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The Reaper

Proficiency Soul Soul

Level Bonus Features Maximum Features
1st +2 Reap, Soul 2 2
Reaper Weapon
2nd +2 Imposing presence 2 2
3rd +2 Archetype 3 2
4th +2 Ability Score 3 2
5th +3 Unnatural body 4 2
6th +3 Archetype feature 4 2
7th +3 ─ 5 4
8th +3 Ability Score 5 4
9th +4 Extra attack 6 4
10th +4 Archetype feature 6 4
11th +4 Soul well 7 4
12th +4 Ability Score 7 4
13th +5 ─ 8 6
14th +5 Archetype 8 6
15th +5 Life beyond undeath 9 6
16th +5 Ability Score 9 6
17th +6 Archetype feature 10 6
18th +6 ─ 10 8
19th +6 Ability Score 11 8
20th +6 Eternal Debt 12 8
Class Features Imposing Presence
As a Reaper, you gain the following features. Starting at the 2nd level, you gain an otherwordly aura that
causes creatures near you to avoid looking at you and feel an
Hit points unnatural unease. While you are not wearing armor, your AC
Hit dice: 1d10 per Reaper level. becomes 12 + Your Wisdom Modifier, Alongside this, you
Hit dice at 1st level: 10 + Your Constitution Modifier gain proficiency in intimidation, if you are already proficient
Hit dice at higher levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Your Constitution in intimidation you proficiency bonus is doubled when
Modifier per Reaper level after 1st making intimidation ability checks.

Proficiencies Dark legends

Armor: None Starting at lvl 3, you embody an ancient folk tale about how a
Weapons: Reaper weapons culture represents death. Pick one of the three subclasses
Tools: None. described later in the class description: The Gatekeeper, The
Torturer, The Benevolent. Your Archetype grants you features
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Inteligence. at lvls 3, 6, 10, 14 and 17.
Skills: Choose two from the following: Intimidation, Arcana,
Religion, History, Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth. Ability score improvement
Reap When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
Starting at 1st level, you gain the ability to harvest the souls of 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
your foes. Whenever you kill a creature with your Reaper by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
weapon, you can use a bonus action to use this feature. You 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20
rip off their soul, gaining 1 Soul. this feature can be used 3 using this feature.
times per short rest.
Unnatural body
Soul Features At lvl 5, your physical body partially fades into a dark mist,
Beginning at 1st level, you can use the Souls you have attacks close to you sometimes simply fade through your
harvested to channel magical effects. These effects are physical form. You gain +2 AC against melee attacks.
detailed in the end of the Reaper class description. At this
level, pick 2 features to learn, the amount of features you Extra Attack
know increases at lvls 7, 12 and 18 as shown in the Reaper Beginning at 9th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
table. Whenever you level up you can replace one known whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
feature for another available feature. After a short or long rest
you conjure a lost soul, trapped in the material plane, if you Soul Well
have 0 souls left, you gain 1 soul. Beginning at 11th level, you have learned how to attract
When using Soul features your Spell save DC = 8 + Your wandering souls from all planes of existence, whenever you
Wisdom Mod + Your Proficiency Bonus. And your Spell take a short or long rest, your souls are set to 3, this feature
attack bonus = Your Wisdom Mod + Your Proficiency Bonus. only activates if you have less than 3 souls. This effect also
Reaper Weapon makes it so your Reap ability gives you 2 souls.
Starting in the 1st level, you gain a magical weapon granted Life beyond undeath
to you by an otherworldly presence. this weapon can be used
to channel souls and harvest them, you are naturally at lvl 15 You are no longer dead, alive, nor undead. you have
proficient with this weapon. Your Reaper weapon deals 2d6 now become a force of nature, as such, you no longer require
Damage, it is a two handed, heavy, strength based weapon, food nor water. you also gain resistance to necrotic damage.
the most common Reaper weapon is a scythe.
If you lose this weapon, you can recover it during a short rest. Eternal Debt
You cannot use Soul features without this weapon. At lvl 20, you gain the ability to rend souls from otherworldly
creatures at will. once per long rest, you can use an action to
regain 8 souls.
Dark Legends The Torturer
Some cultures treat the Reapers as cruel, evil hunters, that
The Gatekeeper lurk between the realms , imposing and unnatural these
Some cultures treat the figure of death as a keeper of two figures bring suffering and plague wherever they pass.
worlds, a neutral being that passes judgement, deciding if the reaping the souls of those killed in it's wake.
souls of the dead shall be sent to eternal torture or eternal Suffering
bliss. Many cultures call these the Divine gates, while others
believe the Reapers are ferrymen that bring the souls through Starting at 3rd level, you can cause extreme suffering to a
the waters of eternity. soul you have harvested, and channel it's pain to those near
you. As an action you can make all creatures within 15ft of
Judgement you to make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d8 points of
At lvl 3, you gain the ability to banish a creature, so that they psychic damage. This ability can only be used as long as you
can be judged by higher forces, After hitting an attack, you still have 1 soul that you can torture.
can force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a Impose will
failure, they are banished from this plane of existence until
the end of their next turn. When they reappear in this plane Beginning at 6th level your presence shakes the very essence
of existence, they take 1d6 Radiant Damage and 1d6 of the creatures around you. Creatures within 5ft of you have
Necrotic damage. This feature can be used once per short disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Cross the line Avatar of fear
Beginning at 6th level, you can temporarily step into either Starting at lvl 10, your form is so unnerving and otherworldly
the nine hells or a Divine plane in order to make a swift that creatures around you are naturally afraid. Any hostile
escape, as a bonus action in your turn, you can cast misty creature that starts its turn within 5ft of you must make a
step. This feature can be used a number of times equals to Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. they can
your proficiency bonus, the uses are regained after a long repeat this saving throw in the end of their turns. On a
rest. Successful saving throw they are immune to this effect for 24
Cleave the realms
Starting at the 10th level, you can cleave through the fabric of Punishment
reality. when you hit an attack, you can move you and your At lvl 14, whenever you use your Suffering feature, you can
target up to 20ft in one direction. This feature can only be spend 2 souls to deal an extra 5d8 damage.
used once per long rest.
The Benevolent
Eternal Judgement
Starting at level 14, when you use your Judgement feature, A few, rare Cultures, believe that the figure of death is
you can spend 2 souls to empower it. if the target fails its naturally good, wishing to save as many souls as possible,
wisdom saving throw it is banished for 1 minute, and takes punishing only the truly wicked. These Reapers aren't feared,
6d6 points of radiant damage and 6d6 points of necrotic but celebrated, these cultures typically have festivals and
damage upon returning. this feature can only be used once holidays that celebrate the dead.
per long rest. Forgive
Starting a the 3rd level, you can choose to absolve a soul you
have harvested of its sins, and allow it to move on. You spend
1 soul to heal 1d6 + Your Wisdom Modifier Hit Points.
Divine vengeance
Starting at 6th level, all your melee attacks against
aberrations, fey, fiends, and undead deal an extra 2d4
Radiant damage.
Smite the wicked
Beginning at 10th level, you can bring radiant wrath upon
your enemies, when you activate this, enemies within 20ft of
you must make a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed 1
minute. They can repeat this saving throw in the end of their
turns, this feature can be used once per long rest.
Starting at level 14, whenever you use the Forgive feature,
you can spend 2 souls to heal 4d8 + Your Wisdom Modifier +
Your Proficiency bonus to you and 2 other creatures you can
Soul Effects Condemned soul
4 Souls - Action
Whenever you use a Soul effect, you spell DC equals to 8 +
your Wisdom mod + your proficiency mod. and your spell You use an action to condemn a soul for reaping. pick a
attack bonus equals to your Wisdom mod + your proficiency creature within 30ft of you and mark it for death, you gain
advantage on attacks against this creature and it's movement
mod speed is reduced by 10ft when walking away from you.
Mark of the reaper Ethereal fading
1 Soul - Bonus action 2 Souls - Bonus Action
You cast Hex on a creature within 30ft of you. You double your Unnatural body features AC bonus, but you
have disadvantage on all attacks you take. you can
Omen of death concentrate on this effect for up to 1 minute.
2 Souls - Action Tend to Undeath
You expand your horrifying presence to those around you, all 3 Souls - Action
creatures within 10ft of you must make a Wisdom saving
throw or be frightened for 1 minute. they can repeat this You temporarily tip your body closer to undeath, for the next
saving throw in the end of their turns. 4 hours you no longer need to breathe, you gain resistance to
necrotic damage and if you already are resistant you become
Oppressive stare immune to necrotic damage. All your attacks deal 1d4 extra
1 Soul - Reaction necrotic damage, but whenever you take radiant damage, it is
You force your mental force to a creature that is attempting to Execution
attack you, they must make a Wisdom saving throw or be 5 Souls - Action
unable to attack you this turn, they do not lose the attack,
being able to attack someone else within their reach if they
want. Your next attack will instantly kill the creature if it has less
than 30 hp. the executed target is completely removed from
Visions of torment existence and cannot be resurrected by any other means than
1 Soul - Action a wish spell.
Dark mist
You attempt to peer into the mind of a creature within 30ft of 4 Souls - Bonus Action
you. You learn it's surface thoughts and if you wish you can
attempt to inject nightmarish visions into it's mind. The
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or be frightened You cast Darkness centered on yourself and teleport up to
for 1 minute, repeating the saving throw in the end of their 20ft away.
Phantom Strike
1 Soul - Action
You launch an illusion of yourself that strikes a creature
within 5ft of you. that creature must make a Wisdom saving
throw or be fooled by the illusion, this illusion knocks them
off guard, making all attacks made against it until your next
turn have advantage.
Ethereal body
2 Souls - Action
You cast blur on yourself.
Intimidating force
1 Soul - Action
You impose the energy of a soul into a wave of terror into a
creature within 15ft of you. they must make a Wisdom saving
throw, on a fail, any intimidation checks you make against it
for the next minute have advantage.
Cull the weak
2 Souls - Bonus Action
After killing a creature, you can use this ability to gain
another attack.
Bound soul
3 Souls - Bonus Action
Upon killing a creature, you can bind it's soul to this plane,
the creature rises a a Spectre (Stats found in the Monster
Manual). This Spectre is friendly to you and has to roll its
own initiative.

Condemned soul
The Reaper Class
Made by TeddyNBirds, also known as TeddIO.
First published draft probably unbalanced...

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