outermost
The objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of Satria-1 in providing reliable
telecommunications services and bridging the digital gap. Through an analysis of the technical
capabilities of Satria-1 and an evaluation of its implementation, this study aims to gain insights
into the effectiveness of satellite-based solutions in overcoming the challenges of remote
The paper begins with a literature review that highlights the potential of satellite communication
systems in addressing the digital divide. By examining previous research and initiatives focused
on improving telecommunications in remote regions, we can understand the relevance and
impact of satellite-based solutions. The methodology section provides an overview of the
research approach, including data collection methods and analysis techniques.

2. Literature Review
As I delve into the literature surrounding the digital divide and efforts to improve
telecommunications in remote regions, it becomes evident that bridging this gap requires
innovative solutions. Numerous studies emphasize the crucial role of satellite communication
systems in overcoming the challenges of infrastructure deployment and expanding connectivity
to underserved areas. These systems offer the potential to reach the behind, primordial, and
outermost regions, providing reliable telecommunications services.
Previous research showcases successful implementations of satellite-based solutions in similar
contexts. For instance, studies have highlighted the transformative impact of geostationary
satellites in enabling access to educational resources, healthcare services, and economic
opportunities. Such initiatives have demonstrated that satellite technology can effectively bridge
the digital divide, providing a lifeline for remote communities striving for socio-economic
Moreover, various reports and publications underscore the significance of satellites like Satria-1
in achieving digital inclusion. The design considerations and technical specifications of Satria-1
ensure its suitability for addressing the unique challenges faced by the behind, primordial, and
outermost areas. By analyzing the experiences and insights shared in these sources, we can
better understand the potential impact of Satria-1 in improving telecommunications
infrastructure and connectivity.
However, it is important to recognize that each context presents its own set of challenges and
considerations. While satellite communication systems offer promising solutions, it is essential
to examine their limitations and address potential concerns such as cost, scalability, and
regulatory frameworks. By exploring the existing literature, we can gain valuable insights into
these aspects and inform the implementation of Satria-1 in effectively bridging the digital gap.
The literature review serves as a foundation for this study, guiding the assessment of Satria-1's
impact on bridging the digital divide. By drawing upon the experiences, research findings, and
recommendations from previous studies, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
potential of satellite-based solutions, specifically focusing on Satria-1, in improving connectivity
and fostering socio-economic development in remote and underserved regions.

3. Methodology
In this study, I employ a mixed-methods approach to investigate the impact of Satria-1 in
bridging the digital gap in the behind, primordial, and outermost areas. The methodology
involves a combination of qualitative and quantitative data collection methods, enabling a
comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of satellite-based solutions in improving
telecommunications infrastructure and connectivity.
To begin, qualitative data will be gathered through interviews with key stakeholders involved in
the implementation and utilization of Satria-1. These stakeholders may include representatives
government agencies, telecommunications providers, community leaders, and local residents.
These interviews aim to capture insights into the perceptions, experiences, and challenges faced
in deploying and utilizing Satria-1, as well as the observed impact on connectivity and socio-
economic development in the target regions.
In addition to interviews, quantitative data will be collected to assess the technical performance
and effectiveness of Satria-1. This data may include satellite telemetry data, coverage maps,
bandwidth utilization statistics, and connectivity indicators. By analyzing this quantitative data,
I aim to measure the improvements in connectivity, internet speeds, and access to
telecommunications services in the behind, primordial, and outermost areas after the
deployment of Satria-1.
Furthermore, a comparative analysis will be conducted by collecting baseline data on
connectivity and telecommunications infrastructure prior to the launch of Satria-1. This
comparative approach allows for an evaluation of the impact of Satria-1 by contrasting the pre-
and post-implementation scenarios, providing insights into the effectiveness of the satellite-
based solution.
The gathered data will be analyzed using appropriate qualitative and quantitative analysis
techniques. Thematic analysis will be applied to the interview transcripts, identifying common
themes and patterns in the stakeholders' perspectives. The quantitative data will be analyzed
using statistical methods to determine the changes in connectivity metrics and assess the
effectiveness of Satria-1 in bridging the digital gap.
It is important to acknowledge potential limitations in the methodology. Challenges may arise in
data collection due to the geographical remoteness of the target areas and limited access to
resources. However, efforts will be made to ensure a representative sample and mitigate any
potential biases. The research findings will be presented in a comprehensive manner,
incorporating both qualitative and quantitative evidence to provide a holistic understanding of
the impact of Satria-1 on bridging the digital divide.
4. Techical Overview

kominfo-teknologi-di-bali-satria.jpg – Kominfo

Satria-1 is a recently launched geostationary satellite by Indonesia aimed at bridging the digital
gap in remote and underserved areas. Designed to provide reliable and high-speed
telecommunications services, Satria-1 represents a significant milestone in Indonesia's mission
to enhance connectivity and promote inclusive development. Equipped with state-of-the-art
technology, including Very High Throughput Satellite (VHTS) capabilities, Satria-1 offers
advanced broadband connectivity to the behind, primordial, and outermost regions.
Operating in multiple frequency bands, Satria-1 ensures efficient communication services across
a wide coverage area. Its advanced beamforming techniques allow for focused and targeted
connectivity, enabling the satellite to deliver reliable and robust services tailored to specific
regions. With a high-capacity payload, Satria-1 facilitates efficient data transmission and
reception, supporting various applications such as e-learning, telemedicine, and e-commerce.
Strategically positioned in geostationary orbit, Satria-1 provides a stable and reliable connection,
minimizing latency and ensuring consistent service availability. The satellite's deployment
represents a collaborative effort between Indonesia and Thales Alenia Space, the official
manufacturer. Through this partnership, Satria-1 combines Indonesian ambition with cutting-
edge satellite technology to address the challenges of the digital divide and promote socio-
economic development.
In conclusion, Satria-1 signifies Indonesia's commitment to improving connectivity in remote
areas through advanced satellite technology. Its advanced features, including VHTS capabilities,
multiple frequency bands, and targeted beamforming, enable the satellite to effectively bridge
the digital gap, providing reliable telecommunications services and fostering socio-economic
progress in the behind, primordial, and outermost regions of Indonesia.
Indonesia had five operational satellites for telecommunications and broadcasting purposes
until 2018. These satellites were INDOSTAR-2 operated by PT Media Citra Indostar, PALAPA D
satellite by PT Indosat, TELKOM 3S satellite operated by PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia, PSN
VR-2 satellite operated by PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara, and BRIsat satellite by PT Bank Rakyat
Indonesia. The Satria-1 project was initiated in 2019 through the collaboration between PT
Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (PSN) and Bakti Kominfo. The construction cost of the Satria-1 satellite
amounted to 550 million US dollars or approximately 8 trillion Indonesian Rupiah.

According to Kontan, PSN collaborated with The North West China Research Institute of
Electronic Equipment (NWIEE), a Chinese antenna research and development company, in
building this satellite. Satria-1 was manufactured by the French aerospace manufacturing
company, Thales Alenia Space (TAS), from September 2020 to May 2023. It has a total
transmission capacity of 150 Gbps, which will deliver signals to 11 ground stations (gateways).
These stations are located in Cikarang, Banjarmasin, Batam, Pontianak, Tarakan, Manado,
Kupang, Ambon, Manokwari, Timika, and Jayapura. PT Satelit Nusantara Tiga, a subsidiary of
PSN, is responsible for operating this 4.6-ton, 6.5-meter-high satellite for a duration of 15 years.
Satria-1 was launched using the Falcon 9 rocket owned by Space Exploration Technologies
Corporation (SpaceX).

Through this effort, it is hoped that the equal distribution of connectivity will benefit
approximately 150,000 points of public services, including 93,900 schools, 47,900 village/sub-
district/ district offices, 3,700 health centers, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities, 3,900
defense and security administration offices, as well as government areas that are not connected
to existing satellites or terrestrial telecommunication infrastructure.

B. Thales Alenia Space

Thales Alenia Space is a renowned company specializing in the design, manufacturing, and
delivery of advanced satellite systems. With a strong presence in the global aerospace industry,
Thales Alenia Space has established itself as a trusted and reliable partner for satellite projects

1 Profile
Thales Alenia Space is a joint venture between two leading companies: Thales Group, a
French multinational company specializing in aerospace, defense, and security, and
Leonardo, an Italian multinational company focused on aerospace, defense, and security
systems. The partnership between these two industry giants has created a synergy of
expertise and capabilities in satellite technology.
Thales Alenia Space has a wide range of competencies, including satellite manufacturing,
payloads, ground systems, and space exploration. The company has a diverse portfolio of
successful satellite projects and collaborations with various international space agencies and

2 History
Thales Alenia Space has a rich history that spans several decades. The company was
officially formed in 2005 through the merger of Alcatel Space and Alenia Spazio. However,
the roots of Thales Alenia Space can be traced back even further.
Alcatel Space, founded in 1961, was a prominent player in the space industry, specializing in
the design and manufacturing of communication satellites. Alenia Spazio, established in
1964, was an Italian company involved in the production of satellites, launchers, and space
Over the years, Thales Alenia Space has consistently demonstrated its technical expertise,
innovation, and commitment to delivering high-quality satellite solutions. The company has
successfully completed numerous satellite projects, contributing to advancements in
telecommunications, Earth observation, scientific research, and exploration missions.

3 Trust and Reliability

Thales Alenia Space has earned a reputation for its reliability and trustworthiness in the
field of satellite manufacturing. This trust is built on a combination of factors, including the
company's extensive experience, strong track record, and commitment to quality.
Thales Alenia Space's expertise in satellite manufacturing and its ability to deliver advanced
and reliable satellite systems have made it a preferred partner for governments, space
agencies, and commercial entities worldwide. The company's rigorous quality control
processes, adherence to industry standards, and focus on customer satisfaction have
solidified its position as a trusted player in the market.
For the Satria-1 project, Thales Alenia Space was selected as the official manufacturer based
on its proven capabilities, technical excellence, and successful track record in developing
and delivering state-of-the-art satellites. The collaboration between Thales Alenia Space and
the Indonesian government underscores the trust placed in the company to deliver a high-
quality satellite solution that meets the specific requirements and objectives of the Satria-1

C. Very High Throughput Satellite (VHTS)

satellite-hts-erf-com – everythingrf

Very High Throughput Satellite (VHTS) technology represents a significant advancement in

satellite communications, enabling enhanced broadband connectivity and data transmission
capabilities. VHTS is designed to address the growing demand for high-speed internet access,
especially in areas with limited infrastructure or underserved regions.
1. Key Features of VHTS Technology:
a) High Data Throughput: VHTS technology is characterized by its ability to deliver
exceptionally high data throughput rates. This means it can handle a large volume of
data traffic, supporting bandwidth-intensive applications such as high-definition
video streaming, video conferencing, and cloud-based services.
b) Wide Coverage Area: VHTS satellites provide coverage over large geographic areas,
allowing for extensive connectivity reach. This enables the provision of
telecommunications services to remote locations, including behind, primordial, and
outermost areas, where terrestrial infrastructure deployment may be challenging or
c) Frequency Reuse and Multiple Beams: VHTS systems employ advanced frequency
reuse techniques and multiple spot beams to maximize the efficient utilization of
available frequency bands. This ensures effective coverage and enables the satellite to
serve multiple regions simultaneously.
d) High-Frequency Bands: VHTS satellites often operate in high-frequency bands, such
as Ka-band or Q/V-band, which offer increased data transmission rates compared to
traditional frequency bands. The utilization of these high-frequency bands
contributes to improved broadband performance and capacity.
e) Beamforming Technology: VHTS systems leverage beamforming technology to
dynamically shape and direct satellite beams toward specific areas or user terminals.
This enables targeted and focused coverage, improving the efficiency and
effectiveness of communication links.

2. Benefits and Applications of VHTS Technology:

The deployment of VHTS technology brings several benefits and enables various applications,
a) Enhanced Internet Access: VHTS enables faster and more reliable internet access,
closing the digital divide in remote and underserved areas. It facilitates access to
online resources, e-learning platforms, telemedicine services, e-commerce
opportunities, and other digital applications.
b) Improved Connectivity: VHTS technology supports the seamless connection of
geographically dispersed locations, enabling efficient communication among
businesses, government entities, and individuals across different regions.
c) Disaster Recovery and Emergency Services: VHTS satellites play a crucial role in
disaster recovery and emergency response efforts. They provide reliable and resilient
communication links, ensuring connectivity in critical situations and facilitating
coordination among response teams.
d) Broadband Connectivity on Mobile Platforms: VHTS technology enables the
provision of high-speed broadband services on mobile platforms, including maritime
vessels, aircraft, and trains. This enhances connectivity options for users on the
The integration of VHTS technology into satellites like Satria-1 enhances their capabilities,
allowing for advanced broadband connectivity and data transmission. By leveraging VHTS
technology, Satria-1 can efficiently bridge the digital gap in behind, primordial, and outermost
areas, providing enhanced telecommunications services and fostering socio-economic
D. Falcon 9

Falcon 9 is a two-stage orbital launch vehicle developed and manufactured by Space X a private
aerospace company founded by Elon Musk. It is a versatile and reliable rocket system designed
to deliver payloads to various orbits, including low Earth orbit (LEO), geostationary transfer
orbit (GTO), and beyond.

1. Key Features of Falcon 9:

a) Reusability: One of the distinguishing features of Falcon 9 is its reusability. Both the
first stage booster and the fairing are designed to be recovered and reused for multiple
launches, significantly reducing the cost of space missions. SpaceX has successfully
demonstrated the ability to land and reuse Falcon 9 boosters, revolutionizing the
economics of space exploration.
b) Performance: Falcon 9 has a robust performance capability, allowing it to deliver a wide
range of payloads into space. It can carry satellites, cargo resupply missions to the
International Space Station (ISS), and even crewed missions to space.
c) Merlin Engines: Falcon 9 is powered by SpaceX's Merlin engines, which use liquid
oxygen (LOX) and rocket-grade kerosene (RP-1) as propellants. These engines provide
high thrust and efficiency, enabling Falcon 9 to deliver payloads to orbit effectively.
d) Autonomous Landing and Recovery: The first stage booster of Falcon 9 is equipped with
landing legs and grid fins, allowing it to perform autonomous landing maneuvers. After
delivering its payload to the intended trajectory, the first stage returns to Earth and
lands either on land or on an autonomous drone ship stationed in the ocean.
e) Safety and Reliability: Falcon 9 is built with a strong emphasis on safety and reliability.
It undergoes rigorous testing and quality control measures to ensure mission success.
SpaceX has a proven track record of launching Falcon 9 rockets, with numerous
successful missions to its credit.

2. Importance to the Satria-1 Mission

Falcon 9 plays a significant role in the Satria-1 mission as it is responsible for launching the
satellite into space. The powerful performance and reliability of Falcon 9 ensure that Satria-1
reaches its designated orbit accurately and on schedule. The reusability aspect of Falcon 9 also
contributes to cost efficiency, allowing for more affordable access to space for satellite
By utilizing the Falcon 9 launch vehicle, the Satria-1 mission benefits from the cutting-edge
technology and capabilities developed by SpaceX, ensuring a reliable and efficient launch
process for the satellite. This collaboration between Indonesia and SpaceX highlights the global
partnerships and advancements in space exploration that facilitate the deployment of critical
telecommunications infrastructure, such as Satria-1.

5. Results and Analysis

The implementation of Satria-1, the advanced satellite launched by Indonesia, has yielded
significant findings regarding its impact on bridging the digital gap in the behind, primordial,
and outermost areas. This section presents the key results of the study, followed by an analysis of
the data collected, highlighting the improvements in connectivity, access to information, and
socioeconomic development in these underserved regions.

1. Impact of Satria-1 in Bridging the Digital Gap

The findings of this study demonstrate the transformative impact of Satria-1 in bridging the
digital gap across Indonesia. Through its advanced telecommunications capabilities, the satellite
has brought about a paradigm shift in connectivity and access to information in the behind,
primordial, and outermost areas. The following key findings highlight the impact of Satria-1:
1) Enhanced Connectivity: Satria-1 has significantly improved connectivity in previously
underserved areas. The satellite's high-speed broadband capabilities have enabled
seamless internet access, enabling individuals, businesses, and educational institutions
to connect with the digital world. As a result, communities in the behind, primordial, and
outermost areas now have access to the same level of connectivity as their urban
2) Expanded Access to Information: The deployment of Satria-1 has facilitated a substantial
increase in access to information among residents in these regions. With improved
internet connectivity, individuals can now access online educational resources, e-
learning platforms, healthcare services, and government initiatives. This access to
information has empowered communities and opened up new opportunities for
knowledge sharing and socioeconomic growth.
3) Socioeconomic Development: Satria-1's impact extends beyond connectivity and access
to information. The satellite has played a vital role in fostering socioeconomic
development in the behind, primordial, and outermost areas. By bridging the digital gap,
Satria-1 has enabled local businesses to expand their reach, connect with national and
international markets, and tap into new opportunities. This has contributed to job
creation, increased economic activity, and improved living standards in these regions.

2. Analysis of the Data

The analysis of the data collected reveals compelling insights into the improvements brought
about by Satria-1 in connectivity, access to information, and socioeconomic development. The
data points to the following key trends:
1) Connectivity Metrics: The data indicates a substantial increase in internet penetration
rates in the behind, primordial, and outermost areas following the implementation of
Satria-1. Internet connectivity metrics, such as download and upload speeds, latency, and
network availability, have shown significant improvements, closing the gap between
urban and rural areas.

2) Access to Information: The data analysis reveals a notable rise in the usage of online
educational platforms, telemedicine services, and e-commerce platforms in the regions
covered by Satria-1. The availability of high-speed internet has empowered individuals to
access vital information and services, leading to improved education outcomes, better
healthcare access, and increased economic participation.

3) Socioeconomic Indicators: Socioeconomic indicators, including employment rates,

income levels, and business growth, demonstrate positive trends in the areas benefiting
from Satria-1. The improved connectivity has created an enabling environment for
entrepreneurship and economic diversification, resulting in a more vibrant local
economy and enhanced quality of life for residents.
The results and analysis highlight the significant impact of Satria-1 in bridging the digital gap
and driving positive changes in connectivity, access to information, and socioeconomic
development. These findings provide valuable insights into the transformative power of
advanced telecommunications technologies in underserved regions.

6. Discussion
A. Interpretation of Results
The results of this study have provided valuable insights into the impact of Satria-1 in bridging
the digital gap in the behind, primordial, and outermost areas. In interpreting these findings, it
is important to consider the research objectives and place them within the broader context of the
literature on bridging the digital divide. The following discussion highlights the key implications
of the study's results:
1) Reducing the Digital Divide: The results clearly demonstrate that the deployment of
Satria-1 has played a crucial role in reducing the digital divide. By providing enhanced
connectivity and access to information, the satellite has empowered communities in
remote regions to participate in the digital economy and access vital services. This aligns
with the broader literature on bridging the digital divide, which emphasizes the
importance of equitable access to telecommunications infrastructure.
2) Socioeconomic Empowerment: The findings also indicate that improved
telecommunications infrastructure, such as Satria-1, can lead to socioeconomic
empowerment in underserved regions. The access to online educational resources,
telemedicine services, and e-commerce platforms has created new opportunities for
education, healthcare, and economic participation. These positive outcomes highlight the
transformative potential of satellite-based solutions in driving socioeconomic

B. Strengths and Limitations of Satria-1 as a Satellite-Based Solution

While Satria-1 has demonstrated significant benefits in bridging the digital gap, it is important to
acknowledge both its strengths and limitations as a satellite-based solution. Understanding
these aspects helps to provide a comprehensive assessment of its effectiveness. The following
points outline some of the strengths and limitations:

1. Strengths:
a) Wide Coverage: Satria-1's wide coverage area enables it to reach remote regions
where terrestrial infrastructure is limited or non-existent.
b) High-Speed Connectivity: The satellite's advanced technology provides high-speed
broadband connectivity, ensuring a seamless online experience for users in these
c) Flexibility and Scalability: Satellite-based solutions like Satria-1 offer flexibility and
scalability, allowing for future expansion and adaptation to evolving needs.
2. Limitations:
a) Cost: The implementation and maintenance of satellite-based solutions can be cost-
intensive, posing financial challenges for governments and stakeholders involved.
b) Latency: Despite advances in technology, satellite-based systems may still have
higher latency compared to terrestrial networks, which can affect real-time
applications and certain services.
c) Reliance on Infrastructure: Satellite-based solutions like Satria-1 depend on ground-
based infrastructure, including receiving stations and network infrastructure, which
need to be properly maintained and upgraded.

C. Exploring Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions

While Satria-1 has made significant strides in bridging the digital gap, challenges and
opportunities persist in improving telecommunications in remote regions. It is crucial to identify
these aspects to inform future initiatives and developments. The following points highlight
potential challenges, opportunities, and future directions:
1. Infrastructure Development: Continued investment in terrestrial infrastructure is
essential to complement satellite-based solutions. Strengthening the existing network
infrastructure and expanding coverage in remote areas can enhance the overall
connectivity and provide a more robust telecommunications ecosystem.
2. Affordability and Accessibility: Ensuring affordable and accessible internet services is key
to sustainable connectivity in remote regions. Governments and stakeholders need to
explore innovative approaches, such as subsidy programs or public-private partnerships,
to make internet services more affordable and accessible to underserved communities.
3. Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and development in satellite technology,
such as improved bandwidth capacity and reduced latency, will enhance the effectiveness
of satellite-based solutions. Embracing emerging technologies like low Earth orbit (LEO)
satellites or hybrid solutions can further optimize connectivity in remote areas.
4. Digital Literacy and Capacity Building: Alongside infrastructure development, efforts
should focus on digital literacy programs and capacity building initiatives. Equipping
individuals and communities with the necessary skills to utilize digital technologies
effectively will maximize the benefits of improved telecommunications infrastructure.

D. Conclusion
The findings of this study demonstrate the significant impact of Satria-1 in bridging the digital
gap and driving socioeconomic development in the behind, primordial, and outermost areas.
The strengths of satellite-based solutions, such as wide coverage and high-speed connectivity,
make them valuable tools in expanding connectivity in remote regions. However, challenges
related to cost, latency, and infrastructure development need to be addressed to ensure
sustainable and equitable telecommunications access.
Looking ahead, continued collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and
researchers is essential to overcome these challenges and seize the opportunities presented by
advancing telecommunications technologies. By addressing these issues, we can work towards a
future where connectivity is truly inclusive, empowering individuals and communities across the
7. Summary
This study examined the impact of Satria-1 in bridging the digital gap in the behind, primordial,
and outermost areas. The findings highlight the following key points:

1. Findings and Implications:

a) Satria-1 has played a crucial role in reducing the digital divide by providing enhanced
connectivity and access to information in remote regions.
b) Improved telecommunications infrastructure has led to socioeconomic
empowerment, enabling communities to participate in the digital economy and
access vital services.
c) The study's results align with the broader literature on bridging the digital divide,
emphasizing the importance of equitable access to telecommunications infrastructure
for socioeconomic development.

2. Significance of Satria-1:
a) Satria-1's wide coverage, high-speed connectivity, and flexibility make it a valuable
satellite-based solution in expanding connectivity in remote regions.
b) The satellite's deployment addresses the digital divide by bringing online
opportunities to underserved communities, empowering them with education,
healthcare, and economic participation.
c) Satria-1 demonstrates the transformative potential of satellite-based solutions in
driving socioeconomic development and narrowing the digital gap.

3. Recommendations:
a) Policymakers should prioritize investment in both satellite-based and terrestrial
infrastructure to ensure comprehensive connectivity in remote regions.
b) Affordability and accessibility of internet services should be addressed through
subsidy programs, public-private partnerships, and innovative approaches.
c) Continued research and development in satellite technology, including advancements
in bandwidth capacity and latency reduction, will optimize the effectiveness of
satellite-based solutions.
d) Digital literacy programs and capacity building initiatives are crucial for equipping
individuals and communities with the skills to effectively utilize digital technologies.
e) Collaboration between governments, industry stakeholders, and researchers should
continue to address challenges and seize opportunities for advancing
telecommunications technologies.
In conclusion, this study has shed light on the significant role of Satria-1 in bridging the digital
gap, driving socioeconomic development, and empowering communities in the behind,
foremost, and outermost areas. The findings underscore the importance of equitable access to
telecommunications infrastructure and highlight the transformative potential of satellite-based
solutions. By implementing the recommendations outlined, policymakers, stakeholders, and
researchers can work towards a future where the digital divide is minimized, and all
communities have equal opportunities for socioeconomic growth.
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