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Patient Preparation Worksheet

Time Meds/Care Priorities Misc.

Adm. Date *Today* Days since adm. 1 POD# N/A
1145 Collect CBC and send to lab
Chief Complaint/Primary Problem:
1200 PRBC transfusion for low Hgb Postpartum hemorrhage following a vaginal delivery resulting in low
hemoglobin requiring a blood transfusion.
1235 Benadryl for allergic reaction Delivered 1.5hrs ago with estimated blood loss of 1500ml.
to blood transfusion Hemorrhage managed with fundal massage.

1305 Resume transfusion at

50ml/hr until complete
Monitor closely for
further reactions
Past Medical History
Mild anxiety
Previous miscarriage

CV Resp Neuro GI GU Skin/Pain Misc. VS

Prior Nursing Tachycardic
Assessment Hypotensive WDL Slightly WDL Foley catheter
insitu, draining WDL Fundus firm and BP - 88/60
midline at level
anxious clear yellow of umbilicus,
>>> HR - 110
urine small rubra lochia
O2 - 95% (RA)

RR - 20

T - 37.1C

Current Hypotensive Anxious BP - 88/60

Nursing Pale WDL WDL Foley catheter
insitu, draining
Red rash on both Fundus firm and
midline at level
arms, no itchiness
Assessment No N/V/D clear yellow or pain of umbilicus, HR - 98
urine small rubra lochia
>>> O2 - 96% (RA)

RR - 19

T - 36.8C

End of Shift SBAR to Oncoming Nurse

Lab Test Current Most Recent Allergies Peanut butter, dust, grass
Na+ Code Status Full code Situation:
IV site Right hand Marissa Grant, 40yr FM
K+ Postpartum hemorrhage and subsequent
Mg+ IV Maintenance 125ml/hr low Hgb, current blood transfusion reaction
IV Drips RL w/ 20units oxytocin
Activity AAT Background: G5P4, vaginal delivery today at 1030hrs
Hemorrhage managed
WBC Fall Risk/Safety x1 assist 1 unit PRBC transfusion started at 1200hrs
Neut. % Diet DAT Red rash noted to both arms at 1235hrs
Hgb. 64g/L Bladder/Bowel Foley catheter insitu Assessment:
Rash only on arms, no itchiness or pain
Chest clear, no SOB
Still hypotensive, but other vitals are WDL

IV benadryl given at 1235hrs
Resume blood transfusion in 30mins if no further
reactions at 50ml/hr until complete.

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