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The Year of my Birth

Use quotes where applicable

1. Find an example of a simile and a metaphor in the story. What do they mean?

2. Describe the ordeal in the hospital in birth.

3. What happens when Linda is taken? What foreshadowing occurs?

4. Why would they look to take Linda from Betty. What does it demonstrate about the
pervading view at the time?

5. Why was Linda’s nickname Tuffy? How did she live up to this nickname?

6. What is the tragedy of Peter Razor?

7. What is the ‘doppelganger’? Explain fully.

8. Describe Nancy.

9. What does the disagreement over the bill signify or mean?

10. How did the twin save Linda?

11. What is the relationship between Nancy and Linden like?

12. What was it like in the hospital (between the twins)?

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