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What is transpose
 The transpose of a matrix is found by interchanging its rows into columns or columns
into rows.
 Properties of transpose of a matrix
1. Transpose of transpose of a matrix is the matrix itself. [MT]T = M
2. If there’s a scalar a, then the transpose of the matrix M times the scalar (a) is equal to the
constant times the transpose of the matrix M’. (aM)T = aMT.
3. The sum of transposes of matrices is equal to the transpose of the sum of two
matrices. (M + N) T = MT + NT
4. The product of the transposes of two matrices in reverse order is equal to the transpose of
the product of them. (MN)T = NT MT

Example: -

2. What inverse of a matrix

 The inverse of matrix is a matrix, which on multiplication with the given matrix gives
the multiplicative identity.
 For a square matrix A, its inverse is A-1, and A · A-1 = A-1· A = I, where I is the identity

Properties of Inverse of a matrix

There are some important properties of the inverse matrix, which are described as follows:
If there is a matrix A, which is non-singular, then (A-1)-1 = A.
If there are two matrices, A and B, which are non-singular, then AB will be non-
singular. Thus, (AB)-1 = B-1A-1
If there is a matrix A which is non-singular, then (AT)-1 = (A-1) T
If there is a matrix A and its inverse matrix A-1, in this case, AA-1 = A-1A = In.
Where n is used to indicate the order of matrices.
 Steps to find inverse of aa matrix
Step1: find the determinant of the matrix
Step 2: Calculate the minors of all elements of A.
Step 3: Then compute the cofactors of all elements and write the cofactor matrix
Step 4: Find the adjoint of A (written as adj A) by taking the transpose of the cofactor
matrix of A.
Step 5: Multiply adj A by the reciprocal of the determinant.
Important Points on Inverse of a Matrix:
 The inverse of a square matrix (if exists) is unique.
 If A and B are two invertible matrices of the same order then (AB)-1 = B-1A-1.
 The inverse of a square matrix A exists, only if its determinant is a non-zero value, |A|
≠ 0.
 The determinant of matrix inverse is equal to the reciprocal of the determinant of the
original matrix.
 The determinant of the product of two matrices is equal to the product of the
determinants of the two individual matrices. |AB| = |A|.|B|

Example: find the inverse of the matrix

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