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Adaptable, destructive, strange, and formidable,

Abomination abominations are the uncontrollable atrocities resultant from

A sickly alchemist caresses an elixir he created himself. unknowable magics and sinister experimention. They are a
Assured it will cure his fatal illness, he downs the volatile cruel perversion of life, mimicking and improving upon it by
concoction in mere seconds. Suddenly, his whole body learning, growing, and evolving faster than any normal living
convulses. His muscles contort and expand unnaturally as thing would.
murderous thoughts fill his mind... then he blacks out. The
next the he remembers is standing, alone and covered in Dual Natured
blood, amidst the grisly slaughter of an innocent family. Abominations are the embodiment of duality, shifting rapidly
An elven woman strolls through a misty mountain pass. between their fragile, unassuming normal form and their
Her shoulder aches and she pulls back her shirt to reveal the ferocious, indomitable monster form. The result is a state of
source, a glowing abyssal mark. She hopes that the ancient constant internal strife; a struggle to keep the monster within
monestary ahead will help her contain her demonic curse. under control in public and to unleash its full power when
Cloaked figures leap out from a nearby boulder, demanding needed. Maintaining the appearance of normality is especially
her money or her life. Reluctantly, she summons power from important because those who know their true nature almost
the mark, assuming the form of a terrifying monster with never bear good will towards them, sometime rightfully so. A
razor sharp quills, tentacles for arms, and a bat-like wings. transformed abomination can do gruesome things without
The bandits flee at the sight, but are picked off one by one in ever knowing or desiring to.
the thick mist. They never stood a chance.
A gnomish man in a white coat twirls his mustache Made, not Born
impatiently as he waits for the perfect moment to arrive.
Lightning crackles above and he excitedly motions for his Abominations are by their very nature not endemic to the
malformed assist to crank his operating table up into an open world, or even the multiverse as a whole. They are always
skylight. The table, a slab of metal with a finely stitched created through some sort of outside influence from forces
together orc corpse lying on it, rises into the air. The body is that should not be toyed with. This could occur through an
struck with a bolt as the gnome cackles with glee. Once the alchemical experiment or exposure to the Far Realm of
body is brought back down, it begins to shift. It's alive! The existence. In any case, they are fueled by an unnatural and
gnomes celebratory cheer is short-lived, however, as his new sometimes even unholy source of power. This peculiar power
creation jolts up and strangles him in a berserk rage. allows them to mutate their forms over time into deadlier and
stranger shapes still.

Creating an Abomination
When making an abomination character, it's important to
consider how you acquired the afflication (or some might say,
blessing) that causes you to become a horrific creature. You
might be a test subject of a mad doctor determined to make
the perfect killing machine. Or maybe you offended a
powerful being of the lower planes and were cursed with a
bestial transformation. Perhaps an arcane ritual of yours
went wrong and sent you on a nightmarish voyage through
the domain of the Ancient Ones, leaving you forever
physically and mentally altered.
Consider these questions. Why are you adventuring? Is it to
find a cure or to test the limits of your newfound powers? Did
you ever do anything that society might find repugnant while
in monster form? You might be actively hunted for such a
thing. How do you cope with your conflicting natures? Do you
embrace it? Does it make you fearful for yourself and for
others around you? Who caused you to be this way? Do you
want revenge on them for what they did?

Quick Build
You can make an abomination quickly be following these
suggestions. First, make Constitution your highest ability
score. Then make Wisdom your second highest ability score.
Lastly, choose the hermit background.
The Abomination (a) a set of manacles, (b) 20 feet of hempen rope, (c) a
shovel, or (d) 5 iron spikes
Level Bonus Features Absolution
1st +2 Abominable Transformation, -
Monster Hyde
2nd +2 Absolution, Inner Beast 1d6
3rd +2 Mutation (I) 2d6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 2d6
5th +3 Extra Attack 3d6
6th +3 Controlled Transformation, 3d6
Monster Hunter
7th +3 Mutation (II) 4d6
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 4d6
9th +4 Iron Will, Controlled 5d6
Transformation (two uses)
10th +4 Grisly Visage 5d6
11th +4 Mutation (III) 6d6
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 6d6
13th +5 Remission, Controlled 7d6
Transformation (three uses)
14th +5 Supernatural Physique 7d6
15th +5 Mutation (IV) 8d6
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 8d6
17th +6 Wall of Flesh 9d6
18th +6 Mutation (V) 9d6
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 10d6 Abominable Transformation
20th +6 Perfect Transformation 10d6 Starting at 1st level, you have the potential to assume the
form of a horrific monster. You gain the (shapechanger)
subtype. Any time you take a critical hit, roll a natural 1 on an
attack roll or ability check, fall to 0 health, suffer the
frightened condition, or are otherwise instructed to at the
Class Features DM's discretion while in human form, you transform into
your monster form for 5 turns or until you are reduced to 0
As an abomination, you gain the following class features hit points. You can try to stop the transformation by making a
DC 10 Charisma save. The following rules apply while in
Hit Points monster form:
Hit Dice: 1d6 per abomination level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constituion modifier Your monster form is Large size, has a movement speed of
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constituion 40, and has two clawed hands which each function as a
modifier per abomination level after 1st 1d8 light slashing weapons in which you are proficent.
You cannot speak a language, use items, cast spells,
Proficiencies maintain concentration, and any non-magical armor you
Armor: None are wearing is destroyed.
Weapons: Simple Weapons When you enter your monster form, you must attempt a
Tools: One instrument or artisan tool of your choice DC 15 Wisdom save or go feral. You have disadvantage on
this save if being frightened was what caused you to
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength transform. While feral, you must spend each of your turns
Skills: Choose three from Perception, Insight, Intimidation, moving towards the nearest creature and attacking it. At
Athletics, Acrobatics, Stealth, Medicine, and Survival the end of each of your turns, you can attempt a DC 20
Equipment Wisdom save to regain control of your monster form.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the You can transform a number of times equal to your normal
equipment granted by your background: forms Constitution modifier (minimum of 1) before
needing a long rest.
(a) any simple weapon or (b) two daggers If you are affected by the grappled, frightened, or
an instrument or artisan tool in which you are proficient restrained conditions when you transform, they
immediately end.
Your monster form has separate pool of hit points, which You have a number of absolution dice, which are d6s,
is always full upon transforming. Roll your monsters determined by your level. While in normal form, you can use
health like you would normally for your character except an action to roll any number of the dice and add your
using a d12 hit die instead of a d6. proficiency bonus to each one. You then gain temporary hit
When you return to your normal form, your hit points points equal to the total. You keep your temporary hit points
remain the same as they were when you transformed between transformations.
unless you were forced to change back by being reduced Additionally, you can't provoke an involuntary
to 0 hit points. In which case, your normal forms hit points transformation for a number of rounds equal to the total.
are also reduced to 0.
Your monster form has its own Strength, Dexterity, and Inner Beast
Constitution which are determined by the monster type At 2nd level, your unnatural demeanor affects others. Animals
you are. Select one of the following options: will go out of their way to avoid you and people try not to
rouse your ire. Also, you have advantage on ability checks
Monstrosity. made to intimidate beasts and humanoids, and advantage on
While in monster form, your type is monstrosity, you have ability checks made to learn or recall information about
resistance to lightning damage, and your ability scores are 18 creatures of the same type as your monster form.
Strength, 16 Dexterity, and 14 Constitution.
Aberration. Mutation (I)
At 3rd level, your monster form mutates to acquire a deadly
While in monster form, your type is aberration, you have new weapon. Choose one of the following one of the
resistance to psychic damage, and your ability scores are 14 following features:
Strength, 18 Dexterity, and 16 Constitution.
Vicious Claws.
Undead. Your claws lengthen, allowing you to cut through enemies.
While in monster form, your type is undead, you have Once per turn, when you critically hit or reduce a creature to
resistance to necrotic damage, and your ability scores are 16 0 hit points with a claw attack, you can immediately make an
Strength, 14 Dexterity, and 18 Constitution. attack on another creature within 5 feet of you.
Additionally, you can climb difficult surfaces without
Monster Hyde needing to make an ability check while in monster form.
Starting at 1st level, you gain a carapace or leathery skin that
protects you both your normal and monster forms. The Grasping Tendrils.
protective skin is not ordinarily visible in your normal form, Your arms become opposable spiked tendrils while in
but appears briefly to block attacks. monster form. Your claw weapons have finesse, reach, and
When not wearing armor, your AC in both forms is set to you can use items while transformed.
13 + your Dexterity modifier.
Cannibal Maw.
Absolution You gain rows of sharp teeth and an unhingable jaw while in
At 2nd level, you can focus your mind and draw upon the monster form. You have a bite weapon that does 3d4 piercing
unnatural stamina of your monster form. damage and can be used while grappling. You can also use an
action to devour a creature with 0 hit points whole and regain
(your proficiency bonus)d8 + your Constitution modifier hit
points. You can only devour large or smaller humanoids,
beasts, or the same type as your monster form.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by
1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20
using this feature.
Additionally, you can increase one of your monster forms
ability scores by 2, to a maximum of 26.

Extra Attack
When you reach 5th level, you can make one additional attack
whenever you take the Attack action.

Transformation Control
Starting at 6th level, you can measure of control over your
monster form. Once per long rest, you can force a
transformation into your monster form as a bonus action. You
can't become feral when you transform this way. You can do
this an additional time per long rest at 9th and 13th levels.
This feature can be used to transform even when you are at Grisly Visage
your limit per long rest, but you gain a level of exhaustion Starting at 10th level, you can use an action in both forms to
when you return to your normal form if you do. menace nearby foes with your monstrous apperance.
Additionally, the saving throw to resist an unwilling Each hostile non-friendly creature within 30 feet of you
transformation becomes a DC 5 Charisma save. must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your
proficiency + your Strength or Intimidation modifier) or be
Monster Hunter frightened of you until the end of your next turn. On
It takes one to know one. At 6th level, you can sense the subsequent turns when you use your Grisly Visage, creatures
presence of creatures that share a type with your monster that are already frightened don't get an additional save.
form within 30 feet of you. If their location isn't immediately This effect ends on a creature if it ends its turn out of line
apparent, you can detect the approximate direction of the of sight or more than 60 feet away from you. If a creature
creature until your are within 5 feet of it, then you can discern succeeds on its saving throw, they are immune to this feature
its exact position. for the next 24 hours.
Additionally, your natural weapons are considered to be
magical for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance. Mutation (III)
At 11th level, every part of your body becomes a deadly
weapon. Choose one of the following features:
Variant: Smell Innocence
If you want to get even more monsterous, you Wicked Quills.
could elect to replace your ability to detect Your natural weapon attacks while in monster form do an
monsters of your type with the ability to detect the additional 1d4 piercing damage.
innocent, such as children, virgins, or cute animals. Additionally, you can make a ranged weapon attack in
monster form by firing the quills at a creature within 30 feet
of you or 60 feet with disadvantage. The attack deals 2d4
Mutation (II) piercing damage and can use either your Strength or
At 7th level, you mutate a unique power that can be used Dexterity modifier (whichever is higher).
either form of yours. Choose one of the following features: Evolved Mind.
Powerful Legs. You learn the mage hand cantrip. When you cast it this way,
You evolve a stronger lower body that helps increase your the hand is invisible. You may also cast telekinesis once per
mobility. Your movement speed increases by 10 feet and your long rest while in monster form.
jump height and distance is tripled in both forms. You can cast and maintain these spells while in monster
form. They are considered to be psionic in nature and
Vile Bile. Wisdom is your spell casting ability.
You can unleash a spray of bile upon your enemies in both
forms. As an action, you spit acid in a 15 foot cone, each
creature in that cone must make a Dexterity save equal to (8
+ your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier). Prior
to unleashing the bile, you can charge it as a bonus action on
each of your turns for up to a number of turns equal to your
Constitution modifier.
On a failure, they take 1d6 + an additional 1d6 acid
damage for each time you charged it. On a success, they take
half of that. The damage die is increased to a d8 while in
monster form. If you charged it at least 3 times, your targets
must also make a Constitution save (same number as above)
or contract the Sight Rot disease. (DMG, Pg 257)
Once you use this feature, you must take a short or long
rest in order to use it again.
Reactive Anatomy.
Your body in both forms can adapt to the conditions of hostile
enviroments. When you succeed on a saving throw against an
enviromental hazard, you gain an adaptation that helps you
overcome it (such as water breathing or extreme temperature
tolerance) until your next long rest.
Additionally, when you take non-magical damage from a
source you can see, you can use your reaction to half the
damage dealt to you.

Iron Will
At 9th level, you gain proficiency in Wisdom saves and
advantage on saves to resist being frightened or charmed.
Toxic Blood. Impermeable Hyde.
When a creature within 5 feet of you deals bludgeoning, Your AC becomes 14 + your Dexterity or Constitution
piercing, or slashing damage to you while in monster form, it modifier (whichever is higher).
must make a DC (8 + your proficiency + your Constitution)
Dexterity save or take your Constitution modifier in acid Wall of Flesh
damage. At 17th level, you can unnaturally contort your body to block
Additionally, you gain resistance to acid and poison attacks that were meant for others. When a creature within
damage, as well as advantage on saves against poison and your reach is made the target of an attack, you can use your
disease in both forms. reaction to force that attack to target you instead.
Additionally, the range of your Monster Hunter feature
Remission increases to 120 feet.
At 13th level, you can use your Absolution feature while in
monster form. If you do, you can choose to immediately Mutation (V)
return to your normal form, or to extend the duration of your At 18th level, your anatomy is altered in a horrific new way.
monster form by the total amount rolled. Choose one of the following features:

Supernatural Physique Dark Flight.

Starting at 14th level, your physical prowess increases in both You have a pair of wicked wings while in monster form. You
forms. While in normal form, you can add a +3 bonus to any gain a flight speed equal to your walking speed and you may
Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution check you make that use your bonus action to dash.
doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. While in monster
form, you can add that bonus to any Strength, Dexterity, or
Extra Arms.
Constitution check you. You grow two extra arms while in monster form, allowing you
to hold extra objects or creatures. You gain advantage on
Mutation (IV) athletics checks made to grapple creatures if you use 3 or
At 15th level, you evolve an improvement to one of your more arms to do so.
existing abilities. Choose one of the following features: Additionally, you can make one extra attack per round
when you take the Attack action (in addition to the one you
Adaptive Absolution. get with Extra Attack).
Whenever you use your Absolution feature, pick an ability
score. You have advantage on checks relating to that ability
Lycan Blood.
score for a number of rounds equal to the temporary hit You have the blood of a werebeast within you. You have
points gained or until you run out of temporary hit points, resistance against all bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
whichever occurs first. damage from non-silvered weapons while in both forms.

Horrific Visage. Perfect Transformation

You exude terror without even trying. You no longer need use At 20th level, you can freely swap between your normal and
your action on subsequent turns to maintain your Grisly monster forms as an action. You can stay in your monster
Visage and any hostile creature whose CR is 3 or lower form indefinitely and you no longer risk going feral whenever
automatically fails its saving throw against Grisly Visage. you transform.

Impermeable Hyde.

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