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Unit 1 Grammar Plus 3

1. Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i uzupełnij pytania.

1. she a pet?
Yes, she’s got a dog.

2. What you ?
I’m reading a book for school.

3. he pasta?
No, he doesn’t really like Italian food.

4. a supermarket near your house?

Yes, there’s more than one.

5. they computer games?

Yes, they like playing computer games a lot.

6. Why you these comic books?

I’m taking them to read on the bus.

7. any tomatoes in the fridge?

Yes, I think there are some tomatoes left.

8. How often they on trips?

They usually go on trips once a month.

2. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

a an any some lot there living

I really like in the city. You have everything you need and you don’t have to travel
very far. There is pollution, that’s true, and there are also a of
cars, so it’s noisy, but I live in place which is a bit quieter. are
a lot of parks and green areas and there aren’t skyscrapers. There is
office block, but that’s where my mum works, so I don’t mind it!

© Macmillan Polska 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Unit 1 Grammar Plus 3
Answer key

1. Przeczytaj odpowiedzi i uzupełnij pytania.

1. Has she got a pet?

Yes, she’s got a dog.

2. What are you reading / doing ?

I’m reading a book for school.

3. Does he like pasta?

No, he doesn’t really like Italian food.

4. Is there a supermarket near your house?

Yes, there’s more than one.

5. Do they like / play computer games?

Yes, they like playing computer games a lot.

6. Why are you taking these comic books?

I’m taking them to read on the bus.

7. Are there any tomatoes in the fridge?

Yes, I think there are some tomatoes left.

8. How often do they go on trips?

They usually go on trips once a month.

2. Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.

a an any some lot there living

I really like living in the city. You have everything you need and you don’t have to travel very far. There
is some pollution, that’s true, and there are also a lot of cars, so it’s noisy, but I live in a place which
is a bit quieter. There are a lot of parks and green areas and there aren’t any skyscrapers. There is
an office block, but that’s where my mum works, so I don’t mind it!

© Macmillan Polska 2014 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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